Chris Blackeby - Living by Love

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your inheritance [Music] [Music] we wanted the angels [Applause] we honor those who stand by here we honor the men and white linen we honor the ancient ones beyond the cloud of witnesses we honor the seven spirits of God and we worship Holy Spirit God Almighty Holy Spirit we worship Jesus Christ Yeshua God Almighty worship father father Yahweh God Almighty [Applause] [Music] Ella women Bella where we are all we are one with you forever made holy forever blameless in your sight forever always your clamp since before the foundation of the earth the receiver whose believer as truth father open our eyes play love witnesses join us as we celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ the body broken for us the blood shed for us the word incarnate for us the only door to the Father [Music] the one answer for all things [Music] amen amen okay well welcome welcome everyone where do you go after that last week I said we had four tops of worship here i may have understated just a little bit so there was a modern ancient mystic contemplative saxophone we've cornered the market okay this is actually part four that's my third Sunday when it's released on YouTube there'll be four because I spoke here in January and put them all together and I like to sum up what God's been doing and this is a summary you could you could use this as the first or the last but God's releasing something very important here and this is the right place this is the place not just Los Angeles as a place where new things are birth on the earth in California but this church as well my motto this morning was special thank you so much yeah very special okay so the gospel is the power unto salvation and salvation is fixing everything that Eden undid and all it affects salvation solve sin and death and all its effects and the gospel was good news it's something that's being done and only in believing it does it manifest on the earth the fullness of it Jesus came to earth the word incarnated he lived in the body he suffered the body He healed in the body he healed bodies he spoke to creation he died in the body he rose again in the body it's about the body it's bad bringing heaven to earth not waiting till we die and not not just only cooperate with the Holy Spirit to do ministry but to bring heaven to earth all the loss all the pain all the miscommunication all the sorrow all the decay or the entropy when bring that here and that has been given to you the kingdom already resides in you the moment you believed you have it already and all we're doing is changing our mind so it releases this in your spirit it has a certain sound a word that's been spoken a seed a word and and your soul and your body have a different sound a different word and as you change your mind change your soul to line up with the spirit now that comes and into your body into the earth so it's only by believing be transformed by the renewing of your mind not by ministry not by fasting but by the renewing of your mind think something different believe it's only by believing so no man can boast it's only by believing and what we'll be looking at is the different records we'll be holding in our body which speak a different word we saw last week about the child that didn't know if the mother was gazing with approval and if they were building a world together and there the psychologist has words not my words dr. ed tronic Edward tronic and the minute the mother went the second the very second the mother went to a still face not just a still face not disapproval not distant not angry just a still face mutual neutral face the child went into trauma and panic and a child shows us is an unfiltered soul it shows us how a soul a human soul works that he has a baby now that's how the human soul works because the baby is his unfiltered soul reaction you are filtered soul reaction the child lies a look away they cover their face with took a glance we do this well just more subtle variations all body language our adults is a subtle variation a more sophisticated variation or where the child does in case as you learn how a child develops you learn how the human soul learns and we were designed to live in Eden we were designed to grow up in absolute constant acceptance non-stop with no fear of lack music communication entropy loss no burden on ourselves we didn't leave my knowledge we live by innocence the innocent belief that God always loved us but by knowledge we worked out why he wouldn't love us and we invent a still face God still face God creates trauma because now you are on your own and you go into a state of vigilance which looks a adrenalin stay of cortisol which becomes a state of disease so fear leads to death self effort because God's not looking after you who has to do it you do that state of self effort leads to death here we go again the yo-yo okay okay okay can you hear me yeah yeah green green hello hello hello this one works this one this one works yeah okay okay right all right well back it's been 2,000 years I mean that doesn't count all right so put you in a state of dread so fear literally leads to death and the armored flesh literally leads to death then we're supposed to be either go into that fight or flight and back into rest in fact this week Aubrey de Grey there's a longevity academic he said the one constant thing they individuals who live a long time not communities the