SML Parody: Jeffy's Secret Gaming Room!

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[Music] Junior what do you think about this super secret gaming room I made underneath my daddy's couch whoa Jeffy this is the coolest thing I've ever seen uh can I put on your PlayStation 5 of course Junior but we have to be quiet cuz my daddy is right above us huh that's weird where's Jeffy I haven't seen him all day wait why can't we show your dad the fort I mean it's so cool you probably love it because Junior um daddy took away my PS5 and he Banned Me from playing games for like a week so if he found out we were doing all of this right underneath his precious red couch daddy would probably have a heart attack and die but before he died he would definitely ground me until I'm 40 oh yeah that makes sense but how did you lose your PlayStation um daddy why'd you take my PlayStation you know why Jeffy because you're bald no because you're failing all your classes I mean think about that Jeffy you are in the same grade as Junior and you have all FS can you believe that I mean your D probably doing better than you so until you at least get a d you're not getting this thing back this isn't fair Daddy no no no no no let me tell you what's not fair okay me getting calls from your school every single day saying that you're failing your classes and not putting any effort in well then stop picking up the phone how about you stop failing your classes huh D no you can't do this to me you can't no you can't no dad put he's probably just hiding it in the closet I'll get it back oh yeah that makes sense but Jeffy why don't you just build your fort under like a blanket in your room or something why' I have to be in the couch because Junior daddy already knows that I'm suspect because he hasn't seen for like 3 days cuz I've been under here so he's going to be looking around the house looking for something suspicious but I know Daddy he will never figure out that we are underneath his red couch it's so obvious that it's not obvious he's not going to check under here wow that's actually really smart I'm surprised you came up with that but how do we get out that's easy Junior just push up on the cushion right here no I mean like how do we get out if he's on the couch how do we know it's safe to get out oh I know what you're saying isn't he going to find out yep Daddy's still there wait so we can't get out if he's sitting on there well Daddy's so big and round he weighs the cushion down so if I can't get out then I know he's sitting up there oh yeah that's that's pretty smart so you want to play some fortnite oh yeah let's do oh wait but we're banned though oh shoot I forgot well maybe Lego fortnite works oh yeah Lego fortnite yeah let's try that all right hey Jeffy no offense but your house sucks I mean it doesn't even have a roof and the floor is all mismatched okay well Junior I didn't get to finish it yet I just started plus I kind of like normal fortnite better but it's not that hard to build a roof oh man it's kind of getting hot in here can I get a prime oh yeah it does get pretty hot with the PlayStation all the lights you're just lucky daddy didn't fart yet well what happens if he does um it turns into a gas chamber like I have to hold my breath and you basically suffocate oh God can you just give me the prime yeah I'll get you a cold one okay it's your lucky day Junior cuz I got cold primes in my creeper mini fridge what just one prime left I could have sworn I just restocked it I don't want to drink the warm primes all right Junior you can have this one but I'm going to go get some re fills all right Junior coast is clear I want see Daddy Jeffy what are you doing with my couch hi Daddy I was um what's in there no nothing I was just making sure that the the remote didn't fall into in the couch cushions the remote it's right here though oh good and what you do with Prime on my couch you know I don't like you drinking it on I was going to drink it in my room and then I was going to do my homework okay good good but it kind of seems like you're hiding something from me I don't know you're a little suspicious yeah I'm hiding something what are you hiding well I was in the bathroom taking a crap and I think I clogged it because the water started rising and then it touched my butt and it was so cold that I jumped and ran away cuz I was scared but the water just kept on filling up so you flooded my bathroom yeah that was close uh-oh a heart junior I got some more Junior you died I didn't know if you stood in the fire you you lost all my loot Junior calm down you didn't have anything good anyway well not anymore I don't cuz you don't Junior I give you this game for 5 minutes and what do you do Jeffy stop shouting your dad's going to hear us oh we don't have to worry about daddy he's going to be cleaning up my mess in the toilet for the next 5 hours ew hey Jeffy I was thinking what if we invited a bunch of people from school to come hang out in here with us um I don't know Junior I don't think that's a good idea no no think about it we can invite Cody and Joseph I mean they wouldn't well Joseph wouldn't snitch Cody might but if I tell him to be good he will I don't I don't think that's a good and