Chris Blackeby: Start in Rest

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[Music] [Music] hi Oh for the Lord Oh Laurie afraid father we love thee worship you alone Oh Oh for you Oh and we come on church here we go these are all prey before you father [Music] what are you my king come on here we go for you for you Oh you father love to see your face for you Oh and we were done okay hands worship the king he shed his blood for us this precious blood over the mercy-seat we worship your father [Applause] thank you sir thank you for yes you thank you [Music] we crazy we magnify you look let your glory fill but your versus saturate come on lift your hands and give them praise make melodies in your heart to the king [Music] you're right as an instrument of work my Oh Oh for you Oh father we were you father we love Oh what are you Oh pray father we love you have we father we love you we to the Lord father we love you and we were stopped you we love you there [Applause] Oh [Music] and we were give him glory give him praise [Music] [Music] [Music] say hallelujah to the king [Music] worthy of praise when you lift up your holy man to the key you may join his holy because of the power so we lift our hands ah [Music] Oh [Music] father we thank you [Applause] we you [Music] we lift our hands and sing [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lord we love you [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah this is my store [Music] [Music] [Music] every [Music] [Music] Oh this is my story this is my story DC [Music] [Music] I want to hear your voice I want to your voice I want to hear your voice I want to hear I wanted to sing that song again this is my story if it is your story is it your story is is that your story is that your story the king of kings and Lord is that your story let's sing it as they sing it to him [Music] is this my song [Music] mine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this place [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my story my story my story [Music] hallelujah we are so blessed in this place was so blessed we're so blessed in this house so many gifts and so many talents and so many just know wonderful men and women that God has really planted at sending into this house so I just wanna say I love you hallelujah this our story is being told hallelujah hallelujah so we are so privileged this morning to have one of our own is a son of the house to come out minutes after us today Cree's Blackaby will be ministry for us out to us this morning priests us it comes hallelujah come on Sam Alleluia so in this house we we just don't we want to hear from heaven so we we just not hear to hear someone or listen to someone we actually want to hear what the father has for us today there is a meal prepared for us today hallelujah aha so I want you to just straight your hand whatever beyond your imagination be many many of you may have heard him spoke before or heard him speak before just throw that aside because now we are going to pull on heaven and we're gonna ask the Father to minister through him let him just be the mic I mean the speaker there just be the microphone the voice at that is out what the Lord has for all this morning so I want you to straight your hand as he comes to speak and then just speak and speakable listen to him father we thank you for your servant well thank you for Chris we thank you for who you have made me it's your son he's your child father we release him in this house of minister the word that you are prepared the father to give the bread that you are prepared this morning this moment father our eyes are open our hearts are open our all I understand if I were open to receive what you have for us in this vessel in the name of your sure how much here amen [Applause] I saw split here yeah hello everyone I turn my phone off I've got some notes on here that I might I might need later I've just changed my sermon so you know okay let's take a screenshot of that phone off fantastic hello well I'm in my home church I haven't had a pastor for six years so maybe seven years and now I have a pastor and I say my pastor call me on Valentine's Day I said I missed the call also sent me a text just saying hello for Valentine's Day and I said mama oh I never knew you felt that way about me but you were my only Valentines memo oh well only valentine message was from you mineka asked me on this morning what's the name of your message not trying to think of a name the message name for the message and then of a new name of the message and then became a new message so I believe I told many start in rest starting in rest okay because when you don't start in rest you will be in fear and anxiety and fear and anxiety lead to death is there unhappy with the sound yep fear and anxiety lead to death motional death relationship death physical death it leads to relationship death for very practical reasons because when you are in fear or vigilance your brain goes to a state called vigilance with beta wave and it's scanning the horizon for the bear for the attacker and when you're doing that you see things and very broad brushstrokes brushstrokes yeah all nuance is gone you can't read facial expressions why it's not important as a bear coming you stop digesting food do you know why it's not important right now there's a bear coming your immune system turns off your repair system turns off you sit in cortisol you sit in adrenaline which is poisonous for the human system over long periods of time because we're not in rest or as rest and digest we're in fight and flight not rest and digest this is a very human mechanical situation and some churches would preach this in and say why are you talking about this let's talk about the Bible let's talk about Jesus but Jesus came to save creation Jesus came to save your physical body when the miracle of the new birth get your body that's what so is oh is that is heaven coming to Earth and heaven comes to earth the perfect spirit is already inside you because Christ's spirit if a man be in Christ he is one spirit with the Lord