individual to live long time is their ability to return to rest to not stay and fight or flight or as he said to not care he said this week is fascinating we need to return our bodies to that rest and the only way to return that to rest is to know that you're being looked after to know there's a face of approval look at your all times because that's how you were designed when we don't know that we need to do something to get it but do something together is every single religion ever invented including our own we do things together that's the arm of flesh that's received it's a gift so I like to talk a little bit more about that and show you how it works we want to work spirit soul body not body soul spirit spirit soul body is to be spiritual body soul spirit is to be sensual you go by your senses we can taste touch and see not by what you can't see so what you can't see is in the visible promise believing a word God is invisible he reveals himself as invisible the barb in the Bible people see him and he says I'm invisible New Testament and Old Testament God reveals himself as invisible we want taste touch see we want the proof you are the evidence this is what we long for and that is the opposite to how God reveals himself and God's asking you will you love me for who I am will you love me the way I want to be loved and the way I want to be loved is by my nature I'm word from spirit and I'm word I'm love I'm light I'm spirit will you love me for this thing I know I am and you love him by believing him the word spoken and how good you believe God is how faithful to his word is is the proportion of that promise that you live in because all promises for those in Christ they yesterday men that my life does not look like the promises some but not all that's a record in me it's okay that records what was well I'm overcoming by changing my mind and bringing that heaven to earth yeah and we believe the gospel good news what's been done so we have spirit soul and body we know that all the things have created through him and by him all things seen and unseen this at the scene realm it's the unseen realm this is him okay he created all things seen and unseen the body realm is a physical room this is the body room okay this is the unseen room this is the soul room hey something unseen is happening hello hello hello hello hello hello hello yep Hey hello hello mmm it needs to be recorded that's okay no that's not on either hello hello okay we'll keep this one just keep that one handy okay spirit soul body him seen unseen okay God created all things seen and unseen this is all creation we know by faith that God created the world alvey's words what is seen is many of what is unseen okay it moves this way so bring it into a physics so we understand this is particle which is Newtonian you know this is wave which is quantum which is potential okay quantum particles make up Newtonian particles okay and the physics and the laws of these two physics are very different where Newtonian laws what goes up goes up goes down goes down heat transfer etc etc and then we discover the quantum physics and then a Bey the laws in fact quantum particles obey the human soul and lots of was a big move out there now and they're showing how humans can change things humans can heal and humans can heal just by their intent okay without this so Christian non-christian does nothing you are just by your intent you create things and there's a big move on for that at the moment to create things yep but it's separated from love and life so of itself it's interesting that will be cruel in the end okay because there's a way that seems right to a man it's all the knowledge of good and evil okay so we have wave and particle that comes from word word god created all things in unseen he cried the sole room the quantum round the waveform and he created the body what collapses in the particle Newtonian physics this is love okay we either live we respond to a word by a 30-fold a sixty fold or a hundred fold response we've seen that in the gospel 134 responses a word came to you you believe it you receive the word it goes into your soil it bears fruit 30 fold I'll see God one day in heaven that's a body response and those churches our body churches everything's about the body you bring the body to a building you stand up you sit down you stand up and sit down what you wear is very important what the person up front where's it's very important everything symbolic candles brass bowls smoke okay it's a little bit the physical room represent something's happening in the future God loves it save for response thank you for saving my gospel my word I'll see you in heaven forever you're my children 60-fold says not only is God that good but he's also sent down His Holy Spirit and we can do ministry this is the charismatic church which is currently about a quarter of the world church according to Wikipedia which never lies and they work in ministry God is so good no you're gonna see you in heaven he sent a helper and this is true and that's very good okay same gospel same gospel without different response is how good is God to his word what does his word really mean a hundredfold is I'm raisin seated now a son of God this is the sons of God we're liver sons of God this they are sons of God but it's a little bit clever the living as Christians Christian is a term given to us by humans and the sometimes it has real noble amazing qualities attached to it I'm a Christian without