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we've played some of the most extreme games of hide and seek like going fully camouflaged running from a killer clown hiding in over a hundred boxes and even hiding in only one color washed at the end to see a hiding spot that not even the police could find but first we're starting in a giant mansion playing camouflage we have a group of body paint artists that are gonna paint us perfectly camouflage into our spots like if you just laid down on the grass right here they make you invisible you realize this could be impossible for the secrets to find us right there is one rule you have to hide in plain sights what here's an Alexa you're gonna be seeking us and we all know they're not really good at hide and seek three minutes to find your spot what if I just like dark blue and blue uh no I mean it's comfortable but it's not gonna work this is perfect what if they just pay me a rainbow you realize makeup and water don't mix right since I can't hide in here I have an idea I got this fake in right here I'm gonna tape it inside the jacuzzi so it looks like someone's in there Lexi and Pearson are dumb so they're gonna fall for it here we go perfect attraction to waste our time where am I gonna hide here they can just paint in the orange it's perfect that sucks I don't know what that was about but every single Hide and Seek challenge I always hide in the pool I don't think the makeup artist can hold their breath underwater and paint me I'm gonna think outside the box and find a different spot oh perfect look at this it's perfect uh I don't know if that's gonna work oh my God a Lego wall I did hide here last time I feel like the girls are seeking it's the first spot they're gonna look at that's not a good idea I got this mannequin in a bush costume and the third in the bushes think it's me oh my gosh this is perfect Corey is my wife back here it'll work amazing I'm setting up the best distraction spot what is going on right here we're gonna strap this mannequin on top of this room what yeah this is gonna waste the girls so much time exactly done oh my God we gotta find spots okay let's go stop messing around time is running out and I suck a hide and seek so I'm gonna stick to what I'm good at flexing so there's a statue right here I'm gonna pose like a statue get painted like a statue and become a statue yo it's a fruit table this would be perfect if I got a fruit table I have an idea no I have an idea I'm doing it hey no no yeah baby no and now I'm gonna get turned into a fruit I'm gonna win this challenge there's a garden right here I'm desperate I think I'm just gonna bury myself alive and try to blend in with a rock yo man I need now come here dude I'm tired of helping you I have to find my spot we literally have less than a minute left okay help me really quick it's gonna take 10 seconds bury me alive and we gotta be quick there's not that much time left cam I'm going hurry hurry hurry I'm trying I'm trying bury me remember cam you have to hide in plain sight so I'm only burying your legs other than that it's up to the makeup artist to make you camouflage wait what that's the whole point of the video okay I've spent almost the entire three minutes helping people which leaves me literally five seconds left to find a spot yeah I don't care I'm just gonna stand here they're gonna make me invisible my only choice strike a pose in three two one okay now I can't move until the challenge is over time's up now it's time for the body paint artist to make me invisible the process has started there's no way somebody's finding a better spot than me you don't have that much time until the girls get here to start seeking us the fingers crossed that it become camouflaged pretty soon I can't move a muscle this is gonna hurt after a while doing good but my butt kind of hurts from sitting so long how long is this gonna take about two days two days just kidding it'll take a couple hours okay let's get this started you want to be a pineapple or watermelon I'm a more of a watermelon type of guy so let's go with watermelon perfect because you're built like a watermelon I forgot to mention the person that gets found last does get a thousand dollars and so do you guys because I give a thousand dollars away to my subscribers every single week so subscribe I've been working out my whole life for this and I finally get to be a sexy ripped statue I don't care how many rocks are poking me in the back right now I'm not giving up but nothing's gonna stop me from winning that money I'm starting to look like a freaking t-shirt if we keep going with the body paint I'll be invisible in no time never in my entire life that I think I'd be getting painted like a watermelon but here I am I'm here to win this challenge [Music] do I look like a statue yet yeah it's kind of just look like an idiot right now and my back still hurts Jeremy I bet you look like an idiot no you look like an idiot to be honest we probably both look like idiots Pearson and Lexi are gonna be here any moment but luckily I'm almost done come on hurry up here's something likes you better be here I'm trying I'm trying wait try harder take a look oh I don't even recognize myself anymore that's kind of scary I look exactly like my buddies next to me right here that's the point that's actually crazy good I'm gonna win this challenge Pearson and Lexi just got here there's only one thing left to do strike a pose I can't move a muscle then hey where'd you go I'm right here oh my god I've been standing for literally two hours I cannot move in Boston eyes closed hope for the best hey cam where are you Derek I'm right here oh my god oh this is the final look I'm definitely gonna win this challenge hello Jeremy can get to your spot I am in my spot stupid oh my God I'm just hoping Lexi and Pearson aren't hungry pissed that they are and they want watermelon they're gonna grab my head and it's gonna reveal my spot Liv where are you oh my God you didn't see me there huh but uh I think Pearson likes here so you gotta you gotta go so Ben told Lexie and I to be at this Mansion at this time and he told us to watch this video so we are currently hiding in this giant mansion there are five of us camouflaged all in plain sights no I know you guys like a hide and seek but the person who finds us in the shorter time wins while the loser has to do a very gross punishment not a camouflage see I'm really good at this so I feel very confident I don't want to know the punishment Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh you go first you're going down because you're already so short oh you're going down and you're gonna you're gonna turn into my height go take the time okay just watch you guys just wait 10 minutes this looks a lot like Jeremy you get it because he's a trash can oh my gosh it's not looking like anybody is on this side of the house let's move into the backyard this is a little bit weird there's a ball pit in the jacuzzi but there's a hand sticking right out of it and you okay who's trying to throw me off here this may have been a setup but I feel like there's still somebody here let's make sure aha no one in