SML Parody: Finding Jeffy!

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uh what do i spend all this money on i could buy that million dollar yacht that'd be really cool i could have parties whenever i want sail across the ocean or i could buy that jet oh i could go wherever i wanted whenever i wanted really fast hey daddy what doing uh why'd you do that look i'm trying to spend money all right and i'm really really bored so can you just take it uh why well i don't know i'm bored all right now do i buy a yacht or do i buy a jet oh a jet would be so cool we can fly up really high and jump out and use parachutes no i can't jump jumping out of a jet i'll have a heart attack or something that's scary oh man well how do we go somewhere fun like what oh the gucci store or the rolex store oh yeah we could buy a bunch of watches and some new gucci because these really hurt really bad well no i was thinking like i don't know adventure island disney world busch gardens i don't know universally what wait what did you say before that uh adventure island no before that uh disney you know not to say that word wait why not because you know what i think about that place i hate it oh dad why are you so scared of the rat because he's terrifying he's not jeffy the rat is the most terrifying thing i've ever seen in my whole life if i never have to see him again it'll be too soon and don't even say his name because i know he's listening daddy we've been to disney before it's not even that scary you love it there every time you go to disney i always have a mental breakdown oh man why is it dad you gotta tell me why you wanna know why i'm scared of the rat i'll tell you it all started back when i was a kid welcome to disney world mario wow this place looks kind of cool so which why are we riding first first we're gonna do mickey and minnie's a runaway railway it's the biggest light here i don't know that ride seems a little scary what it's not scale it just has a couple drops a couple loops and at the end you get to make you get to meet mickey mouse himself i i don't know if i can do this i don't really want to go on that ride come on laura you can do it's gonna be fine come on but i don't want to meet the rat oh geez i can't take this this is terrifying oh man that ride was so scary i never want to go anything like that ever again i gotta get out of here oh my so many rats so many high prices mario mario mario and i've been scared of the rat ever since daddy that story wasn't that scary yes it was jeffy that's what traumatized me when i was a kid look the rat was terrifying because he's a big humanoid rat walking around on two legs and he has excruciatingly high prices i mean five bucks for a popsicle are you kidding me well daddy you're rich now so you can buy the expensive food and you don't have to go on the rides if you don't want to well that's true but i i i can't leave the house without people watching my millions you know that jeffy i mean if there's no one here to watch my money someone can take it well brooklyn guy can watch it no brooklyn guy can't watch it he's got millions of jobs to do yeah hey mario whoa what's with the safe ah don't worry about it wha what's with your clothes don't worry about it hey listen uh times are tough i'm running out of money i'm getting poor and i know you're poor as well but i was wondering if you have any jobs for me to do for some extra dough i don't like to wash your dog or uh i don't know walk your car what are you talking about watch my dog walk my car i don't even have a dog to wash and walk my car yeah sorry that's a drugs or whatever i don't know i just need a job to do look you want a job to do yeah fine me and my family are going to disney world and i need somebody to watch the safe oh yeah i can do that uh but one thing where'd you get the safe look all right the safe has millions and millions of dollars in there that i got because i went to my old house and dug it up out of the ground listen mario i've seen this a thousand times on my cop listen you got low you lost the house you got really broke family was hating you you robbed the bank you took the safe i'm not an idiot i'm not an idiot this is too obvious tell me what bank slip me 2 000 and i won't tell the officials i didn't rob a bank and i'll pay you much more than 2 000 if you just agree to watch it how much i'll give you ten thousand oh oh man yeah okay okay i'll do that i'll do whatever you say ten thousand oh my god all right good now you better make sure that nobody tries to break into the safe because if i see one attempted code on this thing i'm gonna know who to get mad at if i see any dents on it guess who's gonna get yelled at yeah so don't even try don't even think about it don't even let anybody near it because i don't want anybody getting my billions sure what's the code i'm not telling you the code uh yeah it makes sense whatever all right i'll watch your dumb safe all right good jeffy come on let's get ready okay all right jeffy the car is all packed all right guy ready to go no i'm not ready to go and don't remind me dad maybe if you see the rat you can make up with him be best friends no i'm not making up with the rat if i do see him i'm going mental yeah whatever all right let's go all right get in the car three hours later all right jeffy we made it to disney world disney world i know right now if you see the rat let me know because i don't want to get attacked hey don't worry the rat's underground wait what how do you know i don't know he's eating cheese he's a rat gross all right look we gotta find a shop that i can spend a bunch of money in it but if it has the rat in it i'm not going in there dad you're fine i think the shops are over there all right let's go all right jeffy we found some very expensive shirts so let's start buying uh what oh jeffy i told you not to take me to a store with rat shirts i know he was here daddy's everywhere well ah i don't know what to do all right you need to buy me a bunch of shirts that don't have the rat and i'll go get some candy and when we're done we'll meet up back here and check out all right fine all right get to buying what's that