so i went outside of our base.. and found this SECRET VAULT in the water!

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what is going on everybody this is the loudest intro I've ever done probably in my life but after my well needed you know one day break yesterday and and today I've kind of just spent most of the day in bed or not really doing anything at all but we are here today back hopefully me feeling refreshed me feeling you know pretty pretty cool so what's up everybody in the chat hoping was having a fantastic day if you guys are make sure I'm gonna do this again you know I'm good at this type of stuff ready like and subscribe make sure you subscribe with post notifications on so you know when I'm live or when I stream or when I post a video every day there we go I think I nailed it honestly I think that's the best thing I've ever done in my life would you wait five hours waiting I was perfectly on time but if you guys didn't see my community posts on YouTube go check it out it kind of explained why didn't upload yesterday or and I didn't do anything today it kind of explains it so what's up everybody in the chat I hope everyone's having a fantastic it's Sunday today right I'm guessing it's Sunday I was gonna ask Demi but she seemed to be ignoring me so roses are red violets are blue Raven is evil and that's why he'll kill you I'm not gonna kill anyone but we have some stuff to do today buildings are popping up left right and center so we're gonna go check out those so we're gonna get started on some lupine armor so we can be caught up well with everybody else you know I mean we can be caught up with what everyone else is doing and we can enjoy ourselves but also you guys may see down here at last stream I showed this off literally for probably about 10 seconds or so I didn't show off the full thing but we're going to be looking at the secret bunker or base today which is right outside of ours which means our knight name presenter is actually ours I punch my notification instead stream was offline so I was too early or too early you're too early yeah how dare you be too early you start streaming when I log off and you have to get in the shower honestly that is just bad timing but guys we need to get okay I'm good no worries yeah I'm feeling much much better after my you know day of just laying in bed just kind of getting my energy back I think I tired myself out like massive so the iron armor is so 2011 that is why we are gonna switch ourselves to some lupine armor so we're gonna get started or way should we do it right should we do armor first or then secret cool bunker or should we do like super cool bunker and then you know the the Alma so I'll leave it up to you guys in the chat if you guys are watching this as a video or a stream make sure you guys do like subscribe please do it all I am begging you I'm literally begging you and yeah we have to work on base upgrades as well but that will come with like episodes during the week and there will be factions tomorrow I will resume my usual schedule tomorrow so yeah okay right I'm totally not out of breath now after all that speaking but I guess we'll figure it out upgrade to war in the land that that is what we're playing bunker then armor I'm seeing bunker then armor so bunker it's gonna be okay we'll go over here we'll check out our little bunker we'll see what's good I think rate is that you're gonna lead us down here okay so I showed this off just for just literally a second it wasn't for very long I showed it off but I showed it off just a tiny little bit apparently there's some stuff which is changed and we're gonna see if this can keep us alive for like the anti-nuke stuff so we'll head our way down if you guys did see my last stream on this you're watching it now so you could have a you can hit find out you know what I mean you can you can find out you can wait you can wait 10 seconds okay but here we have hi Mikey Mikey's in here hi Mikey okay I don't even think you can hear Mikey but kisi with the 20 Danish I think I have a gift for you because I scared you last time I will come see you in a little bit I bet you won't flip the lever big noob basically flip the lever if you do daily up well are you really upload it's a siren we hit we literally have a siren you guys probably can't hear it right but we we have a spy spider we have a siren I can't speak English today that's amazing I like that what do we have here low chest low budget chest take minecart here we have a minecart what's this way okay so this is the seeker stuff which is coming out there's a door here which I'm guessing is some armor oh okay not going to show that that's probably something I shouldn't show help me shut the door all right door shut so are we gonna hit this way we're gonna head on the on the minecart okay we actually managed to get it oh my god this is sick no wreck Tigran hey someone's gonna have to give me alright see you guys later grace thank you guys for the thank you very much in this description I very much appreciate it I okay now I'm stuck Mikey I need a push thank you how did I get my name I got my name through factions plus who's like a very very edgy factions youtuber I just I had the nickname Raven and then I just put factions in front of it and everyone seems to think I made it first but I didn't oh my god this is Mikey's base we were here yesterday okay so we found out that the secret bunker actually links to Mikey's base Mikey's very cluttered base which obviously we saw yesterday we found out what Mikey was up to we think Mikey's friendly we're not too sure well you might have to do for a video or maybe for a stream later on is we're gonna have to get Mikey to help us with all these machines because I don't know what any of them do or what any I know what like the hop is do you right that's that