here I could see someone try to camouflage themselves as some grass let's make sure nobody is in the grass do you see anything I don't think I see anybody a Lego wall so this is where Ben hid last time I have a funny feeling he might be over here again is anybody even in here house I've been looking for like 20 minutes and we're gonna check the back side of the pool Nathan I see you could you not have come up with anything better than this I'm not Mason wait this is amazing this is a statue I found one person let's go find the rest see you there is no way that this is an actual hiding spot oh this isn't even funny I think that's somebody hiding right there coins I would not be surprised if someone was painted as a bush so we're really looking through these push-ups oh my God cam this is like the best one I've ever seen I feel like if you didn't step on me I would have won you're probably right all that for nothing oh my back still hurts too I don't think anybody's there you just have to be sure what's this [Applause] [Music] um this like Outhouse out here so let's get in there there are two people left and those two people happen to be Ben and Jeremy literally nothing over here then Jeremy for the third time we're gonna check inside the house hmm Ben's not here Ben disguised himself as a stay wild shirt that's mommy oh my God I haven't moved in literally like three hours dude my body is broken did I win no you didn't win the watermelon moving or is it just me what there is no way you found me I look too good oh my God this is pretty really good you know Jeremy I came over here because I was kind of hungry and then I found you oh sorry say I look like a snack oh okay six seconds I'll take it I don't know if Pearson can do better than that back in position all right it's my time to shine I'm gonna take a little bit of a different approach instead of going through the front door I'm actually going to start outside give me one second are you kidding that means that there has to be someone somewhat nearby I could see Ben bent over like this as a little shrub let's see God I wonder if anybody's over here right on the knee I feel like a zombie hey time to go we're off to a good start we found one person I think pretty fast so we gotta just keep looking around I'm confused wait is it moving no there's someone's breathing are they just not gonna move why are they not moving oh my God wait why does this look so real last time we did this Ben dressed up as a Lego there's no one here they're definitely bringing all these things to just mess with me I'm over it oh that's what I think about that as much as we can let's head inside and just we've only found one person and I've created so many decoys so far we got to keep this moving what's my time right now I have to beat Lexi I gotta keep going holy holy oh my God this is so good did I win you're the second person I found dang it I've been here for so many hours I thought I was gonna win this I'll buy some stay wild merch if you tell me where the next person is it's not gonna happen thanks for nothing Ben these next spots are way better than mine you better be quick someone could so easily be camouflage on these stairs so it would be a real shame if I were to step on someone they actually hiding in plain sight or no yes they're actually hiding in plain sight this is way too difficult to be hiding in plain sight wait a second wait a second I might have spoken too soon but that's never there looks a little familiar actually we gotta get a closer look let's see if he moves come on just a little Flinch is all we need my breath is probably not the best [Music] Rush that crap man okay dude I literally did all this for freaking nothing what do you mean for nothing you look great gosh I'm done messing around we got more people to find keep going okay well we lost him the next person that I find I'm gonna throw this out they're putting me through a lot right now we're going inside again look around big couch coming in hot that table looks sucked can I just hear something there's definitely someone in here trash can maybe not the trash can okay no way just to be sure I did all of that for nothing because you didn't win you gotta help me out where are the other you're gonna have to pay for that information I'm desperate at this point Second Story Jeremy's up there okay okay let's go let's go let's go I'm clicking I'm coming for you whoever I'm not getting punished today folks okay all right hello wait what do you see anyone up here Liv gave me false information and now I'm 40 bucks down screw you to me there's like a random fruit table so it looks like fresh fruit we got pomegranates watermelon don't touch my head oh what the heck hey Keep Your Hands to Yourself best spot ever this is impressive you win I almost ate you oh okay girl's gonna be a winner and a table the winner of the camouflage hide and seek is your time was 17 minutes in one second which is lower than Lexi's I finally got all the makeup pops and now it's time to filled the entire Warehouse with a ton of boxes because 60 Super Bowls will be hiding while I seek them the hiders can hide in any box which makes it very hard for me because there's boxes everywhere and this place is massive I will spin the Giant Wheel and whatever it lands on I would get to hit a box with it and if someone's inside they better watch out I agree that if I can't find everyone in 15 attempts then I have to shave off one of my eyebrows oh my god let's meet the hiders oh God I know you're probably gonna have to shave your eyebrow what everyone is currently hiding it's their first time also seeing the warehouse I hope they don't get too distracted because there's a lot of cool things in there we should hide together yeah let's not do that one two three just Warehouse is the deepest I've ever seen Ben has massive Pokemon cards whoa these boxes are glow in the dark hey hiding in here thinking about it about it about you I don't think all three of us can hide in here okay so we'll do it thanks oh thank you Okay one minute 56 one minute 57 this is a punching bag hey Lexi you gotta come check this out I'll make this quick if I hit 900 can I get a kiss three two one come on yes oh come on no three minutes 46 three minutes 47. oh my gosh a trampoline I just hope he doesn't jump on it he won't right I'm going in it's so comfortable if it takes him hours to find me it's fine I could stay here all day this Warehouse literally has an upstairs I'm going back downstairs guys I don't even want to be like in the proximity of an alligator right now bro there's a whole arcade over here where are we at right now dude we should play a game yeah I got like 30 40. I'm 19. I'm having fun you should not look 19. okay all right you got a point he's down there so let's see what's up here how about this room whoa that it's a pyramid yes okay okay I don't want to call annoying I want that one are you kidding me how am I supposed to I love you I miss you you me too yeah okay okay I miss you I miss you and there you go okay I hope this pyramid doesn't fall because I'm in it and if it falls it's all gonna topple on to me I bet Ben is actually afraid of the