doubt okay as far as the world is concerned your understanding I'm a Christian than your Christian I'm definitely a Christian but Christian is a mixed bag this is for sons of God Christians attend Christians build the church sons of God bring the kingdom yeah Christians heal the sick sons of God removes sickness from the earth Christians can raise the dead nuns of God remove death from the earth and what we're doing is removing it from our bodies so we can give it away Jerusalem Judea Samaria ends of the earth spirit soul body out out we go okay so it's all like this now we grew up learn to live this way okay we're a body's telling us is the truth we're listening to this word okay we all need to listen to this word we learn to go this way so for example a panic attack is when your body is telling your soul what's going on and you lose all control all choice and then why they calm you from a panic attack is to trying to get your choice top down cerebrum cerebellum brain stem to go this way rather than upwards okay cuz upwards is your brain stem the lowest the body this is this is brain stem this is cerebellum this is cerebrum I don't know how they do that okay forebrain midbrain hindbrain okay we're going bottom-up and what they want you to do is get your consciousness back in charge so actually the brief to sleep breathe in for four whole for four breathe out before the trying to get top-down decisions they'll say how many stainless glass windows are in this room they get you to count them don't get your consciousness back in charge top down okay because bottom up is fear-based okay if you don't if you know that God exists and you don't think he's for you you will live bottom up your whole life this is Christianity okay Christianity can be a shame based high anxiety environment and you live in a constant fear and as we saw the other day the constant fear sets through a series of chemicals and as chemicals literally lita Aging in death what's the answer the answers the gospel that you'd be made perfect and holy in his eyes forever you can approach the throne of grace in your time of need with a clear conscience boldly you go in he delights acquiesce children but by his will this is his will will he made you children sons of God and that is what we are we're sons of God the sons of God lived from here is what the sons of God they're from heaven to earth all the time now we want we've received the gospel we can be born again and what we want now is aspects of that gospel what more of that promise to reach the earth so when you got saved you weren't suddenly happy all the time it works full full of joy you weren't suddenly all fixed up some people when they get saved that day drugs and alcohol just disappear bang and other people they walk it out this walking it out is you're overcoming your reward okay if mama I praise me today and fixes up my knee okay that's her reward not mine she overcome she gave the way but I want to be the provider I want to be able to heal my knees I can do other people's knees okay and that doesn't say don't get prayed for it's not weak to be pretty mama I want to pray for me yes okay all right okay but at some stage I want to be the giver because I don't be exactly like my dad yeah so these guys on earth our earth supply on earth help heaven supply miracles come down we are the answer we either grow up and be like our dad if you've seen me you've seen the father as a gift it's my new DNA it's just given to me by believing and how I'll get the other things the exact same way by believing a word yeah by free choice by my will by saying God is good and his words are true God saying oh you love me you know me for who I am you sells a hard taskmaster well then you live those results you said that I just said the word I shall be healed what just had to wear my seventh beholding you annoy me God said well you know I am word no I'm good this guy this Roman centurion this Syrian woman by the call my character my nature I'm word just say it you believe what you believe I'll do it for you you believe I'd do it for you Syrian dog yes you're right I would do it for you you've made a call on my nature and my carrot and I can do it I wouldn't and I can if I can Jesus he would that's easy we're making a call these nature's kacct on everything and what I'm gonna do is slowly move all these things from here to here I was right down some topics here let's say health wealth these just things that bother us what else is there communions a good one that one okay some others write them down and we're going to do some practical examples of how this works down supply I thought travel was another just a very practical thing we're gonna start living by sons of God the sons of God are the risen Christ we don't even believe with Jesus who walked around Nazareth but we're way beyond that he brought something for us and gave it to us we have the same I take the same resurrection life he did the resurrected Christ is he wants us to be okay so health for example my spirit man is perfect complete your healthy a soul body not so good okay now there's no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus we've all the haratz the set of DNA and we've had childhood experiences we had good and bad teaching we all had experiences which we've made interpretations from and what we want to do is move from here to here okay so for example health you might get told to people get told today that they have cancer serious cancer