Brisket on your Pit Barrel Cooker

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I know with pipppero cooker today I'm going to show you how to do a brisket on your pickup cooker this is so simple and the results you're going to get absolutely blow me away so let's get start what we have here is a whole packer brisket it weighs about 13 pounds I just took it out of the crowd back gave it a quick rinse and I gave it a quick pat dry and here we are so to cook this whole Packer brisket we're going to need a few things we're going to need a couple sharp knives for trimming we'll need some olive oil which is optional you don't have to do that but I like to add that and then our Pitt Burrell cooker beef in game season that's what I recommend you could put the all-purpose on there any seasoning salt and pepper whatever you like but it really comes out well with a beef and Game C just thing i like to do is flip it over and this is I like to trim it down to where you have about a quarter inch of fat on here so a lot of this fat isn't going to render which means basically cook it's gonna slow down your cook time and you just don't need that much fat all the knives we use we use Dexter there are US product and at any opportunity we always try to to select something that's made in the USA that's quality this definitely is and it's not that expensive what we'll first start out doing is just cutting some of the fat off here so we're going to start removing removing the fat now that we've got most of the fat cap taken down there's areas where I've went a little deeper but sometimes you have to go deeper to figure out just where you're out there what I like to do next is flip it over very simple we're gonna go through this is the time you want to get a little bit smaller knife this little layer here that you can see I'm going underneath it kind of hardens up a little bit and you know makes for it so I kind of removing the membrane off of ribs it just makes for a little bit more tender bike also so the the season it can penetrate the meat you just slowly want to start taking pieces off this cap right here that slowly just get it this is just going to pull right off so we're going to continue to work our way right through here and see I'm just basically removing little chunks I'm working down through here you kind of just follow the layer of fat right down we know that whole section right there kind of cutting right right in the fat area I'd say about halfway if you go all the way with it it'll actually take it all off so we don't want to do that keep things moving along and give you an idea that's about as far as I'm going to go with on cutting we've cut our flat back and we've trimmed it up good we've got both sides done next we're going to go ahead and season it up again olive oil is optional I just like to add it go and pour a little bit olive oil on rub it in just a light coats fine pull the flat back add some olive oil in there flip it over next we're going to go ahead and use the beef and Game I'm gonna pull the flap back give that a good season okay once we have its season we're ready to place the hooks in the brisket this is actually very simple I'm going to show you an easy way to do this from right here all right here at the curve of the hook I'm gonna go right through kind of make a mark with my finger and they come back I'm gonna place the hook right in there I also want to get this piece so kind of tuck the flap up a little bit and right there where the hook where the hook bends again make my mark in the come right through there and put it right through there the second hook is going to go in a little bit differently so we're actually going to connect this second hook just like this and it's going to go in that way so a good way to do your measurement we know that the bend in the hook it's right about here so that's our mark we'll take it like this we know that right here is the bend in this hook so we'll make our mark right there and we'll go in and we'll insert the hook right about right about there okay and we're going to go all the way through pushing down through into the other side and once we're through there we can go ahead and pull this up hook that other one and we're all set it's just like that we are ready to go place it on the pipppero cooker it's been about 20 minutes since we let the coals as long as your brisket is about two to three inches away from the coal basket you're good to go so we'll go ahead and hang it in there we're all set we'll go ahead and put the lid on close lid walk away we're going to come back and about oh I'll check it in about two and a half three hours okay it's been just three hours we're ready to check our temperature on the brisket and we'll see where we're at it's really good it's right where we want to be we're getting a nice little bark in here that's giving me a reading of 140 right now we're bringing we're looking again take this temperature to 160 then we're gonna pull it off and we're gonna wrap it so I'm gonna let this go for about another half an hour for a total cook time about three and a half hours an additional thirty minutes has gone by we're gonna go ahead and check for temperature we've cooked it right now about three and a half hours see where we're at so actually right here we're at one forty five so this is actually a great example of what we call when meat hits a plateau so when that happens we just got to work through it not a big deal it happens and I'm going to put the lid on come back check in another half an hour additional half an hour's gone by we're ready to check our brisket again and we've cooked it right now about about four hours we've got to be really close here we're right on the mark one six 159 160 that is perfect we're go ahead and take this off I always like to put the lid back on while I'm inside you leave the rods in for now and we'll get the grill grate later I'm going to go ahead and add it just add a little bit of beef broth and that's basically what I'm going to use for my wrapping juice I took two sheets of tin foil I laid them out and I'm going to go ahead continue to add some beef broth used about half a cup you decided between a quarter and half a cup is perfect you want to be careful not to puncture the bottom of the tent well because you don't want that to leak out [Applause] so there we go and we're going to go back and we're going to set it on the grill grate just like this so fat side down and that's perfect real great in we're gonna go and place the brisket we're gonna start truck temperature in about an hour and kind of see where we're at again we're looking for 200 ready to check the brisket we've let it go in another hour wrapped up and you know we're looking again about 200 degrees for a total cook time right now including the wrapping we've we've been about right about five and a half hours 199 so we're really close I'm gonna go ahead and pull it out so I've got the brisket rest still wrapped inside the floor that's something that a lot of people make a big mistake it's not letting meat rest a lot of people want to just carve right into it you let a lot of the juices out you gotta let the juices settle in the meat so any kind of good roast whether it's a turkey pork shoulder brisket right if anything like that you want to let you want to let me rest for for a little bit and on a brisket I'd recommend about 30 so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to remove the flat pierced take that off just like this you can move this this off to the side you can get some nice pull brisket out of here you can see I mean literally this meat is so juicy and tender it's amazing and you can as you know we didn't we don't inject it with anything now you can always add chips and things like that for additional smoke as you can see there's a smoke ring right there it just looks absolutely delicious and it again you know a pulls just pulls right apart so as you can see the the grain is going basically in this direction here so we can turn it just to the side if you want there's a lot of different things you can do with this you can get you can cut off a lot of different ways but this is this is a good way to go so as you can see it's really tender pulls right away and just absolutely delicious really tender and juicy we'll folks that wraps up for doing brisket on your Pitt Braille cooker as you can see really easy to do it's not difficult at all the key things you want to remember are your temperature it's basically so you're hanging that brisket till it hits 160 you pull it off you wrap it then you put it back on the grill gray until it reaches a temperature of 200 degrees never had an indie charcoal the whole time never put any more briquettes in thanks for watching and if you have any questions please contact us at pepper or cooker com
Channel: Pit Barrel Cooker Co
Views: 148,255
Rating: 4.7476192 out of 5
Keywords: Brisket, BBQ, Pulled, Smoker, Drum, Cooker, UDS, Grill, Beef, PBC, hook n hang, meat hooks, pit barrel cooker, smoker, drum smoker
Id: wPOn7ifxm48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2012
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