pretty much that's set in stone but I don't know any of these like shredder done so I guess it shreds a tank with water a screwdriver right what's this assembly machine oh god he's got full it must just before what's up a mill how you doing you like my channel thank you guys very much and if you guys do enjoy the channel or enjoy the stream to enjoy anything make sure you guys your like and subscribe if you guys are new as this will be out as a video after which means you guys can have an input oh my god I can't even see my face on what happens in modded war but I guess we'll head back to the base I mean I don't really know what I'm like he's doing it just like she's got tanks and stuff but I'm kind of lost how do we get back out rekt he where's the way out this way right yeah it's this way okay I want this modpack sobei I actually I could get out the mods maybe for 20 oh okay I'll just give out the mods it's it's just like a set of mods pretty much it's nothing like too difficult you know what I mean but we'll see if Mikey might be able to help us with our lupine set because mikey obviously knows what he's doing as you guys can tell slippery dog with the 2.79 hair even what's up man how you doing welcome to the stream yo make sure you guys do hit the like button because that's important in life no by my car okay right he's gonna have to get that alloy back so do we have a look in the secret place I feel like we should have a look in the secret place I'm gonna have a look in the secret place personally because if you guys can see last year I made a gun so you know watch out everybody watch out we've got ourselves sticking link okay the fact that it has a nuclear in the in the beginning of the sentence probably doesn't mean great things high explosive lovely project in touch that bunker buster' probably shouldn't touch that launchpad shouldn't touch that oh we have an assembly machine and stuff fusion core probably shouldn't touch that we probably shouldn't touch much to be honest it's no cool with the one pound donation at my snapchat and face cam alright I'll think about it maybe but okay so this is basically the Raven don't touch chest I don't think I can be trusted with pretty much anything in there but we'll head back up now we know what this bunker is about we can probably start using this as maybe storage or start using it maybe just to put stuff in and stuff like that we'll figure it out as we go what's up mad man how are you doing me to open this back up there we go come on open up how do we okay we just make sure we shut it after us right so the secret bunker leads to Mikey's base which is like over that way so I guess us and Mikey more friendly than we thought so I don't want to touch anything in there mainly because I know I'm gonna get myself killed especially anything that has like nuclear in the title I probably shouldn't probably shouldn't go near just my own safety I wrecked it you got here faster than I did I'm f on the wall so we need to start getting ourselves some lupine armor but it's actually building I want to check out first there is something which basically spawned this way well not spawned was created there's that one there I take it we'll go out the front door Oscar thank you for the sub yes I didn't leave it for okay we'll take the the doorway here we go we'll take our little lovely little doorway and see what's going on we'll see we'll go yeah well head over this way this will probably the best way there is a boat open this our boat how to join the series we're not currently giving out any spots for now mainly because the server the in fact requests are already off right but I feel like I should be able to maybe give up like one or two spots maybe in a separate video I might do like a 25k special and do like that there are people over there have a look I think but there's two things over here so there's this here which I don't really know about it just looks like a ha I'm gonna be honest it looks like a house it's on our land right I know who's building this is oh Jesus Christ hi wise guy key backing off I'm friendly can I come see ok I can come see ok we might go speak to geeky and see what Gehrke's go into you know what he's doing with his life actually can we get getting discord geeky discord the geeky we don't trust geeky because he's the leader of the bandits but I guess as long as in a public place I'm ok will join with join recording for there we go will join this one and we'll wait for geeky recording for and then we just have to wait for geeky I don't like I want to get in without knocking I don't get myself killed but I am very good Fox how are you my man I hope you're having a fantastic if you guys are like this dream just go if you guys in you thank you very much come on geeky where's geeky yet we're just waiting for geeky at this point I want to come here now and have a look I don't it okay well it just walk in oh there's a pin code right we're not walking in come on Gehrke we haven't got all day I've got things out there is hi geeky hello please don't kill me okay okay so I can't get in where you are without a passcode so I'm guessing I'm not going in this way this door hello look at this cigarette in your mouth what is this this is fantastic you're the security guard for what what is this place because I've only just seen this this is a bank so can I come in all my weapons I have one I made it yesterday keep it safe it's my you don't steal it I've also got a boat I need it I've got a boat do I need to put the boat in there too probably not it's just a little pedal boat okay all right oh my god what this is fantastic I'm three hello so what do we do at the bank it's an int you just a place to store stuff can I open an account yeah and there requirements to open an account wait I have to pay you to open an account so