Griddle Gift Recommendations for this holiday season!

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welcome back to the channel guys appreciate you tuning in welcome to the griddle guys christmas is coming as you can see we've got uh well actually we've got a nor'easter coming in which isn't a good thing we might lose power but uh several hours away though we're doing what we do we're hanging out we're having a couple of pops we're gonna cook on the griddle we're throwing two christmas apps down uh today we're not gonna cover the cook of how we do those apps right right so today what we're gonna do is we're gonna cover 10 griddle accessories that we absolutely love christmas ideas for for your loved one exactly and we think that these would make great gifts for the griddler in your life or just buying for yourself because they're awesome must-haves mustaches if you do want to learn what we're cooking today for the two apps you gotta tune in to future videos hopefully we get them out before christmas probably not probably not we'll try that for a try all right stick around [Music] all right griddle accessory number 10 the bacon press uh it's basically just a weight i we i don't actually use it on my bacon no do you use it on bacon i don't i cut my bacon in half it doesn't mean here we go chris is a cuz you're bacon and half evangelist but no the bacon press is really handy it's very affordable what i use it for is smash burgers so you know smash burger's a griddle classic you guys you got to make them right so you put your ball of meat down i use a piece of parchment paper yeah put the parchment on top of the beef smash the heck out of it with this i actually even wiggle it a little bit to get it like super super thin waxed paper does not work as good as parchment paper don't yeah parchment paper works much better but i think it's like 14 bucks something like that if that if that and uh it's real handy to have the other thing that it's handy for is uh like making paninis or if you want to do sort of any uh pressed sandwich we have the jacquard card i don't know i think it's jacquard jacquard meat tenderizer this thing is phenomenal it uh an eight bought me one i don't know six seven years ago and i use it all the time and what it is is a series of knives probably about i don't know i think it was like 40 something or 50 48 48 48 blades you can't really see but as you push this down into the beef it uh cuts right through all the muscle cuts right through all the uh makes all the meat fibers really really tiny cuts through the fibers makes it really tiny so you end up kind of flattening out your steak a bit you cook it it kind of sucks back in but it's still nice and tender for a cheap cut with the price of beef lately fluctuates so much it's nice to have that just as an option you know as far as to tenderize your beef hopefully you guys can hear this over chris scraping the griddle but very well i'm busy hey could you make one noise chris sorry i'm busy what are you putting down there i got some butter garlic shrimp that i'm very excited it's a uh christmas time my house what we think of the shrimp spend the money splurge a little bit delicious we do shrimp cocktails we do some some of this some just regular hot buttered garlic shrimp delicious so this is going really really good right now you guys smell that something about butter and garlic cooking no matter what's amazing number eight taco holders from blackstone i strongly recommend two i got a family of four it works out perfect but you can put them right on the griddle put the tacos in there cook your beef these things are like tacos soft or hard shell soft tacho starts to warm up the soft shell warms up the hard shell it's perfect anyways must-have i recommend two and uh it's a game changer and these are taco machines so if you guys like tacos you need those i was not a fan of those until i used them at your house right i'll be honest with you did that video guys we'll show you guys a clip of the video that we did already with that yeah you see it it's that was amazing it's pretty cool keeps the whole mess outside that's the whole point plus it makes them easier to stuff yeah definitely all right so that was number eight number eight number seven sounds silly guys towels just plain kind of like shop towels so i buy baked towels salads so i buy a pack of these uh we'll put a link in the description it's like 24 towels for like 19 bucks or something like that but um so i do the whole griddle cleaning process that we all do right you use the water you use the scrapers you use the um the paper towels like a billion of them but for that before you finish cleaning the griddle i always go to a i go to a terry cloth towel wash them before you use them it takes the lint off but i find that with this with the scraper and with the towel i can really i feel like it's really really clean you're going to destroy these they're not meant to be used for anything else um i didn't even know you used those they didn't i know you i mean i have them all i keep a stack in my utility closet they look like this when you're done they're pretty much ruined right so you just take them i rinse them out under hot water get most of the grease oil and what else and then um then you can throw them in the wash and dry them and then reuse them so by the way the shrimp are delicious so anyways that's enough that's that's our number seven uh i just find them incredibly useful yeah those are good i i think because of you talking about it and i never knew you actually used it i think it's gonna cut down my paper values it will cut down i will use it for that reason it'll cut down on your paper towel use a little bit yeah but it's really about just that final cleaning and it's a white towel so when you when you scrape down your griddle with the towel and you flip it over and you look at the bottom side and you're like okay now i know i've got it i've got all the stuff off you know so all right that's good good idea all right let's have a shrimp number six steaming lid pretty straightforward it's uh put it over whatever you're cooking vegetables vegetables cristed an amazing uh surf and turf where you lost water it's great a little water steams it it cooks it melts cheese smells cheese phenomenal and it works i mean it's cheap enough it's a must-have and it's very convenient you create your own little oven out here with it real quick uh it works well yeah it works really well especially for vegetables i did a salmon one time skin side down put it over there put a little water under it steams it nicely cooks it perfect you did popcorn too would you have to do them popcorn on a small one jeff you made a uh you bought a