SML Parody: Brooklyn Guy's New Job!

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oh my God you leave me alone you dirty Pig I didn't do nothing hey stop right there you're under arrest I said stop I know don't you climb that fence you better not climb that of course sometimes the fence oh God and I don't have legs so I can't jump it and I could go under it but then I might get all grassy oh whatever hey same time next week I'll be here [Music] you might not have one next time well I I don't know what to tell you Chief I'll do better I swear I pained me to say this but I'm gonna have to let you go let me go get them next time right no you're fired no you can't be serious Chief I've been on the force for 20 years I'm sorry guy but we need people with legs on the force if you can't even jump a simple fence how are you supposed to catch the criminal if you know I'm sensitive about my legs it's not my fault I was born without them you can't do this to me I'm gonna have to guy I'll need your badge by the end of the week do I at least get to keep the car no what about the handgun oh definitely not oh my God no this can't be happening to me sorry guys just the way it has to be oh my God I just take the bus driver Daddy I'm ready to go wow Jeffy is that the um fortnite battle boss yeah that wow it's so cool daddy this is my new favorite thing I've ever owned in my life it is almost as good as the real thing well that's good I'm glad you like your birthday present so where should I drop in uh frenzy Fields your big fat bald shiny head uh no no Jeffy how about you uh you drop in in your bedroom preferably with the door closed well no because then you can't watch me play with it oh no that's okay I don't you play with it quiet and watch me play with this come on it's gonna be so funny I really don't come on Daddy wait someone's at the door Jeffy try we got to drop in before it's too late uh hello [Music] hey Brooklyn guy what are you doing here hey Mario you mind if I come in real quick uh yeah sure come on in oh God I hate Brooklyn Guy what's wrong shut up don't call me Brooklyn guy hey geez call me Lona depressed worthless jobless guy now but you lost your job yeah well which one which one do you think the police officer job my favorite gig and I got fired how'd you get fired because man I don't know if you've noticed but I don't have any legs well yeah but it's never stopped you before that's what I'm saying but no I let one criminal go and that's the end of it why just because he's a psychopath and a murderer it's my fault uh well hey think about it this way you know you have plenty of other jobs you're a doctor and a firefighter Oh no I got fired from those two but why because I only really liked being a police officer so I barely even showed up for the other one so I just kind of got fired but that's stupid being a doctor is way better you get paid way more absolutely not if you're a cop you get a free handgun in a freak car if you're a doctor you get a free mask and like what needles I don't want that well that's all really sad but why don't you complain to your wife about all this no way man I hate my wife she'd be so annoying if I told her I gotta find she'd be like buddy why don't you do something with your life get off the couch okay I get your point at least you're a loser like me so I can sit on your couch and I don't have to worry about it I'm not a loser Hey listen man by the way thanks for letting me crash on your couch I never said that I like my couch listen I'll be back on my feet in no time but you don't have feet I hate you I hate you so much I just want to die I'm sorry oh my God I'm late for work so I guess you can stay on my couch until I get back but then we have to figure out what you're gonna do okay oh man I really feel bad for Brooklyn guy and I really want him off my couch I wish there was something I could do wait a minute I have an idea oh it's the perfect idea too hey Brooklyn guy you feel like getting off my couch yet no it's actually very comfortable I'm kind of liking it uh well okay but I actually have some good news for you that might change your mind did you get my cop job back no I can't do that forget it then no but I got you something even better no you didn't so I was on my way to work today and I got the best idea I got you a job at Target uh oh that's cute no I'm good though thanks no no really you should try it I mean it's not that bad a job you know it doesn't pay as well man no offense but working at Target that is really embarrassing it's not embarrassing look at how much respect I get I have a badge with my name on it I mean if I were to work there imagine my friend showed up what they would say to me oh my God imagine my wife showed up oh my God I would I would I think I would off myself no no I think I think she'd think it's really cool you know you get the red shirt you got the badge I mean why don't you just come in tomorrow and try I mean I can't have you staying on my couch your whole life you have to do something oh fine I'll go for a one day but if I get embarrassed I am never showing my face there again there you go that's the