Having a NOOB vs PRO ELEMENTAL Family In Minecraft!

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today we're starting a noob verse Pro Elemental family in Minecraft and guys check it out we all have different elemental powers this is so cool yeah it's so cool all right wait what is everyone's Powers I'm clearly fire power check this out wa take that W yeah you like that Gooby you that thing you're going to burn someone oh ow yeah I'm probably going to be the coolest Elemental here fire is so amazing oh yeah well you know it's the opposite of fire is ice wow Gooby wow hey away me you're putting ice on me get so Frozen I'm going to fight you with my fire I'm fighting you I I freeze your fire with my freeze no I'm going to melt your ice with your freaking fire stop my abilities are way better okay Daisy fine what are your abilities what what even Elemental are you um Earth obviously oh I guess that makes sense cuz you got a bunch of flowers on you yeah and watch this W that was sick oh my gosh I can start tornadoes what the hey hey hey hold on oh my God I just got dragged across the whole entire map told you everybody guess what I am Daddy what are you oh you look like um you got maybe poop Powers okay Gooby I am not the elemental poop okay I'm Darkness oo oh Darkness D that's really scary what was that oh my gosh okay that's pretty cool what does that do what other powers do you have you can't see me oh you went invisible so fair ah oh my goodness daddy that's actually kind of awesome o I'm summoning a Golem wow ew daddy is that you no it's not me it's my minion e wait daddy you're not evil anymore you went back to your Norm noral self what do you mean you called me that I do not look like that thing hi Marty okay guess what now I'm Not Invisible anymore haha I tricked you right let me kill this thing real quick yeah let me pee fire on it then I just have like really cool swords something like this okay why do you have so many Powers Daddy this is not fair then I got a I got a grapple wa um that looks like it should be an earth power no actually it's a darkest power we like using Vines cuz it's very dark and scary Daddy I think you stole that power from Daisy give it back I think he did too okay I'm Darkness I'm supposed to be evil I take Powers well give it back to me nope keeping it give it back right now going to have to come and get it what the heck okay he's like a [Applause] Spiderman you can't get me all right fine here you can take it Daisy I feel bad now thank you well guys this isn't even the coolest part because guess what we all have our own babies I got babies yeah wait everyone come and check out mine look look he's a baby version of me wa he's got some fire on him yeah he's got fire on him because he wants to grow up to be his daddy look how cute he is he's so cute yeah Gooby is really cute but wait I want to see goo's baby let's go look and see you got to see my babies wao wow it's a gooby baby look at him he's so cute he's got ice on him yeah he got he spilled a little ice cream on himself you think he he poops ice oh yeah he probably poops some ice wow that's really awesome he picks up some snow cover snow my baby you did not just accidentally kill your kid uh guys I kind of need another baby uh my baby Gooby you pelted your baby in the face with a snowball I didn't mean to yes you did you're a bad father say I just make another baby like poop out out or something that was my nephew and you killed him I'm really sorry I didn't mean to the whole point is to protect your kid not to kill him I'm I'm going to protect the next kid I have he's going to be so protected all right Gooby I guess the only way to get another baby is you got to poop one out oh disgusting oh I I can poop it out really good here hold on just break this real quick wait oh my gosh Gooby I'm not looking I'm not looking I'm not looking oh this is really hard guys oh gosh it's ice ice his butt this is so gross oh it's here it's my new baby wao you actually got a new baby it works wait what wow you got another baby Gooby yay it's my friend please try not to kill this baby okay okay I'm going to protect them so good just keep your snowballs in your pocket good job baby Gooby you just going to be the bestest baby all right let's go check out Daisy's baby next can't believe I'm a mommy wow look at this baby she's so cute she looks just like my sister yeah well it's not your sister she's not my sister no this is your niece what's a niece a niece is your sister's baby oh that looks just like you exactly and her name is Daisy too kind of it's Baby Daisy Gooby it's Baby Daisy so cute yeah just like baby Gooby behind you she you didn't look like this when you were a baby you was like bald and smelly he didn't know me when I was a Bab baby oh yeah well um who's oh my baby's here wait what is happening what is happening well I don't think baby Gooby likes Baby Daisy they're fighting they're fighting break it up no they're best friends see uhoh I think he's mad all right well guys let's go over here and let's go see the last baby which is my daddy's baby you guys are going to be so surprised when you see baby Marty I have a feeling that baby Marty is going to be actually ugly hey I think so too okay he might be a little rough around the edges cuz he's made from Darkness okay he's got to move into the light a little bit okay let's check him out what the heck Daddy what happened to his eyes he's got no eyes don't look don't look that's a scary baby D that thing is ugly as heck he needs some help okay I'm going to help him out everyone just let's go all back to our little squares and start building okay no one look at baby Marty he's really ugly though daddy oh God I can't even look at him he looks like he's he sat to the next to the TV for a little too long and he's looking at the TV and hurts his eyes yeah Daddy I took all the iPads away from him all right guys well everyone come over here I have something to show you guys look at this big giant skull e that's so scary when did that get there it was here this whole time because guess what in literally less than 20 minutes a bunch of scary monsters are going to come flying out the skull's mouth but what about my baby