so our biggest enemies RUINED our war base.. so THIS GOD BASE was made instead!

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okay we are live over here on the faction trailer YouTube channel the best place you know for daily factions content telly everything content you know you're in the right place ladies and gentlemen you're all in the right place but welcome today everybody to today's episode slash stream slash modded slash everything what is up everybody in the chat I am not late I was early you're all late that's everything that's fine welcome everybody today I have some stuff to share you guys may have just seen a little bit we're gonna we're gonna sit down here for a sec because it was you guys by the title as you can tell it's a very sad day listen no one it was late no one was late I was I was on time I was early I the funny thing is I set myself up to these streams you know slash episodes you know every like 20 minutes beforehand and the house still late I'm still somehow late listen if you spam late you're gonna be you're gonna be annoyed did it I'm gonna get mad I'm gonna get very mad at everybody all right everybody's out much get out now but guys welcome to today stream of episode if you guys are new hip make sure you guys you drop a like on this thing right now drop a like now and make sure you guys you subscribed with post notifications on if you subscribe on a stream your name pops up up up there somewhere I can't turn to the right place but it's like up right you're on the right so if anyone wants to subscribe you know give out give me a hint you guys can very much appreciate it but guys as you can tell by their title today something happened alright Big Big Bertha we're gonna call her the bass me and Mikey made fee for hookers and ours Big Bertha is is gone Big Bertha is gone this was a lot worse as you guys can see there's a hole just one big one we don't have a bridge big Bertha's there's no farm on big birth or anymore a load of stuff in here was blown up previously and everything's kind of like okay now but all that stuff stolen as well so I'm guaranteeing somebody on the server did it right so we have nothing left pretty much we're kind of the minimalist right now of everything and more the puppy thank you for this up but look at this right now alright it's not going well for us it's not going very well there is nothing anywhere but we have good news I guess with the bad news because with the with the bad news always has to become good news I am actually gonna what was the passcode for this eventually was it just ok what's five five five five here we go thank you everyone for the subs child Mara Barbara minecraft cosmic whistle but guys I'm gonna go over this way we're gonna show it off this way because our town is actually becoming a much better town and we're playing on a custom mod pack mister overwatch Pro they were playing on a custom mod pack that was made by you know everybody who contributed mods and stuff but but what we have here is the bank has now been moved the bank is now in line with the road it is now correct which means who's that is that right - that's right - okay so over here we've got nothing which is gonna be something over here this is new I don't know what this is we're gonna check this out today as well okay five five five spam and let's spam you know I'm streaming when this happens does anyone know what this is anybody who maybe like watches as the people series or kind of knows what's going on I don't really know what this is I haven't seen this before so if anybody knows feel free to tell me there seems to be nothing up here I mean I guess I'll just leap for freedom there we go and easy to send so I don't know what this is but the town is starting to come together the town is slowly becoming the best thing in the world over here we have you know a thing this thing we have a bank over here we've got our little Tower and over here now it should just be completely flat if I run over here you made it to a stream or welcome to a stream I hope you have fun I hope you enjoy yourself subscribe together the new like I described tweet me a david dobrik i slowly ran out of breath doing that but okay yeah over here is now just flat the base the the previous bank is gone it looks like a hotel like helipad thing right that's what I was thinking it looks like the Ritz like the Ritz Hotel and also guys if you guys aren't new I really hit 30 thousand subscribers which means this Saturday at like I don't know what time I really haven't figured out I'm leaving a 12 hour long livestream of consisting of modded factions I'm going to be inviting like ten people which means 10 people can join modded factions and what at war you want to call it I'm gonna be doing psycho we're gonna be doing psycho giveaways like obviously you know sponsored by psycho Matt's gonna hook me up with everything we're gonna be doing some hypixel we're gonna be doing Skyblock a load of good stuff so if you guys do want to come along for that it will be like there'll be something telling you Leia just just figure it out this is Falcon Cal stuff I need you to go to bank and now need to go please don't steal or see I will happen well it's empty - someone stolen it right and