you received that spirit Christ spirit okay and let's get out through your soul and into your body and the way you get out through your soul is by changing your mind by believing it it just releases yeah and that's how it gets from in to out by believing so anybody can be a great Christian - by believing by believing what you already have you already have the fullness of Christ within you everything you're trying to attain through your Christian activity you already have and it's released bye bye bye mmm bye bye bye bye hello back it's released by believing that no one can boast anyone can believe a message when you believe you receive a word because all creation is made out of word and this is how it all works by word is word and spirit are one you receive a word how did you get saved you received a word a word is a seed and the seed you received is the incorruptible seed of being a beloved son if you're a son you have a father and this father loves you this father is delighted in you already because you believed not when you repented not when you started tithing not when you started dressing differently and not showing you may drift now when you start reading your Bible when you believed you receive the full right and full stature of sonship because you were born again as a son when you receive Christ you didn't change belief systems you changed species you were a human being and now you are a son of God it's a different species it's to a new DNA and everything you desire from God does not come from your behavior or performance it comes from your DNA your access and your right comes from your DNA and you receive it by the blood it wasn't the blood of Christ to connect fallen creation to perfect heaven when you receive Jesus Christ your body will explode because raw energy of the Creator Yahweh is very being came inside you now that should just rip all this to pieces could by the blood of Christ put it together cleanses all the sin so that's what you have inside you it was given to you when you believed the SAP was our asked Jesus in John 6 what do we have to do to do the work that God requires of us great question pretty much that's what every Christian is asking when they go to the Church of the pastor what do we have to do to do what God requires of us and lots of churches will give you an answer if you ask that question that Jesus had an answer he says this is the work that God requires of you to believe in the one whom he sent do you believe in one whom he sent your work is done you have done the work that God requires of you to do the works of God you believe the one whom he sent this is your rest you were born again Romans 6 says don't you know and we don't well let's listen to her again don't you know that when you were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death so you've dyed the skin for me and wants to die and you've died Salo it's given me much though don't you know that you're baptized into Christ you were baptized into his death and orco crucified and by the same power raised him from the dead you too were raised from the dead to participate in the same resurrection life that he had that's what you have I try and tell people that you're not when you read the Gospels you get told ah you know you've heard these sermons all through your life you preach gets up read the story from the Gospels and Peter does this and why are we like Peter well Thomas does this or be like the Centurion that believed be like the woman he pushed through the crowd or be like gyruss or don't be like this ungrateful leper yeah why would you compare yourself to those people they're all non-christians there were unregenerate individuals there's only one person born from above and the Gospels there's only one that's Christ so when you read the Gospels the only person you relate to is not Peter although you do those things not Thomas although you do those things the only one that describes you is Christ in Christ is showing you whether beloved son does as he walks the earth that's how our beloved son deals with us once you've believed you are now son you've died with him you rose as him die with him rose as him in Christ your Christ in Christ your Christ it's not you that you that lives but it's Christ who lives in you and this life you live by believing that's your limit by believing this truth and he starts in Matthew 3:17 he says God says of Jesus this is my son in whom I'm well pleased was my beloved son I should say this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased what had Jesus done for God that's dead nothing nothing starting in beloved and well pleased because he believed Jesus this kid in Israel read the scriptures and he found himself from the scriptures and he believed and that's what we're doing the exact same thing Jesus did is what we're doing Eirene the scriptures were finding ourselves in there and we say the Scriptures speak of me a beloved son and Jesus's path of maturity from that moment to when he transfigured God speaks over him again and he says this is my beloved son in Matthew 17 this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased listen to him he just grew up with her maturity was tested and suffered and some great joys and became like his father but his beloved from start to finish it was always at rest not my will but yours and he knew God would do the rest even God was gonna resurrect him he didn't even do that it's a rest you've entered into rest there remains a rest for God's people Hebrews four says he who has entered Christ rest has ceased from his strivings and his works have you entered Christ rest and you've ceased from his trophies in your works it says so strive to enter that rest or you will end in disobedience what's disobedience anything that's not from this platform of rest it's doing something to attain it doing something to attain what you already have I changed my sermon and now change my sermon this is ridiculous let me okay this is Galatians three o foolish Galatians what magician has hypnotized you and cast an evil spell on you for you used to