huge dome but an ikea bowl the biggest bowl that they have and then just drilled a hole in the top and put a little handle in i made the mistake of using a metal handle so it gets kind of hot but it accomplishes what it's meant to be exactly but anyways so that's that's a that's a good one you should have one it doesn't take up a lot of room in the cabinets you'll be great next number five number five square bottles if you have a griddle and you don't have square bottles then you shouldn't have a griddle that's my opinion water water water you're cleaning in between cooks you're cleaning before cooks you're cleaning after cooks you need this i would have two water bottles typically when i go out constantly um and then you got your oil conveniently the spray put it where you want i mean it is beautiful you this should be closer to number one than number five tackle holder one yeah right then water bottles buy like four six or eight of these because you're bound to leave it about that close and see you later and then you're bound to have a hole right in the side see you later exactly worth having extras anyway nate's throwing down some more food uh our second christmas app all right so christmas classic christmas app christmas classic is beef wellington in my family we never had beef wellington i've never actually had beef wellington but like they show it on tv right the puff pastry with the beef in the middle i'm doing beef wellington on the griddle nice all right so if you guys want to see how to make this tune into a future video but this is going to be beef tenderloin and a different puff pastry but it's it's delicious so what kind of beef is in the middle of the fillet yeah it's filet mignon yep you spent the money today wow i like it well because of the way i'm doing i only had to spend 20 bucks and i'm sending you a bill for 10. check's in the middle i'm safe [Laughter] that looks good already good yeah these are these are interesting good all right what do we get next we're at four and three four and three are a tie between the spatula and the griddle caddy uh i love this spatula i know there's there's wide spatulas different ones i'm a big fan of the flexi skinny and that's probably because i worked in a couple different places and this is like the only spatula we use right but i like that it's super thin it's super flexible you can get a lot of tension on it get it under stuff the length gives you the ability to flip pretty much anything i like the square edges too i have a rounded edge one i don't like it as much as the square edge i like the square edge yeah i like the the square edge here and they have lots of holes in them in the middle too there's a lot of different ones but they do yeah can i have one of those beef wellingtons yet yeah go help yourself help yourself yourself um do you like the holes and no no holes it depends what i'm cooking if i'm doing something where i really want the stuff the juice to come out i use when i you know two of them use two of them right yeah you just do it when you're mixing something up really good if you're doing shrimp chicken wings when we do the put the sauce down you want that sauce to go through the holes i like that all right all right well i'm a fan of the solid but either way tai four and three crisp caddy little caddy guys this is like have you guys tried these no i haven't tried it yet my god the griddle caddy let me tell you something this is a must-have i think uh we have it again three or four very hot crazy hot um it holds all your spices you know your salt and pepper squirt bottles you know whatever you need it has actually uh paper towel holder little hooks here for um for your usually those things will have holes on them you can hang it right there uh it the griddle caddy you'll see it in every video it's nice because you got to go outside oh you're going to take it off another use of the spatula don't drop that dude don't use your hands holy crap hey look at that use the towel too that is really good it's really hot guys i mean i live next door i brought it to nate's also you'll see this in every video i i love the griddle caddy it's got all your essentials that you need right there um so here can i give my take on the girl okay keep shifting it together good yeah so my take on the grill caddy is like it and you whether it's a gas grill or a griddle right it's always a pain in the ass depending on where your griddle or grill is to where your kitchen is the you know 10 000 times right this puts it all together so you like you take those 15 trips in and out and cut it down to one that to me is the big selling point for the griddle caddy and we've actually had subscribers we've had you guys say um one of the complaints i have is how many times i have to go in and out of the house right and it a griddle as opposed to a grill um a grill you basically have a wire brush and a set of tongs and that's it griddle you get a little bit more you got the squirt bottles you get a couple of spatulas you got your seasoning you got your paper towels you can also cook more though too oh yeah 100 yeah 100 the utility of a griddle is way more than a grill but this makes it more enjoyable if you don't have the griddle caddy you're going to get aggravated that you have to make all these trips back and forth you go camping you take it with you you put it right there you know you're up you know who needs this more than anybody who because he doesn't have back stairs down from his deck oh i see before this video comes out i think that's a good idea yeah we should do because he was saying that in his videos yelling up to his wife yeah so can you so that's four and three four and three two and one coming up next guys you guys are going to want to tune in for this beef wellington video whenever i'm gonna try a piece it's i could see if mine's cool phenomenal you get crispy you got that mushroom you got the tenderloin tenderloin that is just top-notch wow that's tender nice job nate nice job oh yeah that's awesome that's even better than the first time i made them yeah it should be called beef raring like just medium slightly rare it should be called beef rarington because yours are perfect yeah mine's only a medium rare yeah mine's perfect look at that yeah um yeah that's how yeah beef rarington all right both two and one coming up soon that's tasty guys before we get to two and one we get a little little trick a little interesting brain teaser brain teaser griddle technique for you so uh we're gonna let you guys guess in the comments i already asked it's not seaweed you guys you guys in the comments let us know if you can figure out what this is but check this out this is really cool what is that done