it wasn't me you guys can vouch it wasn't me right you guys can vouch because if it was me then you know we'd be in trouble but the thing I want to show today is the admins have basically hooked us up with something that basically is the best thing we could have like it's it's God Tyr look at the size of this because it's just gonna get nuked anyway so look at the size of this battleship right here look at it I don't know if you guys have seen you know Ryan's video so you guys have seen twins videos you guys probably have I'm gonna be honest with that but as you guys can see we have the biggest damn thing ever okay this thing we're gonna have a look today we're gonna start making some storage and stuff today I can't I can't apparently speak either but we're gonna start maybe making some rooms where we can put some stuff obviously all this and we need to turn this if stone this can all be smelted and stuff and we're gonna make everything better okay it wasn't Raven I literally have physical video evidence it wasn't me as I was streaming at the time I found it so have that everybody ha ha ha ha but look at who said aeroplanes ok that is not an aeroplane but a lot of room in here Kenneth with the $2 shout give me a shout out there you go Kenneth thanks for the 2 tallis I don't do self advertising in here my man just to let you know alright so let's take ourselves a lovely adventure through the rest of this and see what is going on because I swear to God if everything starts like blowing up on me or like there's some secret room or something we need to be sure so empty empty what you could do is make this like a prison cell eventually I could make this like a big prison cell area so we could have like a like a prison in here we could have another prisoner in here we could have a prisoner in here and my my laptop's internet has gone out so but apologies as I have out for a second this ain't my day since I've had a really bad day keep it a good work desert thank you very very much I really do appreciate that's very kind of you as the dinosaur jumpy game is now going on my laptop I mean I'm gonna be my house cool you guys are gonna seem like you can't even see my house cool can you okay so I'm thinking right we put manage to put a prisoner right here we put a prisoner here so I don't know if we have any materials or anything I don't know where it would be we can go in Mikey's base right and have a look so we could maybe make some prison cells today we could get some people who stuck in prison so if anybody there like tries to be mean we can trap them in we can keep him trapped forever that seems like a good idea to me and we're also probably just gonna have a little wander around see what people are doing outside of the base so obviously we have this really big area and we actually did bomb the bandits and there is a - quite a few people on which makes me think at some point I'm probably gonna die I'm gonna be honest pretty cool cargo plane you awful well hat my wearing today I am wearing a forever 21 hat it's just like slightly broken but I think that's the style of it I'm gonna be honest I think in here there were already iron doors right we we have iron doors we should still have our door maker if not I know you can borrow one from like Mikey or someone so we should be ok ok there we go the Internet's back now which means I can actually you know monitor everything there we go there we go there we go Australia is here welcome Australia the whole of the country well let's there we go we'll go all the way back up to the base we do need like an easier way of getting up like point A to point B whether it's like a drawbridge or something I really don't know Ravens late I am I am early you're late payment for Rowan has been taken okay now I get the five five five five spam here we go all of my chat now is gonna be filled with five five five five five five my five if you guys do enjoy modded warp make sure you guys like and subscribe you know it means a lot it's very very cool so please please do it thank you okay we still have the door so we can make the door out of we can still smelt stone we still have our little smelter thingy Island is here Luthor way near is here what is up the whole of the country I can hear a plane hello it's a plane here somewhere someone's in a plane thing and they were good what is that huh what is that do we go check that out what is that oh it was sword okay what's that big flying concrete thing is it not smelling why they're chess in the bottom but nothing else at the top okay there we go we fixed it Hun's it with the 2-pound how was your day been Raven plus give me mod pls thks my day has been absolutely fantastic I've had a very nice chill day today I recorded an episode of Skywalker I recorded a factions video and a load of other stuff but I don't really give out mod that often so I will think about it but thank you I appreciate it that we defeated enough really for like two doors I don't know if we can like can we just use an iron door make it with a digit code is that a thing like if we put a door there okay no we can't we're gonna have to make a door ourselves let's make a cool door what happens if you put like bottom block frame type and then - we have a bit of