let me get this straight right let me get this straight yeah I have to pay you to open an account for you to keep my stuff safe yeah so you store guns and stuff here okay I'm not gonna do now because I want to do with Ryan because obviously I don't know like open an account just by myself because I need my adult supervision here because I obviously can't buy myself money twelve so head of security investor Gander Morton to us invest in my key okay so you need him before I can open an account I write I need to turn you up geeky I think you're very quiet for me okay there we go I turned you up okay so I can't open an account without this okay I've turned geeky up okay I'll turn up I'll turn them up a little bit in a little bit more there you go right you should be good now all right so we can't open an account without your manager I can't open an account without my adult supervision so is there any chance of at all Omega was this food for sale cookies bread carrot potatoes Apple steak pork you must be making like big bucks right we've made one iron you've made one iron I don't have any on me I don't have any eye on me I can pay you in potatoes okay so one potato and I will take one cookie please this is pathetic this is absolutely pathetic okay degree right so can I can I come in the back because it says stuff only right but you've taken my stuff so I can just okay so it's just a decoration what's through here the big boy okay you you give it an over I just have a look I'm not gonna touch anything like if I do you can kill me pretty easily so oh my god number one security vote or security so we have three levels of security oh my god so you can pay for like what what's the difference between level one security vote and level three secure vault it's pretty pretty suckish right and we prioritize protecting level three items over level one okay in the in the event of hyster okay so you're just basically preparing for someone to kill us or kill you not us because I'm not involved here right that's what I'm getting at so here's another one you can pay for bigger storage but this is Tier one storage okay it's just pretty that's not bad oh my god it's like an actual vault yeah man what security very seriously this is sick okay so oh my chart it's a bit overkill isn't it is there more oh my god what the hell geeky what what are the fans for okay right so there's tough in the roof steam turbines can I go through here I just want to look I'm not gonna do you have on my guns and stuff right you can even look at my stream like I'm sure oh my are you kidding me you're actually kidding me gaggy what have you done is even more are you kidding me what are you doing this is our level if you can get in right okay this one's still under renovation but it's got two doors here so done it's good why is it why is it forest in here what is this what is this I'd like to leave now please before I don't like this so what what's the pricing for at a 3-volt but it's you charge by day or do you charge by item it's just a one-time purchase and then when you store stuff you actually get interest on it so okay so how much is it so if I so if I want to buy a level three volt with Ryan how much would it be what storage here would you like what you mean storage here please no but you have kids and everything so if I was to buy like the max one like the best one I could that would bring you to just math real quick you do the math I'll sit back and orders take a little sip of my drink while I figure out how not to get myself killed in the situation fifteen diamonds and 540 iron did you just say 540 iron 540 okay we're on say or 50% discounts I can't even get Alex's keep-keep headed ok 180 right that's not that's not too bad between diamonds oh and $15 Jesus Christ okay right I'd like to leave so I can consult my my adults about this because I feel like you know I need a can't make this decision by myself if I actually want to do anything but okay so can I have my gun back or do I get that on the way out yes you get it on the way out okay so I need to actually how do I get okay oh you have levers okay I'll take my thank you right thank you for the tour Becky thank you okay I'll probably come up with Ryan sometime just uh you know check the place out but this isn't this is nuts Jackie this is actually nuts thank you very much I'll see you soon oh you do complimentary check you out my man right I seem a little bit have fun what the hell has Jackie just made honestly we thought our secret vote was good in terms of like protection have you guys just seen what Gehrke has made what the hell is that shadow plays what you have just missed is Jackie and his like team of banker investment people making something which is basically unreadable I still don't trust it right I still something in the back of my head even though Jackie is technically a nice guy you know what I mean he's doing he's demon protective I agree what mr. registered in my chat I don't trust Gehrke one bit right I don't trust him at all I have way too much like knowledge about how Jackie does stuff to realize that it's probably a scam in some way like someone's gonna die if you buy something from their butt if you guys think we should I don't know open a bank or try find out what the secret motive make sure you guys leave a like on this video if you watch this a stream or a video either way it's very very much appreciated but we need to start work right now on our lupine armor which is like the best kind of like set you can get right I just did a hand movement you guys can't see the hand movement and we're gonna we're gonna leave it there but I feel like this is the one you make here it's the lupine LM SS or is it this stuff oh no well let's go with this stuff we'll go this one we'll go with the I am feeling it's this one so we need so much stuff