alligator too I'm kind of afraid of the album wait let's say oh I miss her already she's another box and I missed her but I gotta go in with the alligators now how are you doing buddy are you supposed to like move faster slower Ben doesn't think anyone is stupid enough to hide in the alligator room so I think I'm gonna win this thing okay here we go I'm in okay we're good are we did you see that I saw that you just moved so there's boxes literally hanging from the ceiling I really hope one of them can support my waist that would be the coolest spot ever oh God this is so creepy like it's just me and an alligator you know I really hope this box doesn't fall because if it does I might be going to the hospital today there is no way are you hiding up there yeah of course look at spot dude it's a good spot but I'm not trying to go to the hospital this is definitely the last place Ben would look it's cool right in here oh my God I'm literally inside the box right now I just don't know how long this thing will hold me up for that's the only thing I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to be hiding with an alligator and I'm not gonna hide in a dark room this room is going to have to do I like this box it's pink we don't have that much time 4 minutes 56 4 minutes 57 oh my God It's the final countdown I gotta find a box right now hey oh oh perfect no no five minutes I'm coming to find you guys I'm gonna be the last to get found and Ben's definitely gonna shave his eyebrows hey I'm gonna tell Ben that you're in here so it is a little too late to get out now so you kind of speed screwing yourself up you get out help me hello anyone in here we have some of the craziest options on this wheel for number one he's spinning the wheel right now oh absorb she's wearing the bubble thing you ready I'm ready I have no idea what they're doing time to destroy a box this is pretty smart hiding right next to spin wheel I mean he's never gonna check you in position oh oh my God oh my God wait did we find someone I don't think anybody was in there okay we just heard the loudest noise and a lot of screaming yeah let's hope nobody starts jumping on our box spin number two strong man he might just be the World's Strongest Man the world's strongest man let's bring him in oh no this is gone I'm fighting everybody let's go I'm ready he's gonna look up here first show him how you're gonna do the Box we're in the main part of the warehouse this is the one there's still a lot of good things on this so I'm hopeful baseball bats I got my baseball bat baseball bat start tapping up the boxes see if we hear anything crazy I don't know if anyone hit in this part of the warehouse my gosh that was so close so so what are we talking about now I don't know can we just stop talking I mean that'd be kind of weird maybe we stopped talking we just look at each other I forgot that my warehouse security guard is in here let me go check on him real quick all right there's Davey the gator God hey buddy anyone comes in this room I need you to get them okay if someone does come try to hide in here I trust that he's gonna take care of keep doing your thing I'll see you in a little bit second level this one boxes off the second level that's what it sounds like I need to find someone dude dang it Cannonball so in my new Warehouse I do have a trampoline right here we're going up there I didn't think he was gonna jump on the trampoline yo this is so high up oh my God oh oh no what the hell I just literally destroyed that box I thought that was gonna be the end of my life I'm not playing games anymore please switch spots wait we have to switch spots everyone switch spots go I'm getting out here oh I'm not gonna switch spots because if I did I'd probably fall out and break a leg sorry Ben Lexi I think we should hide together again why okay um I'll be back for you for dinner I finally got to get rid of Jeremy I really need to use the bathroom so I'm gonna go in the oh my God side of the bathroom okay I have no idea what box I put her in so that I can't remember where whoa there are you in here gotta go let's go there's a box on top of the toilet what the heck this is the next room I will be hiding I think I have the perfect idea I don't think anybody has hidden in this room yet so I'm glad to be the first so you're getting distracted it's time to go I'm gonna find a different spot let's go come on come on let's go this way this one there we go I want to see if you put this on me okay still technically counts I know I'm sitting on a toilet right now but I'm inside of a box I wonder where Lexie ended up going this is so much better than being with Jeremy no I'm Gonna Get Rich this is my favorite color sorry I'm getting fake okay I'm gonna get in with you I gotta get them I gotta get under with you I'm going I think we should have picked red I think we should time's up everyone better have switched boxes we are taking a p right now I'm being completely serious right now oh crap that's so loud I hear people now yo I know people are close by I better spin this fast he knows right now oh my God no we need to find someone soon here we go I was just in a box with a literal fart bomb Jeremy sitting on the toilet sitting on the toilet we're gonna find someone I know I heard something right over here it was right here this was not the good room do I hear something I think I made my choice what oh God oh God entire Warehouse smells like farts you guys are eliminated four people left let's keep going launcher did she say tennis ball launcher I think Cam's up there ready set oh I think he's hitting the boxes up in the ceiling the other two that were right over there I'm hitting boxes but I don't know what's going on I really hope he doesn't hit this one it's time to go crazy it's crazy oh my God this is so hard I really don't want to shave my eyebrows so close come on there's so many better things on oh that's right I have state-of-the-art x-ray goggles that they use in the military I'm literally in the one dark room in the entire Warehouse I'm gonna use them to try to scan through the boxes and see if the x-ray vision Works pray for me you guys here we go they're on the X-ray goggles don't really work very well in the light oh really to find things oh okay it does not work for poles that hurts so bad because the Xbox a little bit more of a Twist oh my God there's someone in there I'm taking him off oh my God I think somebody's got it let me double check yep there's someone in there yeah I'm running out of attempts I can't shave my eyebrow I will look ridiculous without it you look ridiculous with it too you're eliminated stop talking get out of here I feel really bad for Ben because I know he's not gonna be able to find me so he's gonna have to shave off his eyebrows yeah yeah police oh my god oh I hope no one was in that box the cops just hit him did you call me I did call you oh a canine dog I had actually called in a police officer and a K-9 unit did y'all have a keen sense of smell they can smell anything they can find anything that's exactly what I need I'm up in the ceiling and the dog can't even reach me that dog better not come anywhere close