glass or we actually need to get one a jail door we don't have jailed all there or do we want you know don't want jail don't want custom doors and let's get ourselves to be we don't have literally anything there is so much we don't have it's good a Death Star I know it's a Death Star I didn't know if we should like go check it out or we're gonna die type of thing pretty much so we can figure it out and yes this stream does go out as a video so if you go for manage to catch the whole thing you guys are perfectly able to see the video maybe if you want to if not then you know I'll just cry so what do you also don't get mod because you just pull over my base and scare me so you get nothing okay let's just do it all stone I feel like this is through stone and this is the time now we need to get ourselves let's go to editor we need to get ourselves our Corgi and then we need to line up mr. Cory with the there we go and then I will think of a four digit code in discord and do that and then that can be our code so we do don't-don't-don't then it didn't work why didn't our door work why is it not working the cookie is there for no reason now we can't even make the door can we modify a door or we can modify the door ok corgis going back Talkies going back that our door doesn't work do I'm gonna break this and try it don't even have a pickaxe I literally died last episode and don't have a pickaxe oh we literally have nothing do we okay so apparently we are we can't have doors so I guess wood issues iron doors for now pretty much so let's grab some of this we literally don't have anything five five five five spammy coming there we go we need to go find some wood or just generally grab just just a little bit of wood the only thing I'm at about is they stole my doors I need my I need my doors I love minecraft war you should love Minecraft for everybody lost my car for today we can do instead of do me like this we could go see what Mikey is Mikey on underscore underscore message another little Mikey can I come over well see if we can go to Mikey because Mike is always the guy we uh oh I just got shot do you mind that's new oh that's wrecked e missing big base Hun's it with the one-pound free arrest key thank me later I don't know what a vast is but I guarantee someone probably gonna steal it before I do I'll see if my key is in discord because then we can go we can go chill with Mikey he is let's steal him that's steal Mikey Michael I wish I'm streaming leave Mikey alone no I joined the wrong channel I can't do anything today so bad right so can I come over basically to the big big base cuz don't you know but like one of our enemies has stolen all my stuff so me and Ryan are pretty poor meaning I have about I don't know I have probably think about logically about to sack to cobble and I want to make some doors with a code for the jail for the hangar because I feel like we can make like a thing on this I'm wondering if you can help me with that and then you put the code on then I don't have to have a picture of a corgi yeah okay so I'm just looking for I mean I don't have anything to put it with that that's the issue right we have nothing I have I have this and that's it I had a gun in 10 potatoes to my name and that's literally about it but the bank is moved the bank got moved by the admins to fit in with the road the bank is still there I did show it Mikey you're an absolute idiot you're so dumb you're so dumb why have you got a knock-back 10 stick Mikey how are you messing with oh my god you're such a note ok where is Demi Demi is about 2 feet to my right playing overwatch like you've got hazmat stuff Lou Pinella yes this is Mikey's dead corpse wrecked he's dead yeah you want a quickie no one gets it for you ok listen I just need like I don't know what we can make a door out of Thursday I don't know what's a good thing to make like a good door so if you have any ideas feel free to let me know in reinforce stuff reinforce stuff and stuff and stuff what do I get reinforced stuff and stuff and stuff because I don't have reinforced stuff and stuff and stuff oh thank god everyone else is prepared right god I'd expect everyone else to be ready for my stream Jesus okay can take any of you anywhere honestly oh you have loads of stuff you've got loads how's it with the one pound it's an unlimited key and it's an anti-virus with a VPN okay I mean it's advertising I don't know is that allowed probably not but okay you have stuff right can I make can I borrow some stuff I don't know what to make a door I don't know I don't know what to make it to where I want so I just do it like iron or what I mean you really made I don't know so I'm gonna borrow I mean you stone and you have any glass just like one bit or like - oh you have sand can I make this reinforced glass can I use reinforced yeah all right let's do it okay all right cover that up we go turn turn turn what going up here yeah this time you won't because you actually have armor on this time you big num-num you serious need to like fix this roof because it's not jumper friendly yeah listen Mikey I'm not judging you per se Zaid thanks for the slab but date is used to subscribe to me and he said he'd just subscribe saying he's judging you so I mean he's not