Solo Overnight Bushcraft Skills Testing The Snugpack Ionosphere and Stuffed Bacon and Cheese Biscuit

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welcome to the corporal's corner today we're doing so overnight in my snug pack ionosphere we're making char material in the episode it's packed full of skills so stick around without standing show coming up that time again time for another solo overnight in the woods check this out I'm out here this location last week we came out here and we shot Asmus and bearings learned how to use a compass and we nav to a secret spot when we did stealth camping now if you haven't seen that video click on the icon the top of the screen or simply youtube search corporals corner stealth camping check out that video it's outstanding now how is that relevant I'm going to the same spot today I fell in love with that area these woods are just phenomenal two beautiful place and it's loaded with resources let's get out here walk around look for resources for our next fire look for resources and materials for fire making and maybe some primitive trapping we'll do all this first and then set up our camp last let's get to it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] major score right here this is perfect for bird's nest and tinder bundles now check this out Tipton trick number one how to identify fire-making materials in the woods I'm standing next to an aspen and it's dead it's been dead for a while I know it's taciturn because the bark pattern no it's similar to to a poplar however the inner bark fibers are a lot different on these ones there's a white powder or Sheen or Alka coating on the inner bark fibers and makes it kind of course--in brittle once you see that it's guaranteed to be an aspen okay so like I already mentioned this place is loaded with resources I took a couple steps I looked down and I saw something called punk wood or punky wood now that got me thinking something that most youtubers are guilty of including myself is that we never talk about our next fire we just assume that we're out there surviving by day three we're rescued we're riding off in the sunset and we're home just in time for beer and pizza but that could be farthest from the truth okay so day three could blur into day four day five day thirty are you still using that big lighter are you still using that feral rod did you lose your feral rod have you taken the necessary steps to keep that fire going for thirty forty days so in order to alleviate that stress that English we can mix something called char material or even char cloth in this case will be char material so tip and trick number two how to identify funk wood [Music] let's go ahead and pause for a minute for those inquiring about gear all the gearing my videos can be found in two places one my Amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links are inside my description box alright check it out today's theme is gonna be snug pack okay I got the snug pack ionosphere and I've been looking for in a small backpacking tent so I thought maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way let's look for a backpacking busy this right here is under three pounds which is perfect for me for a backpacking tent or a backpacking bibby and it will fit one person plus their gear tents there's some overnight on the woods let's get this bad boy up and check it out [Music] the things I do for a sole overnighter in the woods why because I love you and once again 1% proof that read my comments all winner I've been bombarded by people telling me that you're not creating a rock ring around your fire you're gonna cause a forest fire here's my take on that you've watched me all winter make a long fire your fire that's three to five feet in length two feet behind that we have a windscreen a series of stacked logs three to four feet in height what we're doing there's we're blocking the wind there's a one side to windscreen and a three sided windscreen we're blocking the wind from blowing those large coals around that could move into the woods and cause a fire it does nothing for the flame column that comes off waves around cuz the wind goes over towards those trees over towards that dry grass it also does nothing for the little embers that flicker off up into the air 20 feet up in the air and blow across into the dry pines out there in a distance fire ring is exact same idea it will contain the large coals from being blown around it also does nothing for the flame column that dances or the embers that go up and look the top of the trees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright time to think of our next fire we collected punk wood earlier we're now going to take that punk wood and stick it into a container and create char material it's similar to char cloth except for we're not gonna take our cotton t-shirts and cut them up and deplete our resources now how are we gonna do this well I've been repeatedly asked to show you solar magnification and so we're gonna create our ember using that how do we do that we actually have a break in clouds sun's out but reminded of a story hmm there was this kid I grew up with by name from E theas he was younger than me sort of looked up to me now we did her first work together things were good we made the most of it one day prometheus wanted to give mankind equal footing with the gods he climbed Mount Olympus reship and the heavens grabbed the sunrays harnessed them pulled them down to the earth focused them concentrated them created an ember he then passed that ember unto mankind fire our first true piece of technology [Music] [Music] all we got to do right now is lift that container cool down do not open it until it's cool to the touch in the meantime I can use those coals to make some chow here's what I'm thinking stuffed bacon and cheese biscuits let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell and then feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos [Applause] [Music] this one's too easy all you're doing is cooking that biscuit to your liking as the saying goes at corporals or guaranteed to shorten your life kill you or your money back [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that took almost nothing and you can see the size of this ember imagine transferring this into a damp tinder bundle it's gonna dry it out give you a better chance of getting that fire going the next fire I can carry the rest of that material with me keep it inside of a ziploc