to me because Canine dog is going crazy holy crap I think people might be right here where is he going the dog's giving me a sign he's leading us into the bathroom let's go ready go go go go go oh my God there's someone in here there are boxes in the bathroom oh my God oh my God officer do your thing oh no no no no no no officers no whoa whoa what the heck oh my God I know we're playing a game be hide and seek man whoa so that's what the canine was smelling yeah I thought we're just playing a game I think he's pretty fair Jeremy gets arrested for uh blowing out my bathroom that should be illegal another spin WWE star if you don't know what that is it's probably gonna look like this [Music] Collision Collision flash smash them boxes oh who wants a piece of me I could crush you can't make up my freaking mind ah you look like an idiot what I think I just heard lip it came from this direction I found my box Liv I know you're short you probably picked this tiny little box let's go oh I'm not satisfied I'm mad you don't get a trap against me now I'm just mad that I didn't find anyone what is happening out there freaking zip line in it got the zip line box is right where he's gonna be ziplining better find someone oh [Music] that's what you get for saying to look like an idiot I think I look great one person left I am literally almost out of attempts there's not a lot of things left on here it's go time football player did you just say football players oh my gosh that football player is crazy should I find someone I meant take a box throw the ball at it go for it go for it oh I think I heard someone that might be cam the last person that literally scared the crap out of me here we go come on giant scissors where are they at come on hurry I'm at the box here we go oh my God this is the best fun hide and seek I've ever seen in my life cam you deserve the win but I'm not shaving my eyebrows let's go if you thought playing hide and seek in boxes was hard try playing hide and seek against the clown I'm about to be in a real life horror movie getting hunted by Pennywise until 3 A.M ghetto come here I'll come out wherever you are it all started yesterday when my friend and I were casually watching a horror movie in this house why are horror movies so scary they're not that scary I could literally survive this horror movie any day oh my God I see I told you you are scared since you say you can survive a horror movie I'm gonna have a special friend hunt you until 3am if you can survive till 3am I'm gonna give you ten thousand dollars oh my God good luck Ben I will find you and I will start oh my God go go go go I have 30 seconds to hide from Pennywise one two 30 seconds is not enough time I'm getting on my room they're right there I don't have much time I'm going to my bedroom window 20 29 30. come out come out wherever you are you are little does Ben no I put a tracker in a shoe yesterday so we're gonna know where he's at at all times I'm in my bedroom right now this is the last place they're gonna think I'm gonna hide all right let's see let's see what he's still at the house making my job easy so quiet I'm closing my door all right Ben says you're still at the house they're still here they're still here yo I gotta run fast I think I'm faster than Kevin Penny was come on let's go I think they gave up but I'm not gonna give up I gotta keep running anyone's in camera freaking lazy we're still running as fast as I can oh my God I almost stripped I found these train tracks right here I'm just gonna keep following them all the way until I don't even know when that Cam and Pennywise do not catch up to me if I get a big enough lead they'll never know where I am running down the train tracks I don't know where these train tracks will lead me but I'm just gonna keep going we got Ben's location and he should be coming here in about three two one go go how do they find me get him you gotta jump I gotta jump oh he's getting away get him down oh it's not so bad okay go go I ain't climbing this wall heck no I just literally jumped in that dumpster I'm still on the Run how far are we running over that was so tiring I gotta keep running Nothing's Gonna Stop Me not even a freaking dumpster it says it'll be here in five minutes excuse me um I know you're on your bike can I buy your bike off you no I'll give you 100 bucks 200 200 the bike was probably 40 bucks 300 400.00 you know what before you keep going any higher I have cash on me just take all this and I have the bike yeah yes Uber for Pennywise now I'm gonna be so far ahead of Pennywise and Cam that is so dumb my next plan is to ride this bike all the way to Lexi's house I need someone's help super is nice I am in fact hungry me too hungry for food right yeah yeah okay I've been biking for the last 30 minutes I don't know why Cam and Penny wants to taking this so serious anyways I'm having a really good day with you man it's gonna be even better when we got to eat them with me nothing nothing like they're trying everything in their power to find me make a little to be right behind me I'm pulling it I don't care screw the freaking bike what's wrong with you Pennywise I need your help okay I'll help you just please calm down hey help me oh just climb up here and just hide it I am way too big to fit in there well maybe you should stop eating in and out think of something better please okay follow me I have one more idea okay oh my God take off all your clothes what not close you stay right hurry hurry do a change okay I'm changing I'm changing Lexi here's the clothes let's go let's go let's go I have this mannequin right here we're gonna dress him just like you he's gonna think it's you this is freaking genius hurry Ryan you know open I don't know if they're gonna work this mannequin's a lot better looking than you are what pants are on put the hoodie on and it says gotcha loser let's hope this works oh my God here we go all right I'm going this way I've been hiding in the backyard for like the last 10 minutes I'm so stressed dude I hope this mannequin thing works oh my God a car just got here all right who is that thanks for the ride the penny and Camp just got to Lexie's house how do they keep finding it isn't this Ben's ex's house you're right why is he here every time I go somewhere they're literally right behind me but for now I have to shut up and literally hide right here what's up how's it going Lexi um it's going so is Ben here whoa no he hasn't been here in years because like we used to date but that's old news you know so I haven't even seen him in a long time actually I'm not fighting I'm not buying we're coming down he's not here no need to like look around you guys are wasting your time and my time it says gotcha loser I don't like it when people mess with me I'm calling in Becca they literally just killed that mannequin bro it looks like he'll laugh let's go get him I am terrified for Ben after seeing that let's just say I hope Ben can run fast oh my God what happened to my bike I'm back on foot oh my God he's in Ben right now I need back up there on their way when he found the mannequin and it came to me if I'm running as fast as I can oh my God [Music] we got our backup I'm running in circles at this point I'm by the freaking Beach at this point oh my God you're on the way man I won the verge of passing out I'm gonna get some food yes the skin Bank can really run we tracked him all the way down here in the beach he's getting what an idiot stopping is probably not the best idea right now but literally I was in the verge of passing out I needed something finally this is so good it says it's close as much as I'm just eating right now I still have to check my bag to make sure Pennywise isn't there oh my God yo there he is hello hello gonna happen it's not gonna happen yo oh my God what the bro how are there three of them you don't want to do this oh I want to do this back up please they literally have me corner on this freaking Pier I told you I was gonna find you you know if there was just one of them I could probably Juke them out but there's three of them there's nowhere to go look at this ocean and ocean got no choice with the surrender man I gotta make a call pick up please pick up Jeremy please pick up okay Jeremy I am currently on the pier right now I'm gonna send you my location please pick me up okay I have no choice screw it I'm jumping oh my God oh my God oh you really freaking jumped I'm not giving up that easy I'm going all the way till 3am good enough messing around we gotta go get bad I had to call me freaking out telling me to pick him up right here I did it all right go get him get him get right behind me bro get him go go go go go go go wait he's getting chased by clouds jump go see ya ah every time he gets away I don't care what you do just drive just drive I'm going I'm driving pull up the tracker where'd he go looks like he's heading south let's go hop on go go go go go go we lost them for a while now we're in the car but it's not over yet we still have until three in the morning which is a long time we've been driving around for literally an hour it is freaking dark now Jeremy can I please just stay in the car just drive me around till 3am I'm dropping off somewhere you dropped me off yeah since you won't let me stay in the car I do have an idea I haven't told anyone this but I actually sold my old Warehouse got a new one what if you just dropped me off there that's the last place they're gonna check they probably don't even think I have the keys to that place anymore that's actually a really good idea as long as you're not following me I wish you the best of luck guys get out of here come out oh my God how do I see her if you don't subscribe in three seconds I'll be under your bed tonight haunting you forever wow all this trash right here I'm literally moving out but I still have the keys I have an idea guys all these boxes right here what if I just hit in one of them I'm hiding in the Box as much as I'm stressed out right now this kind of reminds me of one of my favorite videos Hide and Seek in boxes except this time I'm getting hunted by Pennywise I'm not playing hide and seek with my friends oh my God I am prepared to stay in this box all night long I will literally sleep here if I have to a new one yeah he's trying to trick us but we're not gonna fall for that we have his location one thing that confuses me and is so frustrating is how Kenny Wise and cam keep finding me I'm trying to think how is that humanly possible let's see if the lock is the same code as last time oh my God I hear the code no way how did they find me again Jesus wow those things are dumb Pennywise is so freaking scary are you sure that's safe of course it is all right [Music] oh my god oh what was that check the big one check the big one oh my God this might be just need to find him we don't need to hurt him you think I care we're gonna trap him in here oh smart thinking I'm gonna close it I have to make a run for it hey man we're locking them I slid out oh my God now I'm back on foot how did he get away I literally slid under the door with this much room I'm disappointed in you we have his location don't worry I'm literally on the street now running whatever Pennywise is doing to those boxes he wants to do to me that's not gonna happen luckily grab in my warehouse there is a mall oh my God this is perfect bro but luckily this mall is massive so if they somehow followed me here I'm gonna have better luck what the heck the tracker took us to the mall I'm inside the mall this is so perfect yo there's four stories in this giant mall the tracker shows us where his location is not what floor he's on I have an idea put on a disguise so if they do show up I look completely different oh this is gonna be hard maybe a dress that's ridiculous I'll definitely Stand Out wearing that the goal is to blend in not stand out I'm gonna wear this coat my face so I need the biggest most ridiculous classes I could possibly find you would never recognize me this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought oh we gotta check the toilet paper section why toilet paper I don't know and just to top it off I'm gonna grab this pink bag right here toss it over my shoulder now I am literally not bad anymore I'm not seeing him anywhere then where is this guy nope Ben hello oh my God they're freaking out it's not here right there are they freaking tracking me or something I know he's here [Music] hello Ben Ben where are you Ben okay perfect a second story Pennywise and camera on the first story I'm going up to the Second Story to lose them even more we got bites a skateboard I already spent 400 on a bike earlier I'm not buying another one hoverboard that's not gonna be good I don't have time to recharge that thing a skateboard Pennywise and cam they don't got skateboards so I'm gonna lose them again we're going upstairs I'm gonna go downstairs right as they go upstairs oh hey Kimmy wise see you guys he's in a disguise we gotta go penny come on let's go let's go we're going up I'm going down let's buy this thing [Music] I can't believe we let him get away this sucks it is literally 10 o'clock at night and I still have to go till 3am I gotta keep pushing I do have a spot in mind that they might not know about Pennywise and Camera fast but not faster than me baby let's go oh that was not the plan but anyways I'm here uh some of you guys met her earlier I was at my old Warehouse which means I have a new warehouse and I'm currently here oh my God before I hide I'm gonna give you guys a little sneak peek look at this place you'll see more of that later I have to actually find a spot this place not a good idea because there's nowhere to hide it's going in here I have an idea the janitor's room there's so much random crap in here here's my master plan pieces of wood walking the door I'm trapping myself in this room so even if Pennywise and cam get here they can't physically open the door and I win gotta act quick another one I'm making sure Pennywise they can't have a zero percent chance of getting through this door perfect there's nothing else to do but just wait and hope that no one shows up and then it hits 3am I win ten thousand dollars that sounds pretty nice to me so being in this room with the door boarded up has me feeling oh come here [Music] thank you I'm