SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Framed!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/supermarioplush220 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
marvin guess what came in the mail today these nuts my grandparents ashes oh wait your grandparents ashes like both of them yeah marvin they wanted to be mixed together for all eternity wait so they're both inside this thing ew is that their ashes yes marvin they died they were cremated they wanted to be put in this priceless one-of-a-kind vase that's been passed down from generation to generation in my family well can we put it like in the closet or something i don't want to look at it it's weird oh no marvin they love kitchens they said when we died put us in the kitchen okay well i'm not gonna sit in the kitchen and look at your grandparents death sand okay i'm gonna go upstairs oh okay all right guys are you ready to kick the soccer ball in the house yeah yeah but junior what if we break something cody are you 40 years old what if we break something yeah be a kid for once well i just don't want to get in trouble we're not going to get in trouble hey jeffy i'm going to kick the ball to you first okay yeah i got it i got it my turn what's this oh what was that it sounded like you broke something it sounded like you broke something cody that's what you sound like if you ever know what you sound like that's what you sound like okay that doesn't change that you broke something oh how do you know i broke something because there was a loud crash from the kitchen but what if there's a speaker in there that plays crashing glass sounds why would you have that you know they're like little machines that play nature noises maybe it's on the crashing glass sound channel yeah yeah that sounds very relaxing crashing glass sounds i'd like to fall asleep to that guys do you think i broke something no see look guys it's three it gets one so i didn't break anything okay let's go check okay what do i get when there's nothing broken there uh five dollars okay i might get five dollars okay oh no what happened here junior this is the thing you broke wait so there's not a machine that makes broken glass noises in here no you don't have one of those yes i do and what is all this stuff i think it's someone's ashes wow they have a serious smoking problem if they have that much ashes what no junior i mean like human ashes like this used to be people dude this is a lot of people all right guys okay what are we gonna do about this what are we gonna do junior you're the one who broke it no we all broke it because we all kicked the soccer ball but you hit it last no jeffy hit it last no oh you hit it last guys it doesn't matter that jeffy hit it last we just have to focus on cleaning it up so i'm gonna sweep up the ashes and let's put it inside a vase it looks just like it junior where are we gonna find a vase it looks just like this one hey guys everybody's base i found it looks just like that one jeffy come on we needed that right who did it jeffy did it what yeah yeah jeffy did it yeah jeffy did it oh screw you guys that's it jeffy you're grounded but i didn't do it your friends ratted you outside you did it so you're coming with me all right jeffy that's it you're grounded but i didn't break your face yes you did well i didn't break the first vase but i broke the second base there was only one face jeffy no there wasn't there were two faces exactly there was only one face jeffy guys if there were two vases go ahead and hit the like button and the subscribe button proved them wrong jeffy there was only one face and you broke it because your friend said you broke it my friends are no longer my friends anymore because they framed me jeffy gets free it's the title of the video jeffy you're crowded for a month this house is a prison go to your room daddy i'm gonna prove to you that my friends friend me okay to do that then but you're the one who broke it it's okay baby we'll go sweep it up and we'll put it in like a litter box or something all right guys what color do you think goes next oh dude totally the orange one oh definitely orange no what's up d-bags oh hey jeffy sorry we had to blame it on you because of you guys i lost tv for a month oh that's rough yeah that sucks dude yeah sorry jeffy you guys better go tell my dad the truth or else i'm going to ruin all of your lives but they already think you did it so just take the blame on this one so you've chosen death i hope you guys enjoy it dude what is jeffy going to do i don't know he's not going to do anything all right guys i think blue is next no all right guys i think we put them in the perfect order you guys cannot be serious well you can't do it any better yeah guys i think i'm just gonna go get ken and go home wait where'd you leave kenneth oh he's on the couch downstairs i left ken right here wait what's this if you ever want to see ken again admit that i didn't break the vase jeffy must have taken ken junior you have to go admit that you broke the vase right now what no i'm not gonna get grounded just so you can get your stupid dumb doll back but junior i need ken back well look nothing's going to happen to kim but but what if he hurts him dude he's a dog yeah he's a doll how is he going to hurt a dumb doll he's not going to hurt him who's that who's that uh hello hello oh down there dude hey cody there's a package here for you but to me but this is your house i know that's weird we should open it so cody why did a package for you come to my house i don't know it's really weird what'd you order new i had new glasses yeah new glasses why would i order new glasses because you love to collect glasses and wear them but do you think i wear glasses because i collect glasses no i wear glasses because my eyes don't work right so did you order new eyes new eyes yeah okay i'm just going to open the box now it's kid's head where's the rest of it oh there's no more pieces of in there no it's just his head dude we have to go tell the truth right now what no i'm not gonna tell the truth just because you got ken's head but julian look what he did do it but maybe the other pieces will come in the mail see look that might be another box with another piece to them hello mom dad what are you doing here we're very disappointed in you cody what did i do you ate a baconator cody we're jewish we're not supposed to eat pork well i didn't eat a baconator oh yeah well then why did we find this baconator wrapper in your room along with a note that says hahaha i ate this baconator from wendy's so you gonna laugh in our face ooh you're gonna burn in jewish hair for that why would i leave a note about something i'm not allowed to do because you're just that cocky cody you didn't think you'd get caught why couldn't you just have eaten a dave's double well i did i love dave's doubles i get them all the time i don't want to hear you coming home right now okay we're going to give you a spankingator tell the truth junior well i don't want to get grounded whoa dude cody's life is ruined just like jeffy said well do you think jeffy's gonna try to ruin our lives nah i don't have parents so i'd love to see him try give me your best shot who's the door hello joseph mommy yes i came back because i love you and i want to be a family again really you guys ready to tell the truth jeffy you ruined my life and tell the truth jeffy just stop doing this then calendar truth oh man oh it's really hot in that thing all right kid you get my hundred bucks yeah it's right here on my diaper and go ahead and grab it thank you man you really made that guy feel pretty bad yeah he got me grounded oh well i mean i'd feel bad if i were you but whatever uh let me know if you need anything else i got a whole bunch more costumes all right thanks my famous soup is almost ready oh hey jeffy what are you doing wait why are you getting closer to me stop it stop it stop it [Applause] i'm so sorry joseph dude my whole life is ruined just tell the truth well i don't want to get grounded dude just tell the truth junior dinner's ready oh dinner's ready oh man i'm so hungry what does chef pee pee make me oh he made you his famous soup what wait what's in this chef pee pee what no i know he made the suit but what's in this chef pee pee yep and i'm gonna keep going until you tell the truth i want that baby back are you going to tell the truth oh yes okay fine i'll go tell your dad i'll go down that you didn't do it all right good oh man you got junior so good yep here's your 100 bucks thank you very much that'll teach him a lesson okay you want the truth okay jeffy did not break your stupid dumb grandparent's face i broke it i was the last one to kick the soccer ball and i know what i've broken so ungrounded so we can stop killing our families mother father i demand an apology wait so jeffy you did not break that vase nope well i broke the second one but not the first one so your friends lied yes they framed me wait the title of the video jiffy gets framed we should have paid attention yeah i've been telling you guys that well jeffy we're sorry for grounding you we just we just thought you did it now kiss my hand kiss your hand kiss my hand ow now don't you ever try to take my tv away from me again now which one of you is going to go sweep up grandma and grandpa [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 20,458,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, jeffy gets framed, framed, frame, blame, blamed, friends, friend, junior, joseph, cody, chef, puppet, puppets, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, lovell, entertainment, laugh, hilarious, break, vase, mess, prank
Id: mlc3L1qSZEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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