maybe a month to live someone who's here it's like you're a stronger word they're at rest they just believe they really believe the word it bounces off them in their doctors another test it's not there these are guys then you'll get prayed for healing they believe for it yeah and these guys are gonna get medicine practical medicine molecule for molecule okay it's all good it's all good as long as you believe as a Christian that Christ is really hila okay once you believe Christ is your healer just live where you're at okay I get tired of cancer sometimes however cancer they just dismiss it doc there's another test - I get told and my dad died of cancer and I am freaking out I get home I tell my wife and my wife says what your dad died of a cancer this is terrible and like then your soul goes that your body goes and some of the church died of cancer and they were prayed for so you don't believe this and so you hear okay bill I'm here I mean it's all right I'm here Christ is my healer and why have a chemo Christ as my healer but what I want to do is start moving this way but letting the truth come down okay so I have chemo that's what my piece is at and then mama oh so they'll pray for you I'm like all right and I'll believe in prayer yeah I can slowly give myself opportunity to move this way until I become Christopher Rafa the healer I'm not my dad is my dad Jehovah Rapha I made in his image I blazed DNA I'm Christopher Rosa and I don't believe that yet so I'm being transformed I knew in my mind I am I want to be Christopher Jarrah it's my nature I'll be like my father I'll become the answer for this earth because all the earth all creation is waiting for sons of God not waiting for Jesus he's done it sorted finished and he gave it to us and we believe the gospel now if you told someone here I'll become Christopher Jarrah blasphemy because God is not that good that's what their soil says God say oh well you can do some miracles no it's my actual DNA it's my nature yeah so this is word form word made everything we never communion communion is body soul spirit so wherever you're at the genius of communion wherever you're at you'll pick you up you're taking a physical thing in the body you can see it you can feel it to taste touch see you believe it but most importantly in heaven this is where we got confused then we've Chuck the baby up the bathwater so to speak you are literally taking in the blood and body of Christ but what does blood and body in heaven if the life forces in the blood and you're taking in the life force of Resurrection himself as you believe it it's just so and then to your body if Christ is the word in which all things were made what do you need do you need some zinc you need a hormone replacement therapy what do you need do you need calcium you need stem cells it's word which became particle which became stem cells it's whatever you call it because we know by faith that God created well by his words and guess what we're like our dad so when you take communion it's everything you need now the Saints of old would just live off communion that's all that eat there's this and some of them are big people and they just had communion then you was the word and they feasted on Christ it went fasting I can't fast living with this spirit I don't actually need food anymore okay so their body's not telling them what to do which is hunger and their soul which is appetite because you know we all use food to fix up a Bourdon yeah okay okay which is a soul issue a living off this and we know the saint of all did that does that mean we can do it imagine that imagine there's people right now like a live of communion alone for years on there and imagine that who would they be but as you believe it okay so what you want to do is have a communion in the morning call it everything you need for that day or have it morover your souls out everything need for that meal reverently for the next 20 minutes so wherever your peace is at and then eat when you're hungry if you're bored you need your motion stilled have communion it's fixing it up and then if you're hungry not appetite which the motion hungry which is biological need eat some food and then slowly your body be transferred you in your mind and your body will start moving over to eating communion alone because only cos communion okay it's the curtain you will get it yeah that's the curtain it's also the the flaming sword this is even just the world we got kicked out okay but now we're back in and we're releasing this truth to all this with letting it come out into our body okay so word which is Christ Himself was it affected by the fall no everything here is decay if I eat food from out here something has to die that I might live hmm have you heard that before something has to die that I might live a cow a carrot something has to die yeah murderers carrot murderers I only eat windfall so but your body's attached to this by its record by a word but greater words been spoken and see how does faith come for hearing of the word ten minutes ago even believe this but now you do you just heard the word that word that frequency goes in you and it changes we need to make it your own you just stand it by saying this word is true I'm gonna believe the invisible Peter walked out on the word come not in the water and work there on the word and then he looked at waves and these motions went he lost the word and Jesus rebukes him okay so you see the cost before building a