well that's the thing Daisy we need to protect our babies they're coming after our babies and our elemental powers oh no I like my babies and my elemental powers well they're coming to steal it Gooby so guys we need to all go to our squares and we need to build the bestest house we possibly can I think I could do that okay I'm making the best this is best house ever Gooby do you even know what a house is yeah you know it's like a make a little house and to some walls what a house is he's going to be living in a dirt Hall yeah you're going to be living literally in dirt well good thing I'm next to you gooby because I can help you build oh okay yeah she can help all right but you can't help me build Gooby see this line you are not allowed to come in here this line right here yeah the yellow line I'm allowed to go out but Gooby what get out Gooby you crossed the line Oh I thought you want me to cross the line oh okay no I don't want you to cross the line I don't want you anywhere near my baby don't cross any line don't cross this line don't cross this sign wait no no no wait wait wait Gooby this don't cross any lines Daisy can you help me out it's your brother can you just tell him Gooby you have to stay inside of the blue square but I'm not supposed to cross the lines you know well yeah you don't cross the line outside of the Blue Square so you stay inside where your baby is oh how about this Gooby how about this if you cross this blue line you will be dead oh no okay I never cross the Blue Line nope the world will explode if you cross this blue line really yeah the world will literally explode I think he wants that to happen oh no okay I don't want that to happen no no no no because then you're going to die lose your elemental powers and your baby's going to die and plus all the bunnies are in the world too I like those yeah exactly all the bunnies are going to die so do not cross this line all right oh that was close oh you almost did it oh goshy stop you're playing with the world stop okay okay everyone go to your Square Daisy Daddy go to your squares and you must build with your elements I'mma to make a good ice place all right I'll make make a cool Firehouse I'm making a dark scary house oh gosh I don't want to be next to you Daisy what are you going to build well I'm building out of wood because there's trees on the Earth all right that sounds pretty good guys everyone get to building right now we don't have too much time all right time to make my house out of nether oh yeah I'm going to use Netherrack Nether Bricks Nether wart this going to look so amazing Gooby are you doing good over there I'm building something really good all right right let's just hope you actually know how to build a house I can build a good this house all right I think something like this will be perfect to protect my baby all right now we'll use some of this red oh yeah we're going to make this look really good okay this is starting to look pretty good it's looking like a good nether base now we're going to use some more red for the top make it maybe one more taller ooh I just still have a really good idea what if I make a big giant Tower and then I'll put my baby all the way on the top of the tower Tower so no monsters can get him good idea I'm going to make a tower it's so big and put him right at the top Gooby what no hey Gooby you were not stealing my idea all right I can't do that no you cannot do that wait what are you even doing here I'm making a big wall all around okay I guess you could just make a wall that's probably a good idea I'm going to end up making a wall as well I'm not stealing your idea you take my IDE I can't sh your ideas look at my daddy's idea look he made a wo before you my Wall's cooler what you made a W just like me no you took my idea I think it's okay if we all just take each other's ideas cuz we all kind of like on a team no I am not on a team I'm going to kill you okay never mind hey Daddy okay calm down all right I'm going to make this Tower super duper tall look at this thing oh my goodness this is going to be so high up hopefully my baby isn't afraid of heights all right something like that's looking pretty good now let's fill all this in with some red nether brick I think the red nether brick will look a lot better all right we're going to do something like this oh God this is so many blocks I need to place probably hundreds probably like a million zillion billion yes Scooby a million gazillion blocks is what I need to place exactly that's going to be pretty hard it's like too much blocks but Daddy think about it that means that the monsters need to get through a gazillion billion blocks to get to my baby that's if you place him in a really good like position so they have to actually go through it Daddy I'm a freaking genius at building Minecraft obviously I'm going to play some perfectly I don't know about oh my goodness this is so many Red Blocks this is going to take Ages come on I might need to call Gooby over here to help me I don't know I can't leave my little square oh yeah I forgot or the world's going to explode the world's going to get destroyed all the bunnies all the chairs all the macaroni and cheese all right onto my last Wall come on I could do this and then I could start adding some detail to my tower you should add some spicy macaroni and cheese to Place do we no why would I do that cuz then the monsters come and they're going to eat those macaroni and cheese and they're going to say oh it's so spicy ah probably leave but what if they end up liking it if they like it then they won't eat your baby cuz they eat so so full from all the macaroni cheese it's kind of true Johnny I don't know about that one I think it's pretty good plan all right time to add some detail I need to make not only my base super secure but also super cool hey you can't make your B cool cuz that's my place um I don't think so mine's going to be way cooler than yours Gooby I'm the ice person so I'm going to supposed to have all the cools oh oh wait a minute no not that cool Gooby you're supposed to have all the hots yes I know Gooby oh my goodness come on is this your first time playing Minecraft or something jeez guys how is your builds