so i restarted our island, to start making the LARGEST farm on the server.. | minecraft skyblock

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all right this should be live ladies and gentlemen how is everyone doing happy new years to people who don't know like actually you actually watching and I'm doing stuff today but we're in a stream just for probably around half an hour or so just to do stuff for today but I hope I don't have an amazing day so far if you guys are watching this as a stream or as a video make sure you guys do like subscribe shown you I'm hot so I'm gonna take off my jacket but but today guys we are going to be I have basically stripped this entire island I've stripped it basically down to nothing there's there's pretty much nothing left up there down here there's still some stuff because it's what we're gonna be like majority making our stuff and like where we're gonna make the the main star of the island but we're gonna start on the most Opie melon farm we can make which is probably looking at this without us having alts we have we can probably make a one chunk one looking at it is in we didn't I didn't really know what want to make whether it be like a two by two or two by one but the way of thinking about it is we don't have that many people playing its legit just us so I felt like what we should do is just have a one chunk one and then if it obviously we can afk it then while we're grinding it if I gets a very very good idea but guys make sure you guys like the video if you haven't already all the stream and make sure you guys subscribe if you guys aren't you we're getting very close to 25,000 I want to try hit 20,000 sometime early within the new year at the rate we're going so I'm looking I'm looking forward to that but before we go any further we have an addiction to keep we have one festive charm I don't think the festive charms are going to be out any longer so you guys might want to snack on what you can there's some good stuff in these but we're gonna go for it and we're just we're just gonna hope and pray that something works out and we get maybe fly or like G shop or something that like makes us really cool and listen I don't want to talk about the Donnie troll because it's awful are we really gonna get farm shop we got Oh what okay that's nuts that's absolutely nuts why don't I hear anything be up sound I can't hear anything I have no sound that's that's nuts we got ourselves farm shop which sucks a snowman spawner which doesn't suck I make ourselves to more festive charms what the hell just happened there filter enable just in case all right we don't want we don't people with stealing our stuff here we don't need stealing it that's not it's actually lucky today Cory happy birthday my guy but we restarted like as in full-on restarted what we've done is I stripped the majority of the island down to like the bare minimum so we can actually restart and make it like kind of like pretty and how it should be done we got ourselves two enchantment books of any tear and a traders loot bag which isn't bad the enchant stuff sucks so enjoy a punch to a sharpness 5 her body they're free right last one right now we're gonna just hope and pray that something goes on sucks I lost the footage it does suck for her to hunt especially like it would have been very very good at making another farm shop oh my god I got another farm shop there's does anybody need a farm shop I I have two I have two of them okay we can give we can give one for free that's what we can do the man the myth the legend thank you for the sub oh my god this is actually not start it's gonna be an absolutely nut stream today but make sure you guys that like the stream if you guys are new and subscribe if you guys are also new because like I said on the road 25k we're gonna open this we gotta sell six bloody notes which isn't bad if we can get some good stuff 30k 20k not bad I mean we can eyes to posit most of that but I think we'll sell all these ores mainly because they Ness is a little bit of money I mean it's not like not the greatest actually sell and down hand so hand and the gold sell hand there we go right that's that's most of that gone that's most that gone but I'm gonna show you guys this quick as you guys saw the only live stream it had like a cobblestone generator and melon farm everything this is how bear our island is now melon farm gone alright cabochon gone everything is gone the melon farm probably took way longer than I'd like to admit to doing it but it's we need to work on moving everything at once because it's gonna be her difficult especially to move oh I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot do we have water Oh No save her chickens magic thank you for the sub but we need to save the chickens we need to grind these Miffy if you're about you'll need it sir let's grab ourselves a water bucket from somewhere I don't know because we've almost killed all our mobs it's not what we wanted to do redstone you in here no it's the Miss camel aeneas guy over here now me AK with the 99 cents thank you very much my bro I appreciate that but let's go and we're gonna get started on this melon farm it's gonna take us quite a while because it's just one of us unless like twin wants to help if he's online on Demi wants to help but she's getting ready so she probably isn't gonna help we need my sword repaired it and also Miffy you have my ethereal three all right I need that back that's my rights I have write to my theory oh three oh damn it alright there we go is go please don't still be on fire they're still on fire and they're free okay there we go so we need to grind