Minecraft, But There Are Custom Swords...

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welcome to minecraft with their custom swords in today's video we're gonna be crafting op swords from literally any item in the game and when i say any item i really mean any item in the game ranging from a dirt sword to tnt to ice to totem into even an incredibly overpowered notch apple sword can i be the dragon what can the not sword do stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's store the light goal to be a whoa that's a big one all right 0.1 likes guys can we get it please anyways guys enjoy the video and look at that right off the bat guys a jungle temple already waiting for us so with that being said welcome guys to minecraft but we're gonna be crafting a lot of swords today and when i meet a lot of swords we're not gonna be stopping just at the bread sword like we did in another video we're gonna be crafting swords ranging from literally dirt swords to the final sword that i really want to get which is gonna be the notch apple sword and for our first sword we're gonna go ahead and craft the best sword in the game the stone sword five attack damage not really the best sword in the game this sword is actually probably nothing compared to the other swords we gotta make and i wonder can we make a bamboo sword i don't see bamboo that often might as well grab some there's so many swords that we can make today that i'm not even sure what's a sword and what's not all right i'm gonna go ahead and get in this jungle temple i never know how to do the redstone thing so i just kind of break it what okay uh skeleton straight up already in the first room what the heck okay oh okay enchanted book and so touch all right i'm not sure if that's useful at all but i guess i'll keep it and low-key i could grab these pistons and even make a piston sword i don't know why my slimes are always blue please let me know in the comments down below if you know why my slimes are blue gonna get that string too actually a pretty good start guys and real quick give me all those arrows another dispenser and then i'll show you guys why i need this dispenser and only bones really can we make a bone sword a bone sword would actually be pretty cool and uh i might as well show you guys why i needed these dispensers we're actually not using a crafting table to craft today we're actually gonna be making something special by throwing the crafting table and with the combination of those two we get a custom crafter so with the custom crafter we're not done there yet because we actually gotta make a sword custom crafter which i think we might have enough stuff to make so i'm gonna put one wooden sword the first stone sword we made two iron ingots one crafting table and four planks to finally pop out and there we go we get the sword crafter which kind of looks like a smithing table with a dispenser kind of weird but with this we can finally make one of the like 50 plus or 100 plus swords that we can make which i think our first one will be the sticky piston sword which kind of looks like a paint brush but i'm not gonna complain also how do i break this thing oh i got it all right sword crafter don't really need the custom crafter anymore and we're pretty much done with getting our first sword which is the sticky piston sword so now i should probably use it on something i should probably go find a mob and get out of this jungle this jungle is giant oh wait a chicken right over there guys we're gonna go hit that chicken with the sticky piss and sword and then try to see how many swords i can make this video my goal is to at least make 10 towards this video and at least get to the notch apple zord because i was told that the notch apple sword is very good alright what does it do oh no i insta killed it okay wait how much damage does this do oh wait it pulls foes towards me wait what no way oh it does wait what i'm a pulling sword that's interesting okay so the piston pulls them back oh that's cool this might not be good against creepers though oh pandas guys okay hold up hold on oh what is he doing how's it going buddy um okay i'm sorry oh that was such a cute noise i'm gonna get out of this jungle now i'm not gonna abuse the pandas okay oh wait we got a cow can we make a cow sword gal sword would be very cool oh my gosh oh what the heck this would actually be so useful in a manhunt or something all right and up you go it is becoming nighttime now which is not a good sign i should probably head down to a different biome all right we're finally out of the jungle i need to get a cave though oh actually before we go to the cave i'm gonna real quick grab some sand cause i feel like we could maybe make a glass sword i feel like that'd be really cool oh gosh okay a lot of iron i refuse to make an iron sword though i am only going for the super swords pretty sure there's like a fireworks sword there's a tnt sword there's like even like an end crystal sword a master sword which i'm not sure if i'm going to be getting the master sword because i got to kill wither for that but if i do somehow end up getting weather skulls i'll go for the master sword