I Rode EVERY Disneyland Ride in One Day

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He didn’t go on the Disneyland Railroad though.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/theonlydidymus 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
can you ride every disneyland attraction in a single day no idiot absolutely not at least not without disney's overpriced vip program for you and nine of your closest friends since we're all content creators and all we showed up 40 minutes late including me but then our tour guide amanda showed us her prepared itinerary to knock out every single ride in one single day but she warned us that she has never heard of anyone accomplishing this before which only made me more determined as our day started through the doors of disneyland straight to tomorrowland with the astro orbiters your run-of-the-mill ride go up or i'd go down kind of right but the horrific part is that it was technically built in 1956. so yeah the safety equipment was like a good apology video non-existent the ride wasn't bad just terrifying like in a state fair kind of way also since this video idea started out as a tier list i'm just gonna rank this one a bit below average due to the slight fear for my life next door was buzz lightyear's astro blasters this is a classic ride a fountain of infinite fun if you have an underdeveloped brain as a kid this was the go-to game to kick your mom's ass but as an adult you realize how difficult it is to weaponize a laser pointer i did lose the jewels by a mere 100 points but then i lost to kelsey by about 300 000. what the [ __ ] but hey at least i never felt like i was gonna die a majority of these rides end in gift shops and even though it's a smart thing to do with this capitalist hellhole i just like god how evil is that to do to parents who have kids down the street was star tours a virtual reality ish ride and if you're a huge star wars fan then you're definitely going to get motion sickness from this one i don't really remember the plot but it doesn't matter since dramamine couldn't save me from it anyways in most videos you'd probably expect a sponsored transition here so what if i told you this one's not sponsored but apparently this ride is autopia presented by honda what autopia is the only remaining sponsored attraction at disneyland and dear god why this was my first time on the ride and it was like paying to be in la traffic which is tolerable but it also smelled like sulfur it took a while to escape rush hour but then we made it to finding nemo submarine voyage at 10 am on the dot apparently this ride is a typical miss according to our tour guide but i found it to be pretty pleasant the sculptures were all underwater and i just kept thinking about how did they do that they drained the water made the ply that yeah you know my time here wasn't spent thinking about the ride we started 40 minutes late and after an hour and a half we have only tackled five rides which would be fine if we planned on ending at 29 but i wanted to tackle not just disneyland but all the rides in their neighboring park as well california adventure combined with disneyland makes for a total of 45 attractions anyways the submarine was nice next up was the disneyland classic the ride that brought me to tears as a child space mountain so i hope you're ready for some exclusive footage of a futuristic coaster with a banging soundtrack [Music] i think it revealed something haunting about me since every time adriana screamed next to me i just laughed this picture at the end really sums it all up though this ride has always been the shining star atop the christmas tree that is disneyland classics much like the matterhorn which happened to have a long-term maintenance announce starting the exact same day we went and just like that we were suddenly back on pace while we're in there i just want you to film anything that feels the slightest bit of pencils there's so much that we share and it's time we're aware it's a small world after all also the gift shop happened to have a shirt that said i conquered it's a small world and well i couldn't pass that opportunity up i wouldn't call this ride racist but rather stereotypical since that experience brought us over to fantasyland we decided to explore some other rides i've never been on and apparently for good reason storybook lands canal boats is a tiny little boat ride as you'd expect the ride is slow in the heat but the saving grace of it all is the tiny little environments they built makes the local ducks look comically large i mean look at this guy what's nice about this area is that it has several rides all in the same square after walking a couple feet oh look mad tea party i feel like this is the ride you see when you picture a disneyland commercial in your head so the teacups here have a cap speed on how fast you can spin and apparently not in florida which makes sense but over here despite how iconic it is the right is ultimately pretty tame and the same can be said about the next door neighbor of alice in wonderland a lot of the older disney movie rides are just story books on rails that take you through a rough synopsis of the film it's nothing bad because if it was it would be named king arthur's carousel i mean it's it's a carousel you sit there and it rotates that's it nothing special it doesn't go up it doesn't go down because if it did it'd be dumbo since vertical movements have always been a bit cooler than their horizontal counterparts i know i've been a bit negative so far but that's only because we're ripping off the bandit of some of disneyland's real stinkers so let me introduce you to the collective anomaly mr toad's wild ride this one is similar to those other storybook rides except those all have cohesive stories you appear in a library piss off a policeman explode a warehouse drink some beer lose in court get hit by a