coming along mine looks so good amazing it's taking a long time to put all this ice everywhere oh my gosh Gooby you're adding so much ice wait Daisy what are you even building a house okay it looks a little pink yeah Pink's my favorite color ew I hate the color pink well it's not your house who's with me who hates pink me oh I I hate pink so much Gooby it's like the opposite of blue yeah and it's like the opposite of yellow and the opposite of red it is not like the opposite of yellow just not a really good color ooh my tower is coming out so awesome time to start adding some actual fire ooh there's a bunch of this hellstone as well this would look really good all right just going to add some extra layers here all right the bottom of my Towers is looking pretty cool I really like this Hellfire stuff so I'm going to add a bunch more layers with it so maybe right here we'll have like a little balcony all right we'll do something like this wait we'll use this upside down staircases okay something like that could look really good now we'll add another one right here o maybe we just add one on every single level there we go now I'm going to be able to look out and shoot at a bunch of monsters with a bow and arrow and my fire abilities all right that looks freaking awesome all right now if I go inside I got to work on making every single floor how been you making your Tower um insanely Big Gooby it needs to be touching the ceiling of the sky that's a really big tower yeah it's going to pretty much go into space that's pretty cool I wish my tower went into space all right something like this is looking really good now we'll do this and then we're going to be able to add a bunch of ladders going up Gooby I'm going to come over soon and check out what you've been building it better be good okay you can see it's going to be super nice all right is it going to be really cold yeah it's going to make you Sayo this is some cold place well I don't like cold cuz I'm fire all right well don't melt any of my ice all right let me just finish placing these ladders all right this is looking pretty good we'll just do something like this for some extra de detail ooh this is starting to look amazing all right now let's finish placing in all the floor on the corners do something like that something like that ooh I also need a door H which door am I liking yo is there a fire door there's a cherry door guys I have a question for you why you guys think I'm I'm cool no what nope why because you're old but you don't like my darkness Powers no you stole stuff from me earlier I didn't steal nothing he dad that's really messed up no dad is messed up you're a stealer I I did not I didn't know that was hers you got to be a little more nice I am being nice you got to be so nice to people that they go wow I really like that guy Marty he's a really nice guy yeah Dad you're just the opposite you're a meanie weenie I am not a meanie weenie but beanie I think you guys are mean you think we're mean yeah you're all bullying me right now we're not mean nope I think Gooby is actually the meanest yep I said it you think I'm a meanie yeah I think you're a big meanie daddy don't call Gooby mean Daddy he didn't do anything anything he just said I wasn't nice I'm very nice you're yelling right now that's not nice daddy you are yelling you are yelling this is how I talk seems like kind of like you're yelling I'm not yelling okay I am not yelling at all we're having a good conversation between friends Compadres Amigos I don't know what that means friends oh I didn't even know you had those Gooby you're my friend you are yeah we're best Pals I went over to your birthday party last week oh yeah but you didn't give me a present daddy why would you not get Gooby a present really I did I did I got him the uh the birthday had he thr threw out in the garbage I gave it back to him what daddy that's not a present yeah it is he was very surprised that he had it back Daddy you know how mean that is that's why no one likes you okay fine I'll have to work on me being more nice daddy how about this say something nice about all of us right now what no I can't do that yes you can I actually can't why I don't know one good thing about Gooby and Daisy wait what well uh Daisy's really smart and Gooby is really funny boom I said something nice okay so you want me to say something like that yep okay uh here it goes Gooby you're not that stupid oh thank you um Daisy daddy that was nice pink isn't the worst color but you're very close to it being the worst color that wasn't a compliment yeah that was kind of mean Daddy your flowers don't smell that bad flowers never smell bad okay then that's a good compliment daddy where's my compliment you aren't as annoying as I feel like you could be hey that's still mean no it's not I said you could be worse Daddy I don't like you okay fine I guess I have a bunch of enemies wao daddy your base is looking really cool though nope nope I don't want to hear it why we're not friends this is looking awesome daddy wait but your baby's still on the top well I'll take care of them in a minute I really like the purple blocks it matches your elemental power really good well thank you your base looks horrible hey why cuz it looks weird well how do I make it look better daddy the shape is just way off I'm making a big box on top of another box see that's like what a kid would make are you trying to make sure your kid doesn't die yes Daddy this is going to be his big house up here and look how high up it is actually really high hey did you ever think of a monster that could just dig in the floor and then go inside your base uh no exactly daddy well guess what I'm using blocks that are going to be impenetrable Daddy stop lying you're using terrible blocks no I'm using good blocks you're literally just using dirt in the floor I'm not using dirt in the floor well let's just see who baby could last the longest I think it's going to be me cuz my baby is going to be straing some ice well that's not a good thing it's not no you're going to freeze your baby that's messed up it's okay cuz it's going to be it's going to be protected by the ice here let me come over and see what you've been working on