really but I guarantee okay so the glass goes in the top block and then bottom block and then that is a door right yes so do I create it and then put the code on or do I put the code and then I mean you normally put the code okay you call these coming on corgis coming on Mikey okay this needs to be my code there we go all right we've got one I need to make another stream isn't gonna see anything for a sec or we make a door okay there we go and then we can get rid of the picture of the Corgi no one's gonna know the code it's not five five five five I'm not as dumb as Ryan do you have a pickaxe second bar I literally have nothing well I say I have nothing I have a gun in a helicopter and I can't fly so lovely right so how would you want to do this like you make me a new one yeah yeah I like the idea I like Teddy making me stuff that works make a Keith statue the Sheep oh my god that's such a good idea we can have a portable sheep just flying around have to go bye see you later bye have fun you have a call guitar well I have like a I have a sheep like a small sheep all right sure William how do I make sure William and we have it sounds like Shakira can we make a Shakira pick axe and I mean if you class this is for Kira oh my god oh my god it's like I'm playing counter-strike I'm not good it makes noises as well it's like a swoosh transition wish Oh Kira pickaxe why's it got 102 attack damage Mikey it's it's not in PvP I can use it you like mine yeah okay can I borrow mine as well just yeah okay and buy borrow I mean probably because we're on the same team right so we can just like take whatever you yeah we can be a good team because I want to do is make some jail cells in the thing for women like we get enemies and we want to put them somewhere like that isn't here like maybe if we're holding them just a just for a second we can put them on the boat but I'm just going to think how to do this Jake aruch shirt with the one pound fifty sorry Jake didn't say your name I want my name to pop up and screen to be cool like everyone else Jake how have you been house Jesus Jake because I know you're a Jesus camper okay do you have wool and would I want to make a bed I don't know if you have wool all wood but if you do that would be much appreciated because right now I don't really have anything so you don't seem to have a wood or wall I'm gonna be honest Mikey we don't know anything no we don't seem to be good in the resource department I can do a plane right if you need okay right well know what we'll do is we'll get cobble and we'll just make them some stairs and they can just sit they can sleep on the stairs right oh I know what I can do I can make a bed that isn't a bed a bed there isn't a bed Mikey I just need cobble I just need your cobble Oster cobble there we go I've robbed your cobble 24 of X that seems to be what is he you use this trillion to make a door no I know no hey yes for the subs I appreciate it but okay you haven't you have a load more cobble I'm gonna steal that and I will be on my way back to the jail cell for now so I always even a little bit have fun thanks for letting me steer you stuff and that's cool no problem bye Mikey wow what a cool guy Mikey's the coolest we just come in here stealing stuff and then leave honestly it's the best hit that like button I agree everybody in this dream right now should hit the like button if you don't you're your other why did that please don't ban me you know you're a mean person if you don't like the like button your number one favorite youtuber creepers at your second yeah have that Ryan someone tell him why I'm into a bass I wish I knew I wish I knew I guessing one of our enemies on the server didn't like us very much and just kind of came and held our stuff ransom because we don't seem to have anything pretty much I hope and a place where have you bitten my man yeah Dobby is free if you subscribe you freedo be that's the best reason to subscribe in the world ow hi wreck t you I have gun you have stick gonna beat stick it just packs away I think I win first I'm making a stream Oh congratulations welcome to the stream I hope you have fun I've just realized we don't have a crafting table we're gonna have to go back into the base again turbo with the one pound not sure I can say half of that stuff but what my thoughts on the Momo thingy would you mean what Momo thingy I wish I knew you runabout okay we need to go back in the base five five five five spam here we go waiting for it it's gonna catch up eventually no that's why 5s no that's a four there we go lovely and we will go oh no okay oh that is a really fast pickaxe that sure Shakira pickaxe is very fast at all I don't know what I'm saying high five high five in we go do we have a crafting table I literally don't think we do okay we do we'll take this with us this can come with us there we go there oh they're not gonna mine no okay we'll take it there we go and then we will go what's the easiest way I we need to easier way to get from like point A to point B because I don't like having to like keep running everywhere so if maybe we can just like walk up or something oh there we go in we go and then we have to run back ram which means more five five five five spam which you know never