train while drunk driving and then the ride ends in hell what i mean i gotta say it's a unique experience i'm never gonna forget it and honestly it's pretty base putting supreme court justice in hell uh oh four hours have passed and we've only knocked out oh 13 rides honestly that's not bad as a team we felt good about our pacing and decided to sit down and eat at the cafe orleans i got a fresh cold steak and some shockingly tasty fries not even 30 minutes past and our ragtag king of riders was up and ready to tackle pirates of the caribbean i don't think any of us were really ready for a coaster with disney calories sitting inside of us so this calm little water ride was perfect apparently the animatronics here um used to be selling women as human slaves and now they don't so that's a good thing also apparently this ride came out before the movie i didn't know that and since we are near critter country we walked over to knock out winnie the pooh and my favorite ride since i was a kid splash mountain okay i recognize that ridiculing small world for its uh cultural inclusivity but praising splash mountain off a nostalgia can be a bit hypocritical but look i want to enjoy it while i can the ride's not offensive just uh what it's based off of is oh my god i am very wet oh my god oh that is a cold [ __ ] on me the water definitely feels a lot colder when you're an adult though and as an adult you sure can embarrass yourself a lot harder with the picture at the drop no not that drop this drop even though i plan on writing one of the two while i was soaked up so i'm going to rephrase that one so winnie the pooh was next in our to-do list but unfortunately was closed down as was haunted mansion and rise of the resistance this throws off our entire schedule because now we have to find time to come back later in the day so i guess while we're here let's check out millennium falcons smuggler's run i didn't even know this whole star wars section of the park was over here but damn is the set work phenomenal look i dropped out of film school so i can appreciate a good set when i see one the ride itself was such a standout though it's essentially a group flying simulator but everyone's job felt so responsive even if the ride was probably on virtual rails the whole time the magic might wear off if i ride it again but for now i'd rank smugglers run pretty high luckily by the time we were gone rise of the resistance was up and running yet again since i've never been to this side of the park i didn't really know what i was missing out on the beautiful scenery is nice and all but it's really about the little things for me like these unique bottles and rise of the resistance was an entire experience riddled with exactly that i don't really remember too much of the ride itself like the story and whatnot but the crew stayed in character the whole time and the sets were genuinely immaculate you think you've seen it all and boom the sets are bigger boom the sets are sleeker boom here's a 20-foot palm mech [ __ ] you i genuinely can't believe i've never been on this ride as it truly deserves a larger spotlight on it but i can't sit around and gush about this one all day because we still have like 30 more rides left starting in california adventure i know we left some rides broken down in disneyland but since this park closes two hours earlier at 10 p.m we decided to knock out this entire park first so yeah at this point we've all accepted we're gonna be here for 16 hours from park open to park closed shockingly even our tour guide was fine with it which made a lot more sense to me when i found out we were paying her hourly our first stop in california adventure was soaring a commercial failure as a debuted as a never-before-seen california flight simulator and it's like god who cares now it just takes you through different biomes with that weird 40 smell generator and it brings you here like ah yes the smell of grass also the staff really lets you in a lot of trade secrets when you get the vip program like apparently this is the ride to go on if you have a foot fetish i don't know why they told us that but if you sit on the bottom rows the gliders above you will just have a feet dangling ruining your shot and typically people don't wear shoes for this one so yeah disneyland really has it all grizzly river run was next on our list a wrestling river rapids ride and i can only explain our experience on this ride with one single clip so no matter how our raft was oriented the disgusting swamp water found its way to attack turn around yeah someone else get this actor what all things considered this ride was pretty great but personally speaking could have been a little better ariel's undersea adventure was nearby so we decided to cross off ride number 20 from our list i've been on this one before with my family so i didn't really have any high hopes but i could not have possibly been prepared for what was about to happen the ride shut down within 20 seconds of us getting on it and we all just sat there awkwardly until the ride came back to life right before dying yet again earlier he was losing points for shutting down but now it's starting to gain points for the technical difficulties as it started to feel like a comedy act unfortunately as we all know comedy doesn't strike in threes as we all escape the oh okay so our tour guide got stuck on the ride so yeah it did break down three times well now it's time to make our way to pixar pier which has tons of attractions crammed into an extremely marketed boardwalk upon entering we learned that the zephyr and silly symphony swings were shut down which could potentially ruin our whole schedule honestly those state fair swing riots are probably one of my biggest fears in this little [ __ ] of an experience we call life so i'd honestly love to delay that as much as we possibly can at least we get to ride a unanimous