currently in the ceiling right now dude he's literally not here we've been looking for him for hours where did this guy go [Music] I could smell this beer let's go check out the warehouse let's go let's go they just walked out holy crap dude this has been the most stressful day of my life I thought this was like a hide and seek or something and Pennywise is using freaking weapons to find me this is a freaking Manhunt I'm pretty sure an hour has passed I have no idea because I don't have my phone it's pitch black right there Pennywise could be crawling in the ceiling oh my god when I walked in my Tesla was in the warehouse why didn't I get in there right away if I can get in the Tesla drive I'll be good master plan I have to jump down now oh wow that hurts so bad let's go let's go I got no time I got no time forget our vehicle it's right here but I gotta open the door first this is it the final scratch I gotta be quick cause they might still be here open perfect let's go Penny was in Camp do not have a car they can't catch me home sweet home let's go baby let's go not so bad what time is it what time is it it's 1 45 and you lose I'm tired of getting found in hide and seek so now it's time that I find some people whatever color you're given you have to hide it I will have to see six of my friends in a certain amount of time before they do something terrible to me let's meet the hiders whatever color you landed right now is the color you have to hide in for the entire video foreign your diamond play button is sitting above a blazing fire so every five minutes a string will be cut and it'll be that much closer to falling in the fire oh my God if my diamond play button is on the line we better hurry the sub so go 10 minutes to hide one two three I'm stressing this would be good except it's completely see-through let's keep looking hey am I hidden can you see me that's a horrible hiding spot okay I don't know where I'm gonna hide there's nothing blue over here okay guys so we made it upstairs look at all this it's green and I'm green what if I just can you see me yes okay now you guys there's nothing here Jeremy come here look there's blue and white there's black get out of here let's go let's go those are awful hiding spots I don't know are you guys serious we gotta stop messing around because time is ticking we need to see that YouTube play button in the fire bro this is perfect see how that looks I don't know I feel like I can do something better oh maybe I can get in it can you help me yeah quick quick there's no way Ben's gonna find Liv all right I'm going in time okay she's almost there the final step all right here we go all right if you're ready okay I'm definitely gonna win this I really haven't found a hiding place yet maybe this tire this is more difficult than it seems I could see you really yeah let's move on I have no clue where I'm gonna hide there's a blue pool right here in front of you even if I hide in the pool how am I gonna breathe I don't know figure it out you're orange so good luck I'm gonna go in the pool first I gotta find something so I can breathe I'm gonna go look around the house let's go what if I just hide right here I can still see you this is not gonna work guys so I see this little white decoration over there let's see if I fit this will be perfect if I can actually finish here I don't know if I'm willing to get it oh yeah no let's keep looking look at this what if I use this in the water and I grab air and I go like this I feel like everybody's outside and nobody's inside and everything in here is literally white let's blend in somewhere yeah we can totally see you dang it look what I found I'm gonna use the rope to tie through the weight float down to the bottom there's no way Ben's gonna find me and his play button's gonna burn this is a black McLaren it's kind of not good that it's a convertible we're hoping for the best can you see me yes no you can maybe one of these buttons will help I think I just opened the trunk I can't just sit in the car that's just too lame of a hiding spot and it's a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be we can still make it work Jeremy are you trying to go inside of there yes I need your help bro you're wasting my time and years right now you're not gonna be able to get in there Jeremy all you have to do is close it oh what the heck see you later all right I gotta go find my spot now oh my God you guys this is actually a lot smaller and a lot hotter than I thought it was gonna be even though it's uncomfortable it's a really good hiding spot I think we're gonna win this thing let's hop in okay guys I just got into my spot there's no way Ben's gonna find me in here wait a second hold on this is green let's check inside see the animals I have no idea how I'm gonna get in this everyone need my help I'm gonna need help getting in here you're gonna get in that I have no other choice okay just like that that smells so bad it's so so bad holy crap this room is literally perfect I had to solved the best idea so right here is white tape so I'll actually be able to use it I'm gonna be on the bottom of the table and then have somebody tape me come over here why am I the one helping everyone get in their spot I need to find my spot I need you to take me to the bottom of this table so I can hide help me out bro what's in it for me 20 bucks all right whatever let's do it just come back in a couple of minutes and I'm gonna be completely invisible under this table all right so I'm fully taped to the table I really hope this supports me go all right Brad this looks like crap can you help me get me out please all right well good luck buddy bro can you help me out this was supposed to be a good spot but now I'm just taped to a broken table and I can't move okay so I've been busy getting everyone else in their spots I gotta find my spot and we're running out of time there's a bunch of basketballs right here I'm gonna put this on take one of these balls and just yeah right yeah it looks pretty good I found my spot 58 9 minutes 59 10 minutes I'm coming to find you guys let's go okay so bend this started looking come out come out wherever you are I'm gonna find me any second and I could be out holy crap this house is way bigger than I thought I don't know where to start there's so many colors in this house I'm hoping these basketballs come in clutch there is the blue pool cam is wearing blue so if Cam is underwater right now I'm just gonna wait like 30 seconds and see if he comes up because we know he can't hold his breath for that long I'll wait it's been like more than 30 seconds I haven't seen Cam he's either really good at holding his brother he's not in there I'm gonna say he's not in there oh my God I literally there's so many colors in this freaking house and it finds something if he looks over here he's literally gonna see me on a broken table on the ground Lexi's black hello yeah she's not in there Jeremy's white hello Jeremy's not in there it's very small in here the long spot tour that was it I look like an idiot on the floor right now taped to a broken table like he's gonna find me before I look in the obvious spots like