SML Parody: Jeffy's Five Nights At Freddy's

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come on Brooklyn guy pull yourself together you've done four nights of this you can do one more we got one more hour and I'm free of this place I never have to come back again I can go home I I can relax I don't have to worry about this I mean You' got a lot of jobs like I didn't really need this I'm a cop I'm a firefighter like I don't need the stress I really don't need the stress I mean the ads at $100 but like at this point I I don't think it's worth $100 I don't think i' do this for $11,000 oh no no no no you got to be kidding me come on on my last night come on cut me a break it's 5:00 in the morning it's always the power every single time it's the P I never keep track I get distracted I I should have bought the power upgrade I I couldn't I couldn't cut it okay this isn't even worth it anymore I just want to go home I'm so tired and now Freddy's going to do his thing yep there he is oh my God I can't even watch I hate this part I hate it so much this is terrifying I don't want to come back here I don't want to do this I want to go home I want to go to bed on the bright side I'll never have to see carrot again that's cool I guess I don't I don't know I I can't look Freddy just keep doing your song keep doing it yep keep it up buddy a little bit [Music] longer Jeffy can you please stop playing that song it's fun five times now but Daddy it's my masterpiece I worked really hard on it no you didn't you didn't even write that song uh of course I didn't write it Daddy you can't write on a piano it doesn't even make sense oh my God don't you have anything better to do anything better at all than bothering me okay get rid of the cat piano cuz we have guests over and I don't want you playing that song over and over again driving them away fine I'll go play it somewhere else uh hello hey Mario um can I talk to you real quick I got to uh I got to talk to you about about something um just just real quick okay all right I guess you can come inside I'm not making you breakfast though oh thank God okay I'll make it quick hey man do you want a new job but no no I don't need a new job why okay I got this job right and I I I don't think I can do it anymore so if you're looking for work I mean no no no I like my I'm okay I'm content with my job at Target I think I'm good okay well I saw this ad in the paper like a week ago for this job at like Freddy Fazbear it's like Chuck-E-Cheese but worse basically they wanted me to be the night God like okay this is an easy $100 like who's going to break into this place right that sounds easy it was not easy what wait who broke in nobody broke in it just like after night one like when they started coming out and walking around who wait who started walking around the animatronics what Freddy Bonnie Chica the whole gang foxy all sweet Jesus foxy are you feeling okay I'm F I haven't slept in 5 days but I'm fine well that's probably it then you're probably hallucinating animatronics don't walk around I I should have taken a video I'm not joking man they were walking here they're trying to stuff me into a suit I don't believe you not even for a second that sounds stupid I swear please take the job I I can't go back there I don't want to go back there they're going to make me go back well if it's that big of a deal to you then I mean maybe Jeffy can do it I mean he doesn't do anything all day anyway he could use a job that that's really smart actually your dumb son he's going to love it tell him uh there's free pizza oh yeah free pizza he likes Pizza yeah it's like it's like Chucky he's going to love it and he and he gets paid too right I mean he'll like the money right but he has to do five nights cuz if he doesn't then I got to go back I I I don't want to go back I I he can have the job he'll do the five nights Jeffy get in here hey Daddy are you ready for another singing performance no no I don't want to hear anymore how about a piano solo I've been practicing Jeffy stop I got you a job that's what I wanted to tell you Daddy unless you got me a job working for Mr Beast I'm not doing it no it's even easier than that it's even easier than washing Kermit's car Jeffy it's not that big a deal but Daddy I like freeloading off of you it's so fun and easy well I hate that so look you're going to be working as a security guard for Five Nights at this place called fredy's Daddy I don't know the vibe seems off the vibe seems off the vibe seems off what's wrong with this Jeffy it's so easy Daddy I don't want to do it well you have to I already signed you up in the contract you got to stop signing me up for crap that I don't want to do well it's going to be the easiest job you've ever taken cuz no one's going to break into a stupid little Pizzeria chain fine how much do I get I don't know it's it's not great it's like $100 a week I think Oh Daddy forget Five Nights at Freddy's I'll do 100 Nights at Freddy's for that kind of money wait you actually like that Daddy cash paper I'll do 100 nights I'm telling you right now yes see there you go that's the spirit and you get free pizza so