SML Parody: The Cheese Touch!

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all right class so someone did explosive diarrhea yesterday on the playground during recess i don't know who did it but it doesn't matter so for the next week while they clean it up we are going to be having recess instead of why you dumb elementary school we're going to come over here to you kind of smart middle school which is freaking gorgeous by the way why can't we have a good school like that whoa guys look at the new playground oh my god there's an umbrella eh dude that's called the slide jar yeah come on let's go to the fence all right guys let's go let's go guys oh we're shaking ah earthquake whoa guys look at the elephant bars they're monkey bars jeffy no they're elephant bars get your animals ready all right well can you do them yeah yeah i'm gonna grow them watch this i can do it with no hands all right you ready what are you gonna do with no hands like your legs yeah wait what what oh my god what's going on can you do it one more one more yeah it's windy okay get down get down oh my god was production oh that was freaking sick you guys want to play tag what whoa these are big show hide up we're the kings of the world guys yeah oh we should go down this slide joseph okay actually i want to go down the orange slide wait are you sure you want to do that dude that thing goes like straight down i got this guys i'll be fine oh god yo dude that was so gnarly joshua oh i think i broke my ovaries you don't have ovaries okay let's do it again no no no i can't i can't do any more playground stuff right now all right well let's do something else whoa dude damn basketball course over there let's go play some basketball guys yeah oh yeah basketball yeah guys what the heck is that what oh yeah what the heck is that oh that's the jeez oh that's gross guys how long do you think this has been here i don't know 10 years 20 years it looks older than my daddy and that's saying something yeah it looks older than my dad too how are we supposed to play basketball which in a way i can move it guys all right there you go you want to yeah it's kind of gross are you sure yeah we'll be fine it'll be fine i picked my boogers it's all good okay stop good god man what are you doing bruh don't touch the cheese why not listen you guys are all nerds but i wouldn't even wish this upon my worst enemies it's not that deep bro it's just cheese oh it's that deep buddy oh why is it date let me tell you it all started when actually nobody knows how this cheese started nobody knows where it came from i mean man i wish i knew where it came from oh boy it's time to chow down hey mario but don't beat me up bowser please i'm not going to beat you up i want to have a train a trade what do you want i want to give you these reese's pieces for that canadian bacon that you got okay well say less wait this is a canadian bacon it's just ham no it's canadian bacon give it to me okay uh let me try to get it all right yeah i want to see i want it i'll get that later pour bread okay i'll also get that later what are you okay yes fine all right i don't want the cheese by the way oh the cheese um that's why there's a canadian baby here take that thanks for the reason all right thank you oh well i guess i'm eating a reese's peasy sandwich okay and the cheese remained untouched anyway the cheese has been sitting here looking like this for about as long as anyone can remember but how do you know about this story we're not even in middle school hey buddy don't question the legend of the cheese touch sorry the cheese touch yep you heard that right the cheese touch and anyway my brother told me about this story back when he went to middle school okay all right so yeah the last time anyone touched this cheese was about eight years ago all right guys ready to play some foursquare oh yeah yeah oh my god something new here wait guys could i play with you uh you could play with me go fetch who the hell do you think i am oh feisty what's your name new kid my name is jess ass are you foreign or something wait why do you have no shirt i kind of like it oh it's for personal religious medicinal and hygienical reasons well that's a lot of reasons okey dokey here's the thing there's kind of four of us and we're playing four square as you can tell though maybe later all right yeah okay let me know when someone leaves all right all right see you new kid all right let's play some foursquare oh basketball i will play basketball but no one's around to play oh what that g oh my god look at that cheese i must have been sitting here for a long time you know what no one else could eat it i might as well come on come on guys run what there's no one to touch the cheats welcome back we're going guys no one wants to play with me at that point the only thing left for poor little ass to do was to pass on the cheese touch at that point chaos broke out friends became foes you couldn't trust anybody are you ready yeah i can't believe this is about to happen oh i got the cheese touch i gotta go i think the cost is clear but then something happened for an exchange student he got the cheese touch but he didn't speak english that well so when he got it he had no idea what it was jesus the sisters where's the sisters that poor poor kid he went the whole year not knowing what everyone would just run away from him he didn't understand he was sad but then he moved away so the cheese touches disappeared that's it wow that's freaking nuts and yeah it really is and you almost started the cheese dots again yeah what's the problem jeffy do you realize what you could have done i'm gonna still touch