wow look at all that candy i mean i got gets mad except i probably shouldn't have left daddy and i'm lost great i don't even know where i came from i gotta go find daddy all right jeffy the manager said i couldn't get any more candy because i was buying out the whole store jeffy jeffy where'd you go jeffy oh man i should really be looking for daddy but i'm gonna pull this sword first uh-oh oh man oh we're going to flying horses oh man i love the horsey simulator oh this is so fun oh morty is that you dope hey jeffy what are you doing here oh i'm always here at disney world on friday at 4 59 pm oh well can you help me find daddy i lost him well no i don't really want to help you today don't well please help me this time morty i got a fine day i have to well i do always help you but i'm a person too i don't have to help you every time oh whatever oh you're no help oh man that carousel was fun too bad daddy couldn't be there with me oh well i mean where daddy went whoa what's this place this is kind of cool i'm gonna explore wow this place looks really cool oh man whoever lives here must have good security that's a cannon i gotta go find them ah finally at the top oh man oh somebody lives here what the ah hey kid wait you're the guy that soiled my ps5 yep i'm just living here now wow common dump what are you doing at disney world it's rent-free if i live here so i'm living here but don't they catch you at night no they don't catch me at night see that over there what i sleep in there oh no never check oh geez well kid i'm on my way to canada right now i'm trying to find my dad oh you're trying to find your dad yeah oh well i need to get out of this tree anyway so i'll help you oh really yup all right this way all right kid where'd you lose your dad i don't know somewhere out there out there yeah the whole park yeah you lost your dad in the whole party i know it's really bad wait he isn't alone is he he's alone yeah oh kid we have to find him quick wait why because if the rat sees him alone oh he's done for he's gonna bite him the rat yeah the rat will get him the rat tried to get me too but i hit up here dog i gotta go find him all right let's go jeffy jeffy where are you oh man i gotta find jeffy fast it's getting dark oh if i don't find him soon i'm gonna see the rat and i don't want to see the rat i wonder what brooklyn tea guys up to oh man i gotta get in this safe i mean i'm not gonna take the money out i don't think i will i don't gotta see this money there's no way he got millions or billions from that safe i really gotta get in there what's the code what would i put the code as if i was mario i have no idea maybe i lost bowser or something hey bowser hey bastard do you know the password to mario safe oh the password to mario safe don't we all want it well actually i know what it is and i'll tell you what it is if you do everything on my filthy to-do list i hate the chord list i hate it so much i want to be in bed i actually want to be in a nursing home forget that if you do everything on my list then you can have the safe password all right you've got a floss open up your mouth you have to floss open up your mouth open [Music] all right bowser i did everything you asked now can i please have the combination for the safe oh well to be completely honest i i don't know what the combination is no i i i just wanted to do my chores because mario leaves those for me and i just want to watch charlie i i'm sorry i don't know the combination yeah well time for charlie oh and by the way if you figure out the combination then let me know i can really use some of that money thanks oh yeah i'll tell you the code if i ever figure it out yeah sure i will like i'll ever figure it out oh man i gotta get in this safe well would i put the code as if i was mario i i don't know i don't i don't oh oh man i've looked all over the park and i can't find jeffy anywhere oh man it's getting dark out too how could this day get any worse is that the rat oh jeez mr ram please go away what do you want from me i'm sorry all right i'm sorry i didn't buy your merch i'm sorry i skipped out on all the rides i'm sorry i never went to your parks all right just leave me alone look i was really jealous all right i was jealous of you and your massive fortune but but i'm rich now i'm rich so i don't need to be jealous anymore so please just leave me alone wait jeffy are you showing me where jeffy's jeffy daddy daddy where are you at oh by the way mister why are you so scared of the rat again cause he bites hey what else well all right look kid when i'm here after hours the rat hunts me down he bites me oh geez that's terrifying man i hope i don't get near the rat oh wait a minute is that daddy and he's with the rat the rat i gotta go kid daddy daddy look out the rat no jeffy mickey's fine i'm not scared of him anymore why because he's fine he helped me find you we made up are you gonna get me no he's not gonna get you jeff he's fine he's not bad oh wow daddy i'm glad you made up with the rat or sorry mickey yeah call him mickey now he's not the rat he's mickey oh wow all right chip you look i'm tired you're tired thanks again mickey but we're going home we'll be back soon though bye bye mickey all right this saw is definitely gonna work all right safe all right money i don't need that code come to papa brooklyn guy we're home oh hey mario i uh so uh what were you doing with my safe that was just taking care of it with a saw i'm sorry mario you know i got desperate i i tried so many things i just i just wanted a little bit of the winnings well now you get no winnings none fine i do have to get rid of some money you get 1 000 that's it oh wow that's not bad thanks mario yeah let me just open it up oh [Music] all right you want 2 000 i guess i can give you 2 000. the password was one two three yeah the password one two three that's why i use for everything this whole time oh oh oh can i get five thousand
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,204,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VRasMyDIwck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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