tower you can stay to the fold you say 64 but you want this that's in the water that's the spirit baptism of fire we're changing our very DNA ok if you say yes God takes you seriously the 11 disciples to stay in the boat then get told off they didn't ask Peter asked Jesus whose word Jesus told him of his very self I'm word so you can he started and they they went back to these rooms we can I spoke a different word to him you start the sink and she just says you have you lack faith in me my very nature I am word nama spirit love me for who I am but Peter learned through that you'll foul many times it's okay thousands of failures you suppose to be born into this just place we talk this new two years old it's okay then 3 then 5 then 10 you are the generation you're the parents that you need it ever heard those stories are like you know what generation Pentecostal pastor and you know my granddad was a drunker than a violet man and he came Christ he stopped the alcohol and you know next day he took out you know how divorce and then next one you will became there's you know it's 26 60 people now and that year and the big family pictures and now I'm just living in the bonus of all those generations because with a great-grandfather cut out the nonsense but you're the great grandfather you're that guy that four generations ago look back on okay and you're not saying I'm gonna leave bad behavior you're saying I'm changing my very nature my very DNA that's in the fire if you want it you don't have to okay but the rewards are great remember in Zechariah I'll give that how we stepped in with a high priest remember that okay well it goes on to say okay so Joshua's walked in be silent accuser saw your baddest toughness exist take those two rags off him what his high priestly garments the best of him best of earth gets taken off heavens record gets put on him which is eternal doesn't matter he hasn't done though has done if she was caught to be and this says then put claim to him on his head then the angel the Lord gave this charged Joshua this is what the Lord Almighty says if you walk in the pinions to me and keep my requirements or for assets believe his word okay we believe then you will govern in my house have charge of my courts and I'll give you a place among those who standing here house thoughts a place intimacy much much better there you three choices that's your response and being in the house is great it's awesome yep go to heaven get a mansion live in paradise don't govern don't be a friend yeah don't be a friend this is an option friends believe him a friend way outweighs anyone else you can go into the Royal Palace because you're an ambassador and you make your appointment etc of your the Kings best friend yeah how about if your actual royalty this is living by sons of God about DNA this is behavior based qualifying if you do qualify uganda pride you don't qualify you go into condemnation yeah and this is a gift of DNA wealth is the same communion travel okay so just be where you're at i said i fly around the world and i need an airplane now can the son of god trans relocate yes they can do i believe that I'll see you when Johannesburg in two days so I believe I'm a trans look at I do not believe on my dreams okay not for a second okay so I live in my faith it's okay but I believe I can that made the call there's what you call is your a reward and then you can overcome Abraham said I'm gonna see the Messiah Elijah tha's can see the Messiah as equal Thor he's gonna see the Messiah did they see results their faith no they did not to live in reward to their faith yes they do okay so making a call on this all right now I might need to see the money in the bank the whole trips gonna cost $10,000 I need all ten thousand dollars before I leave physically I want to see it or I know I can live by miracles and God's promises enough and I see the next I might need the ticket okay or some people more like this you know they're like they get a word pack your bag go the airport a lady in the red jackets gonna give you a ticket and they do that that freaks me out I am NOT gonna pack my bags and go to the airport waiting for a lady in a red jacket well I will go with enough money for the day I don't need money for tomorrow mine for the day that's how good god is to me it's not this good it's this good he's better than this okay wherever you are but my call is I'm gonna be a son of God I'm gonna be all over this universe fixing things up okay but right now I need plane tickets yeah Union travel health wealth oriental wealth have a quick check of my notes make sure I've done things right here this is bottom up for your base this is this way which comes from love okay word love spirit it's coming this way and love casts out all fear this was fear-based this is a love base you live in love by believing a word where an invisible promise is greater than what you're taught in the natural your sensitive your sensual ways and you start doing in any area you can baby step yourself into there so for health I know a guy and I've got to seem in two weeks he was jumping on the trampoline it came off and broke his foot and this guy's tough as nails and he said it was so painful and he said walking on it would hurt so much he had to hold on to things so not to faint so what do you do man of God well he said the word heals me so off he walked and for two days he looked in those roller chairs and pushed him around and ruined all these carpets