Chris Blackeby - Made Righteous

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] Krissi's no longer a guest here he's just a son that goes and travels and then comes back to say hello welcome brother hi everyone this is excuse my self-indulgence this is personally a very important moment to me because I left ministry in 2013 as in pastoral ministry as we understand it and and then in 2016 God said and I just spoke here and so friends maybe went to their church and spoke or her in groups and sort of in and out and then 2016 I had two dreams that was like out Kris out no more speaking don't do anything and and then I remember I spoke to mayor's group over Skype and that next that night God said I said out so I really under obedience the Word of God which seemed very counterintuitive shall we say stop speaking and just really stood back and and then I was in Sri Lanka with heavy Delano row and KB I was having dinner with him and he said we'd like to speak a church tomorrow what does it matter it's just you know whose watch is a church in Sri Lanka in Y it you love to be in my defense Lord Kirby's staff was always behind a code-wall unless you're part of his church he had a cold you couldn't watch for the he was showing but little did I know he now puts these things on YouTube so I preached a sermon there called living from heaven and that wouldn't be crazy and other and I was like dude so the time I Facebook off and all these other things and and then last year I was here and I had a dream and the dream a man I really respect came to me and handed me a microphone and he said you know just for now and then Justin Abrams was here and he asked me to take Jane Schroeder's place and that's when I was here last year and that was the start of me speaking again where I was right here at this church then after I did that and then the other one in Cape Town that was like no more and then about a month ago two months ago about six weeks ago I was in Australia I had a dream and the dream was I could start seeing the blonde lady again and the blonde lady in my dream language is spiritual ministry and it was it was good it was good and safe and a good and a proper thing me start seeing her again although okay so just I just put some sermons back up on the internet some ones I've been seeing on my laptop for a while and put it there I had some invites to speak I was like yeah 13 I'll be back in back here and after all this time stepping out and and that night I was woken up oh that night had a dream and the dream I'm playing in the war they're just having fun and there's this door in the background I'm sticking during this door I'm playing in the water and then I'm gonna yell so brace yourself and then there was in my dream it went gross the woke up and my heart was beating so hard I honestly thought as an auteur muscle what's happening what's happening what's happening what's happening they remembered the dream and I had instant interpretation take the door and the door was a rune had asked me to come speak with him in South Africa and that was the start of this new season and that starts now at this church that center stage so there's something really significant this for me and I'm observing this moment probably as much as you are thinking what yeah I thought I wake up this morning the same guy I I thought what's going to happen I wake up I was just me your thoughts gonna have amazing dream last night like wow you angel given to me and portals and stuff and no no just woke up and came here so I'm as interested as you are and what's about to happen but this is this is the start and so I really lay a platform of Honor if God has officially started a new season he has started a new season I don't know what that looks like gonna be a son that speaks not in ministry what does that mean I don't know but this who I am and what I bring I think I can honestly stay in his current context it started with me listening to some illegally bootlegged mp3s of Ian Clayton in a shed and listening to this guy I'm thinking I this guy really annoys me but he could be right I said I said their God I said someone's wrong in someone's right that's something Kari Blake told me someone's wrong and someone's right just sort it out yeah and I was like someone's wrong when someone's right you need to tell me and I won't go into details was the theology I held and I got up from this rare place in the scripture and I didn't didn't marry any me it was just something between being God and then Ian Clayton said I saw this in heaven he knows and it was exact same thing called reviewable to me after I just prayed someone's wrong someone's right when great he's right there's a cloud of witnesses there scrolls there's mountains and I was just like you know probably Baptist charismatic in my understanding or the incorpo definitely call myself Pentecostal and then there's this whole new room upside down for everything I was doing and so there I was realizing I've been climbing a ladder for thirty years it was against the wrong wall and and so I went and saw it Ian and he was very kind to me it's been a lot locked I'm asking the same questions they get asked every week and the questions are like 9/10 question 10% accusation you know what about this you know like and he just spent a lot of time was very patient with me so in Clayton he was doing this 30 years ago and really pay the cost there's no understanding and no audience and and God said share I relay that his life that he laid down and it's made up he bulldozed the path and bulldoze is a good description of him Clayton the shredder and yeah and I'm just walking through like this and there's just space for me I come here and I go the UK or I go to America or come here and it's a space that he cleared me so I already wanted to acknowledge that and honor that and only Ian Clayton yeah yeah yeah and then in this time away I met a guy called Joseph sturgeon who was in the ministry and they I got I called a woman boljan daddy and he wasn't in ministry we just hang out became friends I met mayor in this time since some time wet since 2013 since I stepped away and we're all in ministry together now and that's really so God's really wise in these things and yeah others I met Joseph on Facebook but for the first time in the pizza store and he was working in a coffee factory and I was unemployed just wondering the yeah you know and yeah so it's amazing so God's timing was perfect and he can restore to you in the day what what you've lost over six years or ten years and yeah and even if it's your fault yeah because when he chose you he knew the the dean there that you're carrying the record you're carrying and what you're overcoming he knew that and he knew he'll give you a start you'd throw it all away and this is all gonna go somewhere that's what you save him is how its restored but I was one of those people or not on a Kevin hall who's not here but when I stepped away and I sort of moved back there's like a vacuum of stuff and I also want to say without go into details that Kevin the whole really with him to bat for me when I