Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops on the Blackstone Griddle

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hey what's up everybody hey hungry huh see here and today I want to do a parmesan crusted poke chop for some of y'all who don't know poke chop is pork chop so I had I did a body a whole boneless pork loin and I was planning on doing something with it ended up not so I had to center cut portion to left to do something with so and then I actually had a little bit of sirloin to do something with - I was gonna put it like in a in the pressure cooker and do like some with some sauerkraut I never got around to it never do always have these big big dreams are doing this and that but I ended up just messing it up oh well so my slackness resulted in a video for you guys so that's a good win-win right so what I'm going to do is I got this pork loin that I sliced up kind of thick pieces not real thick maybe half inch I'm not going crazy here all right got some egg wash here I took two eggs took two eggs I took some some some milk and beat that together I put some salt and pepper in and have a quarter teaspoon of each all right and then I got this mixture here and what that mixture is is probably bout a half a cup of panko half a cup of flour and a half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese don't use that don't use that canister get you a block of parm and grate it just just grate it you don't release your frustrations I don't know do whatever you guys do just grate it don't don't use that can it's bad it's real bad all right and hey that's it we're gonna put these on the black stone obviously we're out here got some vegetable oil and we're just gonna kind of shallow fry on this we've done it all before no big deal right that's what we're gonna do it's gonna be easy-peasy and it's gonna be yummy it's gonna be some good trees alright so I'll do a close-up there's some close-up of the ingredients you guys might like that so let's get to ingredients alright alright our ingredients are here's our pope job just slice them up try to be as even as possible somebody's down here turn it in they're not so much but it's okay it's alright here's our egg wash mixture two eggs probably quarter cup of milk salt and pepper quarter teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon of salt and then here's our flour ingredients so that's panko AP flour parm pretty much equal parts salt probably I put salt pepper garlic powder onion powder and some mic Lowery's in there Mike Lowrey alright and that's it vegetable oil there black stone here we're gonna fry them up it's gonna go pretty pretty easy should be really good alright let's get going alright hey welcome back I like said it was real simple ingredients but I know some people they probably like that probably you know probably get get some good instruction out of that so black stone I had it on high for a little while it's starting to smoke a little bit just want to get some of this oil down here this is vegetable oil just regular old vegetable all it's all alright you want to get it nice and hot all right we're gonna have to add some more a little bit later but that's okay it's alright you just want to get it a nice thick coating okay alright now let's get to breading these bad boys alright alright so we're just going to mix our dry ingredients our flour our pan Cove and the parm we're gonna mix it together okay so I'm doing a little bit of experimentation normally I will do flour first and then I will come back and do the panko mixture so I thought let's see if I could just combine them and not have to do two steps so we'll see all right I think it'll work I'll see why it wouldn't but we shall see parmesan-crusted just speaks to me all right mix that up same principle wet hand dry him all right we'll wet hen okay make sure you get those sides - I'd say those are braiding up real nice looking purty okay it's gonna be nice I didn't bring her I didn't bring up something put these on so I'm gonna put them on this napkin right here I'm read a few up all right but hey welcome back we got those breaded now I'm just gonna put them on the black stone I'm gonna add a little bit more vegetable put that over there let's get this swimming and there we go I use my handy-dandy flipper you know you want your Blackstone you don't want it like screeching hot you want it 350 375 therefore just like you would just like a deep fry almost right you don't if you if you go real high if you go any higher than that you're gonna have some burning people gonna be mad people gonna be like why my pork chop burnt they're going that's what they're gonna be this well I'm a pork chop burn I don't know all right there we go so we're gonna let these go a minute or two we're gonna check on them I'm gonna look up under I'm seeing you know see how they're doing just let them run I smell I already smelled a farm all right snot parm coming through so you want to make sure you I'm going although right now all four burners are gonna low and we are due to do 340 about 340 degrees so that's good that's good all right hey let's take a look let's take a peek no not quite there nope let's check right here in the middle maybe it's a little bit nope not done yet sorry to me give me another two minutes I think I think we got I think we got some good stuff here alright I'm gonna flip these over and they're going the awesome alright okay I'll think about them well I know they're pretty real pretty what do y'all think about that what do you think about that put it in the comments please I love to know we're going all this a little bit more just a little bit more a little splash a little splash a little splash that should be all she wrote I'm kind of curious to know about what temperature we already are at I got a 111 degrees already on those so these are you know darn near almost done it's gonna be good these ones over here they're done we're gonna transfer those over here to the wire rack these are a thin little thin cuts this is a fan one two probably good to go hey Stan they're not like me well thick you know I'm saying well thick it's alright feel a little - a wall over there okay hey these things they're done I want to get them off I'll put them over here I'm a wire rack let's check I'm gonna check the temp one more time I got 149 on that one 149 yep they are done look at that crust you see that pretty good come over here I picked out one I want Justin right here it's got my name on it right there got my name on put that right there I hear a little boy back here hey bud hey bud hold on she's seeing right there whoa Charlie hmm nice and set that nice white white meat right can't really see it well now how's good hmm it's juicy it's light it's not real heavy breading plus a pinko I taste that creaminess of that parm slight briny saltiness that you know parm comes with hmm I don't know if you can hear it out crunch oh man oh good y'all need to try this man your family's gonna love it fix it with whatever side you want so with that with that said guys hey I love you I appreciate all y'all support tryin to get some videos out here y'all trying to do the best I can so like I said I love y'all I remember remember of my code hungry hussy at Blackstone products calm you get 10% off and free shipping so that's that don't forget to head over to Instagram go follow me over there Facebook as well just hungry husky I'm there I'll be there I'll be there for you now with that said y'all hey hungry hussy is out get up on these pork chops dang it boy I don't know if y'all dude I don't know if y'all like it or not I likes real bright so I don't know if y'all like this or not I don't know if y'all like this for now you see that little cent a little piece right there see that little piece right there it's like a fat layer I love it mm-hmm I saw them I got a little girl come seeing me hi baby you ready for dinner yeah tell everybody hey you won't try to pork chop yeah you hear that y'all she wants to squishy there's the squishy that same piece that I said I like this is what she wants a little warm and they put it a smaller piece they make sure I get you squishy there you go I need you to trot I need you to tell me tell me what's your thing how many thumbs up to 1,000 thumbs up there we go all right oh my goodness well we're gonna take these in we're ready for dinner I got you a peck tater in there slaw and some green beans what'd you think about that that's gonna be good y'all hey I love you see you next time [Music] you're so cute [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: The Hungry Hussey
Views: 63,078
Rating: 4.9461279 out of 5
Keywords: The Hungry Hussey, Hungry Hussey, Blackstone Griddle, Outside Cooking, pork chops, griddle cooking, blackstone griddle recipes, outdoor cooking, griddle recipes, blackstone griddle cooking, pork chop recipes, blackstone recipes, fried pork chops, blackstone products, camp chef, cast iron cooking, cast iron, blackstone griddle pork chops, fried pork chops recipe, blackstone griddle cooking tips, pork recipes for dinner easy, pork recipes for dinner
Id: wH7evqYpAok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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