SML Parody: The No Sleep Challenge!

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hey guys did you know i had a sister well you have a sister junior how come we never met her the one in the mario games don't you remember uh you mean the one with the giant dsl's yeah that one oh dude i think i know her wait you do yeah is it her name bofa no it's not bofa beaufort is not got em no her name's wendy oh yeah wendy's nut smack you across the face guys stop making those jokes you're gonna ruin my appetite i'm having chef boyardee later tonight oh that sounds really good good yeah chef boyardee's nuts tasty wait hold on a second push but why pause um cody how do you know what your nudge tastes like well i tried three times i've succeeded twice oh my god you i'm gonna change the topic uh yeah yeah please yeah cody you're gonna fill up on chef boyardee oh yeah i am it's gonna taste really good why don't you fill up on these nuts oh say less i'd rather have that okay i'm done oh whoa i'm radioactive radioactive why are you screaming that song in our faces because it's imagine dragons imagine dragons yeah imagine dragon d's knots cross your face got him well i wouldn't mind that okay we need to stop making these jokes of him he's just making him weird agreed but hey look at the news huh breaking news mkay i am balls deep in this snow right now oh my god it's so cold and windy you probably could barely hear me right now but guys we're just gonna cancel school for like the next week okay just get inside it's cold and oh i think i just dropped frostbite oh yeah school let's go week no way a whole week without any school that's freaking awesome wait guys what is it you realize we're just gonna have to go online right they're just gonna put us on zoom and we're gonna have to do school from here cody stop ruining the fun idiot hey look at the news again stop pointing out the news junior it's right in our faces now you guys are probably wondering are we going to be going to super classes well i'm going to bring it to jack at you right now hello students of why you dumb elementary school so my eyes are so slang that i can't see computer screen so we are not going to be having doom class okay well i want you guys to all do your calculus over the week but in summary no class eat ass that's it wow i guess there aren't any zoom go yeah awesome nice try cody yeah yeah you tried it ruin it and it didn't work yeah yeah oh shut up guys what do you want to do i don't know but all i know is we're having a winter vacation a second one yeah what do you expect us to do here in this winter vacation junior i don't know how about we go to the beach the beach junior yeah yeah let's go to the beach and how we gonna get there we're gonna drive duh joseph please don't tell me you're this stupid dude i think the beach is kind of cold right now no it's not it's all good just please anything else junior i don't know how about going to the water park just please please do not side with this okay junior this is like the first time i'm not gonna shy with you because you shout really dumb oh shut up guys i bet you don't have any better ideas i don't know i guess it's gonna be a really boring week cool okay guys i got an idea what is it how about a challenge a challenge what's the challenge yeah well last person to fall asleep when's the challenge oh my god that's freaking hot wait a second that's just like an all-nighter and we already did junior's all-nighter on sml no no dude listen closely what last person to fall asleep wins okay i'm not getting it yet there's no time limit on that uh what yep if someone takes you know a long time to fall asleep this should go on forever a week maybe oh week oh my god that's so awesome i know right that's so unhealthy what do you not realize how bad sleep depriving yourself is oh no we could just play video games and all that exactly it's a challenge cody yeah yeah we don't have to worry about nightmares or anything like that when we go to sleep oh yeah to make things a little bit more interesting whoever falls asleep first gets pranked pranked oh that's freaking awesome oh yeah well guys i'm i'm really not sure about this what what do you mean i'm in what about you joseph well i came up with the idea show of course i mean come on cody you gotta be in us you are i don't know you're a wimp i'm not a wimp you're a coward i'm not a coward you're not hunky okay no one tells me i'm not hungry i'm in oh you're in yep just to prove that i'm hunky all right awesome let's do this all right guys i got all the sour candy i could find in the house and we're gonna eat it oh let's go oh junior why did it have to all be sour i hate sour candy because sour candy is the best sugar rush yeah yeah oh we need all the energy keep us awake wait what yeah yeah you know sour candy keeps you awake right i don't understand what you mean by that dude it's science what do you mean there's science okay when you eat the shower candy it's like did you show a shower in my mouth and it wakes you up does it not no it doesn't yeah yeah it does i want to get it i want to see scientific evidence based on that what are we in freaking school yeah forgot you coming out we're on a week vacation yeah i'm the feast but i want some candy guys but i don't like sour candy well guess you'll starve yep but good guys okay how about this how about you put the most sour candy over there and put the least sour candy over here so then i can at least have something okay all right all right i guess we'll put it in order yeah yeah all right now we have it from most sour over here we got the least sour are you sure about this yeah yeah it's not even sour at