bag or metal tin and it's there where I need it [Music] this is outstanding truth be told I ate one walking from over there to here because I just couldn't resist stuffed bacon and cheese biscuits light and fluffy buttery taste oh man perfect amount of bacon and cheese you didn't burst out the side what can I say perfection imagine mr. P well syrup for dipping sauce I only had about 15 more of these very well hmm catch you in a minute brah stuff bacon and cheese biscuits who could ask for anything more and like I said I wish I about 50 more those babies now I promise this video is packed full of skills so tip number 4 how to make the simplest deadfall trap you'll ever make so our deadfall trap consists of three parts a breakaway post a bait string and a t-handle so we're gonna do we're gonna start cut about half way in flip it over do it again and from here all we're gonna do is apply pressure next step around the bottoms off and pick one of these and carve it to a point last but not least all we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and take some Bank line and tie a jam nut or arbor knot around that point go about 18 inches out and then tie it to a t-handle now for all my military vets out there simply find a rock or something place the t-handle down put your rock or something against that t-handle I always put down a rock here from my post put the post together and then lean your deadfall against that post keeping that bait string nice and tight and if you want to learn more about deadfall traps simple youtube search corporals corner deadfall traps anything touches that bait string done deal [Music] that's what I'm talking about this is how life should be every single day of the week and twice on Sunday first order of business my channel of the week or channels of the week the first time I talked about I talked about him couple weeks ago the names Paul hack a adaptable survival and I'm gonna bring him up again because he has a new video out and that new video is the basic class at the Pathfinder school he tagged along as it helped her because he's currently in the instructor program and he's to get OJT hours so he comes in as a helper helps out photographs videotapes everything so the new video actually shows students from beginning to end so we're not going to give everything away but those portions that are there are those segments my opinion give a good estimate of what to expect also shows teaching from various instructors you might want to check it out again that's Paul hack of adaptable survival now the next while I'm talking about really quick I brought him up a couple weeks ago as well that's Andrew Heath of Drew's adventures now there's still some kind of miscommunication of which channels his so go ahead and look at the icon the top of the screen look at that picture and that's the symbol that's his logo look for that and I'll take you right to his videos he has skills videos and overnighters he's also an instructor at the Pathfinder school so check him out he's something new it's hitting the scene and he has potential stuff the bacon and cheese biscuits baby tell you what so real quick while we're sitting here you see that smoke over there I'm always asked well what do I do out mosquitos well you can spray prometo and all three clothes some people are triggered by that say it's poison well an old-school thing is a smoke campfire smoke is actually deterrent for mosquitos so you can stand in front of that get in front of it immerse your clothes in that let it smoke and smolder a little bit and believe it or not it keeps the bugs away or keeps them at bay so there you go last thing I wanna say real quick is thank you to all my subs all my old subs for sticking around all my new subs hold on cuz you buckle up cuz you're in for a hell of a ride new things on the horizon they work it's finally cooled down and this is so relaxing they would Wow living li-mei n [Music] [Music] all right some you cut that you saw that I switched back over to my Primus stove I've had this Primus stove for about seven or eight years and here's why I've switched back if you look at the Coleman compared to the Primus they're both the same height however the burner is bigger and I noticed that trying to boil water and actually boils a lot faster there's also four points of contact on here and putting skills on here or nesting cups on the Coleman they've kind of wobble like this this one's a lot more stable [Music] [Music] hmm always outstanding and for those that keep inquiring about the mug no this is not corpus Corner merchandise now it could be in the future this is actually a gift from the bushcraft diva I actually pimped her channel about a month ago and her subscribers jumped and people were checking her out if you haven't seen her go look her up on YouTube bushcraft diva let's go and talk about the snug pack ionosphere time will tell am I happy with it right now yes it didn't rain last night so I don't know but right now we're looking at 30 inches wide 104 inches in length he's got a waterproof bathtub on it with tape seems overall some messy bitty with a waterproof rain fly and it wastes about three pounds so does it fit my criteria yes well I'll use it again hell yes and the snug PAC blankie my opinion is basically a glorified poncho liner compared to the Helicon telecom's got a lot more uses turns into a lightweight sleeping bag poncho hammock under quilt and a blanket so try and compare the two Helicon first time every time but nothing wrong I snuck back welcome back last night still overnighter was outstanding and as promised it was packed full of bushcraft skills hopefully you can't complain about that as always all the gear my videos can be found on my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then you're in that notification bell once you ring that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching be out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 484,869
Rating: 4.9375119 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Bushcraft Skills Testing The Snugpack Ionoshpere, corporalscorner, solo overnight, solo, solo overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, overnight survival shelter, overnight, overnighter, joe robinet, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, snugpack ionoshpere, overnight in an emergency shelter
Id: 4w-fN3qm4d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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