what the heck is this it's like a little tunnel to go out to the other place wait is this supposed to be like a park are you making a park no it's like you go up here you got swing set this looks like a a slide looks like a slide it's not SL looks like a jungle gy it's like a tower oh God it's really cold in here too I think I got to melt some of this ice hey don't melt in my ice melt some of this ice real quick no melt all that oh yeah let me melt it all no no don't melt it okay okay fine I'll stop melting it all right let me see what Daisy's working on okay Daisy this house is kind of looking insane yeah I can't figure out the back of this roof though um you probably should just place down some blocks and it'll look better you think yeah I'll try it wow Daisy might have the nicest house right now guys I don't know Daddy yours is pretty cool though too wait until mine's done it's going to be insane who's breaking by me nothing Daddy I'm not breaking anything by you why you adding stuff I'm not adding anything I hear uh dirt being placed Daddy I didn't do anything all right let me start building my house again all right what do I need to add here I like how open my house is I think I want to keep it all open all right let's get some glass all right let's start placing some glass in the corners here oh yeah this is starting to look really cool all right there we go boom glasses all placed uh Johnny where' my baby go um Daddy what are you talking about what do you mean where what am I talk he's not here Daddy I don't even know what you were talking about joh I didn't touch your baby Johnny is he in the floor no daddy he's not in the floor what are you stupid daddy I think you put him in the floor no I didn't see look he's not in the floor daddy he's in the floor daddy it was a prank all right where's your kid hey no no no no no no get away Daddy get he's not up there hey baby stupid Johnny hey hold on Daddy stop stop okay he didn't do anything I'll let you on fire daddy that doesn't do anything to me I'm Darkness Daddy I will I will light you on fire hey let's go in this corner little kid Daddy stop it you can't build no you can't build daddy uh-uh hey you're not blocking my freaking baby in with obsidian daddy block you in Daddy really he don't make me get the fire out take that Daddy I will burn your whole house down if you keep doing this no I'm out I didn't do anything you didn't see nothing oh my god get rid of this stupid obsidian I need to continue to work on the top of my house so I can move my baby up here it's almost completed all right I got to make a really cool netherite roof all right so let's just take this nether brick and go all the way around this is going to look so freaking awesome when it's done all right now we're going to go around with some nether brick I haven't even eded the best part yet which is going to be the fire the defenses are always the funnest part to add I like making like a like a tunnel maze TR get people away from me wait what is that going to be your defenses Gooby yeah if they can't find you then they can't hurt you I mean I guess so that's kind of a good idea I might make a mage too just so you have a harder time trying to get in all right I just got to finish this roof first I'm almost there I'm getting very close to the top let's just keep going with the same pattern and eventually we're going to make it all the way to the top we should go two blocks high now there we go now this is looking good I I make my my little kid version come down here you need to push him down come on baby come down here he's probably not going to listen to you uh-oh kind kind of traps come on baby go in there all right my house is coming out amazing oh my goodness I'm starting to decorate decorate yeah I got to make it feel like a home oh my gosh I'm not even on that part yet daddy well that is embarrassing all right I'm doing the very top of my house boom check that out ooh that looks really good all right that looks amazing the roof is now completed all right I think I'm going to have some fun with some flint and steel time to put my house in flames you going to make a firehouse yes I'm making a firehouse do you not know what ability I am literally my elemental power is fire that makes some good sense all right so time to put some fire in the floors oh yeah let it burn this seems like a good spot for some fire and then we'll put some over here that's looking really cool and then maybe some more over here H where else can I add a bunch of Fire ooh maybe I could add some on the freaking roof yes that looks amazing all right let's go all the way around adding a bunch of this fire we need to show these monsters that we mean business oh yeah I mean I mean so much business okay the way you said it makes me feel like you don't mean business Gooby what do you mean I say I mean the business ah fine I guess you mean the business yay what are you making over there that's looking pretty atrocious what do you mean it looks good Mak I'm making some ice icicles no it does not it just looks like a big ice skating rink with a bunch of random tunnels well just wait until I put the water in what yes you're going to put freezing cold water yeah that way if they try to come in then they get all Icey cold okay it's kind of a good idea brilliant thank you all right well I just got done adding a bunch of fire onto my tower and it's looking terrifying oh yeah this is coming out amazing come more look at it I'm not sure if I like this glass so I'm going to take it out instead I'm going to put some of this fence yeah that looked a lot better no more glass so who do you think's going to have the best in this place oh me I think it's going to be me no it's not guys it's clearly going to be me have you even seen my house yet Gooby no just look up in the sky and you'll see it wa your house is on fire your house is on fire I know I know it's on fire it's cuz I put it on fire oh you put it on fire yes I put it on fire how' you do that that seemed weird guys do you not know what my Elemental is it's literally freaking fire why is your base ice um cuz my power is ice exactly it's the same thing with me oh my gosh you're so dumb Gooby oh thank you you're