Ultimate Surf and Turf on the Blackstone Griddle

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welcome back guys griddle guys are here we got Nate Jeff and myself Chris and look what we cooked today today it was a very fun meal meal we actually got some nice rib eyes cut from the butcher we sous-vide them for about three hours three and a half hours lobster tails did it all on the griddle along with the asparagus seared the steak on this upon the griddle its is smells Oh definitional food porn right here Mike really is this is unbelievable cooks for sure at least most expensive yeah but Jeff treated me last week so it's my turn to treat him and we got Dorn here as well to give a taste test for us I'm ready he's ready please go guys were sitting there drooling when are you guys stopped filming let me eat finally an unbiased opinion we're gonna show you how it's all done stay tuned hey Chris has me working to get this this beautiful meal prepped and he picked up these absolutely gorgeous steaks I mean look at these things you're not gonna see me buying these in my house not at this price oh yeah I like to be you know I guess frugal you know and this is this is kind of an extra special treat but you know hey it's Christmas money so it means cheap is busy what is so dope frugal is what I'm saying we all know we all watched cheap but we're gonna season these up what are you getting here salt pepper and a little bit of garlic salt as well yeah and I go heavy heavy with the seasoning on a steak this thick because when you slice it to eat it you're only gonna get seasoning on just a small edge these things are huge to do these things what your goal is that's a big one yeah so when we talk to the butcher at our local market Jose we said thank you Jose by the way yeah thanks Oh we asked Jose for an inch and a half cut and I think we got a San Jose to school on reading tape measures and rulers cuz Jose you were a little awful but it's all good two and a quarter one and a half ya talkin wants to come in again so while Chris letting the dog in we're gonna sous-vide these and we're actually gonna do a video on sous-vide it's something that we I've been super eating for about a year Chris and Jeff recently got into it but when you look at a steak as beautiful as this right and you look at you know how much it cost you what you really don't want to do is screw that up either on your griddle or however you're cooking it your smoker your grill it's an expensive cut of beef right we don't we don't want to screw it up sous-vide takes all the guesswork out of it so you forget it it's really unbelievable it's it changes eating steak and meat in general well it also changes the stress on whoever's standing out there at the griddle right because you don't have to worry about overcooking it exactly but yeah basically the like I said we'll do another video on it but you put the steak in a bag and you drop it in a bath of water at whatever temperature you like your steak beauty of sous-vide is the sous-vide device heats the water to 130 degrees you can't overcook your steak guys I mean it's awesome the whole time when you pull your steak out whether you leave it in for 20 minutes or two hours it's gonna be whatever temperature you said it at Nate's been doing this about a year now and he kind of has brought Jeff and I along to do it as well as some family members oh yeah oh that's great and everybody loves it and honestly we don't grill anymore too much we griddle we don't grill anymore well I don't grow it all I tell my girl oh right I don't have a gross griddle but it has changed things quite a bit yeah but we're gonna we're gonna do a separate video on that and then we'll take you through the virtues and the shortfalls of sous-vide cooking but let's get these things sealed up and chuck them in the bath sounds good no no some put me to work here yeah so chris is doing absolutely nothing right right I paid for it all he paid so I'm not even I'm not gonna complain about what he's gonna eat and this is like a meal for three right or one of me you know one of the two and looks but you don't have to have a vacuum sealer you can you can get this done just using a plain old freezer bag as long as you have a sous-vide and we'll show you that when we do the sous-vide video but essentially you just dump the meat into the water let the water push the air out and seal it in this case this is good yeah yeah works really well this one let's give it a shot in this case we have a vacuum sealer so we're just gonna give this a go yeah it's on I like to push this the meat kind of towards the vacuum sealer a little bit so that the bag doesn't get bound up its vacuum sealing it's taking all that air up you don't ever want to put them on top of each other no no yeah long as you have them separate especially not something that's staying exactly and this is just me but I like to give it a little extra time to seal that's just you I figure where do you really I do and it works why well that makes sense because you're the gambler much the three of us right you know what I want to take all this with this expensive meat yeah let's keep a little longer yeah that's C is this hell so if you don't seal and then you stick it in your water bath you end up making beef stew instead of stay exactly I don't want any holes any rips but in this case I think I'd say we got a pretty darn good seal yeah I mean you know see it a beautifully close up if you came in right on the edge that okay that's good to go still fine let's see what the other one to cook sit and forget it alright sue leads up to temp here we go like I said nice and easy we'll see in two hours you okay now you didn't hurt yourself doing that like you've been doing work what have you done beside City so we got the steaks in the bath I've been going to two and a half hours Chris wants me to work on the again Chris's putting me to work non-stop but he wants me to get the lobster tails ready and he wants to fancified at so you know what we probably should have done this for Valentine's Day but I was just gonna rip the lobster meat out and cook it on the griddle but Chris wants it you know propped up on the shell so just quickly how we're gonna do this use some boning shares or in the case of Chris's hello scissors it's kids art scissors but split the shell up top and then you're gonna kind of get your fingers start with one but eventually work two down into the tail yeah spread the shell a little bit you can start to work the meat up over the shell like that happen how're you doing all right looks good well as long as you're happy Chris but uh keep that up on top try and get the bottom a little bit more there we go so now and you're putting these on the griddle like this right so just clean it up a little bit so that when court is going to look like a what's the what's the restaurant they have a lobster lobster lobster claw red then lobster it's gonna be like a Red Lobster commercial with the with the lobster sitting on top of the shell so butter a little bit of garlic and here ready to go we're going to pull it put that right on the griddle to base the losses of while they're cooking the next step is we're gonna go through the glutamate sounds good we got asparagus to throw that on as well you okay guys so time to take the Mito it's been in