Pork Chops and Applesauce - On the griddle!

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hey guys thanks for tuning in to the channel if you have watched us before thanks for coming back to the channel we appreciate it tonight we're gonna do something a little bit different it's my video I'm turning out a quick easy inexpensive full meal I'm talking we're gonna get this done from fridge to eating in 20 minutes so that the plan here is get something on the dinner table quick if it's a Tuesday night Wednesday night whatever the kids get something going going on use the griddle make it fast make it taste stay tuned check it out all right so tonight's dinner is here's the ingredient rundown we're basically doing a simple pork chop stuffing and apple sauce kind of remember the Brady Bunch episode pork chops and applesauce listen you're really dating us I'm gonna say if you guys remember that then you know you aren't you're dating yourself like we are but um nice gun Mattie so pork chops that I like to buy I don't get the center cut cuz the center cut they're very very lean they tend to dry out fast so I buy this has labeled a pork boneless pork cutlet I've seen them at other markets called pork sirloin Cutlass sometimes they're bone-in sometimes they're not but you'll notice how there's more red you know it's not the white pork that you see in a center cut pork chop I find that when you get the darker and deeper the red the more fat content and easier it is to keep juicy and not dry out in my house when I'm shopping for this that's the last thing I look for usually in pork chops but it does make a difference so it kind of goes against your typical you know looking for the cleanest clearest pork chop but this actually has a lot more tenderness flavor and in your houses come off all the fat on chicken thighs and I make sure I grab my chicken thighs at the most fat so and we had very dry pork chops but they're good yeah well very nice so Jeff and Chris Chris is behind the camera you get they haven't had this right so this is gonna be new for them yeah you guys gonna see it's gonna go real fast the seasoning on the pork this is James crazy salt pretty much any salty blend will do for you I don't know if this is available nationally or not but I think so you need to saw blend that has kind of a high salt content and then I'm gonna throw some garlic salt on it some pepper to contrast the saltiness of the pork we're gonna use applesauce so let's get it on step 1 believe it or not is to light the griddle so Chris if you can light the griddle put it on medium to do that I'm giving him these it's a nice to your house so put the griddle on medium because we want it hot when we put the pork down you know what that rid of it yourselves we're gonna season the meat heavily right so I get the James crazy salt you can use whatever suppling you want you'll notice I don't have this on the cutting board I opened it up and I just kind of flattened it out to expose most of the meat as most of the meat as I can and my seasoning is gonna hit my counter but it's easier for me to wipe down my counter than it is for me real is loss of cutting grill so we go heavy with everything I'm using gross all the house Gamzee salt and pepper we actually want the pork that seems awfully quick Chris did you show you did that real world good medium higher except medium high so I want the pork to come out a little salty and we know that when we cook on a griddle a lot of the seasoning stays on the griddle but when you eat this you guys it's probably the first time you eat it right you cut off you cut a piece of the port and dip it in the apple sauce so you get the sweet and salty I'll Jimmy okay all right guys so we're out here at the griddle I get Chris on griddle duty since he can't seem to enjoy himself so much lighting the griddle so we get the well seasoned meat right so we start with the grill on medium high you want a hot grill these things gonna cook fast I'll put down a good bit of oil right mine pitches back so put it up front it'll run back all right so I laying these down I'll hold them for you remember the order you lay them down because that's the order you're gonna have to flip them in those nice and hot and Chris don't screw it up again yeah hi guys [Music] all right now do me a favor drizzle a little oil so that it runs under each Jeff we're gonna run inside and now is the time to get the stuffing going how they do boss how'd I do I mean all right sir I sock it again you're still on a trial basis you might be flying oh yeah it's gonna be done quick all right so first thing we do here is throw the broiler on high and then here's kind of the trick if you guys aren't gonna mix what you're stuffing start doing it this has been sitting since we were seasoning the pork it stays nice and hot you don't have to worry about it and it's gonna get hot back in the broiler I apologize for the dirty dishes in my sink I had to make a mac and cheese for my kids but I do this over the sink so I don't over spray and get cooking spray all over my counter right just a light coating a cooking spray and that goes right under the broiler a word of warning don't walk away this stuff burns super quick so stay right by the oven check it every minute you want to get it golden brown not black all right let's go check on Chris all right we're filming right yeah all right so guys you can look down here at Jeff if you pan down you see a lot of the white starting to come up starting a wrap around on the edge you see a lot of moisture pooling on the pork chop see all the puddles there it's time to flip so Chris in order in order of course you're looking for yeah so you get some nice browning on there it's not burned yet it's not right oh just give them a hard pull and I'll come up with yeah beautiful that is that's good it's a little fatter like you buddy yeah so after you flip them Morial you got a drizzle might my griddle is pitched back to with my grease trap so I'll if you drizzle up front that oil is gonna work its way back and help brown everything all right you can hear it starting to sizzle now I'm gonna sprint back inside because I know I told you in the last segment Jeff told me protect the broiler I told you that one I'm going I'm going I couldn't trust you Chris I have alright alright so just to be safe I moved it down you can see we're getting a little bit of nice browning now that I'm back in the house I'll drop that back up there for a minute under the direct heat and I'm gonna set up some plates so we can eat all right so if you look at the the pork i tented that loosely with foil and you slide over here our stuffing should be just well that's from talking over a beautiful I make this all the time for my family guys Chris and Jeff have not had it so guys dig in I want to know what you think of stuffing and I'd really appreciate it if you take a bite of the pork and dip it in the applesauce but that's that's the secret sauce no pun intended is it okay if I dip in the applesauce and then dig into the pork whatever you like Chris and even being this thin for a pork chop it's pretty juicy inside right that really is that's the doctor or a doctor or top yummy sorry for chewing and talking guys buck give this a shot literally alright simple that's good it is good isn't it really is very simple but out 20 25 minutes nice weeknight meal it just tastes really good so yeah it's going to take long once you get it on the griddle like you said three minutes on the first side maybe two and a half to three minutes on the second side and we could have even pulled these a little bit sooner we could have but they actually stayed juicy we thought we might have overcooked that we didn't well that's the thing they're more for the center cut pork chops are the most unforgiving piece of meat on the planet that is great
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 12,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, cooking, griddling, griddle, camp chef, campchef, bbq, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, recipes, blackstone griddle, blackstone griddle recipes, blackstone labs, Pork chops, porkchops, pork chop recipes, black stone, blackstone, flat top, flattop, grill, hungry hussey, blackstone griddle cooking, the hungry hussey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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