inside the house I know my friends got really creative with their hiding spot so I'm looking on the outside of the house so first the side yard oh my God should I be touching that I don't know it says authorized personnel only and I'm not authorized but I need to check anyways because Sydney is green I'm scared to open it what's in there [Music] oh Cindy if you're in there I don't even care anymore I am not checking that he gets so that bad that he left I think I'm safe I think I'm saying no he's right there we've checked some of the weird spots in this house let's check some of the obvious ones like inside the house oh here we go oh my God bro what kind of spot is that red sabotage me sabotage you you're out I'm not even at this point I just want to get off this table should I actually help you out yeah help me out honestly Jeremy you got yourself in this situation you can get yourself out of it good luck buddy person leave me here in 10 minutes I'm still here you're currently in the main part of the house right now rent and live are orange and pink what do you know orange and pink these are bean bags that you know you can do with bean bags take the beans out and get in right if you're in here you're about to feel this okay yeah bracelet in there let's see if she's in there seriously this bear suit is getting really hot I don't want him to find me but I kind of wish this challenge is over soon how much longer I could be in here because there's not much oxygen oh my God what the hell big old pink bear it feels like squash like look at this [Music] live you found me am I the last one you're not the last one Sydney I know you're green I know you're probably in the bushes it's really hot out so I'm sure a lot of the other people playing are probably burning up but me I'm chilling I'm gonna win this I should have picked a smaller house because this house is way too big where could I even start God and joke it has to be a fake person oh no what is this hiding spot I'm a basketball no you're not yes I am you know what that looked like yeah hey I thought Jeremy's spot was really bad that has to be even worse I don't appreciate that hey I didn't have enough time I was helping everyone else find their hiding spots you gotta get better at hide and seek bro that was pathetic I'm gonna go get some tacos Rock in the backyard I'm having really terrible luck finding people Lexi was wearing black and uh nope not under there ham is blue and this is blue if he's smart like Liv he would have got inside of it should I check if I just do this oh I don't think he's in here I want to see glad he wasn't in there because if I would have sat on him that would not feel good all right you guys it's been about 20 minutes and nobody has found me yet I don't know how much longer I can stay in here we're gonna push through Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney hello Sydney come out hello hello oh my God so many bushes and no freaking Sydney I thought she'd be at least one of them I'm having really bad luck oh my gosh guys it smells so bad in here I want to get out but I also really want to win this challenge Lexi is wearing the color black this trash can is black oh my God I don't think Lexi would but if she got in the trash can one she's gonna smell really bad two I'm about to find her three two one no Lexi seriously I might have actually found Lexi this giant black Tire right here she is wearing the color black crap I want to give up but I can't I'm gonna keep looking and it smells bad help me now that I think about it I really don't want to but I have to check the green barrels again Sydney is green just to make sure she's not in this one again yep she's not in that one okay God how are you in there I'm kind of glad you found me I'm never doing this I'm sorry no no talking about Sydney's dedication though she hidden those barrels and I can't even stand next to it without wanting to throw up literally underwater there's no way Ben's gonna find me in here I'm the coolest one ever so there is a second story to this house which we have not checked that gives me a lot of Hope someone has to be up there Second Story baby please we're upstairs this is black relaxing sexy waxy dude what the heck I would say blue for cam but that's just way too small I give up dude oh my God there's this giant house and I can't seem to find anyone wait oh my God what is that tell me that's not someone right there that is Cam please underwater right now look at this guy yes how long have you been down there dude at least like two hours holy crap get out of the pool wait wait am I the last person nope we got one more person left ah dang it there's one place I haven't checked and it is the front yard do you think you think you're bad person who owns this house has a McLaren black and they also have a Tesla it's also black if I were someone wearing black like Lexi I'd be hiding underneath the car because she's really small she can fit anywhere I'm gonna check underneath both these cars relaxing underneath I know I should be finding my friends but I'm just gonna take a little bit of a break start the car up maybe go for a ride [Music] feeling she's over here I have a really good feeling I was trying to mess over there because I kind of heard something watch this if she's in there that's ridiculous there's a trunk in the front of this car it's really small but Lexi's also really small there's a chance she's in here three two one get out of there I see I have bad news to tell you you lost what no I'm kidding you win yeah really you win Lexi is the winner yes I did it there's only one string left which means I win and my play button didn't fall [Music] oh my God I'm so glad my Play button's Safe let's go celebrate by playing hide and seek against the girls so the boys and I are gonna challenge the girls for the most impossible game of hide and seek ever so it's not any normal game of hide and seek this is camouflage hide and seek wait what do you mean camouflage we have a group of professional body paint artists they are here to body paint us to camouflage wherever we want to hide like literally if you were right here they'd make a camouflage if we're completely camouflaged how are they gonna find us okay to make it more fair for the girls you have to be hiding in plain sight all right so the boys and I have three minutes to find our spot starting now go go go hey maybe I can put my new with this pole if I'm just like that stuff that's way too obvious literally just lay right here pay me green that's not cool enough all right what about the stairs if I go like this I'm just gonna step on you oh that's true crap what if I go right here against the wall I'll just blend in right that's not good enough all right something has to be out here man what do I hide oh what about the ball pit look at that that's literally perfect what is Ben doing out there he's about to take my spot what do you mean no you're not getting it what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean this is my spot I was gonna go there you stole my spot I gotta find my spot still God I have this mannequin in a camo suit I'm literally just gonna throw it in