literally a noob at Minecraft oh no oh no I made a mistake what's your mistake oh okay I fixed it okay wao I just made my roof looks so good oh my goodness this is looking insane Daisy how's your house coming along good did you add flowers a little bit oh God are they pink uh no they're not all right good if they were pink then we'd have an issue they're not pink we all hate the color pink besides you gooby doesn't hate pink Gooby do you hate the color pink um well uh it's not really that blue this is what I like so so you hate it yeah CU I kind of hate it Gooby yeah it's color pink uhhuh wait uh Gooby what about the color yellow do you like that color well um it's kind of not like a blue it's kind of more like a yellow so so do you hate it uh yeah hey that's my favorite color what about red uh so red it's um see it's kind of like not it's not as blue as is um red so so do you only like the color blue yeah well why didn't you just say that from the beginning uh cuz he didn't ask oh my gosh boobby you're starting to make me angry you only ask if I like yellow you didn't ask if I like blue okay fine I I guess I only ask if you I only like yellow ooh my Tower's coming out kind of insane that's looking really good W okay now I got to finish the back I just got to add a bunch of these holes all right now I just got to connect all this with some slabs oh my goodness my house is actually coming out amazing what's a slab a slab is like a half block Gooby you are such a freaking Noob it's like half a block yes it's like half a block wow this that's crazy yeah it's pretty crazy and they're really useful when you're trying to build some cool stuff I want to try to make cool stuff well thing is you're not cool so you can't make cool stuff oh okay you only make Noob stuff I'm making some good Noob stuff though all right I'm just going to break these corners and then after this I'm going to start working on the interior all right this is looking actually insane if I was a monster I would not want to mess with my house uh-uh it's a good thing you're not a monster I know I'm not a monster Gooby I was just saying if I was a monster I would be so scared of you if you were a Monster yeah I'd be a pretty scary monster you might be a monster everybody I think he could be a monster guys I'm not a monster how do we know because I don't try to eat you guys H I don't know you bit me once no I didn't what the heck gu you did Gooby are you going to take that at goobie's birthday last week you bit me because I ate a piece of cake and you wanted it okay that's cuz you stole it from me all right wait you bit my sister Gooby it was a joke okay I didn't really bite her oh okay you didn't really bite her no I didn't really bite her what do I look like a monster so what did you really what' you do can't believe you bit my sister I mean how do she taste it was just a nibble it was a nibble it wasn't a full bite okay does she taste good no she tasted like flowers and freaking poop maybe I should bite her a little bit okay I would not do that what's wrong with you people keep building your stupid builds guys we do not have too much time left so you need to hurry up I'm basically done you're done yeah I'm spooky well I'm not done yet I still need to make a room for my baby well mine's got a little bed he's pooping all right time to fence in this top place so my baby doesn't go into the fire even though he has fire elemental powers I still don't trust him near a lot of fire all right we're going to build this up I need to make this room look super awesome all right now time to add some detail there we go this is looking awesome all right now where am I going to put my baby's bed let's see what beds do we got here obviously I'm going to make it like orange or yellow probably yellow cuz that's the closest to fire so let's place it right here all right something like that could look good all right now let's just give it some detail like this what other thing should I add in my baby's room maybe like a chest um definitely needs a crafting table that's for sure ooh this one looks really cool I'm going to stick that one there put a chest there ooh I should put a bunch of carpet on the floor as well what is this wo this block looks so awesome kind of want to place it somewhere all right it's being placed right here it's a lucky charm that I'm going to give to my son all right now let's add some yellow carpet all on the floor there we go now that's looking pretty good make sure to go back here o we also need to fill up this roof all right now let's just close this roof off just like that and also I thought it'd be cool to add some books books I hate books yeah I don't like reading either but it's more for the decoration oh okay that's what I did in my house you cheater you thought my baby was actually going to read a book uh-uh I do not allow reading in my house what's it going to do um St stare at a wall all day maybe I'm teaching mine how to use Darkness magic well obviously daddy I'm going to teach my baby how to use magic I need him to help him fight all these zombies I'm going to teach my baby how to be cold I mean you could literally just put a bunch of ice around him and then he'll be cold that's very true yeah that's TR doing well my baby is going to learn how to garden garden ew what I love flowers oh my goodness do not teach a baby at a garden that sounds so stupid she might like flowers too what if she doesn't like flowers um then she's broken what yeah I'll just have to fix her make her like flowers you're going to break your babies yeah that's messed up no horrible parenting okay this room is coming out freaking amazing I got a little chandelier I got the bed I got the crafting table ooh maybe I should add some more of these in the walls like this oh yeah all right it's time to move my baby up to the top room where is he hello baby all right I need you to follow me are you following come on come on get up here there we go yay welcome to your new house this is where you're going to be staying just uh don't come over here into the fire that would not be good look you got a bed you got a chest and it's really cool up here so you're going to sit here and you're going to like it all