just for the content wait a second is this possible oh my gosh okay we just made a dirt sword okay so our first sword was a sticky piston sword and the second one would be the soil sword blinds foes for a short time actually pretty good wait does that mean the hostile mobs can't see me wait a second i just realized with silk touch i could get packed ice and i'm pretty sure there's an ice sword i can make so low-key guys i think one of the next words i might go for once i finish mining is the eye sword so uh it's probably gonna just freeze up mobs and if we can freeze the enter dragon that is gonna be a big one guys i'm gonna be making all the swords i can i definitely made a little bit too many furnaces dang it but our next sword is gonna be the glass sword which oh okay it worked and uh so now we have the glass sword which does very little damage apparently but it causes a bleeding what is bleeding more bleeding damage at lower durability so i'm gonna guess the more i use this thing the more damage it does but i don't think bleeding is a normal thing in minecraft i guess i'll test it out next time i see a mob oh wait wait can it see me i just hit it with a dirt sword no i cannot see me alright glass or do your thing wait is it bleeding it makes it literally a glass on when i hit it i didn't see any bleeding effect but i'm gonna guess that it does more bleeding as i break this thing more and more oh all right cape goes down i oh and diamond's already dang all right i don't usually find diamonds this quickly but i'm gonna go ahead and take it and some gold too and before i make a special diamond sword might as well go ahead and make the diamond pickaxe just to make money a little bit easier but i actually forgot that we can actually make the dumbest sword yet which is gonna be straight up just a stick sword great for practice i don't really need a stick sword but i'm gonna try and keep all the swords i do get so i think my main sword for now is gonna be the glass order also i did get enough iron to make an anvil so we might as well make one now i did get the anvil so we might as well go ahead and add silk touch to an iron pickaxe i'm gonna use that once we find ice then we could actually make a nice sword literally the fossil city of mine are on youtube no one can beat me got the obsidian and now we just need more diamonds i know of a special diamond sword we can make once we get two more diamonds and a creeper right here actually i do need some wait a blood that was kind of cool okay some lapis too okay wait what if we can make a lapis sword that'd be kind of cool i think it might be made out of a lapis block so that's gonna take a little bit to get and i haven't forgotten about the notch sword so so far we have only nine gold ore and in total we need like over 100 gold so uh yeah it's gonna be a bit of a grind oh it's bleeding oh that's so cool what the heck go on sword oh speaking about the notch apple i didn't even get apples i should probably go back up soon i mean i'm gonna be going up no matter what the goal is to get at least 10 swords and then try and see if we can kill the dragon with all those ten swords wait i just thought about something guys i did get the obsidian for the engine table but can i make an obsidian sword oh i can alright obsidian sword gets weaker the more damage it is but right now it only does four attack damage so is it even worth it it does as good of damage as the glass sword i feel like the obsidian sword is a little bit of a scam but i mean i'm not gonna question it i guess and some more gold perfect we're on a pretty good pace of getting this notch apple sword but i still do need to get a few more things i think to make the notch apple sword we need one diamond sword and two nod apples so uh definitely gonna be a little bit of a grind oh and some warlock it's nice okay i also gotta get the laps of zulu sword all right time for another sword there are so many swords and this is gonna be nonstop so with two lapis blocks one stick and wait why is it knocked by two though oh okay i see now enchanted randomly one crafted so uh actually not a bad engine to get right away i do still also have the obsidian sword which we need to try out but i mean it does six attack damage is not that bad so i guess i'll take it all right lapis sword do your thing oh it just pushes okay what about the obsidian sword oh this thing kind of sucks dang all right walker i need your gunpowder no oh man okay i definitely need to get some gunpowder so i could actually make a firework sword or a tnt sword now i feel like getting a tnt sword would be easier in the temple and i killed it please have some gunpowder oh hello no no no no no please please please bleed out bleed out oh it's bleeding okay wait wait is that enough bleed damage oh and it is nice okay we got some gunpowder there's still also one up there okay that's actually a good bit of gunpowder we should at least be able to make a firework sword all right some more gold not bad and not even halfway there yet and we can't even make one notch apple yet pretty good cave though holy all right let's see any diamonds we can get oh wow i don't know why this