the bushes while they're looking it's gonna waste their time they're gonna think it's me though uh I think the couch has it the final distraction is this blue guy right here I'm gonna throw him in the pool he's gonna sink to the bottom and uh he's gonna waste their time so let's do it here goes nothing now we wait for it to sink I think I just found the best spot in the house if the makeup artist can pull this off I think I'll be 100 camouflage and I'm gonna win like seriously look at this I really like this wall a lot I think I could blend in if I just like blend with the corner nobody could sit on me you know I think I'll be good I really like this the three minutes is up so I have to strike a pose and I can't move until the girls try to find us so I'm gonna do this pose all right so I got the bald cap on I'm in my spot I am ready to get body painted all right so I'm in position I'm super confident that they're not gonna find me I uh I think I'm gonna win this one so guys I just woke up from a nap because I'm honestly pretty comfortable I doubt that all the other guys are as comfortable as me so I'm gonna be able to stay in here very very long and be very still so I'm probably gonna win once again you know how much longer um about 10 hours wait what okay thank God guys I forgot to mention whichever one of the boys found last does get one thousand dollars and also like you guys remember sort of one of you guys if you guys subscribe so subscribe get a thousand dollars just like one of the boys today all right we're almost done with the camouflage I literally look like I'm floating in space right now I'm like turning into an alien yo Ben where are you oh yeah I am completely finished I cannot believe how camouflaged I am damn where are you I'm right here all right so the camouflage is done the girls just got here so I am ready to win a thousand dollars hello Jeremy where are you right here oh my God I am no longer Jeremy you can call me ball man now what's up guys Lexi and I mean I finally here for Ben's hide and go seek video he said it's gonna be really difficult yeah but I mean how hard can it be it's hide and seek exactly so we're gonna watch the video that Ben sent hello girls the boys and I are currently hidden throughout the house one at a time you guys will attempt to find it whoever finds us in the shortest amount of time wins while a loser has to face a terrible punishment rock paper scissors to see who goes first and by the way there will be no hints so good luck oh no wait there's a punishment I'm not I'm not getting the punishment I'm sorry Lexi I hope you're okay with that well Pearson it's me versus you it's okay well I'm gonna have the shortest time okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot you know what I feel confident I think this is gonna work in my favor all right let's get it all right look behind the door I'm checking all the rooms all the crevices under the bed okay not under there okay so there's nobody in this area I'm gonna check the backyard okay I'm actually starting to get a little bit confused bro what I literally don't see anything okay they're not here are they even in the house wait is that somebody at the bottom of the pool wait arm wait I thought that was actually something all I see are leaves which is not a human I need a human now where are my friends oh my God okay I don't think this ball pit was here before also there's always crazy stuff happening here oh is that a hand it took like three hours you found me no ow that's what you get for finding me okay now that I know that they're camouflaged I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled a little bit more he literally had body paint on him and I think that's something that Ben would do they would not be able to fit in that okay this must look so weird I'm feeling the walls I hope I don't like okay we're gonna go upstairs now I feel like downstairs is cleared out the backyard is cleared out so now I'm gonna check the bathroom I feel like you could be on okay that's where he would usually be is he painted white in this bathtub dude this is so hard all right guys I'm running out of places to look I checked the bathroom I checked all of upstairs and I have no idea where to go so I'm gonna go downstairs and recheck that okay wait actually wait I'm gonna check this room again I feel like I didn't check it hard enough dude I'm literally soaking oh God oh my God wait they look so good how long have you had your arm up like that literally three hours I've passed by you so quick did I win no no okay Derek what's what's my time at you're at nine minutes nine minutes I've been looking for nine minutes I thought it was like 30 seconds okay oh my God I have no idea where else to look I looked everywhere else in the whole place okay I'm not here right now you were there this whole time I was here this entire time I did not move all right it's now my turn to go seek um what was your time my time was a short nine minutes and 15 seconds gonna be easy to beat oh it was actually very difficult I found someone on the roof I didn't know I wasn't supposed to say that wait stop okay let's do it hello okay nobody's in here I almost got someone though now this would be a good hiding spot because there's a lot of junk in here someone's in this cabinet someone's not in this cabinet I wonder if like someone's gonna pop out nobody's in this garage unless there is somebody in this garage behind this Christmas tree okay [Music] oh my God where are they someone's hiding in the microwave go over here somebody in the pool oh my God somebody is in the pool Ben okay I have to wait until this person comes up from under the water who is it Jeremy okay this is so annoying this is just wasting my time is that the point of this there's a person over here it's a mannequin this is not fair this is like wasting my time let's look for any sudden movement [Music] scare me why do I keep getting found scare me bro okay one person's found okay one down two to go let's find Ben and cam okay something looks off the chairs are moved oh my God right by this in the beginning yes this is like the best camouflage job I've ever seen in my life okay one last place to look check in here check the bathroom you know Ben would be in the toilet Ben would be using the toilet you hear that it could literally be blending in with anything that's why this is so hard okay I didn't really check this room that much I went to the bathroom first so [Music] how did you see me at first you didn't see me you walked in and you did not see me I went to the bathroom I have been holding this pose for four hours all right it's time to see who had the shorter time all right so we have all been found by both of the girls Pearson's time was 9 minutes and 15 seconds all right let's see your time was nine minutes and three seconds [Music] he's the winner wow
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 40,926,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, Airrack, mrbeast, preston, unspeakable, Mathew beem, Ryan trahan
Id: 86QotWbjLtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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