get tired of what's the stole is Karambit knife because it makes like what I do like the slide transition it sounds like that whoosh whoosh wish whoosh oh that's cool I like that okay we're gonna make these prison cells one code is nine eight seven six it isn't I wish it was honestly right let's head ourselves over and probably rely for about another 10-15 minutes or something like that I've opened guys oh because I'm stupid cuz I like these to be just as long enough so you guys can watch them as videos you guys don't have to worry about watching the streams you know if you don't have to watch our three hour video right I'm also thinking for the 12 hour stream I'm not gonna make it a video afterwards because I feel like that is gonna take way too long one to process and to you know I hear I gets 12 hours so it's pretty long to watch anyway and it's probably gonna be good fun so it was like a banana what looks like a banana almost a challenge at targeting kids insert dangerous duties I mean it's I don't know what's a sick person kind of things that up to be honest but how listen no where is he I warned him I warned him I warned him okay let's make the prison cell now let's make a prison cell nothing nothing bad happened to rector you wrecked II wrecked II fell over okay so my plan is right now we're gonna make ourselves some stairs there we go need to make ourselves some slabs there we go and then when the prisoner is bought in we can like he can have one bed here that's a bed it's like it look how bad that bed is right that's the bed you wouldn't want to be in if you're a prisoner cuz it's like a really bad bed like I said nine times now at least even okay so why aren't the doors in the right place we should put the door in this corner it's gonna take ages to mine okay no no okay oh no oh dear they broke the boat ship thing somebody say farmer and you bet I did twin what have I missed rekt II got into an accident and fell over he fell over wait now I can have the stick why didn't I think about this oh I can see someone coming for me hello I'm streaming is that sort is heating discord Nathan with the one pound I know I've seen the thing discord oh my god I've been getting to test it out I am streaming I am friendly oh hello I got I just have to abuse reg D quick is he abuse he hit me with a knock back ten stick a lot of times so yeah no scoped and put me down okay that what a shot okay you are you are nuts okay how how can I help you welcome to the hangar I don't know today's boat ship I am currently really I mean I'm I'm live streaming so if you want a tour you can have a taller man it's it's really up to you these these are holiday homes we are giving out these yep these are holiday homes which if you come inside which obviously I can't do because I'm assuming I don't to show the code so if for example you were to go in here this is our VIP standard room you don't actually have to come in if you're scared it doesn't matter but this is our VIP standard room I'm debating making this a double bed so you only got a bit more room I feel like look makes it a bit comfy you know okay good thing as well is now twin told me to catch you so now you're in here alright it's up to this dream what happens to you now dream do we kill him do we kill him or leave him do we let him go or murder him it's really up to the stream is it this is good holiday homes I thought my reload key doesn't work reload hang on I'd shoot you but my reload key isn't working so let me just find that especially how to reload do you Oh got it there we go yep got it it was just a different one all right stream what do we do people are saying leave him I can't do that he's recording I know what everyone is recording we can't leave him I mean technically we can but he erected go be stuff back I've borrowed your shotgun Rexy just for intimidation everyone saying kill you what have you got on you if you give me a price for the tour I will give you the tour and let you live I need payment for my tour the stream is yelling we want blood I have a duty I have a duty source yeah oh that's good enough for me now you come you come they yeah I I think that's a good enough idea so this is gonna be the holiday home area this one's gonna be a double this one's gonna be a single I haven't added toilets or anything yet so yeah I'm not gonna keep him come on the mans recording leave him alone all right so and then over here we have a hallway a really big hallway oh my god he's gonna die again okay so this is this is a cool hallway ignore the dead body on the floor that was from the previous owners that wasn't us yeah there's there's really not big tank right here yeah it's just it's just a bit tank this is the main yeah I can see it I can see it I can see it okay rekt he's now in the tank I wouldn't shoot him again so let's carry on with the tour come on we have more to look let me grab my surgical act make it work quicker this is the main hallway with the observation deck where you can observe water woman and children have already gone oh is that supposed to be secretive down there because I can see that what is oh no that's not that's not a secret I've been there since the start okay you're just really late to the season and this is gonna be