were not in my absence and all things going on I didn't and Kevin really risked some relationships I'll even say he risked his relationship with dr. o to go in and defend me in my absence so I really honor him and and he was going through his own stuff at that time and so that took deep character and the the Delano's care being panadol enroll in the Church of Wow their their record on the earth just yeah sometimes you wake up and go is it true you know is this really coming it's in heaven but can you really bring it to earth are we what's the are we just going to preach about it and then a few people get it and then Wow in Sri Lanka have a community that do it but it's not just that the the hotshot leaders you know they everyone has access to the gospel and what they have their community has and I went down go like just knowing they exist like gave me real comfort and I mean that and because in my time away obviously guy was dealing with stuff and you got to work walk through that he just seems everything seems so far away and and just seeing people living it out yeah and Justin Abrams who shared his platform with me when I wasn't anyone from anywhere really because I hadn't spoken for years and and he's open it up for me and obviously I took Jane Strothers place and my goodness Jane's trailer is an amazing amazing woman so I've really felt honored by a lot of people they're missing out a lot of people I'm sure and dr. o has relooked after me as well and genuinely cares for me which is actually surprised me uh he gem only cares for me and and obviously activate and Ron Jones there to have looked after me very well so I've been looked after very well my absence and in zero fruit really that you can really measure and even the Simmons which are out there people you put some sermons out there they weren't supposed to be out there so God look Daphne so well in producing no observable fruit and it's just obedience to the voice to the best of your knowledge now I didn't even do it that well you know and yet God knew that when he selected when he knew that this spirit perfect spirit being carrying this record of DNA with all its nonsense and accusations and orphanhood and doubts and things he knew and his well this is gonna take six years six years of this you know and he's really at peace for that and then he can restore he can restore in a day I really mean that and a guy no relation called Henry Henry Blackaby you never heard of him he's a guy I didn't think he even believes in the baps of the Holy Spirit I'm not sure I probably just slandered his ministry just then but he he just knew that he's held and we're for God that in one day that's his saying God can do more one day than you can do in six months and that's become a reality no I he broked it into me to ring that Henry Blackaby experiencing God and I was in China I read that book and and so I just want to say you are really loved and God really sees you I've got a whole sermon on the God that sees me and it's the feminine understanding of God which was missing from the church that's coming later but yeah he's the God that sees you he's the God that sees you and he's in no rush and he cares for you so just for me just come home I'm chatting amongst friends I could learn a lot of good work in the last six years and it's been a lot of confusion in the church and even where we're trying to head to and a gap between preaching and understanding and application and that's sort of where I sit in that gap while snow is sitting that gap will be very useful for me to be in ministry and got kids for me more than he cares for all that fruit and all that help it would have been done he loves me more than he loves why do freeze Kingdom and he knows he went to protect me for where was coming in five years or ten years yeah you know you wouldn't understand well maybe well he got bitter or frustrated or something in that time who knows whatever I didn't have what it took to be that person during that time and God just knows this son he set out just out and that a whole rotation go through and there's a lot of people that could have helped probably though people are drowning metaphorically and and God was just but he wouldn't let me in because he cares for me more than he cares for the fruit of that ministry and he's done though working me I can't quantify it but there has happened and now God's restoring he can restore in a day he really can you in a moment and it starts now and starts me on the show and his wife because you guys are lay the platform to a half years of being here and the people that come through here and every person I just honored and I mentioned all come through South Africa they will love South Africa so it's a something else is very interesting yeah thank you so thank everyone Thank You mayor for believing in me and walking through that time so I like just to say on the talk about thank you so though so whether I represent I actually want to give you this is um from the top end of Australia when I do work amongst the indigenous people there don't say much more about that that's kangaroo I want you to have it yeah so I was like breaking the concept and it's gonna be just like a concept that start and then from there we'll backfill it with the the nature and the love of the Father but God is 100% given to you 100% love to you it's coming to you it's all to you and it's what you say is how much you live in experientially yeah so if you think God's a 10% good god the hundreds one percent comes to that's over there but you live in that ten percent God's still be 100 percent good to you and doing things for you and playing things for you but in your life you live in that ten percent it's what you say so the there's some very severe examples in Scripture that was very good Israelites very good when he took them out of Egypt and they said you brought us to the desert to die and God says you said I brought you to the desert to die well by your own confession you've set the parameters by your declaration of my goodness and I lived in it okay I'm doing the hash ones first and then we're going later and then also in the New Testament there's the one talent to talent five talents and one talent birdies gifting the ground and the master comes back he says you said I'm a hard taskmaster sober you will confession you've set the parameters yeah you said the relationship yeah because relationships two ways I'm one her purse ain't good but you may have call my character okay there's the V ones get your attention but then like this insurance says just say the word die even come to my house it's just like you said you set the parameters by your faith such great faith I haven't seen ya okay so we look at that probably the archetype one for me in here and once again wanna Kirby DeLand roll who really opened this up for me he has a sermon called bloody confessions and bloody I mean like to do with blood not like okay in India and the and Sri Lanka the term bloody it's not as doesn't have the same connotations that it has with us so bloody like blood like confessions it's on YouTube and just