see the meaning of Jesus Christ's death as clearly as though I had waved a placard before you with a picture of Christ dying on the cross let me ask you this one question did you receive the Holy Spirit by trying to keep the laws by behaving of course not the Holy Spirit came upon you only after you heard about Christ and trusted him to save you that's why I received the Holy Spirit that's why I receive unity with God that's why you are born again because you believed and trust that word that's it nothing else then have you gone completely crazy for if trying to obey the laws or doing something to attain something never gave you spiritual life in the first place why do you think that trying to obey them now will make you a stronger Christian you've suffered so much for the gospel now are you going to just throw it all overboard I can hardly believe it I ask you again does God give you power the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you as a result of you trying to obey the Jewish laws or any law Pentecostal law Christian law Methodist law no of course not it is when you believe in Christ and fully trust him Paul says if anyone preaches anything different than this may they be eternally condemned even if an angel of heaven in comes this is the gospel trying to obtain the Gospels to say that Christ died for nothing could have right standing before God could be attained by behaving and Christ did die for nothing Christ did not come to give you the power to be a better Christian Christ is not here to improve you he replaced you he replaced you with perfect righteousness in fact more than that he is your righteousness 1 Corinthians 1 says Christ has to come for us wisdom that is our holiness our righteousness now sanctification first Adam had righteousness he didn't want it he gave it away ok how did he give it away he reached for something that he already had he didn't believe God's going to give it to him through relationship to take him from the son who was well pleased the son whom is well pleased listen to him those Adams journey we didn't trust the father to do that didn't trust that word so he took another word did God really say don't trust the word anymore and once you don't have it you would do some together if you don't believe it's fully given to you as a gift you don't believe you have it now I have this might be upside down if you believe you have it you would do something together that thing you do to get it is religion of your own making because God didn't give it to you so some are made it up you make it up your denomination make it up your conscious made up your code to make it up that's made up and it is from the knowledge of good and evil just come and bring you death because everyone sets their own sets of laws okay and the pin which church should go to your natural temperament and your natural personality will fitness those laws or it doesn't did you go to a highly academic church that's a preaching center and I love getting into the Old Testament overview in Hebrew you're the tambourine lady they think you've got nothing to offer here in you feel you have nothing to offer here because by their set of behaviors and laws of what it means to be a good son you fail and you're a highly intellectual individual you succeed on a scale that doesn't exist or their knowledge of good and evil if you go to a crazy holy spirit church as many tambourine ladies and you're an intellectual they're like that poor guy he just doesn't get it and a little tambourine ladies feel sorry for you and you feel stupid another Church you'd be the pastor at this church if the guy just doesn't get it you see how to all nonsense there's only one thing that counts is the new creation your anything account is the new creation that's all the counts you're born again as a son of God a beloved son of God how do you know your beloved you can be still and observe to be the beloved means you're the object of summons affections the person you are the object of someone's affections is Yahweh their creator Lord of lords go beyond gods he riser heavens greater than the highest heavens all Heaven dwells within him you are his beloved you're the object of his affection the only way that you could know if you're his beloved is to sit still and observe it because you're the object of affection he came to rescue you he wants you this is your rest without this you will do something to get it you'll use a knowledge of good and evil the thing that got you kicked out of that presence to try and get back into it I think Jesus was now - it's not a good look it's a rejection of the gospel no of salvation we don't get to live or enjoy the kingdom I still one with God absolutely but you live in what you believe because received word so the gospel you receive is very important when you become a Christian it's framed up for you bang and we have a denomination whoever church you go to that's what's framed up for you we need forget there let's see what Jesus framed up for you and beloved son of God I have a gun for Tom what time do you finish let me know it's tell me over eight hours information here can you pull up Ephesians one three six you were born again of a word which is a seed is an incorruptible seed incorruptible seed in you is that you are a son of God a beloved son of God because even the Son of God which most of the church fights anyway it's not enough can you give me a son that dad doesn't care about you can be a son working hard in the field you can be a son running away a beloved son sits in the house from rest which affects the body this is the Resta see how the truth comes to the body romans 8 says that all of creation is Union for the Memphis station of mature science that's us needs to manifest us in us the sons whom God's well pleased beloved sons listen to him it's when it manifests what inside becomes the outside and it says this is the salvation of crashes yuning for our salvation not waiting for Jesus not waiting for Yahweh is the way for a giant cube that comes to Israel it's not waiting for all these things it's waiting