looks like it's alive man those are done we're gonna season it no no no i'm gonna i want to do a whole batch all right just get your oil hot are we doing a magic show now it seems like it doesn't it did you buy that slicer that you guys always wanted and cut bacon yeah right cut bacon slices so now we got a pile of them over here chris take that let me get these guys close together and we got some smoky whip rubbing seasoning just going to hit this pretty heavy and actually jeff i wasn't gonna ask you to go on camera with the taste test but i think i might because jeff jeff hasn't had these yet chris and i have well you gotta tell me what they have first no we don't no we don't [Laughter] we'll tell you the numbers it might be super thin sliced pig intestine that we haven't washed or cleaned but you gotta eat it anyway we're still not gonna tell you the uh subs gotta guess all right jeff so so you still haven't told me what it is digging as you can see it's still pretty hot yeah but they they cool off quick just poo it for like two seconds and you'll be fine what do you think i still don't know what it is how does it taste like it's freaking delicious right light very light it's like the thinnest potato chip ever made it's like yeah yeah that is a phenomenal took a long time to cook though yeah it was a second and a half till it was cooked all right guys guys give us your best guess of what you think this is wow if you know it we're gonna give you a huge thumbs up um but this was interesting really good nate found it experimented really good stuff we're guessing other griddle channels might follow suit on this one we'll guess that might happen we'll see what happens but we'll get back to the list all right guys we got number two thermal probe this is essential you need to have one whether you're cooking beef pork chicken chicken specifically chicken specifically turkey tips this tells all in an instant yeah and it's actually called an instant read thermometer nailed it but uh these are these are essential they're a little pricey they're about 80 80 bucks 100 well worth it it doesn't die on you no they're they're a quality component uh the tip you just get the very end of it into your meat and within two seconds it tells you the exact temperature and i guarantee you'll save money by the first year with the amount of beef that you won't overcook or sick family members from having undercooked chicken if your husband's over cooking you know your wife's over cooking this cures all and i would even add that it's not even just grilling right i mean you're cooking thanksgiving dinner we all just went through that last week right you want to know the temperature of the dark meat versus the white meat it's like instant just poke it in you're good what i love about it is a little pricey but it it lasts i've had mine they turned me onto it probably what four years ago i probably i can't even remember when i bought that mine's still going strong even top chefs carry an instant thermometer yeah yeah i mean really it makes a difference so that's number two number one number one number one is the two-handed scraper i just came here two-handed scraper so if you guys aren't familiar with this what it allows you to do is you get a hand back here a hand here and you have a nice sharp blade to get against your griddle chris you want to give a quick demo i was totally against this when nate wanted us all to use one it's scary it is scary but i'll tell you what i'm so glad life is a lot better and this thing i mean look what i pulled that this has already been cleaned too yeah with regular cleaning yes and that's the advantage to it the advantage is it gives you the leverage and the pressure to break through anything built up on your griddle and really pull it all off much more so than just uh much more so than just this guy yeah this guy works this guy works a hell of a lot better better if you're a new griddle owner you want this right away right now using this from day one if you're an older griddle like us you want to start over and then start using this if you're a uh if you have a griddle that you've been cooking on for a couple of months now and you start to use the two-handed scraper you're going to be terrified the first time you use you're pulling stuff up that you never thought you would it's going to screw up your patina you're going to look at it and you'll be like what the hell i just had this perfect black and now well here's the neighbor's dogs what the hell i had this perfect black and now it's like looking all messed up is that a dog or a small bear but the whole thing is what this does is it keeps your patina thin it stops that that buildup that will happen over time that will affect the performance of your griddle which keeps it cleaner which keeps your food fresher you're not getting it you're not getting everything hotter it keeps your food fresher the black specks when you didn't put pepper on your food right exactly that's what that does if you ever cook anything that has sugar in it like anything with a barbecue sauce don't worry about sweet marinade and your griddle looks like the surface of mars right that thing's gonna take it down like literally yeah no problem so that's our number two and our number one guys thank you for joining us we want to wish everybody happy holidays if we could go back to the one minute mark we probably would have asked you to like and subscribe so if you're still here be a huge favorite of us if you subscribed yes like subscribe see us on instagram oh uh mr homeowner go to uh his forum yeah check it out yeah what's up is it called there we go so check that out he just set it up it's pretty cool did it did it frosted for the community thank goodness dialogue good messages it's it's definitely worth looking into um again happy holidays guys enjoy hope you get some tips you have any questions comments let us know in the comments we do respond pretty good so uh we try we try well two of us do jeff two of us do one of us doesn't just get you see guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 18,832
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: blackstone, campchef, griddle, beef wellington, shrimp, shrimp on the griddle, appetizers, Christmas appetizers, appetizers on the griddle, beef wellington on the griddle, top ten, top 10, griddle gifts, Christmas gifts, easy appetizers, holiday gift guide 2020, gift guide 2020, gifts for her 2020, holiday gift guide 2020 for him, holiday gift guide 2020 amazon, gift guides christmas 2020, gift guide 2020 for him, gift guide 2020 christmas
Id: 6GDf3PMLg-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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