check that out yeah I just to have that in my ears that salmon and what you say of God is your response to the gospel the last time I was here we talked about 30 60 hundred and all just the seed is the same the seed is you've been given the nature of Christ raised us in heavenly places everything he is you are you are nothing that he's not yeah and then everyone gets that the same seed and everyone who receives Christ as raisin seed in how many places but you set a parameter but your declaration of how good he is answer a 30-fold response which is very good okay is that jesus has taken my sins away and they'll seem in heaven yeah you believe that that's a 34 response but no more and there's a 64 response that says God has taken my my sins and made me his son and he sent down anointings and ministries and giftings and I come I can participate in the works of Jesus Christ on the earth and do ministry I can prophesy I can heal and these guys say no no that doesn't happen they're seeing the parameter by their own confession of the goodness of God even though that is already theirs and this is good I'm not these are great people yeah and these are also great people just loves these people and dive for them and they're saying God is that good that he'll heal today yeah you give a jacket and then there's a hundredfold response which is no no I'm Christ as a free gift I don't have a jacket that makes me like Christ that jacket that makes me like Christ is there to help me to show me what I am eventually put the jacket down must be my new nature yeah I am I am the answer to the earth this is still outside heaven these people live on earth our earth supply these people sixty fold live on earth our heaven supplier such miraculous but these people live out of heaven of heavens supply only by heavens culture is very different and God loves each one and gives each one's pastors and prophets and people would look after them all and teachers they're all his body we're all one we're all co-heirs were all up equally but by our confession our response to the same see the same word we set the parameters yep so I don't talk about that today I want to talk about staying here and what takes you outta here and what takes you out of you the only thing that takes you out here is your confession which is your judgment you've made that judgment by the knowledge of good and evil why you shouldn't should not be here and then if you make that judgment you use that same knowledge of good and evil to get back into there yeah this is even but knowledge is good and evil got you kicked out you can't use that same thing to get you put back in yeah so you know why you shouldn't be in here because I do this well if I stop doing this I go back in you're using the same knowledge of good and evil leather to get back in that got you kicked out yeah you're making a judgment but the only thing to put you here is Christ because Christ was our wisdom has become for us righteousness sanctification and holiness yeah so Christ is your righteousness you're not righteous you don't have any righteousness you have Christ and Christ is your righteousness and that's why you're here just Christ is your righteousness and if you you know that your mother-in-law Jesus Daniela had these mother-in-law it's not you and you have to do with those things but if you say I yelled at my mother-in-law and I'm here Jesus says Wow by your confession though I am that good yes you are and you live in that reality now every Christian thirty sixteen hundred is here but by their own confession of God's goodness what has he done is what they experienced and what they live in yeah so we'll make a declaration that good that God has given me his righteousness but there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus there is none and so you can't condemn yourself either who was he that condemns the elect I need the accuser of the Brethren are you the accuser of the Brethren and I accuse yourself or others yeah you know the story that I got goes to heaven and says this miracle ministry guy father he's doing miracles and then he took the money and ran off with the saw inside that editor and God says to him dude jobs taken this guy had a TV network and people were firing him and how your name is mud on earth and God says dude jobs taken a guy goes what job and God says the accuser of the Brethren jobs taken [Applause] I'll baptists story that's true and if you were here to see it here Arun it talks about the unity of the body and yeah so same thing the knowledge of good and evil is to know what's right and wrong and that's fine but you cannot use it in your relationship to God because I asked the die you just have to accept what God sets but you're here and anyone can do that PhD professor a milkmaid from the 1200 s you say anyone can receive a gift and that's the gift God say you serve them clean one plane and that's for about if God says I'm clean I'm clean and the trouble is you know what you've done more than anyone else yeah if you is someone treated you the way you treated yourself you wouldn't live with them I remember back we had CDs I told this friend I'd bring these cities around to you I brought the cities around and open up the case and the city wasn't in the case and I remember just went crazy you idiot I just dad say just just see these missing CDs for my case I think God said Wow then you imagine if your friend did that to you Chris you in it hey you anything right you'd be like okay we can't be friends anymore if people said to you what you said to you you wouldn't stay with them we'll let them in your life okay this is the judgment you're making a judgment but the knowledge of good and evil and maybe an accurate judgment perhaps you were an idiot okay but you're saying the fact that you're an idiot means you're not here and that's the cosmic crime I'm an idiot I'm yeah if I could just put my CDs in my case then I feel good about myself if I could just hold my third marriage together then I'd be here series in the case third marriage whatever it is it's a judgement it all came from the fall and that's been dealt with it actually doesn't matter what it is moral financial social crimes whatever you want to call them sins I have all been dealt with if God says you're clean you're clean yeah and that's the only way you can be here and that's how you stay here that's it that's it you receive as a gift of Christ has become my righteousness you know you know you're raised in how many places all these crew dudes in the Bible but they remember the Israelites we're in the desert and Moses not the Mount and they was supposed to go up with him and go see him they said no you go up and tell us what to do what to do good and evil if you don't go up the mountain you get the law if you don't if you're not here receiving it as a free gift you will do something you will give you not up the mountain you get the law key no not there so you have to change something behavior attitude something to be in the presence of God which is a rejection of the finished work of Christ not rejecting your salvation you