for us our salvation so we need to get saved you are saved we're being safe we will be saved and that's what you believe comes from the inside to the outside and then Paul says in Romans 8 this is the redemption of the body the hope to which you were called this is Paul from it's 5 6 7 8 concluding the redemption of the body the hope to which you are called do you hear that look Christian was about that redeeming the body the very hope of Christianity's the body gets redeemed that's it the redemption of the body is the hope to which were called this thing how's your Adeem this thing by believing Christian D everything that comes from God comes from rest no flesh will inherit the kingdom you must be received the high priests we entered God's presence was not allowed to sweat no human effort is allowed there it must come from God when Josiah the high priest stepped in the heaven in his Melchizedek robes which was designed off a heavenly design God says get those filthy rags off him and these are the the best okay and he said enemy enemy be be silent and take those filthy rags off it when you step into heaven good and evil is gone enemy be silenced all the things you know but the knowledge of God never you've done wrong and take those priestly robes those perfect priestly robes off him the high priests robes everything good you've done for God is gone and I put a new robe on him from heaven there's nothing to do with you a new crown it's a rest heaven provides to everything the kingdom pays for everything including your new salvation God's interaction on earth comes from rest which God will show us sleep in the Old Testament how did Adam become Adam and Eve what was he doing it was asleep and God did it how did God make a covenant with Abraham to be the father of faith and bring his line to bring Messiah to earth what was he doing he was asleep when did God reveal to Jacob and make him Israel that heaven that earth were going to join together the great promise for Earth what was he doing you're sleeping there's a rest yeah the son of God foxes have dens birds have nests the Son of God has nowhere to lay his head where's his rest that same phrase lay his head Jesus gave up the ghost and laid his head rest it's hard to understand that's rest rest the Sabbath Christ has become our Sabbath you were born into that rest that's your natural DNA that's what you do it was his idea Ephesians 1:3 the 6 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ was blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places she received all the spiritual blessings so what are you praying for so stop all those prayers your waste of time you have them and believing in me come out ok if you stop praying for what you already have and stop asking God to do what he asked you to do why we'll see your prayer life percentage-wise most where prayer lives are over those prayer lives our religion of our own making and exhausting and we have frustrated because God doesn't even give us a goat those prayer lives are the older son working in the field and anger and murder builds Cain was not a horrible angry murderous person he was a hard-working Christian and murder build against a son just as every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world this thing that you are now God chose you to be this before the foundation of the world this is your rest that's God's idea and he will complete it he will cause you to will and act according to his good purpose he does at all you can bring nothing to the table can only be received good news it has been given to you and he's more excited about you becoming mature son of God than he is you already a beloved son of God it's done you believe once it's done you are a beloved son of God and he wants you become a beloved son of God listen to him so you can take over the family business which is his idea from beginning just as he chose us in him before the foundation the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love thus the choice before the beginning of the world that you should be holy and without blame before him in love Christ is your righteousness Christ is your holiness he has become for us holiness how holy is Christ is holy holy holy so if you draw your holiness how holy are you in believing it it manifests the Penner's gospel you hear which word you hear it's good news not good instruction receive good news a monk received good news Jos City chose us in him before the foundation in the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love beloved sons having predestined us to the adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself according to his good pleasure and will this is his pleasure is where he delights in this he delights that you are now righteous forever by believing once this was his idea you can argue about all you want that this was his idea from the start that you are loved and perfect and at rest forever supply by his kingdom ever this is his good pleasure will to the praise and glory of His grace which he has mass accepted in the beloved you were born in the beloved okay if you were born in humanity you staying humanity forever you have to work at it you have to fight for it you're a human if you were born in the beloved your beloved forever that's what you are flesh gives birth to flesh for Spirit gives birth to spirit you were born again of the spirit you are spirit one with the father but love is forever in Christ in the father you are the fourth part of the Trinity forever could you believed once and now your beloved son and you get to choose from being a beloved son or becoming a beloved son whom is well pleased listen to him and that's your response to the gospel he's to a beloved son from rest given to you it's not given to you you'll reach for that reaching for it reading the Bible come to church giving money etc etc to attain something is natural rejection of what you're trying to attain a knowledge of good and evil lose-lose because if you don't attain to this fake standard you just set up you go into condemnation and you do attain it you