we can invite PJ oh my God we have to invite PJ we'll be the coolest kids in school I I don't like PJ what I don't like him no no no no no what you don't like PJ no no you're lying everybody loves PJ we all love him he's the coolest kid ever okay well he's kind of cool no say you love PJ I I don't know say you love PJ I love PJ there you go exactly so if we invite him we'll be the coolest kids ever and we can throw the bestest party ever maybe I I'll think about about it the next day all right everybody Welcome to the bestest gaming room you've ever seen now you guys got to get in quick before Mario sees us yeah that's right Joseph get in there wa dude yeah junior did you make sure this is safe before we all get inside of this I don't know Jeffy built it y that doesn't help that makes it worse okay did he make sure this isn't going to collapse Cody you should probably just get in there did he check for fire hazard Jun not that big a deal are we going to run out of oxygen in oh my God PJ qu you're going to love the four okay just get in there it's going to be so cool wa dude this is like the coolest secret gaming room I've ever [Music] seen go Junior it's too many people oh come on it's only like I mean more than half the class Boy Bill is the only one that didn't show up on Junior I thought you meant like two of your friends you literally invited half of our classroom well think about it Jeffy we're going to be the coolest kids there now we have like the coolest secret gaming room I guess but this was just supposed to be for me and you and I can't have Daddy finding I think I hear Daddy we got to get in okay dude look at all the snacks Joseph I want to play dude junior said it's my turn I want to try at least I don't just want to watch you play to bad I just started boring please Joseph Junior you guys are making a mess not we're just having a good time and who's that old guy I don't know I think he's someone's Grandpa what The Jeffy Jeffy where are you I thought I saw his friends from school coming just now I think I hear Daddy all right everybody's got to leave right now junor everybody has to get right now the party just started I don't care Junior it's not worth it I'm not getting in trouble everybody has to leave oh come on even the old guy yes even the old guy Jeffy I don't care just take the snacks you got to leave I I'm not risking it Junior please get them out okay fine all right everybody party's over yall have to go home I'm sorry whatever this party wasn't that cool cool Anyway come on guys I hear bully bille has a way cooler secret gaming room you're not sorry yes I am how you said you even want to have the party because Daddy was up there if you find out I'm doomed okay yeah okay but he's not going to hear us look I'm shouting Mario what are you doing I'm just proving that he can't hear us in here okay I I don't think he's here right now I'm going to open it up all right wow dude really cool gaming room thanks for letting us stay for 5 Seconds come on guys let's go somewhere cooler thanks a lot Junior everybody made a mess and they took all my snacked and almost all my prime well if you had hung out with us you would have had fun no Junior I I I think you should leave now wa no come on Jeffy don't be like that let me just go get snacks from my room I'll replace all the ones they took and then we can like play Playstation or something okay you can get me snacks but then you got to leave Junior this is my gaming room and no offense but ever since you came in here I almost got caught several times well you know what fine you I wanted to leave anyway you can forget about getting your snacks good all right that's it I put it off for long enough it's time for me to watch the entire lord of the the Rings trilogy and I'm not getting off this couch till I finish every single one of these movies oh yeah this is going to be good uh Jeffy is that your dad yeah I think he's doing a movie night and he's watching Lord of the Rings okay well that's not that big a deal I mean the average movie is like an hour and 40 minutes so we should be fine uh junior if he's watching the entire Trilogy which I think he is because Daddy's weird like that it's roughly 9 hours and 30 minutes wait how do you know that but if he's watching the Extended Cut which he probably is that's 683 minutes which translates to 11 hours 30 minutes and if he's doing the DVD bonus box set with behind the scenes probably 13 hours wow if only you did that good in school man it's getting really hot in here yeah I I'm sorry Jeffy look I know you don't want to get found out but I am not staying in here for like 13 hours or whatever I got to get out Junior no you can't get out cuz Daddy's going to find out it's going to ruin it for me I don't care Jeffy look we're running out of snacks we're not going to last 13 hours in here just let me leave no Junior we can't leave I'm sorry but Daddy can't find out oh come on Jeffy just please I'm not staying here for 13 hours junior we have to stay until he's done with the movie all right fine anyone have to do this what are you doing [Music] no Jeffy you think he's almost done Junior I don't think he's even done with the first movie it's so hot yeah and I'm so hungry