happens whenever i say it but literally as i say it found some diamonds around the corner what the heck and four diamonds not bad okay creeper oh two creepers nice okay i do need you guys to actually get some gunpowder please don't blow up and some tnt no no no no no oh my gosh that was way too close i need to get some more real quick so on the bright side with these diamonds we can actually go ahead and make our first sword which is gonna require oddly enough our best sword so far which is gonna be the diamond sword and we also need an iron sword so with the diamond sword and the iron sword i think with this iron sword we should be able to make oh my goodness i'm dumb i did the completely wrong craft and we're actually supposed to make it like this to get the critical hit sword which apparently can critical hit for massive damage which actually sounds really good i'm gonna retire the glassware so it doesn't break but i guess we now have another sword for our collection we have so many swords but on the bright side we now have a critical hit sword we also have a lot of gunpowder we can make one tnt already wait i just remembered i think this is a craft actually oh it is okay and that is one small sword which is gonna be the backstab sword which deals more damage from behind oh wait actually that could be useful backstab sword okay it's a little sword look at that little thing that looks like a corn dog we call it the corn dog sword you know what if you made this far in the video comment down below corndog sword just to confuse people we're gonna confuse everyone oh backstab sword okay behind him oh no it doesn't work okay all right all right no more back sword i still gotta make armor oh emerald nice okay wait could we make an emerald sword feel like that'd be useful all right some more diamonds would be appreciated because i still need to get armor and i don't know why i haven't made iron armor oh another emerald okay so can we make the emerald sword now oh we can and apparently all it does high damage to raiders which uh wait what are raiders like villager raiders interesting okay all right i guess another sword for our collection definitely still need a lot more gold and i feel like i'm gonna have to use a lot of gold also for the piglens so the notch apple sword right now is looking like the hardest swords to get i do like this critical hit sword though we haven't tried it yet so we might as well try on the zombie all right that's one hit and i guess he was gonna die no matter what the two hits unless that was a critical hit but actually looks pretty cool wait is it critical hit just when you get a bunch of particles if so this is actually a really op sword all right give me that gunpowder powder compounder go powder okay i'm making armor i don't care anymore i don't know why i've made armor yeah i think it's because my inventory is such a mess okay iron just play iron pants and iron boots we are not gonna die after we made this many swords we literally have so many i really don't want to lose them and have to do this challenge again my goal is to make at least one notch apple before i go into the nether because i think the nether is gonna be having a lot of good swords to make okay uh oh skeleton all right critical hits please all right quite a question thank you all right what do we got in here uh all right some gump oh a lot of gunpowder nice okay we can actually go ahead and make a tnt sword once we get sand not bad um oh and a name tag actually okay i think we can make a nametag sword so i'm gonna keep that in a golden apple i'm not sure if i should grab this though because i don't have that much space oh and another nametag too okay wait we can actually go ahead and make a nametag sword not too sure what this one makes but let's go ahead and make it and gives mobs random names wait what okay wait i gotta find a mom now that actually sounds really cool oh i hear zombie okay okay mr zombie get ready all right your name is gonna be peterson mr peterson how's it going buddy you're gonna get a critical hit now oh no nothing happened and some more diamonds nice all right two diamonds should be good to at least make another diamond sword to use to make another better sword and you already know because we have the name tag sword i'm gonna be hitting every single mob we fight just so i can get a goofy name i mean i haven't seen a mob in a while though where are the mobs oh creeper okay what's your name gonna be joseph collins how's it going joseph wait so fresh lydia harris okay what about you brooks how's it going brooks we're naming all the mobs now and at least we got some more gold oh wait okay did not expect to find a cave with that single time man take it on the bright side we did get an acivity gold here a nice six vayne not too bad getting closer and closer to that first notch apple and then we got to make another one notch apples are so difficult to make and a spawner dang actually a really nice cave all right what's your name going to be russell are you so this is more flores james i know what james actually another golden apple nice and a ton of gunpowder we're gonna be making a lot of tnt