are seeing the parameters I can be with God except that I dot dot dot and that dot dot dot we do with your culture your age group your denomination everyone has different ones some denomination and you need to go the church three times a week and you're not you're backslidden others if you go on Easter and Christmas you're doing right and you set by your parameters whether God will talk to you or not you make a declaration on your goodness your ability to conform to a certain knowledge of good and evil our standard as the tree of knowledge of good and evil Jesus was nailed to that tree it's an abomination it's offensive you must receive it as a gift what does God say so let's talk about David King David King David selected from nowhere given grace and a lot of angelic help and revelation beyond his age beyond his epoch rescued Israel he knew God he worshiped God had revelations beyond lived in patience wouldn't take the kingdom with his own hands wouldn't reach up his own hand to do something things were given to him rest with God's character declared his goodness and that the height of his powers after fighting with these people and bonds and friendships he takes his good friends wife that just takes it plans it out works or all out tenders go away brings Bathsheba well everything about Sheba that is on any level statutory rape because she had no power in the situation people stations on the roof yeah everyone's on the roof but the only God has the big building is David the only guy that can look down on anyone else in Israel is David yeah everyone bet they still do today there's silver bars in the roof so anyway things mysterion sleeps of her she is pregnant doesn't it oh my goodness what we're done makes a plan yep bring the giving drunk he's on bro he doesn't do it so he gets his good friend to kill his good friend put me in send his guardian other guys died too as a military campaign do a terrible thing get too close to the wall all those people can get killed including when my mighty men on the famous mighty men and then good so the god the guy comes back says we've lost the battle wow how did you do that but your eyes dead okay he's good so I dealt with that situation all clear slept with someone got lots of people murdered lost the battle he's doing well yeah and then the Prophet comes to him and says you are the man yeah you never will know the story you're the guy you're the bad guy and only then after all this planning deliberate action living in his time does he say sorry and B he does know he's wrong yep he knows because the word has come and he knows what he's done I have taken the other man's wife and have killed him and other men too to cover my tracks you know and in that moment not later in that moment he writes Psalm 51 so everybody knows what he's done Israel knows what he's done your eyes family nobody's done but Shiva's family knows all he's done the families are the people who died in that battle to cover his tracks know what he's done they're great hero who everyone loves David he loves God so all the Israel's hurt joash has was a joyous with Joab very angry he's best friends furious with him Psalm 51 have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin he knew as possible it'd be completely in this moment not ten years down the track in the moment for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you and you only have I sinned now there'll be some people would probably have an argument against that with Sheba Uriah urias family all of Israel the commander that had to execute his good friend and David says recorded forever in Scripture against you and you only have I sinned very important and done this evil in your sight now God that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge he saying blot out my sins completely so you'll be found blameless God why cos God has said I will blot out all your sins see it's like well this is your character I make a clone your character this thing was of just done you need to wipe it out so you'll be found blameless that's Gus he's making a call on God's character because against God only has he sinned and God cleanses him then it's gone and no one else including himself can say anything it's gone be was brought forth in iniquity and in my sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you will make me known make me to know wisdom purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I will be whiter than snow he's just done this terrible thing planned out kill his best friend you think of this if you've killed your best friend to take their wife and everybody knows about it he says God for your name sake you need to do this if you purge with a hyssop if you wash me I will be whiter than snow this is a reality God if you Sam clean them clean no matter what no matter if you left the city behind when you're losing your third marriage whatever your thing is whatever the judgment you have against yourself that judgment is the judgment at which you don't live and the benefits of being here you disqualify yourself you put yourself out here and if you're not up the mountain you get the law and you make a judgment and a process to get back by the knowledge of good and evil stop that action or receive the punishment for that action and do your dues and then go back to God rather than in that moment or right now whatever it is whatever it is for your name sake God if you say I'm clean I'm clean it's about him it's not nothing to do with you whatsoever he set the rules to be existent to the cosmos this is how they worked blood the sacrifice has washed you clean before the foundation and you're saying I accept that if he says you're clean you are clean and just receiving that you start living here now the efforts are being here rather than the benefits are being here and there are benefits to being here but there is law here these crew had their own law Thiebaud definitely had their do's and don'ts which qualify you and these guys have the do's and don'ts do this you'll get blessed do this you won't get blessed do this you open the doors the devil do this now shut that door or be Christ Christ don't have to do any of those things not one why is that the mountain here if you don't do the things you know you should be doing you go under condemnation if you do to them you go into pride either way but the knowledge of good and evil you're not getting back in there experientially what are you are they but by your own confession or the goodness of God he doesn't cleanse me completely if I went to him I know what I've done wrong but I say to him cleanse me it hasn't happened that's what you're saying if God says you're clean you're clean even if you planned it over months involved other people and destroyed their lives if your actions destroyed the lives of people you love and depend on you you say if a God says I'm clean I'm clean he acknowledged his sin there's no mistake you're not ignoring it if you see the fullness of that in that fullness of that so God says I'm clean I'm clean then you live here from that day and you walk on in the blessing that you