SML Movie: Jeffy's Witness Protection!

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all right baby you want to watch a movie baby that wasn't me I heard it look it was a whoopee cushion well aren't I just owie Jeffy you why don't you go do something like go read a book I can't read I have an idea Jeffy why don't you go check the mail and see if my shoes came in wait you ordered shoes yeah Marvin I'm sick of walking around Barefoot yeah Jeffy go check the mail check the mail my dog out huh we'll take a flashlight Jeffy oh yeah we do have the world's brightest flashlight oh my God Mail Time oh there is a package in there what is that I'm gonna go check it out and no is anyone there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God it was just murder I'll ever get away with and the best part is no Witnesses oh hey did y'all see what I just did remember you gonna tell anybody no good time to get rid of this evidence you didn't see nothings oh good the cops are here okay hey drop that lightsaber I know it's a lightsaber I've seen Star Wars It's a flashlight I said drop it [ __ ] okay okay okay let's get him the streets I found the motor weapon good job Simmons oh you're going to jail for a long time let's go tell your parents what you did come on are you okay Marvin no I have third degree burns in my face because of how hot that light was and I can't see you'll be okay your son is under arrest what's my package in the mail yes well did you grab it no I got arrested oh I'll get it myself Jeffy why did you get arrested your son killed a little girl across the street no less Jeffy did not kill a little girl oh yeah then why did I find him with this lightsaber huh seems like Sith activity to me killing younglings that's a flashlight okay Count Dooku well we also found this bloody knife okay did you find Jeffy holding that knife no but he was very close to it Jeffy did you kill a little girl no but I saw who did it ooh tea time spill the tea who was it well I don't know his name or anything but he was bald with a little bit of hair on his sides and he was really scary what was it him no close but no oh thank God well I guess we can take you to the police lineup and you can pick him out come on okay Jeffy these are all the criminals that have been arrested tonight so just point out which one did it can they see me no no you're totally safe in here this is a two-way mirror so we can see them but they can't see us okay deal with him hey don't put him in you little [ __ ] I think you can see me no no he can't see you yes I can that little [ __ ] in the blue Elm in the yellow Jeffy sir you're dead when I get out of here no it's safe for you anymore no one can protect you yeah that's definitely him oh yeah this is just regular glass I guess he can see you well you listen here just because this kid right here in this blue helmet and yellow shirt ratted you out and he's gonna make you spend the rest of your life in jail doesn't mean you need to get all mad you should be mad at yourself for killing that girl well you just tell him that Noah's safe for him anymore cause I'm gonna send my goons after him I got you I Bugs Bunny do so uh come on Jeffy let's go good news sir we caught the guy that killed that little girl and Jeffy here's the one that pointed him out good job kid you can have that lollipop okay there is just one more thing though sir the killer knows jeffy's the one that pointed him out and he said he'd send his goons after him well you know what that means he has to go into witness protection okay great so where's that your house what my house why does it have to be my house cause you're a cop you can protect him and his family but sir I don't want them to go to my house that's an order guy and you tell his family they're moving in with you I hate my life come on Jeffy let's go I thought you got shoes I did Marvin their shoes with wheels on them those are roller skates oh you should get some too hey there I have some good news and I have the worst news I've ever heard in my life what's the good news oh those are sick thanks oh well the good news is jeffy's not under arrest anymore because he correctly identified the killer yeah yeah God that looks so fun what's the worst news oh well the worst news is now the killer knows who Jeffy is and he's gonna try to kill him so now all of you guys have to come live with me but why do I have to live with you it's like witness protection where we protect Witnesses apparently by sending them to my house because I'm a cop but what if we don't want to live at your house why wouldn't you want to live at my house it's fun I have TV you act like I don't even have TV well I mean what if we just want to stay at our house no now you have to live at my house because you offended me I wouldn't want to live in your stupid house anyway it's stupid with your stupid red couch what do you like five and you stupid popcorn ceilings those are those are dumb well how long will we have to live at your house I don't know just until they execute the guy or whatever just come on so pack up your stuff and we're gonna have a sleepover we can paint each other's nails and talk about boys come on okay welcome to my house I hope it's not too stinky for you or whatever it is you were expecting it's not a third world country we have food honey I'm home we're home Barney you didn't tell me we were having company I would have cleaned no you wouldn't you never do any of your woman duties oh my God yeah well look Karen these people are going to have to stay here for a little while because they're in witness protection see their son witnessed a murder and now the murderer is after them Boyne that was nice of you to offer for them to stay with us oh I didn't offer and apparently they don't even want to be here because apparently they think we live in a barn that's because we make animal noises at night pointy ride she means her snoring I haven't touched her in years she snores like a polar bear there you go again always making jokes it's because I love to drink Coca-Cola yeah Coca-Cola