it wasn't gonna get the doctor get the trainees soul you need to learn the only the word heals me he'd help me stand up you know can he stand up now I won't think about it to stand up pain try at the faint and then after two days bang fine that's him that's his personality okay that's not why that's not me that's not my personality so I just find myself for a map mama Oh pray for me doctor give me drugs okay but Jesus is my healer I'm taking drugs but Christ is my healer I'm seeing mama Oh to pray for me on the other priests that's where I'm at but at least that's good I'm still calling Jesus my healer okay and one day I'm gonna be the healer now my friend and me we work differently okay he is hardcore but in some other areas he might be hardcore and coke eat with victory in one area Christianity Christianity can be a high anxiety shame based control environment yo all right heavens not there's no shame so it's more to about sort of like travel and wealth just a story of my little journey there and it shows how I went from here to here to here what Tommy clock is 12:30 10 minutes sorry Tim oh it's totally now do I have ten minutes so I'm asking I can take five yep okay so basically you need money to do things okay you work on miracles you can work out of your nature and so I left work in 2013 as a ministry I started traveling man I'll start traveling and this hell god this is a very short short version I started traveling and I had money in the bank I left Australia went to England enough money reserved to get the ticket home which I hadn't bought yet and then God kept leave me on until I didn't have enough money to get home and then I didn't have enough money to leave the country that was in I was in Turkey and then we have enough money to leave the city okay and then I didn't have any money and this was exciting because this is it this is it hey the Kingdom pays or it doesn't either word of God was spoken out in that words all the provision for that promise or it's not these are facts this is truth fact is you've got some cells growing in your lungs that aren't good truth is you're the healer okay okay fully facing the facts abraham believed the truth that's our job that's how it works is the father of faith he worked it out that's how it works we just do what he does okay and then I was listening to a guy George Mueller you know George Mueller George Mueller found like five cents in the ground said God give me five cents he can give me anything and he put hundreds of thousands of orphans through full life cheering college and Bristol and and he asked for money ever millions of dollars but through his hands when million thousand exist you know and he gave a millions of dollars we worked out now like it's amazing all these stuff still there now George Miller so I thought this is it something's gonna happen I walk at the door in Turkey I'm use me a turkey I walk out something's gonna happen today's the day today's a day I'm gonna 500 oz on the ground I'm gonna fine something's gonna send me money and I meet an old friend and there's all these rules when I go into about you just do what you normally do just stay inside the house and don't eat what is that that's not faith it's avoidance okay so I go I'm going to the cafe with their money so the owner go the cafe and I feel this anxiety rising and and rising it's a different sound an old record is trying to take take control I remember walk to the cafe and I got to the cafe I was at the cafe door and I couldn't go in and then this atmosphere came around me an atmosphere was horrid I just wanted out of this atmosphere and it was like I felt stupid I felt shamed and was awful and I knew if I said that didn't work out my mouth this atmosphere would go like it hasn't worked but I knew from the same friend who with the foot I knew because you create with your words you can agree with this word or glue this word and he said you can't approve this word don't agree with anything so I just I just silence I just felt stupider and stupider I felt just like what was I thinking but God's gonna pay for my coffee like I should flying home blah blah blah what can I do what can I do and I remembered it's the idea came to me three months ago my dad gave me some English Pounds and I can't remember spending them but we're doing this whole up down money thing sure I've cashed it in was he only didn't remember so turn around well after my building hot so hot in an air-conditioned building I got there and then I went through my suitcase went through all my suitcase looking for this English Pounds what they gave me and it wasn't there it wasn't there form this atmosphere came back of stupid but anger was their anger murderous anger see you do abandon me this is who you are you found me you do not look after me it was real anger there was too much anger almost as like you know the dead whatever plays his hand we try and get our agreement with a word that's already inside me Adam you kicked me out the garden you gave me this woman you gave me this snake it's you I wanted it's you this anger of being alone and not one take responsibility for my DNA and I wanted to own go and I was really angry with him but say anything so there and it was crushing I mean crushing like you'd see a little kid taken to the shopping market and there's let go mum's hand and then they are all alone and that they just have a complete meltdown okay so this is 2013 wherever I was then 38 or 37 I bet to have a