these out to level up the island we're getting very very close to level four and embassy when we get level 5 we can do snowman's bonus I feel like it's gonna be a good thing especially to get snowmen small nursing as they sell for I think it's $80 a head instead of 40 which is usual so it's gonna be a good investment once we actually get these missions done once we can get some money built up which i think is why we need to use this melon farm right now or we need to start actually making it but I feel like we have enough money I think to start off but I'm just gonna kill these and then we will grab some dirt and stuff hopefully maybe something like that we just need the most money possible pretty much in the quickest way possible but I feel like a one chunk it's definitely a really really good idea because I feel like with just a few of us playing we don't have old safe caring we don't have people afk we should twin don't you dare twin don't you dare if he hits us off the edge I'm not gonna be happy magic ax with the two dollars hate new to the stream just sub might state you should we are the best people on YouTube right now screw people with millions of subscribers twin twin I she hate you twin you're dead to me it's better between I'm just gonna waiting the melon farm now no groaning for me all right a cheek can we use okay if we use this first farm shop right we use this now we can use farm shop we can get ourselves dirt I never actually thought of this so let's figure this out if we want to do for for well that works okay that was way easier than I expected I didn't actually know that would that would work but you know I mean if it succeeds the first time you don't want to complain about it right so I guess we'll just we'll just go on with this and we'll just keep going well make it a few layers probably today obviously it's New Years Eve so we have to wait the chick isn't even four it was only just me that's that's really embarrassing that's that's really embarrassing obviously it's New Year's Eve so we will be going out soon hopefully just to celebrate the year everything that I thought I'd stream just to get a video out today as I like to alternate between the two and I feel like no streaming Streamyx fun streaming is fun dreaming is fun but I feel like we just need to get this done as quickly as possible because I feel like when we get this done we'll be able to invest a lot more in spawn us and we won't have to rely just on pee or gambling because if you guys didn't see the last stream I recommend you go watch it because we ended up losing I think like close to 800 thousand dollars throughout the whole thing but it's a it's a massive rip because we were on such a good Street and someone got two flowers I'm not gonna spoil the rest but it wasn't fun at all I thought it would be but you know there's not much you can do about it I feel like if I'm doing this wrong No okay I'm not doing the truck we will go with it we're not doing it wrong that's our tactic we'll go with so water will need to go water will need to go if we do have water in the middle for now if we do found shop does that come up with water guys the reason I didn't make how to hunt videos is because I think it was a Windows 10 update or something just completely got rid of the files if that made any sense whatsoever like the files were completely deleted I had every single file recorded and done like but when I went to go edit it was gone like the folder was gone everything was gone it sucked felt like hell I'm back because it took like it was a great season I don't know if the seasons finished now from Ryan's videos I'm not sure if it has or not hey someone still just you know like let me know but Nami AK with the $2 Happy Happy New Year's Eve you too my guy Happy Happy New Year's Eve all right I just like back up I don't know like back up I just want to land there we go so I feel like if we cut off this one here if I have a shovel I don't think I have a shovel we should probably get a shovel is this is probably gonna help us a lot but you know beggars can't be choosers we'll just have to do it by hand well just have to go by hand and do it normally so there's nothing we can do life sucks it's not breaking all right I'm gonna go get some tools it's already annoying me it's already annoying me season ended Congrats on winning oh it didn't okay did it end okay okay I told I didn't want to spoil it but I mean thank you guys for the love I'm sorry I couldn't upload how to hunt like I said but we need to get going on this melon farm because other islands like it we checked is top last time right we are so far behind it's actually funny because we need to be level six to use the wealth chest so we need to get over six pretty much as soon as possible so I guess the diffs should help us cuz with this we can buy more spawn us we can invest in other stuff and I just feel like it's it's a good investment to make especially if we have like three of these in every corner that's my like a lifelong plan pretty much I want to try to get one of these in like every corner now Jack and Donnie only have two people on their island because they play the worst server so if you guys automatically come to Gollum realm the good thing that happens is you guys will instantly make more friends than you will not chicken realm right because Gollum realm is way better it's way better Caleb thanks to the subway man but no like chicken room it's a little Roy realm it's just the people on it you know that's what we got to deal with over here but one two three there we go this should be tall enough is that tall enough I feel like it is so we