related things a loyalty too i don't think we need loyalty too i'm gonna just leave it there oh how's it going guys all right uh your name is gonna be something rogers ted bell beowulf olga olga oh okay sorry to all the old guys actually no oh god's a cool name i didn't say that okay ward where's the nesters come on come on i need an esther meredith rogers kind of salty we didn't get an esther name the name tag sword is actually pretty cool though all right so i think i'm gonna cook everything real quick and then head back to the surface to try to find some packed eyes and then once we have the eye sword i really want to try out the ice sword once we get into the nether so with all that gold we can only make six gold blocks that we need eight to make a notch apple but we'll do that in a bit let's go up and get some packed ice guys oh my gosh that is so beautiful i just found a coral reef wait can i make anything from here okay we're going in the boat all right chest what do you have holy iron and the two bottles of enchanting okay all right chest and dang oh wait a tnt i did not expect to find tnt in here okay why not stick pistons don't need that and i should probably get out okay this might be a sign that we should probably go into the nether oh my gosh okay i didn't even know you could get that from that um sherman swap golden axe wait are the underwater ones like really good what the heck ain't another gold block hold up guys this actually took a turn real quick and some magma blocks too which i'm pretty sure we can make into something too wait do we have enough now oh no we're off by one gold block and then we literally can go ahead and make the notch apple sword are you serious right now on the bright side we do have some magma blocks down there i think a magma sword is actually a thing so real quick i'm gonna grab this i'm gonna assume it sets things on fire because that kind of makes sense so uh but if we do this actually oh my gosh it worked has a chance to burn so i was pretty much right i'm gonna assume this is pretty much a fire aspect sword and as i'm saying that look at that guys literally at the end of the coral reef we have an ice biome let's go i really didn't need this okay oh my gosh okay so touch now we just need the sword crafter wait so can we make an ice sword or do i need packed ice oh no okay i'm gonna guess we need packed ice in how's it going buddy how do we make packed eyes did we just find it i'm gonna guess we gotta find bad guys kinda sucks but you know what it's all good not gonna complain is that packed ice over there or what even is that that's a village i'm guessing might as well try out the magma sword magma sword oh it works we got fire aspect nice okay while i'm up here i definitely need to get some sandpaper because we have so many more swords we can make now i see some sugarcane right there so we might as well get that all right so tnt and eye sword is gonna be next then we go into the nether figure out what swords we can make there and maybe i can make an extra story lunar cape sword which is the best game in the world free code right there by the way i guess i'll eat a golden apple right now i need to make inventory space somehow all right we're gonna make a lot of paper and i'm gonna go ahead and make one set of fireworks and now all we need is some bucks and while we're at it might as well canadian table wait can i enchant the critical head sword hey all right i have a sharpness one critical head sword that's actually pretty cool while i'm here though can we make a snowball sword maybe no we can't make a snowball sword but there definitely is one sword we can make and that is gonna be the firework sword which does a firework explosion on target wait i'm gonna fight the zombie real quick with this thing oh that's so cool what the heck oh wait so it does damage to b2 interesting actually pretty beautiful sword hey look at it go all right firework sword actually gets a 10 out of 10 for me that's a pretty cool one all right and since we have this right now might as well real quick sharpness one firework sword why not i'm gonna enchant my own armor too brought one brought one who needs full diamond when you literally have a firework sword projectile protection one probably gonna get shot and protection one nice i'm gonna use a nametag sword a lot so i'm gonna give it sharpness one two why not oh wait i should probably get some sand right now all right so now with the sand i think we should be good to make the tnt sword and just like that we got the tnt sword and all it says is causes explosions for attack damage not that good but i'm not gonna underestimate the tnt sword in a matter of like two hours guys i made it 13 new swords and what the heck oh tnt sword might as well try it out oh oh wow okay that is actually really good oh my gosh i'm definitely using that against the dragon all right is this what they call the packed ice not sure oh i'm breaking your home i'm so sorry but you know what oh packed eyes oh it is okay nice okay this should work and if it doesn't work i'm gonna guess it's blue ice and it didn't work okay we gotta make blue ice all right on the bright