right I think my baby's really happy up here this base came out so freaking awesome but I need to add some more defenses to the bottom do you know what that means more fire guys are your bases almost done oh yeah yeah almost I'm just decorating my living room now well make sure your babies are in the safest part of your houses yeah I'd say so ooh I could also add a bunch of lava wait what hey why my baby follow me no oh my gosh get back up here right now mister I did not tell you to follow me come here sit down there now you should be sitting I just thought of the coolest idea in my entire life what is that placing lava on the side of my base okay you're crazy he's crazy everybody okay why is my baby keep following me this is actually an issue you are not going to help Daddy build just sit down all right let's add some more lava over here just going to break four holes going all the way around and then just place the lava on top of my tower it's going to slowly drip down wo that was the coolest idea in my entire life all right now we should make some lava going around my tower so just in case monsters get close they'll just burn alive there we go just break all this and now we need to fill the rest up with lava woo this actually is looking crazy um Gooby if I were you I would never come to my house why it's going to be too hot yes it's got spicy macaroni everywhere oh I like that maybe I should come over make some no no no no no I if I were you I would actually not you might melt maybe I I can try a little bit maybe I can cool it off with my ice you do not want to try this I'm telling you okay I don't know it kind of sounds pretty good it's not good you're going to hate it all right time to put some more layers of blocks around here to add some more defenses all right fill all this up with some of this there we go wow this is looking really good all right the next thing I'm going to do for defense is add a thing of fire going around my base so that means if a monster wants to try to come and kill me it literally has to go through fire so we're just going to end this going all the way around all right just a little bit more almost there and now time to add the fire let's go oh my gosh this is insane I'm adding water in my place here Gooby you want some fire no here Gooby let me help you out I'll just add some fire down here hey I only like Waters you're going to have to put it out with a bunch of water hey stop it you're making fire everywhere that's not my thing my things water it slipped it literally slipped oh no how do I get rid of this water oh gosh you're such a noob you don't even know how to get rid of water Gooby I just use the sponge do you guys know what this is this this purple bucket no oh you don't know what poison looks like wait what I'm dark I get to place poison anywhere I go hey Daddy be careful with that stuff you think Gooby knows what it is um no you should go place it on his base you might think it's water I'm going to go prank him oh God Daisy what are you doing here I'm finished I wanted to see what you guys were doing well wait you're finished already let me see what you've been working on Gooby do you have an entrance uh nope okay I'm going to have to fly on in what how do you what are you doing there Marty how do you get in it's like a it's like a big old place okay I just wanted to show you this new water block I found oh new water block what's it look like it looks like this it's purple purple water looks so pretty yeah but look in your inventory what kind of effect does it have on you um uh let's see what would it look like um I don't know side I look pretty normal I think no look when you hit E look on the left side oh no makes me poisonous I gave you poison what is that why did you do that because I came here to prank you oh my you're such a prer I put a sponge bye Gooby yep have fun with your sponge and the poison all right Daisy let's see what you did over here okay this is pretty awesome aome wait what is this ow ow it's just Thor in an archway wait is it because you're trying to use everything Earth yeah that's my ability all right that's pretty cool wao the inside of your house is awesome as well told you um wait a minute um where's your baby at downstairs downstairs there's a downstairs there has to they have to be safe waa okay this is actually awesome and there's your baby wow all right d this is actually pretty good but the thing is I don't really know if I like your defenses that much I literally have thorns and spikes but the thing is you're forgetting one thing that you could add everywhere what is that um it's poop oh yeah you like that yeah no no no there you go now you got some poop on your house why do you always do this to me because think about it poop is literally from the earth so now if you get a bunch of enemies in your poop they'll just get Frozen in it and they won't be able to move and it's a great defense you're welcome Daisy yeah but now my house is all sticky and smelly well uh you have fun with that mess hey Gooby check it out I put a bunch of poop on Daisy's house oh my look at all that poops that's so funny yeah I put a lot of poop on her house looks like a poopy house yeah now it's going to smell there for years it's so funny wait what the heck is this Gooby this is my Fortress why do you use the same like three blocks cuz it's ice oh my goodness it's all made of ice and then I put water in it so when all the monsters come they're going to get stuck in the water and get so cold all right that's that I guess is a good idea but where's your baby at Gooby you want to know where my baby yeah all right hold on I'm just going to fill this all with water make it all watery oh my goodness this looks like a freaking mess it's a mess no it's nice no it's not nice Gooby this is kind of a mess it's nice cuz it's all ice Gooby look you're going outside of your line you're going outside of your line oh oops oops oops are you trying to get disqualified okay here I show you where my babies is all right I'm following you okay so you go inside a regular place and you're like okay let me go in here oh let's see oh here he is it's my little baby room he's um it's it's a little cramped in here Gooby