go onto pride the gospel can only be received as a gift was the gospel he died with him he rose as him in Christ your Christ you are as you ought to be now to walk into the throne room of Grecia time of need to stand before God and talk to him you are as you ought anything else - that is religion that doesn't get you in that that's what got us out knowing good and evil saying that God is not committed to this that's not his character his words not going to be performed I need to do something it's going to only be received memmer's created in rest gods days start at nighttime you rest for anything happens that's why the Jewish Sabbath starts at nighttime they're just copying God stop copying God get your own stuff don't get your own stuff because it doesn't work out well that's the nature of God it starts in rest Sabbath which is rest was not made for man rest wasn't made for man the man was made for rest you are made for rest this is your nature this is your homes were you born again from heaven where everyone's at rest this is your true culture so we're going to we're gonna step in there heaven like Josiah stepped in down in Zechariah three now step into heaven and God's going to say to us enemy be silent because every naughty failure that you're conscious off doesn't exist there and he's going to say take those filthy robes off them all your crass works don't count there and God's going to say put a new jacket on him the new crown and he talks about the path to maturity it's testing up a place in the house a place in my courts a place where those who stand by here house seven courts governing places stand by here the highest relationship and that's the threefold respond to the church daddy 6100 daddy I'm saved or see God one day 60-fold I will see go one day be seen his holy spirit down I can do some of his stuff a hundredfold I'm razor seared in heavy places I'm a son and let me promise you it's much better to be do a son poorly than to be a great servant because some Paul he makes declaration on his character the good servant does but not as much it's all that decoration of God's goodness God is so good I'll see you in heaven guys no no no he's better got her so good I'll see you in heaven be Saints Holy Spirit knocking the LD ministry no no God so good this put me at rest and once they give me his kingdom not exactly like him and I mature into our already M born again if you do these things you'll be like your father in heaven that is your delight your mission statement should be would be if you've seen me you've seen the father if anyone you I mean you were the father was like if only there was an exact representation of him walking here for some stage documented Jesus was the exact representation the father he showed you what a son does where someone born from Bob does you'll be exactly like your father in heaven who sends rain on the good and the evil the just and the unjust forgive them father they know not what they do you will lay down your righteous life for the sinner for the one who persecute you when he kills you then lies about you you'll pray for them and bless them so that's what heaven does here's the church doing there in our political model here did you lay down your life for Obama did you pray for him did your blessing you'd have a different scenario now if you did you didn't get a godly leader you got Cyrus the church laughs Cyrus framing it up is Donald Trump a Cyrus figure I'm gonna say yes Cyrus was given to the church to the Israel but they were so naughty because I didn't obey the Sabbath I didn't but I didn't pay the Sabbath and they did and they went and had idols and they got removed from their land and they needed a pagan child murdering King to come and save them so it got provided that for them so is that your framing up for yourself or forget it all become a son of God saving creation I receiving the gift of the new nature now I'm not against that stuff at all all that prophetic model stuff it's great because some people park themselves in the fairy fold and they need faithful priests and some he'll park themselves in 60 fold they need 60 fold perfect apostolic models and ways of understanding where things are there's not a universal truth in the good term Universal because that's not good you know I'm saying so an absolute truth because the person getting tortured and Vietnam being a Christian is not excited the Kansas City Chiefs won Super Bowl he's not there when some prophet says persecutions going to come to the church he's like really Wow when I get out of this three foot by six foot prison I'll enjoy that so their truths but they therefore of people at a certain place in their walk with God and God provides and passes he loves them the new creation I'll giving you a covenant which is this I forgive all your sins and now needs to teach you I will teach you myself you'll be taught by the Father and the fire for ministry is there to teach you have you tore the Father to build you to the forms the statue of Christ and Christ what the father was doing I'm here to teach you it I'm not you don't need me to teach you that might take 60 years it would transform your soul that's okay and I love prophetic I love the prophetic I love it I love the Apostolic but it's there for a purpose to teach me I can step into heaven and see you off myself that's what we're going to do all right so I only use the model that Ian Clayton / Milly Bennett taught me okay on the way others do and when the high priest step in heaven he stepped through a curtain yeah and Hebrews says our curtain is now the torn body of Jesus Christ as we step into okay with a clear conscience and we're gonna step in and you'll step him and we God's gonna say silence to the enemy there's an accusation here I'm your own take those filthy rags off him yeah and then we're gonna stand in heaven in our new robes a new hat you crown and we're gonna say we belong here okay then we'll come back then we'll give ourselves permission to know that we were always there the whole time we're just trading our souls that's what all set