banger that is the incredi coaster disney doesn't really have a lot of like traditional roller coasters but this is probably the closest thing to it the ride is quick fast flips fun and honestly just a good experience and all not really a lot to say about it but it makes for an easy s-tier attraction and then we had to ride another carousel jesse's critter carousel to be exact this ride really isn't anything to write home about but the overall presentation is nicer than the other one so it's not the absolute worst also i know this video really isn't about any of the food i eat like i had a churro earlier and didn't really talk about that but i have to talk about the poultry palace and holy [ __ ] why were they so good they were thick filling juicy affordable and shockingly well seasoned i will swear by the poultry pallets for the rest of my days as it's right across from one of my favorite rides nope not that one toy story midway mania this is pretty much the woody version of buzz lightyear's ass blasters but wait no i meant to say astro blasters it's a bit different in the sense that it's a game screen versus a laser point war zone but it's still similar in essence i guess i don't normally like the game rides but this is just a good fun game to play i'll always try to ride this one when i'm here unlike the pixar palaron aka the mickey mouse ferris wheel from hell i've always avoided this one because despite it looking visually nice it gave up the same vibes as the carousel oh look that's a carousel crazy however in delta day i never knew there was a swinging function on it that's right everybody even you can simulate a construction accident in a potential lawsuit on this ride and as i hinted at earlier i am terrified of heights i know i look scared which is normally a bad thing but at this point in my life i'm just happy to have something illicit any kind of emotion out of me at all sometimes death can be scary sometimes death can be thrilling and sometimes you run into a never-before-seen ride called emotional whirlwind that lifts you up dumbo style for 60 seconds you do nothing and the ride is over yeah that was pretty bad i know i know it was made for children but as an adult who's taking this park a bit too seriously i gotta rank it like an adult who's taking this park a bit too seriously luckily by the time he came back around the silly symphony swings were open and my fears were awake i still had this childlike horror in the back of my head that what if the swings just fly off and i die but i had to swallow that since i set out on a goal today to ride every single ride i possibly could honestly i'm a bit disappointed that i wasn't more scared hey remember when i said i don't feel a lot of things nowadays uh jumping jellyfish is a great example of that you walk on it happens you walk off thrilling goofy sky school was sitting next door and again i didn't even know these rides existed the weird part about this one is that it's the only right that doesn't have a soundtrack you're up in the clouds with this roller coaster tycoon ass track and it's quiet it shouldn't be but it is and that definitely brings it down a little bit as just music from the goofy movie would go so far to brush up the presentation exponentially our last ride in this district was the zephyr we had to wait quite a bit for this one which is about the time amanda our tour guide broke down the news to me that we were behind in time and she doesn't think it's possible the current time is 8 p.m and we have 28 rides under our belt after 12 hours yet somehow we have to cram the last 16 rides into the last four hours that is working double time from what we've been doing so far after riding this beacon of bad news we all ranked it accordingly and lightly jogged towards our next destination mater's junkyard jamboree at this point i wanted to enjoy it i really did but this challenge was starting to feel impossible my feet were burning my back was aching and apparently i've walked 25 000 steps even though mater did his best to light my spirits by the time we got to luigi's rollicking roadsters the fear really started to set in i mean california adventure we still had one two um three rides left although everyone else had a lot of fun i was still burdened with the kind gift of anxiety as we sprinted towards radiator springs racers apparently this is like a big ride as stressed as i was at this point this ride really did a lot to relieve me as it was just fun which is exactly what disneyland should be right i mean the ride was smooth the animatronics were out of this world gorgeous and it concluded with us racing against some literal children who were talking [ __ ] only for us to kick their collective asses past their bedtime so being minutes away from 9pm world of color was about to start i know that it wasn't on our original checklist but i had to see it i don't quite know what it is because i don't have an emotional attachment to any of those movies really world of color is just special to me so i had to make time for it so believe me when i say we speed walk back over to avengers campus and knock out web slingers and mission breakout at the back the spider-man ride is a well-known fan favorite which if i can be honest i don't know how as it's an insane workout i mean you really just do bicep curls for 10 minutes and see tom holland oh i get it now i think the ride is still a bit overrated personally but even then it's still a shining standout much like the neighboring guardian of the galaxy ride of course this was originally a tower of terror but apparently the drops are smoother now going to disney i mean i i don't know i've been on this one several times so please excuse me nearly falling asleep on it i mean come on it's been like a 14-hour day for me oh [ __ ] 14 hours california adventure closes and we have less than 10 minutes to make monsters inc mike and