need to do a load of these layers mini so we can just place the dirt if anyone does want to help me that's online on the island feel free no that would be very much appreciated you think you're behind you should look at Jack in the power I mean yeah they're very far behind but with you no further than I'd like to be because I'd like to be at the wealth chest right now but obviously we've been doing this just content so I'm gonna start putting a lot more work in especially like on the island on stream so if you guys do enjoy that type of stuff make sure you guys do like the video or the stream if you're watching it is either because that'll be fantastic so thank you guys very very much and also subscribe if you guys are new because we're trying to hit 25,000 I've said this 95 times now but we'll go with it anyway right so looking at this melon farm it's very easier way to do it by yourself or am I gonna have to if I had fly this would be way easier it's it's the issue of we don't have such flights if anyone is selling it on the server and you know you want to make some good money like very very quickly make sure you message me because I will happily take take fly I will pay you hefty amounts of fly because honestly it would just help the island more than anything I think cuz I felt like everything will be so much easier if you have fly for instance that we can make this farm easier we could like me mob grind is easier we could make a load of stuff easier if we actually had this but you know beggars can't be choosers we can't we can't sit here and dwell on the broken dreams of me not having fly we need to we need to get situated get sorted and we need to keep we need to keep on grinding we can't stop now men all right twin you're just gonna build up with the okay I mean it's easy fix there you go you're late I forgive you for being late but I don't forget for being late you know it's it's something I don't think I can forgive you don't think I can forgive you I'll think about it you feel like a 10% chance you got like a 10% chance I'll see though I am very very happy right now I'm very much enjoying Skyblock I feel like it's a lot a lot of fun especially Joshua my man how are you doing with the ten pound or ten dollar sorry how's it going it's going very very well my man thank you very much how's everything going with you twin no naughty twin naughty twin he's realized his mistake how dare you do that how dare you troll by personname Donny I already been trolled by Donny I feel like personally if he does it to me again it's just straight out rude with no retaliation I'm gonna wait for Ryan to come back before we try retaliate so if you guys do want to eventually see Donny Bob's actually managed to get trolled make sure you guys do subscribe and get ready right because once Ryan comes back we're gonna start brainstorming because if you guys haven't seen what we did on me it wasn't fair it wasn't fun it was it was downright mean alright I say that but obviously it's a joke like me and Ronnie are very very good friends it everything's perfectly fine where are we three layers up but without any seeds I thought what twins doing this I might actually go do seeds but I feel like dirt should be the priority especially for a second because we need to get this like as high as possible to actually be able to catch up and I'm sorry guys it's a grind II strange recently I feel like that's kind of the best thing to do I enjoyed the grind extremes because it makes like it's so I can actually post content and I can also at the same time I can like get the work done that we need to do on the island without them to do off camera cuz I like the the grinding them are getting rid of the melons and stuff I did on off-camera because I legit is lots of boring but with this week actually make something out of this it's fun to talk for a little bit just sure again it's been shown my friend I try to do stream ads cuz I don't know how much YouTube takes but your accounts not working is it not oh oh well it's perfectly fine my guy don't worry about that I I appreciate it in any way it's very nice of you I mean I guess I'll look into it for the next room if it's not working but [Music] right so it's four layers already right we're making very good progress and now we have farm shop everything actually should be a lot easier because we can buy ourselves the whole can we buy the seats we can buy ourselves melon seeds there we go and we're gonna have to twerk on this but the issue being right stickykeys is gonna start turning on and I don't want to have to turn those off because it's gonna be you know either very very what's the word I'm thinking of a difficult issue it's gonna take me a very very long time to try fix so I mean Demi if you'll just want to you know go for it on that while I try fix stream lamps apparently because everything's broken that shouldn't be a thing but I guess we'll go for it anyway so once we started growing melons we want you to invest any more in seeds which is actually really nice because that means I'm we can just use the melons for seeds just while we're at your getting ourselves situated and I feel like this this farm once it actually is its sky limit is at chicken if you won the biggest on the server in height wise right because people do have like three chunk maybe four chunk farms but they're not always being a fk'd but the good thing about this is the fact that we can afk it while we're grinding it because it's all in one chunk I feel like that's some English I know I feel like it should be it should be like a good thing right when you think about it logically this farm should