preaching is it straining your souls what's already true so we're stepping the heaven to line ourselves up with what's already true yeah okay so you can do it have you want I actually stepped forward to give my body an anchor to believe I'm doing it okay which is good involve the body in the soul you might just sit there and go I mean like it whatever you do or you can just stand for like go for like an inch an inch give me your imagination that you're moving through yeah yeah so before you imagine that you're the high priest in Israel and you've got your best best gown and robes and mcusic order breastplate etc and it's looking good and you've done everything you need to do to be there okay and maybe in the back of your mind some accusations against you and before you is a curtain which the high priest walked through that's what these robes allowed him to do wasn't a little zipping the curtain you walk through okay and we're gonna walk through but Hebrews says we now have a curtain our only gate Jesus Christ living body torn for us we step through that so we are about to step onto the plane heaven and we're all about to appear there so before you is that curtain that curtain is near the torn body Jesus Christ we as sons beloved sons and all our best and worst our best and our worst we step through that curtain through that blood veil of Bob Jesus Christ well all just appeared in heaven and yet God says enemy be silent all the accusations are gone now take all those good works of him and give him a new robe and the new crown and now we're all in heaven with our new robes a new crowns and we look like everyone else and everyone else is here and looking at us they're very happy to see us okay and then the crowd parts and Jesus is there he's power walking T striding comes up to you and takes your hands and says I've been waiting for this nice clothes here's when it comes straight back to this very moment take this record back into our soul and our body back into our into the earth realm so Jesus we breathe in your atmosphere you hold this robe to us we're gonna come straight back we step out back into Venice and we released that here okay we're gonna step straight back here we're gonna ask Jesus to assign to us tutors and governors because we have never been a son of God before we've never done it and you can't work out how the wisdom comes from another room your soul doesn't know so well child is young even though it owns a whole estate is under tutors and governors so unless you're transfigured you're young you need tutors and governors okay so I'm gonna step back in straight back through Christ our only door back through the curtain and once again anything earthly cooler Bad's remove from us Jesus is there Jesus it's great to be back it's great to be home a beloved son in your world pleased Christ Jesus our brother now King we want to be exactly like you exactly like the father when they govern in the year to come we're bring heaven to earth in this era and redeem the body and we don't know how so we ask that you've assigned to us now shooters and governors to grow us up to be loyal like you in Jesus as is fitting in you we asked you to introduce us to the seven spirits of God and we give them room in our lives to express their nature in us wisdom and understanding counsel and might knowledge through the Lord Spirit of the Lord we invite you in give us give you room in our lives for your voice your nature to express yourself your personalities your likes and dislikes but most of all your knowledge of the nature of the Father wisdom there at the beginning we welcome you we call a few on the street fewer the Lord begin wisdom welcome welcome welcome counsel is security many counselors we welcome you the knowledge of God that doesn't puff up that's intimate he welcomed you seven spirits will welcome you that we may be like Christ and the spirit our Lord sat upon so he could preach the good news welcome you to bind yourself to us attend eight year to your voice can we want to be mature sons of God Jesus before the foundation in the world you were slain for this moment that gives you great pleasure progestin and love be holy and blameless in your sight you are our righteousness you are our holiness you are our saints for case all things are in you including us we love you Jesus when we come exactly like you and she is gonna come back again and again and again and eventually our souls will believe we will always hear and we actually always just dip down into there or just we're just learning Jesus thank you you take this yes nice robe with all these words of every spiritual blessing written on it this crown we say heaven we're gonna be back we're never leaving we're bringing this truth into our souls into our bodies we step back into the earth back in the Venice we lease it to everybody here my victory is your victory we are one your one we are one and that's all we're doing is bringing that spirit into our body believing a truth anybody can receive a truth anybody can receive a gift so I snipper wages [Applause] hallelujah you are beloved you are beloved sons of God you are beloved sons of God I like the the basic element of what Christianity is all about is that you actually the the welcoming or accepting that who goes say that you all who God says that you are just accepting it that you say that you are beloved that you are fearfully and wonderfully made that there is nothing that you can do to you know to maybe earn something or in his favor and his love there's nothing you know that we can do other than be I don't come in and then take the position take our place as the sons of God daughters of God hallelujah thank you very much man of God thank you for that that's thank you thank you [Applause] you are loved one of the rabbi's says that the you know we were born or we were created it's love that created love you know so the reason why you here is because you are loved and loved created loved loved wanted to see love come out on you know manifest alright it's like that is a stage and love wanted to see love manifests