complete meltdown I can feel it I'm having a meltdown I just be quiet so i sat there sitting there and look down and beside me is a Singapore Airlines case you know my patch her to sleep that's the only thing hadn't checked I open it and there was 80 pounds in there I knew this is it that's it a new record form to me a new sound over wrote this DNA epigenetics different sound change my heart change my picture transform you in the mind and from there I knew that God was faithful about two months later no no about three weeks later that 80 pounds got me to all the churches revelation and two words revelation written the island of Patmos at the Patmos yeah I learned a patent boss with no money for no with no food and then I got a text from Milly Bella she goes Chris I'm selling you 47 pounds because testing leads to perfection and I went there I got the 47 pounds out and they had food to eat I went to my hotel which I prepaid for was room 407 anyway I'm now in Cappadocia Turkey okay and I thought I booked this stuff on the Internet I've already paid for it and then I'm about to check out meaning for ten days to the Cappadocia was all the Mystics used to hide to protect the gospel we're now preaching okay and Gregory and I was out there to honor that and got paid more highway up there about to check out the guys has just come and pay tomorrow okay and I thought I'd not pay them on the booking he has no no no that just books it you need to pay and now I gotta pay for ten nights whatever along it was and that night I spent my last five dollars on the kebab a euro sleeve you say yeah okay and it was it was literally I had no money in the bank for the last five dollars so I'm about to go to bed on the other bed and I said god I'm not praying because if I pray I'll pray myself out of faith or I'll believe my prayer qualifies me for the miracle either way as a disaster something's going to bed and me going to sleep is the evidence of my faith check my bank accounts on the computer nothing woke up in the morning rather check out at 12:00 I have my laptop nothing we'll have breakfast which is included in my room which hasn't paid for yet then walked around Gorham Odyssey of Gorham er I came back at 11:00 checked my laptop no money I packed my bags everything ready put against the door I have my laptop and it's $2,000 there and I cry for money no a crisis God saw me I knew this is it this is real and the way $2,000 is my dad had paid for my brother's house improvements a garage door I believe a while back you're sitting at home when I gave well my son's much money ask you my other son that may have money it was done at that moment because Australia - Australia transfer and between 11:00 and 11:30 wherever that wasn't Adelaide Australia he's won't do that now judge okay I knew it was on there's more more more but I'm moving this way and in my health and my wealth and the miracles I'm going by the word that was spoken as opposed to this okay as much as I'm living in this there is some fear attached works I still don't know the goodness of God in the area it just means the goodness of God has to come to me in their area that's all it means and how does it happen by hearing a word and believing it it's a rest amen [Applause] yeah Wow hallelujah [Music] you've heard the word this morning okay these are the people the nations and cities people are joining with us and we want to welcome you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Washington New Jersey yet Idaho Oregon Nevada Alabama I think Colorado Florida New Mexico New Mexico and Texas then we have Canada Kuwait South Africa which one is this one huh no kanata land okay and the United Kingdom and Netherlands which one what what's that one that has the K huh okay yeah sorry okay you said people that have rushman with us this morning and want to honor you and welcome you in yesterday's worship but the word has gone out the Word of God has gone out do you believe the word that God has Said's to you there is a song that we used to sing a while ago say it's whose report do you believe do you believe the word that God has said to you as said in his word for you or do you believe the testimony and the things of the world and this morning we are being encouraged again and again to stand in that word to move from there just and in the word the word who is Christ the Lord hallelujah but we can become like our Father that we can speak as he spoke that we can create as he creates because we are the sons and daughters of God and the people would say don't say daughter but we are the sons and daughters of God you know the reason why I say daughter I came from a country where daughters we call them Ida an idoit they are does in the community are the ones that speaks when they speak if anything is going on when they speak everybody listen because our dad has spoken and that doctor who began this year about talking about the feminine aspect of God which is the wisdom and so far so when I say sons and daughters I'm intentionally saying that all right so but God because when we're talking about sonship is about inheritance not about agenda okay so we said sons of God it's not about gender it's about inheritance that we all are inheritors in our father's house it's okay
Channel: Venice United Methodist
Views: 7,535
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Id: iy-FXTmRoRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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