make us more money than the other one because we'll be afk at once it's going and once we go to the top like it should come back off the bottom if that makes it like any sense at all I don't think it does but I'm hoping it makes sense because I don't know what I'm on about now but do we need to put water in this side I'm not sure if we do I'm really not sure because I want tell me we need to put water over here because if we do I'll happily put it in but if we don't then I'm gonna be you know stress distressing how about this so put all right let me try fix this with I probably do this on streams you probably do something I do off stream to be perfectly honest with you but I don't know I feel like we have a few seconds so we might as well legit this chill for a sec it should be that right there nam meuk with the $2 can I join the island I'm actually not inviting anyone right now I'm not sure if Ryan is planning to or Ryan wants to we might be doing it like on stream or we might be doing it like off stream and stuff like that it actually depends on Ryan pretty much and what he wants to do with it because it's his Island it's his decision but Joshua again with the $25 I'll see you next Reem keep up the good work thank you very much my guy I appreciate that a lot you you're very very kind person you are very very kind very very kind okay that's pretty much things should be fixed I don't know why that was ever an issue if I crouch are we gonna get oh don't even get sticky keys it's going it's going very well no sticky keys for us this is this gonna take a very long time to twerk on so we don't need we don't need water on this side I mean that's I guess saves us a bit of work because otherwise we'd have to you know go and sort everything out but that's you know a lot of a lot of effort a lot of effort we don't know we don't attire ourselves out this early but I feel like we should definitely focus on the come on damn seed Go Go there we go alright the seed has gone twin is actually already putting you putting the water twin we're gonna go higher than that my guy so we're gonna go very much higher than this it's gonna go to sky limit twin we've got we've got a long time left but at least twin is you know helping out because you didn't help out with the last one I don't know if you guys saw what happened it but whenever you're helping or when we Ryan did the last one twin was saying oh he'll do this it's perfectly fine that he didn't do anything all right blame twin twin is the reason we don't have nice things or working melon farm actually that's me I got rid of it I'm sorry twin for judging you I shouldn't I shouldn't do that it's four blocks from the water source so that means we don't have to sew twins doing that for no reason Vegas I guess it works right so we need to go place stone prick over here and then ready right this is I think already bigger than our last one in terms of levels I think our old one was like a two by two or something like that I don't even think we measured it right so I felt like either way we're making good progress right now especially better than we did on the last one Donnie would never troll me Donnie would never troll me again alright he's already done it once there's nothing to worry about he's not online he's not gonna bother me it's New Years right it's a new year new Donnie so nice guy alright already I think it's like six or seven layers one two three four five okay this would be the sixth but then after this we literally all we have to work on is the seeds which i think is gonna be the longest part of this I mean you because it's gonna take us a long time because each one's gonna have to grow I mean most of them we can just let it grow manually rather than having to like shift on it but I don't know I feel like we just need to get it done as quickly as possible because the quicker we do it one block of water can affect eight by eight okay so we don't even need one on each side it says twin has done it for no reason alright twin if you want to carry on this for a second right and I'll go I'll go not gamble okay we'll do one bit will do one bit per stream and for like this is gonna you know tone it down a little bit will do one put would do one per twin the savage 26 salute savage I don't know why he's just a very mean person he's been he's been bullying me all day off camera just you guys don't see it often a glow stone in each level I know we won't bother we like the slabs or anything but I feel like glowstone we definitely should do so we are gonna go to is we're gonna go to is home well this right here will is lock and we will basically say is TP factions Raven doing a daily gamble we probably shouldn't do this because it's it's not gonna work we're gonna lose everything I can already tell it's all gonna go downhill we're gonna lose 300k and I'm just gonna end up giving up to be honest but that's the fun of the stream you know you never know what's gonna happen it's New Years right New Year's Eve new year new me new luck right so we're gonna take some high bets so a hundred fifty k bet anyone and we'll try 150 k if we manage to get like 150 k out of it alright f2 to tiger TP here F or for two to not f2 to apologize I'm very very mean I'm not see mystical I'm not kind of addicted I am just doing one a day you know getting myself situated so we can like be prepared obviously it's actually gonna come here i TP him right okay there we go right I'll message him by bone meal on a H we use a bone meal tactic again and we will walk hand 150000 like that and we are hoping right now that everything goes fantastic please Lord do not make us lose our money