Solved! Juicy Center Cut Chops on the Griddle!

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just this is this is phenomenal better porn shop than I've ever had at home we litter than any oven I've ever cooked it this is good hey guys so I've been searching high and low all week ever since that last video came out I'm even working on cleaning up my workshop because we got to be able to fight me the griddle some way I mean the guy just always falls back on non griddle stuff you have a moment and you want to get a good laugh search for a grapefruit video that we did a year or two ago that was another right another good one what good news all around so not only did they find his griddle discreet which is the bonus for all of us he's going to figure out where he thinks he's going to figure out how to give us a good pork chop center cut pork chop that is always dry to lean either undercooked overcooked nothing really ever comes out good with those in I iced but he says he's got a solution so that's the first great news Nate found a griddle and we're gonna cook it exactly as I get my my chariot you can see it out there back from the shop again so we're in business we got it we got that we got a griddle we got hopefully good pork chops set of cheap so there'll be popular you know if we do make them right and good day all around good day all around so we'll see you next how so I'm on my way over there now probably gonna be a couple minutes late you know had to set up for this of course you know but I will see you at the griddle or C&H house whatever I'm gonna end up watching how's it going guys thanks for thanks for coming back thanks for checking out the channel I'm gonna be today as my cookware at Chris's house I'm gonna be testing something I saw on America's Test Kitchen for center-cut pork chops right we've all seen them right you go in the market they always look beautiful in the case you're by him to bring them home they always come on drive always you know they're for the line forever grill doesn't matter the border line you know yeah you can trying because it's cheap yes so it's a really affordable cut and they look really good and then you eat them and it's like you know just bland so supposedly America's Test Kitchen has a way to pan-fry them where they come out juicy and you don't have to brine them so that's what we're gonna be testing today if when you take that process and do it on the griddle so thanks for hanging out with us and testing that we got the griddle warming up so that's coming that being said you guys may have caught the last video I did the crock pot you know meatball dump and go Chris was pretty upset about it because he doesn't like when I don't cook on a griddle so you know we kind of get into a little bit the griddle guys so guys so we kind of got a little physical and you can see who won in that altercation but that's not a fake sling you really injured and he really is a righty so that's gonna be a problem yeah we got issues but we'll find Chris won't be Chris's gonna how are you gonna do videos you guys are my except I really have to do nothing looking forward to that actually yeah why am I not surprised so anyways griddles warming up now we'll get the pork out in a second you guys say what really happened no I told my bicep die actually a ruptured it got operated on yesterday morning and I'm healing quickly always fun haven't I have an operation they're in a pandemic yeah right I wasn't lifting a car off of a small child nothing like that I don't want to bore you with the details but I'm definitely getting older and his the results yeah I actually ruptured my left one two years ago yeah yeah so I can see how you did that yeah I was lifting a car off the shop to save the job yeah no one's questioning ya a very competitive foosball tournament yeah all right let's get the griddle cleaned up in the night start cookin so we got the griddle heating up guys in this is this was actually Chris's griddle so the last time we cooked on it we did the deep fry some of the oil spilled oil shallow fry you could see it kind of like thicken the patina I picked this up a while ago and we you want to put a link in the yeah we should put a link in the description to our Amazon affiliate account I actually love it I'm gonna buy one for Chris and Jeff probably after this video but Chris already scraped this once with the regular scraper and I think you'll see the difference when I come in here with the two-handed one see how much more aggressive that is so now this gives us an opportunity to clean this up we'll put another thin coat of oil and that's not rushed by the way that is oil well what it is is it's the oil that would be your patina except that it's too thick now and that's kind of what we learned on my 36 but everybody has comments about brushes this is not it's burnt oil and you can see it you can see it flaking up in here at the point is using very easy to get a lot deeper yeah I mean you can see I'm getting right down looks like hope you know for me it looks good because now everything's a nice thin coat and we can start over so we got we got a the griddle seasoning going I'm gonna pull out the pork chops just as first haven't seen these yet so I think you guys are gonna be pleasantly surprised I cut these up and seasoned them over in my house some big suckers yeah so so America's Test Kitchen said part of the reason how you get juicy center-cut pork chops is you have to use a thicker one so I have a roast I bought a center-cut roast measured it out divided it into four and cut four chops out of it so that's key according to what America's Test Kitchen said the other thing is you have to flip it every two minutes so a lot of the time you guys heard this right if you put your steak down don't touch it you put your burger down don't touch it this is kind of the opposite which is why I want to test