don't you think uh it's small like a baby so he's probably probably has a lot of space cuz he's a small baby it's really cold in here too it's like an ice box I'm freezing I'll help you out there you go hey it's spicy hey get me out of here get me out of here spice sorry I had to add a little bit of lava why you doing that cuz it was funny you a little twixer all right I just have one more final idea at my house and then I think I'm done I'm going to now surround another layer of fire this is actually so smart now I'll have a little pathway going around the lava and around the fire all right let's fill all this up with some Netherrack just like this there we go come on almost at the end and now I'm going to put a bunch more fire oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah this looks awesome no monsters you're going to get my baby uh uh and done now the defenses are finally completed on my house ooh but I just thought of one more last thing I need to get better armor and weapons and I'm going to get the fire armor on all right I think I'll place it right here ooh this looks kind of cool it's like a fire wizard but this armor actually looks like it's on fire I think I'm going to wear the wizard armor though and then I'm going to get the Fiery sword wao what is this reduces incoming damage standing within a ring of fire okay I'm definitely going to put that on definitely going to put that on there's so so many different firw I could put on it's so hard to build underwater I know Gooby it's cuz you're constantly being moved around by the water just try building above it I'm trying to build but it's so cold and watery all right now let me get this bow and arrow and then I'm going to get a bunch of damage arrows oh my goodness guys I'm pretty much ready to fight you have your armor and everything yep I got everything I am literally ready I look so cool I bet I'm going to look cooler um the thing is I don't think so I think so come on baby get into your bed there you go you sh right there Daddy can I come check out your house no why well you didn't take care of something really really quick what is it Daddy I think someone put a sign up there wait where daddy I don't see a sign there's a sign right there wait what the heck um you smell horrible Gooby hey Gooby yeah you put a sign on my house that says I smell bad really not k um you did so now you're going to going to pay the consequence wait I never did that now I'm shooting Fireballs at your house what how can you do that don't do that take that firebombs yeah you like that no no no I didn't put anything what are you talking about wait there's a sign over here too you did it says you smell horrible Johnny wait what no I didn't write this who put that shot in there Johnny you put that sign there no I didn't Gooby I did not put a sign there I think somebody is's trying to put a little trick on us Gooby I think you're right and it was my daddy cuz he's evil hey hey Daddy want invisible come back here just disappeared don't know where I am dizzy help us catch my daddy he's evil where is he he's probably back in his base his base kind of looks poopy yeah it looks like one big pile of poop who oh my gosh why is the floor on fire uh what's going on daddy where are you I can see you but you you can't see me I found his baby oh hey baby you want a fireball wait what in this corner okay guys I give up I give up oh yeah don't kill my baby come here I'm going to light you on fire don't do it don't do it don't do it daddy where are you you better show yourself I have 17 seconds I'm still invisible well if you're going to play a trick on my baby I'm going to play a trick on your baby hey wait a minute daddy don't do that let's talk about this no what's going to happen to him daddy Wait For Me O looks like he's not here anymore wait who's not here anymore more baby Johnny oh you can see me now yeah Daddy I can see you this is kind of embarrassing Daddy get out of my house Darkness invisibility hey wait where did my baby go daddy did you turn him invisible I might have on accident I don't know how this works oh my goodness now I don't know where my baby is really sorry M you got to be more nice to the babies why didn't do anything to the actual baby you going to make them invisible and then Johnny can't even find him anymore well wherever my baby is here H I'm placing milk right here to drink the milk oh gosh hopefully he comes back soon I don't know where he is Daddy hopefully I didn't kill him cuz I'm not going to lie I'm back to normal and he should be back to normal daddy you killed my baby it was an accident I just thought he would go invisible with me daddy you're the worst Grandpa ever wait if I go invisible right next to you I wonder if you go invisible all right try it Daddy it didn't work what happens when this Darkness thing goes on you probably killed him that's what I did look you gave me wither daddy you gave me wither that's what happens I didn't know that oh he definitely died oh my gosh daddy he's back wait maybe he actually was invisible aha all right well Daddy get away you're not allowed to use your powers and you're my baby anymore why okay gosh I'm just going to fly away woo so scary all right do you guys have a bunch of armor and weapons almost yeah I got some ice armors Gooby why do you have a bunch of polar bears in your base uh they have my pets oh my goodness they're going to kill them where are you I'm in my let me make sure you look good I'm in my little secret cave what I can't see you your eyes are being blocked by that Crown thing I can see through eyes cuz I'm ice I mean I guess so that makes sense wait where's Daisy I in my house you have cool armor on all right cool your armor looks awesome thanks it'd be cool though if it was on fire oh there you go hey stop it don't make me use my Powers guys let's just save our powers for the monsters cuz guess what time is officially up I'm putting a bunch of squid in my house monsters are coming oh no oh no guys this isn't good and look we're in survival mode everyone go to your base go to your base I'm going I'm running protect your babies what the heck are those things monsters are already spawning this isn't good they are