side i think i can just steal this guy's house and make some blue ice all alright we got two blue ice i think this one should 100 work now and just like that it worked and we got the ice sword which is gonna be freezing foes in place not bad all right so i think the first thing i'm gonna try freezing might be a bad idea i'm gonna give you a name real quick catherine i swore oh it froze it no way that's so cool oh we don't froze okay we're getting out of here and this is actually a pretty cool sword 10 outside for me again freeze you freeze you all right i'm definitely going to be in changing this one sharpness one freeze sword knockback one emerald sword why not oh sharpness one book actually sharpness one let's go ahead and make a sharpness two critical hit sword i think this sword is probably our most powerful one but the notch sword might change that up real quick all right so now that we're done with that let's actually go into the nether all right that should be a good spot i wish there was like another portal sword that'd be kind of cool did not expect to make this many swords though i did say i was gonna make a lot of swords but we ended up with so many all right i'm gonna assume that we can make a lot of new stuff in the nether and i mainly actually got to use a lot of this gold to get ender pearl so with all that being done let's go okay we're in and there are so many new blocks we can actually try to make swords with oh and another fortress right away holy i am so lucky with these nether fortresses we got some nether war but i'm not here for the nether word because i think we can make another sword here so actually with the soul sand we should be able to make oh there we go a curse of vanishing cursed sword deals of massive damage oh no it can hit either the target or user oh i don't like that i really don't like that guys knowing my luck i am probably gonna end up getting hit every single time and die but we might as well try out once i'm not sure if it's gonna insta kill me but if it does then the video would just be over because obviously we're in hardcore mode so oh okay massive damage there it hasn't done massive damage to myself yet oh wow am i just really lucky oh it did massive damage that was three and a half hearts okay holy blazes okay okay so before i go in there real quick i'm gonna actually go ahead and make a shield i'm gonna go in with ice sword freeze freeze freeze critical hit sword nice oh my gosh these guys do so much damage freezing is actually pretty good actually might be smarter let's use a tnt sword instead no you're gonna go away aren't you oh gosh i'm taking a little bit too much damage there i did get another blaze rod in total we have four blaze rods that's gonna be eight blades powder and just a little bit more and we should be good still need to get the other rules out all right you are gonna be wait is that nestor i see you know where what's your name your name is t taylor's dime nope nope so with that we should have the 12 blaze powder we need i think that should be enough for now i'm just gonna go ahead and leave now okay finally some glowstone oh wait we have so touch i completely forgot okay i didn't even realize my pickaxe was so touched i should probably switch it for the diamond one yeah that might be smart all right so with the glowstone i think this should oh there we go it should be a glowstone sword which illuminates the target six attack damage we're getting a lot of six attack damage once i don't think i've gotten anything better than six oh we have hoglan over there okay i need to get one for actual ender poles okay my man i have you a lot of gold and you're gonna stop true to me oh no you're not gonna stop shooting me i need a lot more hog ones actually all right i'm kind of stuck with you buddy all right you're gonna go down straight there i'm literally just gonna throw as much gold as i can down there all right enjoy all that buddy i'll see you in a bit okay it should have been long enough now oh and we have some pearls okay nice um not sure if i want to kill this guy i think we should be fine to find another one ramirez i'm sorry ramirez but i'm gonna have to glowstone you real quick one dude okay uh please be enough under poles i think we can make an enderpearl sword actually so and there we go 16 ender pearls not too bad and i'm gonna go ahead and actually make an enderman sword which with right click we randomly teleport oh gosh wait do i want to use this i'm gonna grab this real quick before i randomly teleport and we can also go ahead and make 12 eyes of ender finally which hopefully we don't break any all right so enderman sword teleport me somewhere really that's it okay we just got teleported back okay uh all right so with that being done let's go to the portal get back and try to find the stronghold oh wait no we can't even do that yet because i completely forgot we still gotta get two more blocks of gold and one apple to actually make the notch apple sword dang it oh wait there's gold all over the place okay let's find some gold oh wait quartz could i make a cord sword the cord sword kinda sounds cool let me try that real quick actually all