no green beans for dinner I mean if I just got to sit in the room I don't even do anything for free that that's free money yeah it literally is I mean yeah you should probably get your uniform on before you you change your mind all right Daddy I'm I'm doing it I'm doing it right now okay perfect just get your stuff on and I'll take you over there um daddy I was looking at the reviews and this place has like two stars on Google people say don't go here so I don't think I should still Daddy great he's gone guess I don't have a choice now well I guess this is it time to get to work I guess I really don't know why I let Daddy rot me into these sort of things now that I'm here it's definitely not worth it oh great and creepy drawings on the wall those aren't even good they look like they're done by a 2-year-old yeah now I know why this place has two stars on Google oh hello I really don't know if I want to answer the creepy phone call to be honest honestly I just want to go home right now hello hello hello I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night uh I actually worked in that office before you I'm finishing up my last week now not loving it to be honest I don't I don't like I want to go home I want to play fortnite I want to go home I play wor play fornite you're here now for some reason anyway the animatronics do get a bit quirky at Bonnie what are you doing wait what come on Bonnie this is my last week pleas where's chica go play with chica don't you want to go play with chica though what are you doing don't open the door now no no no NOP NOP nope absolutely not nope I don't want to be here right now okay well at least none the Amon notri are moving on the [Music] cameras no no I want to go home I want to play fortnite I want to be in my bed think happy thoughts Jeffy fortnite chocolate cake [Music] oh hey Jeffy you're back already so how was your first night it was easy right Daddy I quit you quit you can't quit it's only night one Jeffy it was so scary I'm never going back there again I'm not oh my God let me guess the robots moved around they're not robots they're aot tricks and they're scary and they walk around and I hate it I hate it what is wrong with you and Brooklyn guy Jeff you can't quit cuz the robots look scary well Daddy unless you want to go with me I will never show my face there again I'm just not doing it well I'm not going with you because I already have my job at Target you know speaking of that I had a scary first day too you know I had to stock shelves and I didn't know which one and yeah I got yelled at a few times but I got over it well okay if Junior can go then I guess I'll go back for night to but only if Junior goes with me that's a bad idea you shouldn't bring your friends to work with you but I mean I guess if it makes you go then it's fine yeah and also um you need to wash my uniform okay why I had diarrhea in it I pooped all over cuz I saw I saw them and I got scared so ew ew e e ew ew Jeffy don't put that on my couch I'm sorry oh my God all I'll wash it but this better not be a regular occurrence I'm going to bed oh my God oh my God I can't believe I'm in the real Freddy Fazbear's Pizza this is so cool I thought it was just a game thanks so much for bringing to your job Jeffy oh my God Jeffy this place looks just like the games there's so much cool stuff in here it's like the coolest job ever trust me Junior it's not as good as it looks now we have to be extra careful not to make loud noises and don't touch anything you're not supposed to cuz I have a job to do and I don't want these Amat chonks coming out any sooner than they have to it's only 12:00 a.m. but by 2: a.m. they're going to be on the move so just don't touch anything uh okay I guess I'll just wait here then just whatever you do please do not open the door I tried to warn them but they never listen they never do oh come on where's the stage at I want to see Freddy ooh oh what does that smell it smells like pizza I want some pizza Jeffy look what I just got in the kitchen yeah that's right pizza free pizza now it's a little cold but there's a microwave in the kitchen so we can heat up come on let's eat some Junior not to be a party pooper but did you think for maybe 1 second that that pizza doesn't belong to you well I mean it was just sitting in the kitchen no one was eating it I don't see anybody else here so it must be for us I don't know but chica has a big bib on her that says let's eat so she probably won't be happy that you stole her Pizza wait wait a minute Jeffy you don't actually think the animatronics are haunted right like that's just for the game they don't move around Junior if you saw what I saw last night then maybe you would think twice about stealing chica's pizza and just bringing [Music] in it's chica Junior shut the [Music] door wait Junior I think she's gone quickly get the pizza out of here before she comes back we got hurry no no no no no no I'm not going back out there I'm not I'm going to stay right here until 6:00 a.m. you can't make me go back out there Junior we don't have time for this she's going to come back for the pizza get it out and I'll check the