sully to the rescue that title could use some work after running around all day this ride gets bonus points for just having air conditioning also it's monsters inc i like monster sync the ride itself is pretty mild but exiting this one warranted a celebration every california adventure ride and even world of color has been conquered we're staring at a clock dressed at 10 pm which means we only have a mere two hours to tackle the remaining nine rides back in disneyland even though it's dark and you can't really see anything our first stop on our return visit was jungle cruise i went into this ride blind and it immediately created a false sense of safety for us but more specifically me because if you know anything about me you would know that i vehemently despise puns so much to the point where i would even call it a personality trait this ride in of itself is probably like a run-of-the-mill six out of 10 not bad but this dude spit out his corny ass laffy taffy ass humor on a rapid fire for 10 minutes of psychological torture he kept repeating the same joke about elephants having better memories which haha sure repetition i get it but then he made the same joke about bamboo twice i don't know why god is frowning upon me today but like haven't i been through enough but i realized this isn't torture no it's a test only the strong survive and i am walt disney's shining strongest little soldier i survived the onslaught of puns so i could truck all the way back to fantasyland which possesses snow white enchanted wish peter pan's flight and pinocchio's daring journey all located in the same area and essentially all the same 60-second ride earlier in the day rides got docked points for being short but right now it's a godsend snow-white most of the most basic of the three pinocchio is probably next to be remodeled and turned into frozen and peter pan's flight filled me with a blast of nostalgia i don't think i've even thought about this ride since i was a child until i turned that corner and saw the tiny cityscape they've created i know this ride wasn't too different from the others but it felt different and that ride gifted me the last bit of adrenaline i needed as we entered our final hour when we boarded casey junior circus train our shared adrenaline came to an abrupt halt this locomotive made for children circled storybook land and honestly the two riots kind of cancel each other out it's the same thing it's dark now and you can't see anything all you could see were the surrounding streets that were overflowing with memories made earlier today but it felt like a lifetime ago i've been at this park for 15 hours and am somehow still walking because as it stands right now four rides left and 50 minutes to go now we got to experience big thunder mountain a genuine roller coaster while hopping on i didn't really have any expectations but this one made me smile unlike the others it wasn't for the ride itself but because of the people i was with everyone was putting their hands up screaming in joy and i found that to be beautiful we were fresh on our 16th hour and everyone was just as determined as i was to see this through we didn't have a single person drop we didn't have a single person quit when it got hard nor a single person complain about the blisters on all of our feet somehow i found a group of friends just as insane as i am and yeah i was right this is a beautiful thing we were all wanting an unforgettable experience and desperately had to ride the last three attractions together starting with the haunted mansion while in line for this amanda was explaining to us that we're realistically not gonna make it as two of our last three rides take a while and it's already 11 40. between indiana jones and winnie the pooh she encouraged us to skip pooh and trek through the temple of the forbidden eye for a better experience but that did not feel right i wanted to give him my best shot and succeed or give him my best shot and fail after we made it on the haunted mansion the ride temporarily went down with us on it and every second on that clock mattered and our time was swiftly ticking away the ride went back up after a couple minutes but that was a crucial amount of time while on this slow ride all i could think about was why did we start the day 40 minutes late why did we have a sit down lunch and why did we not take this more seriously from the start at 11 50 we emptied the mansion and sprinted toward winnie the pooh quickly boarded and realized that we were finally in the end game so if we all agree to run towards indiana jones adventure after this one surviving winnie the pooh was our final stretch i have never felt more fear and anxiety in my life than when we were sprinting over to the final ride of the day at 11 57 three minutes before the park closed it was 11 58 as we were sprinting over and it was 11 59 by the time we made it into the line but the clock struck midnight before we could make it to the end we fought hard but it wasn't enough including world of color we saw 44 out of the 45 planned attractions [Music] but then amanda our tour guide told us about a bit of information she's been withholding from us exclusively for the theatrics as per disneyland rules if you are in the line of any given ride before midnight the staff has to respect it and let you on she gave me the greatest sense of despair in my life and immediately turn it in to the greatest sense of accomplishment i'd love to tell you all about this ride but once we made it onto that car nothing else mattered we set out on a ridiculous goal that took 16 hours to complete we did it we conquered disneyland oh my god tomorrow's gonna hurt ah
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,575,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: uizzVAltUWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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