a kitchen maybe there's an upstairs I don't know what's up here nothing it's the same as everything else nothing up here this is a really basic tour I like this everyone call me bad I'm not bad I don't want to kill him I'm not a murderer okay and then this is the front door where did you come from the top I have a plane to go collect where is your plane how about I trade you I will take your plane and give you something in return is it a form of transport yes okay because I don't see a plane I'm gonna be honest with you it's right here where oh it's it's invisible okay message right they collect his plane twenty-eight hours now he gave it to us as as a payment for a tour you come it's a really big stand office I don't know what to go oh god I'm gonna be really honest do I kill him I can't see the plane I'm guessing is erect he picked up the plane oh there you go all right the three miles for blood what's not blessed rekt he'll leave his stuff all right people you need to like the stream for that right now I want to see we have almost 300 people in this stream I want to see 300 likes right now I want 300 likes right now I'm getting 20 discard message to employees this good that was amazing honestly okay we're gonna give his stuff back because honestly that was a bit mean he did just come for a tour but I didn't trust him he kept looking it I'll take his food as payment he kept looking at me funny yeah one one wrong look and he got put down and message at the sword we left your stuff justice for wreck T Charles thank you a $2.00 I'm missing elite thank you for the sub alright I want every way to like this dream right now we have 300 people in here okay have I really difficult up 180 likes or like 120 legs in that time like the video twin sis like the video we made you're peeping like it like the video murder fun jars with another two dollars has soared Gustav thank you for the sub way too funny we're funny people honestly what can I say okay well leave your stuff rec team will push over to a corner I don't know if you've seen what I've done I made a jail cell obviously you're in the stream for a bit but do you have like any stuff on you at all like any like ward or anything what we can sword look at her hello all that is so loud that is so loud in my ear ow come get your stuff all right so we'll go work on the jail cell right before we in this dream because now I have help well let's sort o anything it was way way way way away I have a formal transport to give you I'm gonna give him a boat I stole from his base or plane there you go enjoy okay let's head out wait twin - lock pack ten stick I'll drop a ladder you can get up oh do you know what rekt it just that you can join us I got me wreck he got this off of my key if I can pick that up off rickety and I'm having way too much fun with this let's just leave him to it oh my god I don't know why I've never laughed this much playing modded in my life that was hilarious ah that was good fun okay here we get back down stairs here we go okay so this is holiday home once we have to get there it's very big with nothing in it though that's the issue we need like a quick away from get to point A to point B like we need like a second entrance somewhere like this like what's this gonna be useful like you should make a but we should make like an entrance in here you know oh wait like a ramp for a car so we could just like a ramp a car office so that's a dead body I think that's right please that's right he's dead body I think over here is wrecked his dead body basically I don't think we should be trusted with pretty much everything wrecked he goes how do I get up swim boy swim boy swim okay so this is the double holliday home this is for two people this is if like exploded I'm so confused you just gone round Jason with the one-pound imprison rekt eat listen Rick he's had enough issues for today okay so this is gonna be the double one right if I message you the code can you put it in Michael with the $2 off twin if I can join him on old school runescape can Michael waddle join you an old school runescape twin there you go you have the answer okay so on here we're gonna do it like a single cell this is going to be like a lonely person oh yeah oh no that's wreck t stuff on the floor that makes more sense okay let's get the code then code is lat okay that's the code for the doors please yeah it's not a two five five five five like Ryan does okay I'm not that yeah one tooth on my keys each is one one one one and it's just nothing stupid like that but okay so you wanna I don't know what else we can add honestly because we don't have any stuff that's the issue think okay we'll begin make the sink out of twin oh I can make cauldrons okay I have iron so I could make how many time ache too cuz they're only gonna need one each right okay so cauldron we'll put the coda in the floor so they can drink out of their dirty water yeah yeah I like that can you put the code in this one yeah okay and then we will put him in the corner there we go yeah go go grab it why isn't the door shutting twin okay well we'll fix the doors later right it's not that big of a deal I guess we just have half doors okay you could get some water get a view or two bye oh wait I can make