all pretty much we're the experts okay are you sure yeah just a tiny bit sour you know or else it looks sweet cody okay that's sweet i like sweet all right we'll dig in all right [Laughter] [Applause] why did you guys do that to me because it was funny how did you go for it how was i supposed to know look at him look at it dude that guy's head is literally exploding because of our shower cody you should have used contact clues yeah you were the one that wanted to be in school yes i can't believe it junior how did you not realize haribo sour kicks zing that you thought this was the most shower coating look there's not even sour particles on it what's up i don't know anything about sour candy let's dig in oh yeah oh yeah how you feeling joseph i'm feeling pretty good not my mouth though but my body feels good oh yeah i agree guys you didn't even open this bag of warheads over here yeah why would it do that yeah cody because you guys bought them yeah we're not going to eat them stupid well then why do you guys open this one because we knew you'd eat them yeah we needed to fall for it yeah they were for you what guys but what the heck eat them no we're not stupid no do we like shower but we'd never be dumb enough to eat warheads look at guys come on seriously dude yeah it's like yeah it's like so many things yeah it's like asking charizard to do flamethrower in your mouth i know i dealt with it i had to drink three balls of water to be able to get that taste out of my mouth good you idiot idiot oh my god what are we gonna do now well i got a good game for us to play oh guys i'll be back oh yeah oh yeah uh all right now we're gonna play carl's gonna zoom andy junior it took you an hour to find cards against him andy well i had to go through the whole storage room i was trying to be quiet so then none of my family woke up i guess that's pretty nice of you yeah it is cody it was really nice of me okay well are we gonna play now yeah oh look look it's a perfect game for cody read it what a party game for horrible people yes you're a horrible person no i'm not all right you guys ready to play oh yeah all right we're going to play junior style what's good how's that go all right so basically we pull up a card and then we just pull our top card and see who has the funniest but that takes out the whole strategy of the game junior takes out all the funny how you supposed to be funny it doesn't really matter because you were never funny in the first place all right let's just play let's just play all right let's see our first card wubble always get you laid joseph i don't know let's find out all right let's see you got my card and that makes sense what the heck i gotta have the best card here it's just racist but no it's not he's black cody you're racist for bringing it up oh whatever i got a card all right let's see it all right let's see what i got my little boner oh my god the guy's roasting you oh my god shut up guys i think these are all supposed to be relatable i want to see what mine is i want to see what mine is all right let's see what i got um guys i think something's wrong here what the heck why is your picture encouraged against humanity i don't know why is it ronald mcdonald i don't know that's really weird junior how did you do this uh why are you asking me i don't know all right so who wins hmm why vote junior i kind of like this oh he looks like a good wingman i mean about yours joseph but his isn't even funny he's just racist shut up all right well who are you gonna vote oh now i'm gonna vote yours because it's a picture and that's pretty rare i've never seen that before oh so i won yeah i guess you won yay all right next question guys all right next question is she how did i lose my virginity what are you thinking joseph let's see yeah but your mom your mom cody i lost my virginity to your mom he lost his virginity i had a good card what why did you choose my mom over his what mom exactly ah come on guys i'm choosing one all right let's see all right guys let's see mine yeah but all the dudes wow wow but hey guys i didn't choose the card that's not even funny that's just true yeah yeah what the heck how's it know us i don't know well i bet yours isn't any better junior i'll check mine i'll check mine all right this is it hey junior so are you losing your virginity to me no no no no it means my other gay best friend that still makes you a little sassy junior no no we're done with this are you guys not telling me we're done with it what the heck all right i think it's safe to say that cody lost oh yeah why no i didn't lose yeah he did all right what should we do for punishment wait what i don't know punishment you guys never say anything about punishment yeah i'm going to sing you a lullaby to put you to sleep gosh good idea no that's not going to work nothing you could sing to me will work rockabye ko d on the gay top wait what i'm gonna buy you a hunky dude and once you get out your pee pee what i will get you another hunky doo um junior how did you think of those gay lyrics off the top of your head uh let's prank them break them stop stop stop okay fine you're such a loser yeah yeah how you guys suck i'm going back to bed i'm too tired for this oh okay well i guess it's just us two now all right let's just go back to the red couch okay oh we're so strong dude yeah oh my god yeah he's so dumb oh yeah [Music] can that brother just get any sleep around here what the hell is going on out there and the name of nancy's going on here oh hey chef pee pee what's up what's up my ass i don't know maybe uh trolley orbs junior what the [ __ ] is going on here why are y'all screaming it's like 3am out there oh boy