okay he's bought it there we go okay now we'll message him pick one to bet on okay pick one to bet on I see squid is once again outside right ha here we go he wants this one right here please don't be two flowers again I can't afford for it to be two flowers it's gonna be zero flowers I can feel it right and let me go look see your flowers would you the last one gambling I'm done with everything I'm done with everything why do we do this we never got me again gambling's idiots never gamble all right how much do we owe this guy to fast three times four hundred fifty K okay is withdraw 150 thousand okay aah for four hundred is it 400 450 K is it 450 yeah it's 450 ah gambling is okay yeah it's just just how life goes on the fashion forever in YouTube channel it can't be you know alright we'll get back to this damned melon thing is nothing else seems to be working we'll just go down here try not to cry I don't know what you're about on the saying that didn't work I mean streaming clearly worked I think this is too small now alright I guess worst-case scenario we can make it two chunks I feel like one chunk might be a bit too small because if we mind will this grow in your mind just this rome will filter this able there we go pick up our X like just from this a lot we're gonna get hello do I have a broken Harvester X it's not going in my venturi oh there we go right so I fight all these are gonna have to grow and we're gonna be here for a while so you might as well get started on the next layers I don't know what you guys run about in the hole you know like oh I didn't care about anything alright there's no evidence I let you did anything there's no way of proving there's no way of knowing I didn't do anything I'm just an innocent bystander in this and litchi I always taken advantage of that's what happened but we're gonna get back to melon farm right it's already that's a load of layers already Morgan thank you for the subscription my guy this is a load of waves already I think we're getting close to 10 if I if I can count so I count with my hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 is there any 7 I guess it's close to 10 right 7 is close to 10 it's above half alright okay let's just pretend nothing happened thank you the 300k I don't want to talk about it yes we lost 300k I choose 450k when you get out of it magic with the $2 because you lost the gamble thank you my guy for making me feel not as bad about myself anymore you know I'm very happy now all right I'm parked up a little bit like you're 42 Tiger well thanks for making me lose our money it's it's all your fault I knew we shouldn't gamble without worried where is what brings us like and if you do without him obviously we are we have lost it we've lost it Shawn how you doing my god I haven't seen you in ages my pickaxe isn't still literally caught I got trolled by Danny Bo's because man thought it was funny I don't have to take this you know what is the thing go right on stream I'll do this off string right and we will make absolute bank but you do this on stream and we literally make Nothing we make $0.00 we make nothing and it sucks it completely sucks that we're that unlucky like on the camera I feel like it was off-camera right if I turned off the video I would have won something I feel like it's the fact that I was a cheat on my low my dog thinks it's a good idea to bark you know he clearly you upset about the gamble to bud okay you just walked away doesn't care about me all right twin I will leave this in your capable hands for a second just while I'd go and grind out some chickens so we can start getting closer to leveling up because the more chickens we kill the closer we kin whole chicken please no no no don't be that far away I'll engage you will you be safe just stay there stay there you'll be safe yeah we go and then we'll just can be grinding like this I think that's very slow let's go mount a yeah no no okay fixed it so with 62% right now it's not even that bad okay I'm pretty sure it is your farm in E in this thumbnail because I mean I didn't have one so I was like hey anybody have one in someone answered so I'm pretty sure it might be your Island just grind up some chickens while I get over my what or where is there you go but we need to get level four so we can make I'm thinking if you guys see the last stream we made a massive cobble generator on or we saw a massive common area fire as well Paley's block is TP I guess TP 82 at one okay here we go so if we check out this guy's an island again this guy's island ahead look at this it's like six chunks wide all right we need one of these on our Island this is exactly what we need but you know we have to we'll have to wait for that because obviously we have to get some money first and stop making money so we can reinvest it if that makes any sense happy new yet you too GG program thank you very much guys if you are still watching a stream or you are watching this as a video make sure you guys do like if you haven't already if you don't I'm gonna be gonna be very upset with you you know tiger don't worry about the 300k perfectly fine I'll just cry myself to sleep at night don't worry about it thank you for that oh it's Barkin again now all right I feel like we should go help twin I like it we should at least do the seeds while he does the dirt that way we can get like productive I'll make it to like 67% I'll just kill a few more of these and then we'll leave it at that for a minute come on there we go 67% and we will jump all the way back down and we will start with start seeding oh I almost fell I almost fell I felt that's why I get flogging okay we need