to make right we have so much stuff we need to make Kip lights level one armor which is composite iron single-use spinner at spinnerets which is composite low quality steel which is dusted iron ah okay ask for a job we actually could and maybe get like a job interview I'm gay key we can actually try that so we need composite which is low quality steel which is dusted iron to make low quality steel so we need to load a dusted iron okay we have this and we have this so we'll make ourselves a load of load of dusted iron smell all the dusted iron will do it half and half to show us a bit quicker there we go what's ever my own I am on I am on the private SMP server he quit Banat team and is now team with sword Raven look at this okay I still don't trust Kiki I still don't trust kaki one bit but if you guys do I don't know well maybe we'll figure something out but you and Ryan ETA geared that is what our plan is right now we're gonna start walk on this lupine set which i wish i knew what to do with okay so we have low quality steel it's we have very low quality stuff here on the factory driven youtube channel a mid quality steel we need to make composite which is low quality steel which is what we're making now oh it's just gonna be so confusing just got McDonald's jealous I had one earlier I'm not jealous at all I don't I don't know I just had McFlurry but that's not the point if you guys are new around here it makes you guys do like it subscribe it's very appreciated why is that oh you're not going into the well I saw low quality it's not stacking I'll leave it there then we'll leave it there just for this to go Jackie joined sort no I feel like this is situation where I've scoped it out I need to talk to Ryan to find out what he wants about the situation and what he feels but I guess we'll figure out he's a bandit he steals from the vault I definitely think there's some ulterior motive it looks like Emile's you know quote-unquote coffee shop right is his coffee shop which totally didn't turn into like a nuclear missile launcher last time it's it's kind on nicely it's looking like they've added some just like glass and generally done like the outside of it which obviously we get a 30% discount because of how close he lives which I absolutely love but make sure it's very coffee like I I have a feeling we should probably at some point make it sure it's very very coffee like but we need do we have lever it's the same for every piece because that's um leather no leather war and tactical armor Colin with the $0.99 super chat thank you very much my man I do appreciate that you're very cool guy so we need a load of this coop light thing we need this we need way more iron we might need to do a deal with somebody and try get some iron out with this because we don't remember to do this by ourselves if we have any more coal I guess we'll start smelting just a little bit more iron if we get like it's go 14 so we can put 7h um I'm not gonna have enough I've now realized I'm I'm not gonna have enough anywhere near let's add six there we go and then add six on to there there we go it's not my shop oh yeah it's kissies that's the one sorry about that I got I got very confused for a second okay so this dusted iron add it into there add it into there even if we can deflect one piece right it shows we're making progress so we'll work on the helmet we need electrical unit which is more low quality steel which we have so we can make one of those we can make and then you need electrical dust which we can make we can do like most of this right if we're close to a hundred likes make sure you guys do like the stream make sure you guys like the video make sure you like everything right it makes you really really cool and they're just that's that pretty much it so we'll make like like 32 I like to 34 that would ask me because I totally doesn't mess up but we need to make ourselves we need a repeater which is three stone to okay so we can do this right this this much we can do we have the stone we just need redstone and two sticks so we need three more redstone one two three if I can okay so it's just glitching okay never mind it wasn't me Charles thank you for the segment it goes well sorry I get very into things I just can what you forget to read notifications but that will make that there we go let's make ourselves are repeat done let's go boom boom boom boom bumper bumper bumper there we go now we just need more low quality steel so if we get four low quality steel no that's led one two three four here we yeah um let's add this like this you probably didn't need that much electrical dust looking at it logically that should make ourselves electrical units there we go even if we just make the helmet today made quality steel but you have to smoke composite this means we need more iron and more coal your boy thank you very much for this sub right I'm gonna have to think about this we could maybe you borrow something off mic borrow in a light tongue because we probably won't be able to pay it back but that's not the point you don't need much of this right if we take this five and just I think it was like low there I'm like coal there okay so it makes two so we have ten of the composite thing the mid quality steel we let you just need to smelt this so let's change this over here and it smelt that and start making some progress that should start smelling there we go I can hook you up with some more iron rec tea if you just come drop me some because we're on the same team there's a key mod matter craze thank you for the sub low quality content you know that that's me in a nutshell here boys local low quality content ah but guys if you guys are enjoying the video or the stream or kind of just want to see more modded war make sure you guys do like and subscribe because it helps you makes you cool and