it no why would you do that you're out of your mouth i'm gonna do it you can't bro dude i'm telling you it's just a myth watch this you're not a myth dude what are you doing see guys nothing happened run everyone drop it at the chase touch wait what let go of me never wait what's going on over there did someone just say the cheese touch yeah i have the cheese touch run run but guys [Music] hey dude that was yo thanks man yo we should really make a band yeah dude that could be a future video but it's not christmas guys i need your help no it's talking to me but guys what the heck oh god that idiot didn't listen ugh hey billy i need your help is there a way to reverse this you gotta bash it on everyone's running away though everybody wait what all right class time to go back to our school all right i'm here oh come on not you too i'm gonna go home what's going on my friends don't like me anymore my friends won't even talk to me anymore they won't even look at me anymore they keep running away from me anytime i get near them jeffy but literally everyone is doing it and i don't know why i didn't say anything bad i only know three curse words poop p and donald trump ah jeffy it's probably some stupid inside joke i don't know i didn't even do anything bad either all i did was just some really stupid act that's it ah you can't mind them wait was this about an act what did you do well so basically all i did was touch some cheese yeah yeah all i did was touch some cheese wait she where's lenny do you think it's like the cheese like i don't know oh cheese it can't be touching the cheese what are you guys talking about jeffy can you clarify yeah yeah i can so basically i was at my school yeah and i went to the basketball court with some of my friends okay no not not the basketball court and i saw some cheese on the ground and i touched it they said it was like the cheese touch or something [Applause] where did you guys go what [Music] news okay a kid restarted the cheese touch here at why you kind of smart middle school more information as the story someone's here to confirm the story bring them in bring them in hey hey everybody my son jeffy's restarted the cheese time wait it was your son it was my son jay oh come on there is no way he got there that fast what the heck so everyone knows about the cheese touch no one's gonna pay attention wait chef baby i need help chef pee pee i need your help with some what the heck chef baby where'd it go get back here you're the only smart one in this house oh what am i gonna do now well wait bowser's still in this house and he watches charlie and nothing but charlie so you know what he wouldn't watch the news bowser bowser but bowser where'd you go bowser flooring florida one week later hey hey jeffy hey over here junior hey junior can i come over there no no no no no no stay away stay away you don't plan on running away like everyone else right even my parents have been in a hotel for the last week to stay away no i'm not gonna run away i miss hanging out with you but you need to promise me that you're not gonna touch me deal dale deal get in here please all right just keep your distance all right i'll keep my distance it's great to hang out again with you jeffy yeah it is but junior yeah jeffy come back please wait chubby wait a second he just gave me the cheese touch oh no my life is ruined no no is gonna hang out with me ever again wait a second how's anyone gonna know everyone still thinks champions the cheese touch yeah yeah i'll be fine i'll be fine i'll be fine i just gotta tell people that jeffy still has a cheese touch everybody i packed the cheese touch on the junior run we can't do this every day let go of me yes we can what is jeffy saying junior has the cheese touch now gosh hey cody what's up what wait they know this can't be joseph joseph my best friend i need your help i'm out of here dude wait what no come back get away from me dude all right it's time to blast oh that was crazy oh i need your help with something with what please jeffy well that's some really gross trees jeffy i trusted you stay away from me junior no i'm giving this back to you who says i do no get this back no i want it away from me no you got to keep it fight fight fight stop let go of me stop promoting violence fight fight boy this is boring af let's go pick up some chicks yeah wait there are no chicks oh this is boring i'd rather hold hands let's go penelope this sucks i'm gonna go eat some eggplant oh god oh jeffy i didn't do that jeffy i i didn't do that i didn't do it you ate the cheese no no no i didn't do it i promise i didn't do it i didn't do it oh my god hey everybody one of these idiots just ate a bite of the cheese oh my god someone ate the cheese no no no it can't be oh my god i didn't do anything i didn't promise it wasn't my fault please i ate the cheese that's right you heard me i took a bite out of this cheese this whole cheese touch thing is stupid it doesn't make any sense who wouldn't even make this up it just sounds like a stupid myth so you know what i said we should end this thing once and for all who's with me jeffy got the cheese dash everybody jiffy why'd you do that because junior this whole cheese touch thing is so stupid not only that but i screwed you over earlier and i'm sorry for that so junior can we be friends friends i'm so glad hey hey junior you wanna finish this cheese together as friends no [Music] you
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,404,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021
Id: s-rgE1wvtxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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