to set the eyelet home somewhere different because this is this is very frustrating like falling down continuously but we will hopefully land on the right place Happy New Year everybody Happy New Year Happy New Year's Eve because it's actually the New Year yet but you know who's judging not me Kiran thank you my man I appreciate that so we'll go to the next level and we will go to ourselves and we will go over here boom bump and we all grab melon seeds I feel like we won't like make them grow yet I figure if we do like it we'll do it naturally so I feel like once we're doing this we could like BAM you're doing an a tree at the same time who knows but we just like getting some melons so we can actually get the seed so we don't have to waste money buying it it's actually very good investment tactic if you guys are making melon farms I recommend you do it like just buy a few seeds mind the melons turn those into seeds and then get more melons out of that and it's just a receptive cycle you know it's it's a good cycle to have because we can go over here okay I don't know if you think we'll get a lock you know I feel like we have might have to make this two chunks eventually I feel like for now it'll be okay but I feel like in the future we're definitely gonna have to make this like way way bigger quits thank you for this sub I feel like for now it's okay in the future we'll have to upgrade but that's that's another day you know that's another that's another stream we won't have to worry about that now we've already done enough gambling and losing things today for us to have to build an even bigger melon farm but we won't we won't worry about that Oh God I accidentally no we don't in there two bits of dirt there we go you'll plant all of our melon so yeah this is lovely eight hours past New Year's it's actually nine o'clock for us right now so it's New Year's in three hours which I'm looking forward to should be good fun start 2019 everyone loves to start 2019 them next layer it's just a very paved cycle I think especially with like having to grind the melons and then twin I refuse to say that I will never say that you'll never get that those words out of my mouth ever if I do I will cry alright don't worry about it but don't bump this should be the last of my fourteen I think we might actually go mine's more melons in a second if they are growing I think we do need to start shifting on them to start making more money but facecam I might put face cam on in a second just for like the last five minutes in the stream maybe I'm sorry I've been a very very grindy stream but I feel like it's it's it's a good thing to do especially on skywalk because most of it is actually grinding with this like headhunting Skyblock which by the way you guys kind of you guys can compliment on plate psycho Scott comp with the Opie's right here make sure you join golem realm right okay I'll do a tutorial right now you guys will come to the hub on psycho sky like blitt hub look at this psycho and then sky over there because it's sky block if you guys didn't know but you'll beat you with two options right you can either join golem realm or chicken realm right so you want to make you want to make a very smart decision about this because if you don't you know it might regret you for the rest of your life so if you you're aiming towards this one right this one's played by Donnie and Jack so instantly you know like Oh which we shouldn't really touch that one you know chickens are small things anyway like I'm killing chickens right now that proves how viable this realm is right but you go over here and this is where you want to be you're gonna join this one hit the one that played back hoop is that you want to join golem realm because hashtag chicken smells because I don't want to be rude because they will probably get me bad but you know we're not going to judge why these growing heart we're gonna have to twerk on easy it's gonna take me go take me so long it's gonna be so loud and take so long I feel like if we'd get like maybe like twin to do it a twin when you're done with the dirt you want to come do this instead like twin should be our slave today all right listen I will put face cam on in in 33 seconds I want someone to time it from the moment you hear this I want something to time it an output face camera all right first layer almost shifted and done this takes so long we should probably change our button to like it's like like Mouse one or something so like we can just click it and get like 10 shift a second it's gonna be so long it takes so long all right well just this one's done we did it ourselves don't worry about that nothing happened destroy a jet thank you all right all right I don't mean type in right I meant just generally someone take a timer I feel like once you've got a few more layers it will prolly be the end of stream because I was these new years there will be a factions video out tomorrow I'm not sure where G Torres video is I have to have to go back and look but huh it should be good fun anyway obviously everything's fun over here in the fashion YouTube channel but make sure you guys do like if you haven't already we're gonna go right to the very top and just see what progress we've made today I feel like we have done quite a lot actually it's been 33 seconds okay listen you will have facecam now because it's been 33 seconds okay thank you for timing and we will put face cam on right as soon as I can find out where to put it on there we get face cameras on my hair is very flat don't worry about that okay it's flat but we're not gonna worry about it it's meant to be up above I'm lazy so don't