ever wants to be a cool kid right this turd starts melting there we go now we just need how better be rekt II and that's what I thought wreck t you hand it over to your your king your leader thanks Rick D right so now we need to make okay that works thanks Rick t I'm guessing Casey comes to my shop I have a deal for you I might come over a little bit and pan thank you for the sub but we want to make this set before we go anywhere right so now we just need Kip light armor which is the composite and wall do we have wool or we own a farm don't we what am i doing this deme why are you eating marshmallows no I'm mad now okay we already have water so we need to go boom-boom from that we already forgot to get our composite stuff which we now need which is somewhere around here where is it mid quality steel is this it yeah mid quality steel hey what we need oh no no my composite okay composite war spinny thing we need more of this okay most war more they're more spinny thing okay so that's enough for a helmet near enough I think we can't you make this mid quality steel we just need a bit a lever do we have any weather on us no good hotel and cell rooms or /r n oh it's a good idea actually okay we haven't leather now we just need I think it's leather electrical unit mid quality steel and typically armored and there we go we have our first lupine piece right we're making some good progress right now look at this look at me now I've look at me now everyone who dealt with me everyone down at me look at me now boys alright now we have to get to work again we need more Kip liked more mid quality steel we need basically everything so we need how do we get more mid quality steel we need iron and coal right that's how we do it over feelings how we do it when you'd like let's put six in and six of that and six of that that makes composite stuff which then means we need to melt this so it's melt that there we go hundred and seven likes upon dislike thank you guys very much for the support make sure you guys do like and subscribe I'm gonna say this you know continuously everything we're doing you know that's what we do on this channel we do plug repeatedly but guys it will be back to my regular schedule so there will be factions tomorrow everything else following everything should be normal but even if we just get two pieces done I feel like we can be confident enough there to end this dream because we've made good enough progress we need to make this tactical armor oh god that means we need four more Oh dearie me all right we need more what stop dropping me set a kissy I don't want it no I don't want it no we would do this by ourselves we don't want handouts we spit on handouts right we have steel armor which I'm guessing is a really Ryan's we need to make composite which I feel like we just made I feel like I'm already smelling all the composite we'll take half of it or we'll take four and leave that there there we go and we will go down the middle the wall goes there that goes there that we go over made five which means we can make the the tactical armor which now we just need low quality steel this is all getting so easy right now we're actually doing it because let's pull this back just so we don't lose it Ryan uploaded well Ryan's a good upload man you know what I mean Ryan's good at this whole uploading thing Johan with the hundred and what sure how much that isn't GBP but thank you very much man I do appreciate that you're very go love your videos dude love you love the fans hashtag be a maverick okay all right so it's low-quality still in the bottom let's make this dumped and dirt and and we've made ourselves the tactical armor which obviously isn't the full thing right now but which looks so broken tis this tactical armor but hiring from Sweden hello Sweden I'm guessing you're talking about the whole country and not just you individually so now we need for more of this which means we need more Spinneys rec t do we have anymore spinies I need more spinnies need more low quality content yeah I feel like I need low loads more locally content right I know that's not a hundred pounds I know how much it is I was just double-checking how much it was before I cheat anything wrong you can husk with the two dollars what's up how you doing still making Pocket Edition videos oh I forgot now we need the spinny things again I don't like making spinny things because we need low quality and composite which is basically everything we have low quality let's take like six six six low quality and then we need more composite which is more low quality and then hi everyone from Ireland once again I think you're talking about the whole country so hello the whole of Ireland this will make composite there we go which is lovely because then we can make ourselves a spinny thing which is low quality on the outside and composite in the middle boom look at us look at us go I've never seen such productivity out of fractions or even YouTube channel what's up Daniel welcome to the stream have any wool and then more composite we are absolutely killing the whole game right now we're out of wool that's not important what we can go share some sheep we have the farm available to us so we should be able to go shear shrimp chips alright let's head over you're just chillin underwater I looked at chat and then I missed the parkour that wasn't that wasn't the scale on me being bad that was just a scale on a me not knowing really what I'm doing but let's head over to the farm base which is actually our farm base so such high quality content Thank You Raven no way my name is too long so call me maybe I felt your names too long out of anything if I'd minds like perfectly length once again with the armor you're gonna make guns we need to prepare ourselves very quickly right so be surprised if the next few streams aren't