never left this place and none of those things ever happened there's earthly consequences you did in that time-space there's that time-space issue maybe the police will come and visit you and put you in jail but you're here and you're here in jail and God doesn't have to punish a man may but God does not he treats you from outside time because guess what you're outside time perjury the hyssop and I shall be clean fact wash me and I shall be whiter than snow fact make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken may rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create me a cleaner Oh God now this is he's an Old Testament guy so some of this is more related to him than us but you get the point crank me a clean heart O God renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence that's impossible for us and do not take your Holy Spirit from me also impossible for us but that was the that's the way sing sang this song from you yeah oh credit to Keith green restore to me the joy of your salvation what was taught to me the joy of your salvation so that nothing to do with us hold me by your generous spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you so you just kill the dude take his wife and they are just gonna go talk to people and then teaching about their sins and saying to clean themselves up that's clean that's it but you know that if you clean me I'll go up and start preaching a word that moment yeah that's cleaned because he's disqualified he's disqualified under every moral standing the world non-christians Christians whatever he's gone doesn't know who you are there's a lot of culture in the world that would accept that and he says if you sound clean by your righteousness so you just say it I'll stand up and I'll teach transgressors your word that would say like hypocrisy to us but to him is instant and full and forever what do you have to weigh her today we went a year would you wait three years do you wait 10 years that's our thinking it's not God's thinking if he says you're clean you're clean because against God only have you sinned he didn't sin against Uriah in sin against his commander in sin sin against Bathsheba innocent against Israel only against God and God says your claim delete me from that what live me for my guilt of bloodshed Oh God the God of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness I open my lips so God's doing all the work and my mouth shall flow show forth your praise Lord you open my mouth and I'll praise for you did not desert desire sacrifice or else I would get up you do not delight in a burnt offering the sacrifice of God are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart these are God you will not despise do good in your good do good in your good pleasure to Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness with burnt offerings and the whole burnt offerings that you offer bows on your altar so once again our Testament King expressing his love for God in the Covenant that he has but the point is and the Old Covenant data makes a call on God's character and lives in the full New Covenant blessing how much more us so let's look at the upshot of this second samuel 12 so he's done this but she was pregnant the baby's born and now the babies die now what would we think about that it's dying for David sins David should be confessing his sins David should be mourning for his sins when he's done but David's not his sins are gone he's just praying for the boy like any kid but in blood is not connected to his actions at all his actions are gone there's just a sick child David therefore sought God on behalf of the child and David fasted I went in and lay right on the ground and the elders of his house stood beside him to raise him from the ground but he would not nor did he eat filled with them why his child is sick on the seventh day the child died and the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead for they said behold while the child was yet alive we spoke to him and he did not listen to us how then can we say to him the child is dead he made to himself some harm but when David saw his servants were whispering together David understood that the child was dead and David said to his servants is a child dead they said he is dead then David arose from the earth washed and lost the rest of Scripture he washed himself and went back to his house and asked for some food and they said to him how about I cut the scripture off they said to him but your child's dead shouldn't you be grieving like shouldn't you be in sackcloth Nash's for what you've done and never child's - early morning and that night I pray for the child it didn't happen so I want some food he washed himself moved on it was but but what about the sin but David doesn't even not conscious of the sin at all can you see by the very actions he walked it after that the sin is gone it's gone because if God says you'll clean your clean wash me with a hyssop and I shall be clean if God says you're cleaning acquaint it made people around him very upset and angry he wasn't paying the price he wasn't paying the price but Jesus paid the price and that broken and contrite spirit says I'm here yeah no matter what you've done no matter how many people it's heard maybe people lost their lives maybe if you were in jail maybe if you weren't find Christ anymore because of things you've done against Scotland have you sinned and God says you're clean you're clean this is your confession this is every Krishna's here including yourself and by your confession you set the parameters of your experience on this earth in this created realm against Golan have you sinned and God says you clean your claim last September last November I saw did every day I said God if you sound Klingon Queen I don't realize how much condemnation I had it had an effect on me I preached this stuff for years I realized how many times I just disqualify myself or you don't you acted you don't know you're actively doing it you don't turn to God in that moment or throughout a day or in certain things because you've got this latent residual judgement against yourself because you know what you did and there has to be a punishment and also you can't be happy in front of the people you hurt that's right by the knowledge of good and evil that's correct and it's correct by the knowledge of good and evil you're not allowed to use it anymore if God says you're clean you're clean it doesn't matter how many children how many pregnancies you aborted it doesn't matter how many people you slept with it doesn't know how many marriages you broke up by your actions it doesn't know how much money you gave or didn't give doesn't know who you lied to it doesn't matter how many people aren't following Christ because your actions it does may be raised your kids under strong law and now they hate the Bible and they found Jesus if God says you're clean you're clean and it gets him alone have you sinned so he makes the call are you making a call if you say it if you say the word that I shall be healed Wow such faith I've never seen in Israel the two people