worry do you remember and Donnie told you it's giving me nightmares for about a month okay it's giving me just straight nightmares look pickaxes named after Donnie everyone is like hey Donnie told you okay it's terrifying I need my own back and we will get it once Ryan returns all right me and Ryan will get our own back cuz Rome won't stand for it alright I'm not standing for it technically I'm sitting for it but we will we will get our own alright we will get our own back on Donnie one day somehow magic with the $2 to super chat face cam hashtag sup - Raven I agree with both of those statements you guys should do that right now there's there's should be no stopping you all right you're free people you can do what you want in life doing a parkour challenge I feel like we'll end it with that win I might being told again I want to be shot again alright I'm about to win the stream please leave me alone there we go so how many leis have we actually done we've done why don't you pretty good amount that's near like 12 right that's near like 12 cool at 12 say almost 12 layers which is you know good progress especially for us because we don't usually do a lot of work in these but it's it's good progress I guess but I feel like now it should be a good time to end off the stream actually what we do before it will quickly move the spawn is down this will eventually be the tallest thing on the server right we will make the most money ever made on this minecraft server okay don't worry about it you'll be perfectly fine there is nothing to worry about but oh okay did I break something okay I didn't break anything okay I thought I thought I was about to break something but do we have a Stoke touch I thought we should have one or we do need to fire one okay there we go so let's mine our sheeps thank God mine our pigs well chicken mushroom and the cows will take a little longer so I might leave the cows for a sec just till we have space but we will know why did I go back here what made me think to go back here I don't I don't know what's wrong with me but we'll go one to place one in here 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 oh my god it fits perfectly there we go and we will get between you have closed stone let's go buy glowstone quickly we'll go buy glowstone the second I'll join you end the stream I'm very very sorry some random dude thank you for this up I'm very very sorry right for ending this dream as soon as you join it wasn't planned I promise but I feel like we've made a very good start to like scrapping the island starting to make the melon farm it's definitely gonna be a lot of progress especially off-camera but I feel like we can do it if we you know you can do anything if you put your mind to it you know that's that's the creamy line we're gonna go with today but with its glowstone I feel like I should know there we go i right I need to set my home down the bomb because having to go up here then jump again is way too much work but you know we'll go for anyway we go one two three we'll go with ourselves we'll put the sheet over here why not oh I forgot they're still gonna stack up top on there cuz they're still actually up in the same chunk oh dear I didn't think about that no why did I misplace it it's right we can fix that shouldn't you live in issue we will you put that there let those grow legit agent thanks for the subway man but mushroom what we need mycelium for that oh wait for it score I think I'm cool right I think I got it named right if that's even speaking English at this point I'm not sure what language I'm actually speaking but there we go we'll place obviously not in the wrong areas we will place the mushroom spoilers and guys like that's gonna be it for the end of this stream we've made a tea a good bit of progress today we have started on the melon farm which is gonna makes a lot of money obviously I would do a lot more work but it's a very very busy day to date so I apologize about like the lack of the content I would see it's not how I usually do things but I feel like today is a day where I can just have I can have the one day you know I can have the one day but thank you guys so much for watching like I did say make sure you guys if what this is a video you do like and subscribe if you guys are new it definitely does mean a lot and what else was I about to say I hope everyone has a fantastic new years if you guys are watching this at the same time m/s thank you for the sub but I know I feel very very happy with the progress we've made we've got rid of the like big like junky melon farm at the top and we're gonna start work on the big Kabul Jen ranking up a lot and it's gonna be a lot of fun over the next few weeks especially Skyblock content so make sure you guys will be tuned i stream sky like every other day right now I'm not sure if that would change one's factions comes back properly but thank you guys so much for watching like I said it means it means a lot if you guys could like this video subscribe if you guys are new and I will see you guys tomorrow with the factions episode at 8:30 p.m. GMT to make sure you have the motivations on because otherwise I'm going to be upset but thank you guys so much for watching jokes over I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 12,896
Rating: 4.8713136 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, so i restarted our island, to start making the LARGEST farm on the server.. | minecraft skyblock, skyblock, saicosky, minecraft skyblock, minecraft live, livestreaming
Id: qAPMvTe12kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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