another bucket if you want another bucket okay I all made I see what you see me easier way to get in and out all right take take that skid T thanks to the sub I mean we could do I guess hello that works right but I've liked these last few minutes right now are gonna be the end of the stream we're ending it with you twin it's almost like I've recorded a video with you today as well it's almost like I've spent most of my day talking to you okay I said it's like it's a bad thing I'm sorry I didn't read it like that dude I have a new knife and it makes you know like the swoosh transition thing it makes the sound like that so right in like I'm expecting to pop across much I can hear a plane yeah it's someone landing or taking off okay he's taking off he's taking off I gave him a plane to go you sure I'm gonna go have a look worst-case scenario we have a tank so I think we win in this situation yeah oh he's taking off that's my plane I stole from his base you might be minor and Dante thank you this up I think it's me but whoever is can't shoot unless it's wrecked his shooting sword I think it's wrecked issuing sword so shoot okay I think I'm oh no I've got a hundred bullets left okay I lost my hammer I'm a bit late what did I miss Jerry's made the Death Star I have no idea who made the massive Death Star's I'm pretty sure we can check this out from like the next time we do something but it looks like half finished and I said this isn't rendering in but someone's made like a Death Star directly by our hangar do I tell what I'm going to do for the last bit of this dream I'm gonna fly I'm gonna fly yes yes no one ever trusts me to fly and I'm gonna prove to everyone it's a bad way of my plane sideways it's probably a bad idea yeah I'm gonna prove otherwise all right how do I get in the plane how do i Oh what do I owe God okay how do i zoom out like you Oh Ryan do paid up where's paid up oh there we go I need to change my toggles effective key because it's just otherwise gonna break perspective f5 stop rekt II I do watch your videos alright you ready yeah I'm gonna take off my whole chat is coming notes everyone is Femina Raven you need a longer runway no I don't hello I'll take it off no oh my god I'm flying twin look oh my god how do I set how do I turn I feel like move my mat was so much it's I'm upside down twin how do I turn around I've done it I'll twin now i'm sideways again when i can't stop spinning how do i turn i was like an easy way to turn okay about to land you ready i'm coming in no I'm not gonna hit the tower everything's fine I'm landing perfectly the way see everyone says Raven can't fly look at that landing perfect landing okay it's not helping my confidence everybody's family a chat rip plane okay it's kind of hurting my feelings I'm gonna be slightly honest I nailed that I nailed it you laid the plane did barrel rolls should take off again let's take up again dude second runway let's go can you get in if I press F it changes like the thing goes up look at the back the engine whatever seems you're doing anything to be up oh we soared over there oh it doesn't have any ammo you killed him dude you actually hit him I saw it on stream broke you actually hear what way what i dapped deserves to like it itself what a shot uh-oh twin twin twin twin might be an issue I didn't do it no emergency exit I've lost the plank this is why I don't fly that's why you need to go get the flame you need to go get the blame once they begin is like it I think that's kind of proved its point okay at least it didn't go five thousand blocks like the last one soul blazer and get to that deserves everyone screaming clip that oh my god what a shock twin that shot was so good oh god the planes I think the planes dead really I can right no it's just it's just smoky it's going isn't it yeah it's kind of thought sir swords planes probably gone to rip plane listen plane was broken anyway that's why it didn't work the plane clearly had something wrong with it right if that doesn't get a like right now from every single one of you I'm gonna be very upset with everybody but I feel like that's gonna be an blue stream we've had some fun Oh Lissie 45 minutes is a very good time we had some fun near the end we've made some jails we've had some fun down load of stuff how many two more times can I say fun twin how many more times so I fun fun fun fun fun okay but thank you guys so much for watching make sure you guys who like the video and subscribe if you guys aren't new honestly you know doing also upload videos you know not as good as me but you know he's up there he's like fifth on the list but guys thank you so much for watching this stream me and twin have a very good Skybar keppa so going out tomorrow you guys should be stay tuned and make sure you guys watch because it is it's amazing isn't it twin yeah we're not good at sky bug at all but we'll leave that we'll leave that for you guys tomorrow I will see you guys tomorrow is another upload and I will see you guys then
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 12,301
Rating: 4.9216866 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: fQn6kfQrKo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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