literally just us farming stuff maybe Mikey can help us with the tech side because Mikey seems to have all that setup so he can probably give us like a tutorial thank you very much Danielle for the sub I appreciate that you're a very cool person everyone to follow in your footsteps we'll just share these sheep we'll just they're ours anyway right come on give me an even amount there we go big old 20 oh no no okay right destroy the evidence nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened no see you later see you later hi everybody I did nothing aah gunshots really scare me in this game I don't know what's happening you can trust Jackie he left the palace enjoyed sort he is 60 out of a hundred percent nice I mean right now I'll say Gehrke is like to me he was quite nice earlier so I'll give him like a even like a 60 70 yes I'm using the faithful texture pack because it's just the one I like to use really I forgot I didn't have any levers so I can just need to walk in all right it's my base anywhere I can break if I want to what's that big Matthew how you doing yeah I suppose small Matthew is coming later you could be an info broker who gets information and sells it I do like that idea now that you've probably something we could actually do so we need to make what my making I might completely lost we need to spin a stuff more composite which we have we need wall down the sides and then we need two spinny things lovely we've got nine of it now we are killing it we need more mid quality steel which I should find with my high quality content made quality steel blimp and burn burn don't bear what's up Jack how you doing made quality steel down the bottom oh we need our chess play back let's take this number and then what is it and then this stuff they keep late they help me go two out of four done look at us we look so fancy who died hello it's I didn't do that right you guys all saw it I didn't kill a man but we'll just just leave you there we if we don't turn around it's not gonna it's not gonna show up right so make the legs this is easy now easy peasy boomp boomp boomp boomp boomp bear we might actually get the whole set done oh my god we aren't you gonna get the whole set done hi damn it's a dead person I didn't do it as you can probably tell high-quality Raven making mid quality steel there Raven guarantee ok so we just need oh my god we can make the whole set I did it stream video I did something we did it all by ourselves look we did it that day that I don't get copyright aired whoa ok right we killed it look at this we got offset now and a gun everyone to get me terrified of fashion's Raven oh I'm so proud of my progress this stream right we saw we've checked out our new bunker we checked out the place which is probably going to be a murder dungeon at some point we made ourselves some armor and we are just killing the game right now honestly making so much progress and I feel like that it's gonna be a good point in a minute to end up the stream because I feel like we've done you know a considerable amount and you know we look cool now on on you armor look at this anybody want to come who died demonetized that that's basically me in a nut shell just don't show the body don't show the body look at this Ryan's gonna come on right and see that I've done this and he's gonna be terrified that I managed to do something by myself so we've made our cell to loop on armor everyone's yelling at me for using the HBM of the Flan's mod guns is there hvm guns and I just not good oh my god there is okay thank you Richard for the sub I'm sorry but if the fact I made everything doesn't mean you guys subscribe it a hundred percent should you guys definitely subscribe right now such as Kendall did and Richard oh my god there's so much more stuff shear Abby boom armor guess that's what it means so is there guns we can make message rec T so what guns do I make if not from flans because if we can't make fans guns or if everyone's judging me for use its using fans guns right then there has to be like a look I made armor do you need to push he just took some nugget out a penny it's modern it just could just crashed me oh my god what is this ah ah Demi get off the boat Joseph thanks for this up alright MW apparently oh it's this stuff so oh okay so these are the guns we should make a Remington oh Jesus right um this this is gonna have to be for another stream because I feel like we can't do that today we've already done so much but I think it's a good time to end it right especially ending on like this boat is so loud I need to turn my sound off okay there we go but this is a good point now to end off the string you've done so much today and checked out some good stuffs if you guys are watching to the video or a stream make sure you guys do like and subscribe you know and leave a cool comment to welcome make him Ryan asset you know Ryan can make his own set it's his own content I don't know just take it from him but thank you guys so much for watching I have been graced by the presence of Jesus apparently lord give me subscribers I don't think it worked right we'll leave that there everybody thank you guys so much for coming out and watching the stream I hope everyone did enjoy I will see you guys tomorrow with the facts the episode I'm sorry people saying no but you know it's been a good amount of time I don't leave my streams that long and I will see you guys tomorrow hopefully with the factions episode right if everything goes well so thank you guys so much for watching make sure you guys like and subscribe post notifications on I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 9,028
Rating: 4.96139 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: vVWe0LI24Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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