that God said that Jesus says wow I've never seen such faith in all of Israel were both Gentiles they were the Centurion and the Syrian woman Syria Phoenician woman they said you can hear my my child is it go away and she said even dogs get crumbs from the table just kept pushing in just straight straight they both made a call and his character and you know why they could have a great faith they didn't have the law I did have the law since you're in that day not to be too crass but may have her relations with his armor boy may have killed a goat to Diana drank the blood saw Jesus or trap to Jesus why isn't nothing wrong was he done wrong no law no transgression the cipher nation woman the Phoenicians had did crazy stuff she mad given her first two kids to Molech one child left getting sick walked Raptor Jesus here my child don't like I'm sorry about Moloch sorry about the whole sacrifice thing no understanding or consciousness of her sin why no law no sin no law no transgression take great faith now we know the law cost greater for us because we know what it is and it's cleansed we have a greater place than they do we know exactly what happened I am you are the man yes I am the man and if he says I'm clean I'm clean that is the greatness his relationship it's intimacy is your new DNA Christ is your righteousness second Samuel Galatians five therefore there is now no condemnation for those from Christ Jesus there's none there's none Romans 8:32 he did not spare his own son but delivered him over for us all how will he not also freely give us all things who will bring a charge against God's elect God is one who justifies who is he that condemns was probably you okay you forfeit that riot when you become a Christian you forfeit the right ton forgiveness and you forfeit the right to bitterness against anyone including yourself and against yourself is the last judgment that's why everyone is so big I'm loving the body you love yourself think I love this body seems so superfluous and not important is I know you need to forgive and love yourself who was he that condemns if it's God that justifies who's condemning well that's not a good situation Hebrews 10 and so dear brothers and sisters we can boldly enter heavens most holy place because of the blood of Jesus so that's when that metaphor the temple the curtain the most holy place the Holy of Holies why because the blood of Jesus that's it if God says you're clean you're clean by his death Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the most holy place and since we have a great high priest he rules over God's house let us go into the presence of God with sincere heart fully trusting him nothing to do with you for our guilty conscience have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean and their bodies have been washed with pure water pure conscience God says you're clean you're clean David with a clear conscience go up and had food and went and preached and top it with their transgressions and rule the Israel yeah God when the address to him said David if you want more wives I'll give them to you and more riches or they'd given it to you but there was clean now he can go oh alright aren't more wives or more wealth or whatever he can say that boldly he couldn't that I probably can't do that anymore no he can in that very moment he's here you don't have to punish yourself I should I can say that stronger by Donna you know you if you're filing with this and I say it strongly you might actually condemn yourself for condemning yourself well I'm an idiot for being an idiot you know I don't know something I'll try and be very gentle be no I'm saying who is he that justifies that's God well who's here that condemns it's that record if I can say this gently it's the record of the devil being your father you accused the Brethren that's that's the DNA we're cleaning out the old record that Giants in the land and you can kill it like this by buying the spirit you mortify the flesh well this was not the body not swimmer but Sark's the flesh I can was a spirits a spirit says you claim you're a son of God ask for anything you desire you've believed it you shall have it but I just did this well the knowledge of good and evil that's correct by rejecting the nature of God by your own statement you're making a parameter it's you but every careless word you'll be judged by your own words you'll be condemned receive free gift I've been washed by the hyssop this is hard it's hardly been working hard in the field and haven't got it go and some guys been naughty comes back and says my father's good he gets everything you know so he's got a break under that goodness the same God that accepts the younger sons the same God accepts the older son they're both welcome in the house they both had bad confessions about their father just the younger one through pain made a good confession earlier that's all but no one knows what happened to the older brother we don't we didn't know Jesus leaves it open because we are the older brother and you're speaking the church context because the younger brothers maybe they're not listening to this sermon so when you read we call it the story the prodigal son which is just shows how mad we are because the story about two sons she is just now complete bias against that scenario working hard in the field and God hasn't give me so much working hard and feel this the knowledge of good and evil I'm doing the good thing what's the good and evil tree it's one fruit the good and evil fruit I'll take the good fruit I'll take the evil fruit it's the one fruit you don't have a good fruit or the evil free it's one thing one thing doing something for God is the good and evil fruit do something good you've just done something evil and the fruit will come it has the sea you'll bear death in your life always the law stirs up sin it always brings death be here in the house for the father come in and say it's there working in the field you go with him but the house has always laws through DNA through sonship Zechariah 3 so just using that same Hebrews metaphor that we've always contended with stepping through the veil into heaven yep so Zechariah 3 then the angel showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the age of the Lord the accuser of Satan the accuser Satan was there at the angels right hand so he is through the bow before the Lord just sure the high priest he had High Priest garments on and I don't steal with Doctorow's thunder but those high garments those garments were weren't just earthly garments they okey so they're great garments there's no record of any high priest ever dying and he could go through this curtain so you know this garment was pretty good yeah yeah it was very special garment on earth and God doesn't like it in heaven but the Angels remedy is schewe the high priests named for the angel of the Lord so he's in heaven through the curtain the accuser Satan not us we're not allowed to do that was there at the angels right hand making accurate accusations against Yeshua and the Lord said to Satan I the Lord reject your accusation Satan