cameras to make sure you're safe you're right she's going to come back soon for the pizza okay I'll do it the kitchen's not that far away right I can run in there and get back okay uh just keep the door open for me I'll be super fast all right you better be quick I'll watch the cameras to make sure you're safe oh man okay I put back your stupid Pizza chica everything should be good now I just got to get back to the oh Junior better hurry if he's not quick then cheki is going to come [Music] back hey Jeffy I made you some breakfast this morning so how was night two it was better than the first right I think Junior died what it's his fault Daddy he did everything I told him not to do like what uh he stole chica's Pizza he went out the doors past 3:00 a.m. which is a big no no I see how this is okay Jeffy you can't pretend that the robots are evil just to get out of work that's not how it works daddy you are a silly fat bald little man that's what you are well you pooped in your guard uniform over nothing so I don't want to hear it I pooped in it again so you better start cleaning for tonight e no I told you I was only to do that once that's on you now all right dadd here here's what we're going to do you're going to come with me to work tonight and you're going to meet chica you both love pizza so you're going to love her no I'm not going to go to work with you I told you I'm not going to disgusting filthy Pizzeria fine I'm going to go play fortnite and go to bed cuz I need my beauty sleep cuz I actually work hard and I've heard that night three is one of the worst ones oh my God all right well get some sleep then not he needs it for night three oh they're already on the move this is way harder than I thought Bonnie chicao where'd you go oh God I'm not ready for this what is that foxy there he shouldn't be able to get through [Music] this we can't do do this I can't do this oh my God Jeffy you got to hear about this I had the worst day at work yesterday see Kermit made me stock the costumes for Halloween and it was like the scariest thing ever I had to stock like you know like clowns and I had to stock like the stupid evil doctors and stuff oh my God it was terrible oh really you had a bad day at Target yeah it was pretty bad how was your day you look exhausted it was awful daddy the animatronics were cranked up to 10 they wouldn't leave me alone and I I can't take it anymore Daddy I'm sorry but I have to quit no no Jeffy you can't quit you're so close to the end you only got two more nights left well I'm sorry I I can't I'm so tired oh my God okay I wasn't going to do this but you kind of do deserve a prize for making it this far if you can make to the full five nights I I'll take you to like Disney World or something daddy you just got me so hyped up my pencil fell out and now it hurts what it hurts you're going to take me to Disney World yeah I I can take you to Disney World all right Daddy I can do five nights I mean if you're taking me to Disney World see that's the spirit no more of this stupid animatronic talk okay just get through your five nights and we'll take it to Disney World all right d easy peasy I'm doing this for Disney World okay have fun all right Jeffy night four then one more and we get to go home and I get to go to Disney World and I don't have to worry about this anymore okay I can do this H the animatronics aren't even moving that's weird I don't even see them on the camera they're at my door aren't they oh well that's unusual maybe they're sleeping H oh this game is so bad I'm so bored why aren't the animatronics coming out it's already 3:00 a.m. oh no maybe they're taking taking a day off they got to be sleeping I'm hungry I'm going to go get something to eat oh hello anybody hey Freddy I'm really bored so if you want to come play Geometry Dash we can do that where's the food at I'm going to get pizza finally some food I'm starving um hey chica I'm going to eat your pizza but please don't get mad I'm really hungry no I'm just Lonely No Junior no animatronics no daddy no I don't want Daddy here just make it worse I don't really know why I signed up this but I'll take this rather than thear me down so better than the first three nights I guess guess I'll eat the pizza now got nothing else to do come on Jeffy pick up come on I don't want to wait in this parking lot all morning oh my God he's not going to pick up I've called him five times now maybe he's working overtime yeah it's probably he probably finally learned to enjoy his job and he's just working a little overtime you know what good for him if he wants to work overtime I'm not going to disturb him he can just call me when he wants to come home uh hi have you seen Junior we're supposed to hang out today no apparently Junior's dead oo what I'm just going along with the prank that jeffy's doing on me see he took Junior to his new job the other day and Junior hasn't come back yet so they're pranking me making me think that Junior's dead okay well what's his new job I don't know he works at this place called Freddy fazber's pizza he's the night guard Five Nights at Freddy's yes he's working there five nights Five