shut up what's going on uh we're having a no sleep challenge chef pee pee can you leave us the f alone please buddy i don't care if you guys are doing a stupid all-nighter but you just keep it down try to sleep oh we're not doing an all-nighter [ __ ] peepee we're going until one of us falls asleep it could take the entire week if we really wanted no no no no no it can't be no no this can't be happening i gotta get out of here yeah it sounds like you whenever something bad happens [Applause] oh man this is a disaster i can deal with an all-nighter but if those kids stay up for days on end i'm gonna die i'll get sleep deprivation i can't do this i need to think of a plan now you gotta act fast okay perfect i got the thick and fluffy waffles i know those youngers won't be able to risk the thick and fluffy waffles but i got the secret ingredients oh here it comes here it comes it is the steak grill stuff this will make him go to sleep but here's the trick it looks exactly like maple syrup i know it says dayquil but that's because they're falling asleep during the day it's technically the morning time okay okay let's see let's see oh my god it looks exactly like maple syrup this is gonna treat them so good okey-dokey look what i need you guys whoa waffles yeah since it's technically is the morning i made you guys some waffles with maple syrup but thank you chef pee pee well you're welcome enjoy all right all right see ya chef pee pee all right lizzy yeah dude oh god i feel sleepy yeah those waffles were good but they kind of tasted like medicine right through what they did oh god what do we do joseph oh no but i don't want to go to bed i don't want to lose i got an idea wait what i've got five hour energy no way dude dude you have like ten hours of energy in your hand you're so lucky well i'm gonna be a fair sport oh thank you dude all right oh thank you oh yeah are you ready to drink up show ready all right drink up okay yeah you feeling i'm just i'm feeling it yup oh my god i'm feeling so much energy you put energy yep you want to play some more cards against your manny yeah yeah let's do it what it didn't work they're full of energy oh man i gotta ramp it up a bit so couple wobbles weren't able to do it well fix your eyes on the 24 pack eggo waffles minecraft edition let's get this bad boy open wait a second why does it look like minecraft come on anyway it's time to go we're gonna use all of this bad boy oh this is going to do the trick merry christmas you filthy animals oh my god joseph look there's more waffles there's waffles you don't have more waffles i do okay why do i even bother oh i can't even stay up dude i'm so like full and tired no there's something wrong with these waffles i know i think they make me really tired what do we do now i don't know but if i don't get any energy in my system i think i'm gonna pass out oh no i'm out of five hour energies we need energy now we should go to my dad's monster stash but dude you're not supposed to go there i know but we gotta go let's roll okay oh boy my favorite thing in this world other than charlie is my monster energy stash i mean without it how the heck would i stay up all night watching charlie i need one of these tonight oh come on baby okay because it's clear let's go all right joseph this is it wow dude there's so many here but how are we gonna teach him what i am noticing i'll show you [Music] oh my god oh my god hey you want to see me run out of the scene yeah you wanna see me do it again yeah okay i just did it again oh yeah it's freaking awesome oh my god what they get all those waffles and they're still full of energy oh my god i'm gonna need something new i'm gonna need an ultimate plan okay i better get to work junior how long have we been awake i don't know maybe like three days we might be breaking over that dude oh my god watch your face blue shut up what the heck that was turning green penelope cody oh wow wow i stuff stop hearing the voices in my head oh what are they saying now are you saying are you sting dude oh mine's telling me to drink more monster so i stay awake i need more monsters i think we drank it oh no no no look i got one more oh don't give me that no it's mine i finally got it my greatest plan yet it's all thanks to the secret ingredient what is it is it nyquil no is it decol no it's this sequel nothing can make anyone fall asleep faster than zeke it'll make him having the z's in no time all right i'm just gonna pour it in this halloween foggy machine is gonna [ __ ] up the air of this stuff this is gonna be brilliant perfect spooky scary skeletons and people that fall asleep are you spongebob doors yeah is that a kiss you should make a car sound rainforest dude wow how does it smell good dude just kind of tastes good oh god dude did you just wake up yeah i just did i win no you didn't win no no no no you just woke up too wait wait you who fell asleep first i don't know i did it wait you did it dude i fell asleep last wait you know what i thought that was one thousand dollars no no i won shut up hey guys what's up oh hey cody what's up oh you've missed so much you think i haven't been watching you guys for the last two and a half days wait seriously yeah yeah i've been watching you guys wait so who won who won oh you guys both fell asleep at the same time it was really weird james are we tired oh my god i guess we gotta do the whole thing again you down cody i'm going home [ __ ] you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,046,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021
Id: Yb49Z0Ftmm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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