yes the Lord was chosen Jerusalem rebuke you the man is like a burning stick has been snatched from the fire that's us as soon as you say if God says I'm clean I'm clean you're here your will always here but your consciousness your reality is shifty here and the accuser is there ready for you and God says I rebuke you Satan I reject all your accusations this man is a burning stick stat from the fire there's no accuse ation here there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus here there's none and any accusation that comes against you here the Lord I the Lord rebuke you the devil the accuser the Lord does it even if your own DNA accuses you even if your own heart accuses you God is greater than our hearts you can come in here hating yourself if you say even though I hate myself I'm here perfect I hate myself it's just the DNA since your dick user within you that record you get rid of and God says I rebuked that record if God says I'm clean I'm clean and you're here you don't have to stop hating yourself to be there you have to stop feeling guilty to get there you know I have to stop feeling guilty okay Chris said this and I apply that I came not guilty my sins are taken away so I can come here and I take your dirty car to the car wash don't wash your car to take it to the car wash take your do any car and the blood do it's supposed to do go on they're feeling stupid and guilty and awful and having yourself don't quite understand this sermon and I see the scriptures but that make sense to me but if God says I'm clean but in this emotional state me saying these things against myself and thinking terrible thoughts if God says unclean unclean you step in greater than the high priest just sure and God silences their accusation I the Lord rebuke that accusation to jurors just you as clothing was filthy is the high priest in the gold clothing from Earth the best we have on earth our heavens supply is this stuff it's special stuff the shores of claim was filthy and he stood before the angel the angel said to the others standing there take off his filthy clothes and turned to the sure he said see I've taken out your sins and now I'm giving you these fine new clothes every time you step in you step out for 10 seconds step back in Oh get blessed filthy clothes new clothes new clothes every time you stand before God new clothes then I said they should also place a clean turban on his head or a new crown so they put a clean priestly turban on his head and dressed him in new clothes and while the angel the Lord stood by every time you step in so just sure went in with these filthy clothes the best he had came in because science enemy gave him new clothes and a new crown that goes on the talk about maturity which in clay man can teach you about okay Christ's become our righteousness so I just have a good friend of mate back from where I come from I'm being deliberately ambiguous you'll see why a good friend who I care for he had a a very unfortunate upbringing where he would not have known he was special or loved and in the country city so everyone knows each other there's lots of churches a charismatic church opens up in the cities that's very controversial charismatic church and he starts going to that church and he starts getting counsel when people gets cancelled from is the married worship leader of this church they get closer they fall into sin shall we say it destroys that the church his reputation the lady officially loses a marriage we are the churches that don't like the holy spirit you justify why charismatic is demonic the church is damaged worship leaders life is damaged and ruined they that couple never got back together I know them and he after tabble childhood finds a place accepts him destroys it by his own actions he's in a small town everybody knows who he is everybody knows his story and he is in the wrong place and he says god I just want to be a painter God says do you believe honestly that I'd support you being a painter now it's like yeah I do and God says then you know me and that moment he walks out clean he starts painting it was a terrible car he has to borrow stuff he starts painting in the style of this of this famous lot this other painter that is not famous but he likes he used to walk out in the community and why freeze paintings and sell these paintings ever knows who he is anyway bit later the international TV show covers the artists that he likes that start becomes famous who is the only person in the area that does the top of art he is so non-christians flock to him and having no money he just has one painting a month he's up they sell for big money he may call God good in the worst that situation he knows who idea but he's sinned against God alone now God says his claim is clean I have at that church and that marriage and the rechkalov charismatic Christianity amongst his conservative community and the holy spirit and their demonic you're making a judgement may be an accurate judgment but he made a judgment he made a call on God's character so he went to church and I went to church with him to another church another cosmetic church and the pastor at church has had his own problems and stood still up again now pastor lemon says yep come say metal walking the church being the guide destroy the other church he walks in and the guy who leads his church who I respect so swell you want to do he says I want to paint that's right Jim worship come up and paint I was there for service I took a picture of it because [Music] because because my friend he stood there and he couldn't paint so I just just study like this the whole service he's on stage everyone singing I sing their songs it just he just just stood there he didn't do anything home service just stood there like this on stage I took a picture just like this and just for him to stand up for that community no matter what people say if you understand on that stage you made a declaration that he is here because says he's clean he's clean he's not doing very very well it's not fair it's not right it's the kingdom closes it clean it's clean I was there watching him up on stage and that's my father that's your father that's our God that's Christianity and that mercy you receive is the most you give others if you live out here immerse you receive as a mercy keep others you worked hard they need to work hard but is giving given to you freely but my friend then you give it freely you said the parameters by your response to this gospel that Jesus has become your righteousness if he says you're clean you're clean so we're gonna do like Ian taught me when I stand up and step through the veil don't get yourself perfect already you struggling with this you miss message made you angry I'm gonna walk through angry it's okay because God's gonna say why science that accuser even the accusers your own heart he's greater than our hearts Debian that's gonna happen does give you a new monitor new clothes and whether you feel it or not he's gonna give you a path to maturity that's what comes next and that's what's gonna happen so we stand up see you're already in heaven