so where do we sleep on the couch like hell that's my bed they can't sleep in it it's a Sleep Number it's adjusted to my body it knows what I like but boy you said you still a little while I lied I don't know how long it's gonna be they could be here for years Boyne let them have the bed all right listen where are we gonna sleep at we're okay with the couch on the couch no pointy let them have the bedroom besides if we sleep on the couch then you have to come okay fine you guys can have the bed but don't you dare touch my sleep number my sleep number is 37 and I'll know if you mess with it okay baby I'm gonna put our stuff in the room Electric plants I don't even think they do that hey can I jerk right there just don't touch my toothbrush oh man I only walk with toothbrushes Jesus this is gonna be a long night [Music] breaking news Okay a man that has killed a little girl has just escaped from jail he's extremely dangerous and if you see him call the police immediately oh no The Killer escapes well that's not good well good thing nobody knows the Witnesses are here wait hold on who's calling me hello hey oh this is New York the police Chiefs oh hey chief are you sick you sound different oh yeah real sick oh well I'm really sorry to hear that what can I do for you yes so uh where are those with well I took him back to my house like you told me to remember oh yeah I remember so uh what's your address oh it's a three two one pickle tickle Lane oh how could I forget that yeah it's pretty memorable uh by the way Chief did you see the seats you'll be a real soon if they came to your house and killed all of you yeah that would be really bad well it's a good thing that he doesn't know my address and he doesn't know the Witnesses are here which they are oh yeah really good well anyways I'll see you soon wait wait you're coming over Chief no no I mean like seeing you soon it's like uh tomorrow it worked but but sir I requested tomorrow off months ago you already approved it oh yeah how can I forget that I I mean my God bowling what [ __ ] yeah I'll know bowling with you chief that sounds like a lot of fun all right well I'll see you tomorrow okay bye oh man going bowling with the chief that sounds great maybe I'll get that big promotion should I let him win oh I'll definitely let him win I won't use bumpers hey we had an accident we what do you mean we we pissed the bed we pissed the bet you all pissed in the bed you son of a [ __ ] it escalated into a piss puddle in my sleep number oh I'm done is that mine and Karen's toothbrush in your ass yeah I told you I had to wipe oh Jesus this is a nightmare I should have let you all get murdered accidents in accidents plural accidents what do we do about the piece you clean it you clean the pee you take the sheets off the bed and you clean the pee with soap and water there were no sheets on the bed when we peed oh God you peed directly on the map his number get the [ __ ] away from me with that get the [ __ ] back oh did we just put newspaper on the pee like in big yeah you put the newspaper on there and sleep in your filth like animals Jesus everybody get away from me time to teach that get a lesson for snitch on me I'm gonna cut him like a fish oh boy somebody's at the door that must be my Uber Eats I ordered Taco Bell in a Baja Blast oh my God that's the killer the door's locked idiot you can't get in and I have no reason to ever go outside oh yeah well I guess you don't want this Taco Bell Booyah no my bv5 layer burrito give me that you bastard all you have to do is open the door and let me kill that kid and this is all yours well I can't do that but I got three people who just pissed in my bed I'm pretty mad at you could pick from one of them no I want the kid who snitched on me look I can't let you kill him no matter how good that Taco Bell is oh really well I guess you wouldn't mind if I eat this beep beeplay a burrito no don't do it you bastard I'll kill you no no no no that's my burrito now don't do that don't do that that's my burrito no no he ate it the bastard ate it have mercy oh man that beefy five-let burrito was so good but now I'm so big thirsty if only there was something for me to drinks oh what's that don't you dare sit my Baja Blast I'll have you be headed for that here I go that's it you can eat my beefy five layer burrito but when you drink my Baja Blast that's where I draw the line haha my baja blast we'll choke's on you I have HIV and I have open swords in my mouth I don't care I have my Baja Blast and the front door is locked so have fun out there oh that's good you want some blast sure it's got HIV on it what yeah it's got HIV on it that's what you get for pissing in my bed you goon what were you doing at the front door you were screaming a lot oh the killer was there what the killer yeah he escaped but don't worry I locked the front door he can't get in what about the back door Marvin hold my my hands were getting cold okay Marvin if that killer kills me do not give him my blast even if he has a knife to my wife's throat do not give him the blast got it okay okay one more step uh no I can't okay all right get out of my house are you ready to die I said get out of my house not until you give me the boy with the blue hill no is that a Nerf gun yeah Police Issue never bring a knife to a gunfight that's for eating my burrito you piece of [ __ ] we'll never have to worry about him ever again is that a real gun yeah it just looks like a Nerf gun so kids will play with it it's pretty [ __ ] up all right now give me my blast and get the [ __ ] out of my house Jeffy Rose let's go [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 10,750,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys witness protection, witness protection, marvin, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, logan, lance, lovell, crime, hilarious, junior, joseph, cody, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, brooklyn guy
Id: AIT6U-5m8a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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