spirit so I guess tonight you can stay on my couch but then we'll get you your job started tomorrow okay oh hey man when do we get to go home we just got here Brooklyn guy look cheer up man it's gonna be a really easy first day all I'm gonna have you do a stock shelves you can do that right but I don't want to stock shelves I want to go after bad guys well you're a Target employee now they don't go after bad guys they stock shelves and mop the floor although at least I get a handgun no you don't get a handgun a taser no look you're not a police officer you don't get any of that fancy stuff you just stock shelves you want to go in a car chase I want a police car I want to turn on the sirens listen I turned on those Wii Woos and people will do whatever I want the Magic Lights you can't do that anymore you just have to do your job here and do it well because if you do I'll let you mop the floor okay whatever just get to it oh God oh God [Music] I wish I wish can I please get my new employee to report to my office oh great time to get fired again oh you wanted to see me sir I know you're gonna fire me so just get it over with take a seat buddy we need to talk well you really screwed up this time Brooklyn guy first you get fired from the cops and now you're getting fired from Target you can't do anything right you're a dumb stupid crybaby idiot a dummy idiot who doesn't deserve anything because I'm I'm dumb and I can't do anything right so buddy I just wanted to talk about your recent performance at Target I know it's your first day and all but you've been doing really good and I'm really impressed with your work ethic but how this is my first day I barely did anything I wanted to reward you with a big starting bonus ten thousand dollars buddy this is way more than buddy I mean uh Mario makes so don't try to rub it in wait really actually you can rub it in as much as you want I don't really like him and it's kind of funny when he gets mad well I guess I don't need these anymore oh my God I I don't know what to say thanks Kermit this this means a lot well I'll see you tomorrow my new favorite employee best first day of work ever oh what is that uh oh this is my first day bonus your first day bonus oh yeah let me tell you I was not expecting something like this you know Target's not that bad that's not your first day bonus yeah it is paid in Target gift cards we don't get actual money well you get paid until I get gift cards I got called into the boss's room I'm like oh this is it I'm getting fired no he whips out stacks of cash I I've never been more blessed in my life the guy is so nice you're talking about Kermit the Frog right yes he's the best boss I've ever had no he's not no he's not he he never gives me any money never any real money anyway he always just pays me a 15 Target gift card man I hate to say it but maybe you're not working hard enough I'm not working hard enough really maybe not well okay you know what you have your money I think it's time you get off my couch and go back home well no this is a great start but before I go back to Karen I need like seven figures I want to be rolling in it oh my God in fact I might even buy a house in Malibu if I'm getting paid this much I mean I can do anything yeah of course and I can barely pay for the house I have you know what I see how it is I see how it is see you tomorrow man oh God Living Large oh my God the Shelf is a mess yeah this toy promotion worthy right here hey work Buddy how we doing Hey listen are you aware that you stocked an open box of Pop-Tarts that's a health hazard it's fine there are the little baggies Hey listen I'm gonna go talk with the boss man you got stock Duty for the next week right no no wait oh my God uh what are they talking about oh really that is it no that is the last straw they want to talk about me behind my back I'll give them something to talk about I should be my promotion actually this is probably worth more than my house yeah it's a little too far all right time to get back to work counting my money Target sucks I mean I agree but geez buddy have a filter right after I give you the promotion that's it we're gonna have to have a talk all right I better get started on Stocking those laptops where's Mario at oh come on you stupid thing I need yous hey knock that off over there wait hold on I know you you're the guy who made me lose my job wait no get back here oh no not again hey get back here no fences this time hey stay away from me I didn't even steal nothing I'm not getting away this time someone call the cops oh well guy I guess you proved me wrong you really don't need legs to fight crime see Chief I told you I'd get it next time that you did that you did now guy it would be my honor to present you with your badge and your uniform please come back to the force oh Chief I mean I would love to do I get my handgun back and your wee-woo my wee-woo yes yes thanks the world [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 241,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Wh3YXlNAcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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