there's a run teachers which is putting intentionality behind that I'm intentionally taking my body with a conscious sprinkle clean and our body our our conscience our soul sprinkle clean and our body washed by the water Baldy the throne of grace their time of need they're our time of Awesomeness their time of need by his blood says in Hebrews his work his righteousness his mercy and God's gonna have to do this God for your name's sake he's gonna do this cool whatever you have done a myriad of things one thing if God says you're clean you're clean cut against him only did you sin you only sin against him and he says you claim your claim and then who was he that condemns no one's allowed to not even you before that right you also fought for the right to get other people's condemnation upon you of course you're very merciful and yet you walk that out in your maturity so really in heaven we're taking our bodies and souls which we love consciously through that veil the torn and living way quantum sprinkle clean body wash the water and even you step forward like a centimeter it says the intent so before you is the veil which has been torn because the living body of Jesus Christ has torn in Christ we step through you now through that bow before the Father and all the things that you know is accusing you now well it's a demon where Satan works your family was your very own DNA in your own heart God says I the Lord rebuke you because only one accuser I will rebuke you Satan the accuser I rebuke you I rebuke and reject your accusations so that's gone now God says it looks at you in anything you've everything you've done wrong is gone now all the things you've done right about to go - yeah okay so good and evil even if God told you to do it and you did it it's not good enough in heaven even that doesn't count and God looks at your amazing priestly robes from your earthly ministry and says take those filthy robes off them and give him new robes a new crown on his head now stand in your new robes and you can your head and God whether you your soul perceives it or not it doesn't matter if you say I'm clean God that I'm clean then God can trust that with you you never try and earn it you just receive it and the Spirit of God and the angel order stands by he's now going to just charge you and give you a path to maturity from this place of rest it may unfold over six years after twenty years immediately it doesn't matter but that's gonna happen now so we just wait there you and now he's mark in our memories now souls this place if you clean your clean thank you those who stand by Thank You angel the Lord thank you Jesus praise it for your blood thank you Father we just take this record in us we bring this reality back into the crowded realm into mid R and here we step back to the curtain we'll be back bring it back here we've released that reality here we stand in that reality here we are clean and God has justified us and says we can do it you know it's clough ourselves God says you want more riches I'll give it to you you know the paint you can what you want to do our Father you into it amen amen just praise the Lord for that one so now we all know at least we all have a record of that at least once and that record is no matter what's happening you get the morning since you wake up whenever something wake up into deep oppression our people get thrust upon them by the first person they meet whatever or yourself we have that record you hang on even that is true all you say stuff to yourself even that being true if God says I'm clean I'm clean and instantly you work in that record that you just created yep in that moment you created it then that really happens of course says you're clean you're clean so the greatest thing you can do now to say god is good it's to pursue the desire of your heart because nothing says God is good to me and I'm qualified like doing that knowing God will back it don't destroy a church to learn that just unless you have already I just uh just kill them with clapping good and he'll father you into it and he said step out for six years do it it's not fun but it's was and yeah that's good alright I mean thank you Chris if you wouldn't mind sitting for two minutes before we go I considered a privilege and an honor for God launching Chris from here out into the world and we continuum partner with you in spirit with what God is doing in and through you and continue to releasing the sonship that God has placed upon you we honor you we love you and I'd just give him a great round of applause my name is Shaw I'm pastor year at the church my wife and I are sitting in front there let's give them a good wave sweetie and um and we'd love for you to make your home here at center stage if you do not have a home we have a passion for sonship and we have a dream that this place will become the epicenter of equipping and releasing sonship not just into Africa but into the world we have a dream of a school and a used supernatural University where all that will take place and we are thinking big and we trust in God that as we move along the puzzle pieces come together so that we can fulfill the God dream that God has for us here and and we just want to love people we want to bless people and we just want to see sonship grow and we are hungry for the deep things of God we are a church that pursues the mystical realms of Jesus Christ we are a church that steps out where it would seem like no other Church is wanting to go because they are the scared of criticisms or what the backlash is going to be we are pioneers we are risk takers and I'm willing to step out on that water so that God's vision and God's picture can be formalized here at center stage why do we call ourselves center stage because we just want God's presence and everything about Jesus to take center stage here it is not the person on the stage it's not the band it's not the people it is God's presence that takes center stage and as you see our logo with the people in the circle is that we come together as a family and we join the Shekinah glory in the middle in God's presence to align to do what he wants to do in and through us we'd love for you to be part of that story we are so not perfect especially this guy standing in front of you but one thing I can promise you as we are hungry and we are desperate and we're on our knees to want to see the throne of glory move in and through us here in this place we love you if you were blessed we need your financial partnership we don't push money as you saw we don't send baskets down we are trusting people to step out that part of the worship is giving give to Kress we love you big time you can go grab yourself a cup of coffee and then if you'd like to join us next Sunday 9 a.m. we are here love you lots [Music] [Music]
Channel: Centre Stage Christian Church
Views: 12,087
Rating: 4.8174906 out of 5
Keywords: Centre Stage Christian Church, Scharl van Staden, ScharlVS, Revival, Chris Blackeby, Throne room mystic
Id: AAGEvRp51ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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