Blackstone Juicy Pork Chops | COOKING WITH BIG CAT 305

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good we got the cut-in what's up yo big cat 305 here tonight we're gonna be cooking the juiciest pork chops ever on the Blackstone let's do it all right so you want to make sure you get center cut loin pork chops those are going to be the juiciest and you can tell because they have the bone that wraps around like that and they have the distinct I okay first thing you want to do after that is you want to give a little slice on the ends that way when you cook them they don't crew up that happens a lot I'm sure a lot of you have noticed it give it a nice little just notch [Music] and pepper you want to do this about a half an hour before you put them on the black stone just like searing a steak it's going to give it a nice sear it's going to get our nice crust once that salt gets a little bit melted in there flip them same thing and these are thick so you want to be generous [Music] and that's it then I'm sit for half an hour and we will grill them up so with our pork chops we are going to have some chopped up potatoes and we're also going to cook on the black stone these are baby potatoes assorted purple red gold they're awesome but I'm still going to cut them in half just to make sure that we get them cooked through and that way the seasoning gets in the middle as well as the skins so I'll start cutting these in half and as I cut almost to come over here so now we're going to add avocado oil cook these up a little bit salt pepper paprika [Music] and some garlic these are ready for so here we heat up our canola oil you can use olive oil if you'd like you know whatever your preferences and we're gonna put our potatoes down to start the cooking process this is my first time cooking these potatoes so we'll see what happens I'm not sure but we will give it a shot and we can adapt to whatever we need to because that's what cooking is all about [Music] and you can hear the sizzle and wow how nice they look absolutely beautiful so at this point I put them on a rack they were done on the outside but not on the inside so you put them on a rack and lets you cook the inside as well so here I take the potatoes off the rack they're done I'm gonna put them back on the black stone and I'm gonna add some fresh grated Parmesan cheese if you've never had fresh grated Parmesan cheese you don't know what you're missing it's not even close to the same as the can you shake out the powdered cheese this is amazing especially on potatoes so I would highly recommend it [Music] so the parmesan potatoes are done and they came out amazing but I will tell you they took a long time to cook on the blackstone if I had to do it again and I will I would cook them in the microwave first about 90% done and then throw them on and they will come out just as good and he'll save a lot of time and effort and I'm sure they'll be just as tasty so now it's time for the main event we've got our avocado oil down and we are ready to put our pork chops on the griddle there we go listen to that sizzle we've got them with salt pepper and garlic forgot to mention that earlier and we are gonna let these sear about two minutes on each side and then here's our little shocker here we have our little cast iron skillet with garlic fresh garlic rosemary fresh rosemary fresh thyme and butter and that butter is gonna melt real quick and we're going to use that to baste these pork chops and this is why they're going to be the juiciest pork chops you've ever had I've done this before and it works great and it is awesome look how quick that butter melts on this black stone [Music] it's getting all the flavor of the herbs there thyme and the rosemary and the garlic and there we go and this will help cook it quicker too as well because that butter gets hot so you're gonna cook it from the top and the bottom at the same time you'd think these big thick pork chops are not gonna cook because you're just getting cooked on one side but when you start putting that butter on the top man it cooks quick [Music] so you want to check the bottoms before you turn them to make sure that they're seared enough at this point they weren't so I did not turn them which is fine that's what you want to do you want to turn you want to turn them a bunch of times you want to leave them until they're ready to be turned so it's okay to check them and not turn them but it's better than turning them a bunch of you know multiple times because then they're not going to get cooked evenly so again checking again not quite ready it's just fine no problem [Music] [Music] you can adjust the temperature as you like [Music] checking again [Music] and we're getting real close here to turning them [Music] [Music] stir up that herb and butter mixture and we're ready let's turn Oh because they look perfect [Music] so now we do the same thing on the other side stir that up that mixture now is melting with the flavor thyme rosemary butter garlic and now we're cooking at an accelerated rate here it's really getting done and the flavors are just amazing the aromatics are coming through a big time [Music] let me say these pork chops are so juicy it's out of control [Music] [Music] they've got about another minute and they are ready to rock and roll look at that more butter on top so we have our pork chops on the black stone with baby potatoes I guess they're called baby potatoes different colors we got purple we got gold we got some other color I don't even know but the main event or the pork chops and these are the center cut pork chops and we took some thyme and some rosemary and garlic and butter and the cast iron skillet right next to it then we use that to base them and all they smell absolutely amazing so we are going to dig in right now to these pork chops and see how good they came oh look how juicy those are those are beautiful oh my god they're so juicy and tender all the flavors that I just mentioned are coming through let's have a bite with the pork or with the potato perfect amazing blow the gorilla cheese this is a parmesan grated cheese and with the pork chop this is they go to meal for the Blackstone it's not a burger it's not steak pork chop very very very delicious how they recommend it super easy but you got to do the butter sauce that really helps cooks it quicker quicker and tastes amazing you can't 305 signing out
Channel: Cooking with Big Cat 305
Views: 27,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, Blackstone Griddle, Blackstone 22 inch, pork, pork chops, juicy, juicy pork chops, fried pork chops, fried, baby potatoes, potatoes, cheese, butter, thyme, rosemary, garlic, How to cook juicy pork chops, best juicy pork chops, pork chops on the blackstone, easy pork chops, fried potatoes, parmesan potatoes, butter potatoes, how to make parmesan potatoes, how to cook pork chops on the blackstone
Id: bDC7ldQwFpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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