it on the griddle set my chicken right here keep flipping keep people this is gonna be an hour and a half I did you take some time I think it's gonna be about 15 to 20 minutes oh they're at least two inches thick so it's two and a quarter to a look water okay so so yeah I'm gonna kind of do the flat flat flat flat yeah and then as they cook I will hit the other sides I'm not gonna hit the fat side right away because the fat will contract right and it'll cause it's curl up and I want to part of the theory of this is by flipping it every two minutes you stop the pork chop from like getting deformed and curling up good so we're just gonna let the grill finish heating up we're gonna drop pieces of beef do look good yeah it's actually pork not beef but this way oh great pieces of pork christianism ding ding dings number three number three is looking about 30 since we said so guys just before we throw the massive pork chops on I just wanted to show you the result of using the the two-handed scraper we pulled a lot of the thick patina off I did a thin coat of oil we let it heat up and burn and we did that twice I scraped again did it again and now I can show you you know where we're at the patina is not perfectly even but griddles hot right now you could see how clean that is right so you know I'm a fan of the two-handed scraper but I mean we know this you guys know this griddles they take work to maintain that patina especially if you live where we live where you know today is supposed to be probably 70 and it's like 34 so we get a lot of rain we get a lot of cold but I just wanted to show you the result of the heavy heavy scraping and REE seasoning Chris just doesn't learn yes hey Syd you just don't learn yes anyways a left arm hey guys does anyone find it ironic that we're testing out a two-handed scraper when Chris only has one hand there is a bit of irony there so we're gonna drop the pork put that a little bit of oil get these guys on there we just checked the surface of the griddle by the way it's a about 500 degrees so we have it on high we're going to start on high we're gonna go three minutes on this side and we'll film it but we don't want to get these black we're not searing them because they have to cook for a long time cuz they're so thick because they're so thick we want to start flipping them when they're like a light golden brown right so you're looking at three minutes then two minutes on the next side and then we flip every two minutes according to America's Test Kitchen so we'll see this is a test if these things come off the griddle and they dry is help then we know it you know was a failure it's held dry I know hell's hot dry definitely huh dry been there been there done that a few moments later alright so guys we hit the probably about three four minutes that's what we're looking for right there and some of these are a little bonded to the griddle but if you just kind of get under the edge you can flip them now that's not that's not finished right because we're gonna flip these a ton of times so you're actually gonna get more crust over the duration of the cook so but they look good smell good seasoning I used on these was a salt pepper garlic salt onion salt and the reason why I'm not the reason but I didn't use anything that would burn like paprika or cumin so there's some spices that will burn with it being directly on the griddle for a long time I wouldn't with the salts salt doesn't burn so salt regular salt garlic salt onion salt will hit these are a little bit more oil since we just flip them griddle looks good yeah smoke it so this is where it starts so just a constant flipping every 2 minutes according to America's Test Kitchen so the ones they cook like two and a half inches as well yeah then they have the ones that said if you want a juicy center-cut pork chop you have to have a dick do they go on the sides like at all we're gonna go to the sides but they're gonna be cooking for so long at the sides are gonna cook anyway all right guys so we're going every 2 minutes don't want to flip I suspect these are gonna take some time still have the griddle on high but start to see that these are getting to like where we want them to finish so I'm gonna turn the grill down it's a low what we're shooting for on America's Test Kitchen they shot for 125 and let the carryover cooking bring it up to 140 I'm a little reluctant to do that I'm gonna shoot for like 1l 70 No I'm gonna shoot for about 130 130 to 135 132 to 135 and then we're gonna pull them and sent them so it's just a flip every two minutes until you get to that town so what what's the finish temperature you're looking for 140 and that's that's listen I'm following America's Test Kitchen they said 140 so if you saw her the internet it's gonna be safe a few moments later so guys I probe these and they're actually they took less time than I thought we put this around so you guys can see it what am I out there Jeff 120 yeah anyone so there actually I thought they were gonna take about a half hour they're not this involved 15 minutes and they're getting close so I'm just kind of browning up the edges the stuff at sides that looks beautiful and these are gonna be pulled fairly soon and we're gonna let them rest for 15 minutes so alright guys so we've pulled these off we're tenting them according to America's Test Kitchen you got a tent them for 15 minutes they actually came off we tested one we did test that one so I wanted to pull them off of all 134 we pulled them off about 139 so that's why I'm tenting them loosely of course it is like 30 degrees out today with a 40 mile an hour wind may what 9th yeah so is New England while they're tented loosely I'm gonna I got a treat for ya throw the camera up here I got a treat for Chris and Jeff I'm gonna do a quick quick pantry style spicy fried rice so no soy sauce but it's gonna be our side I have so if