there just over three and a half hours probably we got an additional 30 40 minutes due to Jeff's tardiness today but we'll forgive them for that so we're just gonna take these out the griddle is fired up so we're gonna take these out try to make as little mess as possible good those are good I'm gonna cut these open and have Nate that drive yeah so we got a padam drive one thing and we're gonna cover this when we do the sous vide video the steak right now is cooked careful all the water the juice doesn't run out but its course it's good to go you can eat it like this but look at that I mean it doesn't look appetizing at all right and this is where as a griddle owner you guys have a huge advantage because you always have to brown the meat when it comes out of a sous-vide you gotta sear it off to help it brown and get that nice crusty finish you want to dry it if you have a lot of liquid on the surface of the meat like you have here that liquid has to boil before you're actually gonna get searing on the meat so I need to borrow your tones so that's why I'm laying down paper towels and why I'm gonna Pat it dry we definitely don't want to screw these up right now in this area is cooked perfect we cook it to 133 and a half hours like I mentioned should be a nice good reddish pink right probably more reddish 130 is gonna be pretty rare yeah which is how I think most of us like it Jeff I don't know how you like it okay so we're gonna Pat thee like needs doing and lobster tails are all ready to go got some lemon asparagus time to cook time to one one other step you want to re season oh yeah salt and pepper yes you want to re season because as these cooks for the past three plus hours they've pushed out some moisture which is pushed seasoning off of the meat so you want to you want to give them a reason and you know again it's take this thick you want to go heavy because good call me very good yeah we're is a tape measure we did you would have seen it if you weren't late yeah you know we my guess is you were walking around your house looking for that stupid hat that's why you were late we're gonna be on the griddle cool leave Jeff alone all right guys it's crunch time good a lot of money spent here and I'm really hoping I don't screw this up we're gonna start with the asparagus to go for us that's gonna probably take the longest out of all these to cook so the plan is get that on that's hot lesson learned don't touch that again I've got the heat on medium for the asparagus right now so we're gonna get started with this and a little olive oil on the griddle and it season it up with some salt and pepper I'm gonna let that sit the butter we get a little bit about a couple of calls of garlic we're gonna basically just drench the lobster tails while they're cooking just spoon a little bit of the butter in the garlic salt garlic right on top of it do that a couple times a little cooks so whap the tail will cook quickly probably three four minutes maybe up to five minutes but not much long up so okay so we base the base them with butter though we're base to my butter yeah see you bases all good no oh those steaks look incredible I know they really do all right guys we've got the temperature right up to around five hundred on this side of the griddle so we are now gonna start put the steaks down and sear them up Nate what do you think in two minutes three minutes before that ie ie ie in the pan so you just want to set them let them sit besides with yes there we'll decide first no no how do we get that oh yeah wow those things are amazing already smelling good you said the lobster goes really quick right yeah it'll literally four minutes go up today all right look forward to that let's take him only been at once so thanks nice we've done this a hundred times yeah don't listen to Chris we don't need lobster that much in themselves yeah that's a Jeff sews nice that looks good focus and determination okay yeah now that he's figured out that his griddles fine I got nothing to say all right so now we have throw a little more while you're going Jeff might as well and what we're gonna do that's--it's for another three four minutes going to clean this up and we'll get the lobster tails right on there okay lobster tail time just that right on there usually got about another couple minutes and this won't take long do it a little medium-high heat here still thrown off by the steaks how beautiful they look oh my god I'm just gonna hit him with just a very little bit of red pepper could you have the other side taped off so you look good right hi jack nice all right just a little bit more flavor and [Music] base them a little bit with some butter Jeff you want to grab that lid for me wait rested on that lid right yes plenty left off what is this no no little water in there [Music] we'll have a link to the lid what else what's that I'll have a link to the lid and the lid something else that we're gonna do to sous-vide so we read part of Sydney cooker well we're gonna cover that Nate's got a video that he's gonna do next you know if you have questions right now please send it will try to cover in the next video where Nate does it cuz to be eating I think we're all doing it I love it hey that's too it way do you see these steaks and we open them up wanted to pull that lid and this one bass a little more butter you weren't kidding that's definitely happening pretty quick yep Hayley your little water a little bit more water but Wow Wow thanks for done yes okay guys done look at those I bought a drenching right of it no it's beautiful so far so good get that look at these Jeff nice little sear all around it no joke I will do that inside me will plate them up when we get in we'll just carry and I'll pull your spare igus in here with this Wow now it's phenomenal smells get some good colors today folks some good smelling time to eat let's go plate it up I gotta tell you guys not in my house absolutely freakin outstanding I mean this beef delicious melts in your mouth tastes like butter this is a slam-dunk really is incredible I might spend the money in my house buddy in at Chris's house can I come back many times this is great Chris this normally I mean seriously Gretl owners you got to do this the asparagus spot on the lobster delicious I mean it's you got to do it yeah you gotta do it definitely like subscribe hit us out comments yeah head of that I'll finish by saying I'm looking forward to sue B yeah because this steak is excellent and simple and Android just the way you can i won I like it this way even cooked in the newsroom I'm going with the sous vide and your expertise thank you very good have a good night guys you I'm recording a single boo don't put your cutting look be careful don't try this at home folks that's what happens when you have yetis out here all right lesson learned Oh is my favorite Cody wolf oh that's a good thing we caught it when we caught it oh man that's pretty
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 55,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surf and turf, Lobster tails, griddle, blackstone, steak, ribeye, sous vide, lobster, lobster tail, aparagus, camp chef, outdoor cooking, bbq, seafood, quick meal, surf&turf
Id: 83H57PINGeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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