Nights at Freddy's yes five nights Five Nights at Freddy's uh-huh Five Nights at Freddy's he must really like it there too cuz he hasn't come back yet Five Nights at Freddy's uh-huh oh my God is this about the stupid robots you don't know no no what why would you let your son get a job at Freddy Fazbear's pizza because it's a stupid little restaurant for children no it's not okay ever since the'80s they've been getting shut down numerous times because of different incidents kids getting their heads bitten off by the animatronics people getting stuffed in suits the night guards keep going missing you don't know about this no wait what kids getting their heads bitten off and Junior's there he's probably stuffed into a suit okay have you called the police yet no I don't think they take that seriously I'll call them right now wait what it's not going to work oh my God what is wrong with everybody first Brooklyn guy then Jeffy now Cody why is everyone acting so weird with these robots maybe I I should go check on Jeffy I mean I'm not worried it's just he hasn't been back yet and he he forgot his hat yeah he can't be a night guard without his hat I I just got to bring it to him and I'll check on him and I'll see that he's okay and everything will be all right hello Jeffy I'm here it's Mario your dad Jeffy oh my God why are all the lights off Jeffy you're supposed to be watching this place hello Jeffy oh my God Jeffy if you're trying to scare me it's not going to work okay I'm coming to find you just stay where you are oh here we go Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria security this should be where Jeffy is Jeffy I'm Freddy Fazbear I'm coming to get you here I come Jeffy you in here whoa oh oh it's just you wearing a stupid mask I almost believe the animatronics were moving around for a second there why are you wearing that thing anyway get that oh my God who did this you Jeffy it's me it's your dad calm down I'll get the duct tape off stay still M daddy the door okay Jeffy I got it oh my God we're dead we're both so dead daddy they tried stuffing me into a suit they stuck me into the suit I want to go home I want to play fortnite okay Jeffy it's okay just calm down just what happened to you who did this the animatronics Daddy I tried telling you oh Jeffy enough of this there are no animatron now do you believe me yes oh wait this means Junior's still alive daddy you have to go find him we have to save him no no no no no no I'm not going out there I'm staying right here where it's safe uh Daddy I think you're too fat to be stuffed in the animatronics so just go look for him we're running out of time yeah well I all right you're giving me some of your paycheck for this this is ridiculous junior junior junior are you here oh my God he's not going to answer me he's probably dead he's been in here for two days junior junior where are you oh my God is that Freddy I got to get out of here junior junior junior are you in here oh my God this place is so scary Junior oh my God junior junior are you okay oh my God he's been in here for two days I hope he's still alive hang on Junior I'll get you out of here okay Jeffy I found junior he he had the mask on and he's unresponsive but he's still breathing so I think he'll be okay as long as we get out of here right now Junior all right Daddy now we just have to survive until 6:00 a.m. what no forget 6:00 a.m. we're not staying here till then we're getting out now oh no whoa wo wo okay JY turn the lights back on what happened what are you doing it wasn't me Daddy we ran out of power what are we going to do now this is it I'm tired of it I can't sleep at night these these these things they have to they have to be shut down they have to be dismantled I can't take it I'm not going to be able to sleep until I do they've tortured me long enough it's time I finish this once and for all I've been waiting five nights for this one of these before filthy anic you're welcome now we're all going to be fired but if you ask me that's a good thing look I even got a souvenir Hey listen if anybody asks I was never here okay you never saw Brooklyn guy at 6:00 a.m. at the Freddy's all right I'm going to bed I'm exhausted Daddy what just happened I I think Brooklyn guy just saved Our Lives wait that means it's 6 a.m. and I made it all five nights Daddy I did it yeah yeah you definitely did it I'm very impressed after seeing what the heck just happened over here that means I get my $100 and Daddy I don't know if you remember but you promised to take me to Disney World I did do that why do I always promise this kind of stuff all right fine we can go to Disney World but we should probably call the police first and get this place shut down and get J into a hospital cuz he's still not breathing okay fine but afterwards can we go to Disney World yes after we can go to Disney dadd you're the best dad ever yeah I know I try I also am never getting a job [Music] again [Music] oh
Channel: Kable10
Views: 650,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0sgsgT-NS3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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