right i feel like i am not gonna have any inventory space anytime soon and of course we can all right cord sword has power in the nether but not the old world wait does that have a special power though quantum cord sword is that it it just does damage all right that kind of sucks all right nine gold ingots and finally after all that work eight blocks of gold all that's left now is just getting one apple and i don't think we're gonna get an apple in the nether so let's go ahead and get back to the overworld oh wait okay as i just got back i see a bastion over there man that would have been useful earlier well not going for the bastion we're going straight back and we are back okay bit of a long trip but all we gotta do now is just get an apple so we actually got three apples here not bad so first thing let's go ahead and finally make our enchanted golden apple literally took so much work to finally get that and before we make the ultimate sword guys i just realized i think we can make an apple sword oh we can wait a notch sword this is definitely not the dodge sword the not sword is what we're going to be making next but makes mobs drop apples hold up oh my gosh wait it does oh that's sick oh wait most are dropping apples now that's actually sick what the heck so if you look at my inventory i definitely have way too many swords now like what the heck we're definitely not done there guys because now it's time for the ultimate sword that's probably in the thumbnail too guys so now with these two notch apples we're gonna be using a normal crafting table because it's a little bit of a special craft and it's gonna take two notch apples and i've been saving this diamond sword for this final special craft which is gonna be and there it is the sharpness five apparently not apple sword a sword crafted with the finest apples in minecraft the wielder receives the blessing of notch and there we go guys we finally made it that cost us a lot of gold and now we finally have the real notch apple sword not this red just not sword and now that we're holding it we get infinite regen 2 and what happens when we hit something oh oh i guess it's just a sharpness 5 sword interesting so my dev told me to right click the sword and just run away i'm gonna guess that means something bad's about to happen we're doing it i'm gonna run away as far as i can okay oh okay oh my gosh okay so apparently you're right-clicking spawns a giant golden apple from the sky to hit the floor make an explosion that's actually really sick that's definitely the possibility we've seen so far oh okay i've been right clicked way too much oh my gosh and now that we have all the swords we might as well start going to the stronghold straight that way oh wait oh it went back okay all right it should be somewhere around here then i really don't want to throw another one so i'm just going to guess because uh if it's a 12 missing thing oh wait that's actually really good timing what the heck okay i'm gonna kill you just in case wait what if i just right click one sec i'm gonna try killing this guy with the giant golden apples meteor apples going kill the enderman oh did it kill him oh my gosh i don't think i got an ender pearl from that but either way that was really cool okay i definitely need to find the stronghold now though i'll hear a zombie that could be a good sign oh and straight on stone brick there we go we went straight into the worst part of the stronghold but i already hear some lava so look at your silver fish wait no wait the portal room's like right by us right now oh there it is all right nice we didn't even need all the 12 eyes not bad and with these last size of enders there we go we can finally go into the portal but before we go in let's go ahead and count how many swords we ended up making today so in total we made one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 swords in total holy that is way too overkill so without that being done guys let's do this okay the dragon's over there i might as well use an enterprise why not it's time dragon i brought in lots of swords and i think i'm gonna break all the crystals the old-fashioned way with the giant golden apple that's one that's two oh that hurt the dragon too but it did no damage oh wait no it's because i'm broken crystal i think oh my gosh wait i'm gonna kill the dragon with the sword wait no wait that's gonna work oh my gosh wait what i didn't even get to use the other swords no what just happened that was the quickest end fight of my life well i definitely didn't expect the end to go that way but that was definitely one of the easiest settings to challenge i've ever done so we got the dragon egg and without that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,336,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but, minecraft but crafts are, mc but, minecraft but you can, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but i can craft, minecraft but i can craft any item, minecraft but you can craft any item, minecraft custom, minecraft custom swords
Id: 4EO-ukU0338
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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