thanks for eating all the food I got Junior you want the last Cheerio yeah I want the last Cheerio I have't wow thanks now what am I going to do wait I know go I'll call Cody he'll get us out of this mess yeah okay Cody listen here I need you to get over here right now okay Mario's on top of the couch and he won't move and Jeffy won't let me out until he's gone you just need to get over here right now I don't care if he knows daddy can't find out we shut up listen if Daddy finds out that under the couch I I will ruin your life I swear to God I will pull your pants down in school everybody will see your hello the underwear I do not care okay no no he's bluffing you tell him shut up Junior C he can't know okay chill I won't let your dad find out hi excuse me oh hey Cody are you looking for junior I think he's in his room uh no actually I wanted to see if I I think I left something in your couch I I wanted to get it out real quick if that's possible you left something in my couch yeah like inside the cushions I can get it out it'll be real quick okay well what did you leave in there I can get it wait no no no no I I want to get it cuz it's actually kind of embarrassing so if you could just go somewhere else for like 5 Seconds it'll be so you want to be alone with my couch yeah I want to go in to get it's it sounds weird but it's it'll it'll be like very weird I mean what did you leave in there cuz I can just get it for you wait are are you watching Lord of the Rings oh yeah I just started the first one I'm going to watch the whole trilogy are you watching the Extended Cut or just the direct yeah with the BTS oh my God I haven't seen these in so long can can I watch I I mean I guess so sure oh junior won't mind these are so good come on Cody what are you doing Cody oh my God what is wrong with you that is nice okay I feel ref refreshed and I'm not even hot anymore Junior I'm going to play some PS5 if you don't mind yeah good luck with that the controller's dead I tried an hour ago great is Daddy gone yet no I don't know what they're doing he's still on there come on just let me use the freezer Jeffy I got to put my head in there uh no Junior This Is My Side what your side we to be established side I don't know 5 minutes ago you get this out with the PS5 and I get this side with the freezer but you just wanted to play on the PS5 what do you mean I get that Junior I think you're forgetting who built this secret gaming room well I think you're forgetting who's about to beat if you don't let me go in that freezer Junior just stay on your side okay no you get on your side St alone the fre wow um I I really forgot how long these movies were no yeah they're pretty long this is like an all day sort of thing yeah we're not even done with the first movie yet oh wow okay can I uh I'm going to use your bathroom real quick and can I grab a quick snack yeah okay the bathroom's down the hallway okay I'll be quick oh my god I've been holding this in all day finally I think Daddy's leaving did he leave later that night no way I actually finished the entire Trilogy in one sitting I have never done that before why did I do that though did I just randomly decide to watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy with jeffy's dad cuz that's kind of weird I feel like I'm forgetting something but it's late I have school in the morning okay I have to go what what Cody oh oh man wait I missed the last 5 hours of the movie guess I got to rewind yeah you you got to be kidding me this is it is is how we died Junior I I just want to say I overreacted it's not that deep I'm sorry I'm sorry Jeffy I I shouldn't have invited those people we we probably would have still had food Junior do you think we going to go to heaven no definitely not probably not we're going down there oh actually you know what oh my God it's 1:00 in the morning I probably should just go to bed I'll finish this tomorrow Junior we're finally free Jeffy this was the worst day of my life I don't think I'm ever going to go back in there again never never again I'm going to go cry in the shower and burn my bib okay Junior well at least daddy didn't find out so he so Jeffy you learn your lesson hi Daddy I was just going to get some Prime from the fridge and then finish my homework you mean you were just getting out of the couch yeah I cuz I knew you were in there what do you I knew you were in there the whole time no I was I know about the PlayStation I was checking to make sure that I know about the Monitor and I know about the creeper fridge that you used my credit card to buy I don't know what you're talking about daddy I knew you were in there the whole time you know I don't even like Lord of the Rings I just had to watch something really long to teach you a lesson so did you learn your lesson did you I'm sorry Daddy I didn't mean it was Junior's idea wait you actually say you're sorry I didn't want to do it he made me do it it wasn't it wasn't my idea dadd you know what Jeffy apology not accepted go do your homework in [Music] goober
Channel: Kable10
Views: 602,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cZj9E3g9kyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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