oh oh you know you want to say a form if you want to use the word for film but it's really to be able to manifest the destiny that he's put it in each one of us love created love and that's who and that's what you talked about a really being being just Shalom brings you to that place peace being you know sitting at a seat of rest that's what it's talking about you can't do there's nothing to add there's nothing to add just enjoy being in the present and thank you so we're going to take our communion together as we usually do we made a commitment as a body that every time we got it together we're gonna take communion partly because it's for me this is still distilling oh yeah the ceiling of the the word that God has spoken to us so it's like we really um I mean he took us in there we are I could have stepped in but also as we take communion together as we we just as we we partake with that DNA recreation you know it brings us you know it just kind of affirms what has been spoken and we able to more digest it in all right I say we let's just list maybe let's stand up and just go get our communion oh yeah let's do that let's do that the blood of Jesus blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus oh [Music] jesus oh Jesus eat war sure [Music] you just know one brain one body one load up do you guys know that one on the head on your head one bread one body I can't oh there to look what one bread one body one one cup of bless and sweet well blame and uh well many throughout the earth we are one body Mesa war Oh Lord [Music] I sing it again one brain it one body one load oh boy one cup of places which were blue yes and we know many true the we have one buddy [Music] we are one body in this world we are one body and this one No we are one body biggest wall [Music] Chris ended saying that we are one we are one and it is in that oneness that we come to receive from the king of kings and Lord of lords the scripture tells us that on the day that he was crucified on the night that he took bread and he says this is my body my body says I'm giving it to you in another place it says it's broken in a way it was broken and is given to you Chris say something to say that Christ didn't just come to fix you or fix me or to make us better he came to replace us that's a replacement and that's why the scripture says that we are new creations and he said new species we are new creation in this one body the body that was broken the body was given freely given to you to me so that we we can be made whole let's partake in that oneness I like the fact that I think it's Ian that says a DNA that um communion is a DNA changer it rewrites our DNA it rewrite our DNS even at this moment again in that one that's the blood one blood I love Ron Jones when he talked about the one blood one blood the blood of Jesus Christ but is shed on the cross shed for you for me for the healing so as we'll leave this cup up this moment think about a friend or someone that you know that it's going through something cecal you know bein in a hospital whatever that's healing in the blood the song says that is healing that is restoration blood the blood that gives us this is the new cover and this is a new thing that is doing within us with us the new creation this partake hallelujah just take one minute let's just take one minute to thank the Lord and thank the King of Kings thank our Father thank our Abba for what he has done for us what he's done for us and he's did ha hallelujah father we thank you I just want you to open your mouth and thank you mom be grateful be grateful be grateful speaking your heavenly language whenever just a minute just one minute worship you in the beauty of your holiness we exalt you king of kings and Lord of lords tea of majesty oh thank your glorious and awesome God thank you for your glory thank you for your presence thank you for your love thank you that love give love ah we thank you Lord we thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you that our DNA has been rewired has been recreated by Regine this moment Lauren as we'll leave to those that there are seek among us or those that are sick in a hospital whatever whatever sickness whatever it is love that else your people further in this bond of oneness in this bond we stand we stand in this holy place but we bring our brothers and sisters and further we hope about them right we brood over them right now at this moment and we say health who speak health we speak wholeness we speak of restoration we speak healing in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah receive all the glory that is to you in the name of Jesus mm if you have not had opportunity to give we're gonna use this opportunity to do so we're not given because we want to get something from the Lord we're giving it an appreciation of who he is to us all right all right so who feel free to come and give can we go back just in case people want to write a check change that sort of people know what to do hallelujah this is a day this is a day that the Lord has made that the Lord has made we will rejoice I will rejoice and be glad in it this is this is a day this is a day me this is me we will rejoice I will rejoice and be glad in everybody baby this is a day this is a day hallelujah we said I surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life can we please say together we're gonna say it five times all right surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I would dwell in a house of the Lord forever surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I would dwell in a house of the Lord forever surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I would dwell in a house of the Lord forever surely goodness mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I would dwell in a house of the Lord hallelujah Shalom
Channel: Venice United Methodist
Views: 12,647
Rating: 4.8303885 out of 5
Id: mST3qX9_bBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 14sec (5414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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