you need I don't want to do it this is this is gonna be this is like ovid time you got this in the fridge check Reb this is what you're cooking from uncle Jeff so I had some happens in the room so we're gonna start with that and I got some cold rice all right so guys I've had these veggies on for a couple minutes Chris where's the big spatula thank you that's what I was looking for I know what needs to be super soft I want to actually pretty kreski crisp crisp what is blue so what we got here is I got two cups of cold cooked rice it has to be cold you guys would make a fried rice and you're thinking in a cook rice and throw it right on the griddle you're gonna end up with a glutinous mess of moisture so and then I've done this before I don't think I've talked to Chris red you have to bought it but I know they like spicy food absolutely so if you just take regular rice and you dump a bunch of crushed red pepper in it it actually gives it a real nice heat you know what Nate I'm gonna help you to get some I'm not cold yet but I can with some red hot it just happens to be right there I have it so I'm going with above that much crushed red pepper red pepper yeah you know once add a little red up really don't know okay I want yes I want you guys to experience it just as is a little bit of oil and watch you guys grab your plate so guys we're getting close to done here probably already be done it but we're still darn cold oh you can actually do want to see how cold it is look at them sitting down there we get the full snow cap on the blankets yeah wonderful spring weather we don't we don't have this weather stopped by snow from everybody just about done that's our side dish no soy sauce it's not complete the neat okay this is not Chinese fried rice this is just spicy white rice and onion pepper you grab a fourth plate - I [Music] got it [Music] well maybe you'll plate this time Jeff I'm not leaving you all right there we go let's plate up we'll see what the finished product alright guys so these have been tented for about 10-15 minutes looks like our finished temp is about 148 that's 8 degrees higher than America's Test Kitchen but it actually makes me feel a little bit better because I like my pork medium-rare so what is the pork you know where you supposed to be I have to look it up I was 160 I think the no 150 I'm say 150 I think it's around 150 I think it is 1 by 15 I have to look it up but this is we're testing there sorry Chris but a nickel of 10 degrees since we have seen sunset if you cut into it and you don't want to eat it don't eat no no I'm gonna eat it I like it alright let's plate alright so I jump behind the camera because I want to get these guys reactions on the biggest blog trip I've ever seen I want to get their reaction on two things one how do they like the plain pantry fried rice I'll try that first okay okay and is it spicy and two is it technically a juicy center-cut pork chop that's really the test that we're doing here definitely spicy I love it even before I start chewing I love it it is spicy I like it a lot hey you always cook good rice this is very good thank you do like my rice Chris thank you Jeff pork anyone pork that's the test poor I don't know if you can get the glisten on that you can see it's white all the way through look at 149 he's talked about 149 no I think it was a little less wasn't it no it's 149 there's like 146 yeah so five six degrees harder alright did you break the pork it I bit the pork and wanted to try the rice the pork is delicious it's definitely juicy and actually definitely juicy it is not dry at all and there is fat flavor and I got a good piece maybe I don't know it's great so very tasty the question is overall this America's Test Kitchen better than any oven I've never cooked in it the flip in every two minutes this is good carry some spice to it so jus be hot alright guys so here's what we did it out on this cook first of all I wish it was warmer Oh second of all my pork chop has a little blush of pink in the middle of Chris's does to the other two pork chops were more white all the way through bottom line all three of them more delicious this is this is phenomenal better pork chop than I've ever had at home and he's juicy yeah I'm really is juicy so definitely we griddle guys recommend you trying this you guys saw how much crushed red pepper I put on the rice in a lot it is definitely spicy we like it spicy Chris's Milan on and right now he'll love it yummy I've had it a restaurateur tastes good it's always perfectly cooked but I've never had we all do it in the oven what are you doing on the grill you know we've done our living wave real definitely dries it out I've never had this is very good so girl what is the name of the place the the test Oh Marika's test America's test kit they're onto something I think they natal talked about yeah I like we started this video I don't like center-cut pork chops I would eat this again I would cook this again so thanks for tuning in guys there was a favor hit like subscribe we always that talk to us helps the channel Jose thank you doing comments we're going to give you a shout out Skippy you're a solid fan we like you keep them coming we love that you're giving us a lot of attention as well as a lot of subs but thanks so much for reaching out see you guys stay safe [Music]
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 14,281
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, cooking, griddling, griddle, camp chef, campchef, bbq, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, recipes, blackstone griddle, blackstone griddle recipes, center cut pork roast recipe, griddle guys, the griddle guys, pork chops, griddle recipes, fried pork chops, Pork chops, Griddle recipes, Pork Roast, Roast pork
Id: u-nxcnLghOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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