I got a bow ow I'm shooting them uhoh uh-oh uhoh uhoh oh gosh kill him kill him do you guys have bows and arrows yep no why did you not get a bow and arrow oh God I just threw mine out I should know I needed one there's a big golm looking thing what is that that guys I'm going in with my flame R yeah go on fire uh-huh take that watch out Johnny watch out John kill him kill him I'm trying yeah got him polar bear get out of the way polar bear ow that did a lot of damage I'm going to summon a golum h wait what you summoned a colum Daddy go get him ow I'm frozen oh no Johnny he's after you he's after you kill him kill him guys help me I'm coming I'm coming I'm out of this place I'll see you guys later ice blazes I died ow I'm cold I'm really cold I'm going to the top of my tower I don't have time for this I'm too scared ow ow ow I'm going to be there in we one second yeah Gooby you go fight them Gooby help us H yeah take this ice Golems go there's a big golem that's he's hitting me wait Marty I can help go watch kill him guys kill them why would you do that they're flying I'm blind uh how do they uh I'm trying to make some snowmen attack them oh there's a fire uhoh trying to make snowman attack them snowman don't attack wait what a phoenix oh my gosh fire I killed it with ice ball wait don't kill the phoenixes they're fire they look awesome they're very painful okay fine you can kill them then I'll help you daisy ice ball go please hurry I don't like this game I'm trying to shoot them they're too far Darkness Oh Daddy I hit you ow there some ghost what are those things it's ghost it's ghost oh no I know what those are they're Darkness wait guys ghosts go through walls so they're going to go after our babies protect your babies how do I attack it oh my gosh you're such a noob uh-oh the baby's my baby's coming to help me he's getting hurted wait they're going into the floor oh my gosh uh-oh uh-oh they just walked through my tornado Gooby are you okay uh I think my baby's dead oh God I just jumped already uh and now I'm dead baby go back inside ow oh no it's fire everywhere where come on baby go back inside guys there are so many monsters kill them I think we can do it I'm going to my Fireball someone killed the phoenixes what are these things there's literally just smoke outside oh that's not good oh my gosh oh my gosh I need help I make some snowmen what you made some snowmen yeah they're not going to do anything Gooby here look come out Fighters hurt use your abilities Gooby I use my Frost breast here you freeze them and then I'll go in with my fire bomb a ow oh it's spicy sorry I put you on fire I ghost on me nice good job Gooby keep going I ice on him I can't see I can't see oh I keep putting you on fire sorry it make me Darkness I can't see anything there's actual darkness that attacks you wait is it the Smoke Daddy oh God I can't see oh no no no no no no no no no what is going on watch out Johnny I saw I through a snowball where are they I'm blind Gooby protect me protect me I'm protecting you I don't think you could hit the smoke with arrows you can uh-oh uh-oh oh gosh oh gosh they're trying to shoot us ow ow kill him kill him go with a sword I'm shooting them uh I'm just using my FL bre yeah got them they're from the shadow realm Daddy what the heck is the shadow realm that's where I go to to get my Powers it's the realm in the shadow get out of here you spiders guys I think we did it oh oh sorry Gooby well guys here's the thing we still didn't complete the challenge because you guys are a threat to my baby uhoh I'm not a threat you're a threat no you're a threat your powers are too overpowered and I don't want you guys near my baby oh yeah well you get burned down my whole house oh yeah well my baby's already dead so that means Gooby has nothing to lose yeah Gooby got nothing to lose I had to kill him I'm invisible there's one daddy where'd you go ow guys tornado take that oh God oh God I don't like this I'm withered I'm withered I'm withered I need help there's a Golem after me a take that you stupid Golems daddy why are you spawning these guys in help me win daddy you're doing no damage where are you I see youbing Fireball Fireball I see you I show my snowball snowball attack scoby help me get my daddy he's invisible look he's on fire though I get him I'm going to get him ow I keep lighting him on fire V not working no got him yay Gooby we got to kill your sister no you don't yeah we got to get her she's a threat okay I get her come here J I'm going to get you no she's a threat get her get her no yeah good job Gooby y we win wait one more time just stay right there H hey hey stay right there Gooby yeah I'm the winner let's go I am the best elemental ever woohoo I survived ah good job guys where are you you you could respawn now I'm dead I'm in my base sup losers looks like I'm a better elemental power than you we're not losers you use Scooby to kill us yeah well he wanted to join my team all right it was a different yeah we're on team he's going to help me raise my baby now Gooby can't even see see he looks like he looks like an idiot I can see I'm talking to you guys right now Gooby you're facing the wrong way Gooby we're behind you hello Gooby turn around which way this way nope Gooby you're oh whatever guys it doesn't matter I'm the better Elemental and I had the best Bas and my baby's still alive yeah I guess you're right Johnny we did die to him let's go but if you guys enjoyed watching this amazing Minecraft video then everyone leave a like and hit subscribe subscribe yeah ah
Channel: Jeffy Minecraft
Views: 617,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Having a NOOB vs PRO ELEMENTIAL Family In Minecraft!, cash, family friendly, no cursing, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, jeffy, jeffy minecraft, minecraft jeffy, sml, supermariologan, skit, superluigilogan, Minecraft, sunny, having a family in minecraft, minecraft family, build to survive in minecraft!, minecraft build to survive, omz, minecraft manhunt, slogo, noob vs pro, Having a NOOB vs PRO Family In Minecraft!, minecraft mod
Id: 9cLRoLoVswU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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