SML Parody: Jeffy's Pet Rock!

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this is what you get cat piano girl could you get cat piano maybe now you'll think twice about making fun of me hey cat piano you want to watch me cop a dub in fortnite yeah what do you mean no oh cat pio that isn't very nice meow oh yeah cat piano well if you're gonna say that you're gonna get beat go ahead say it again oh that's it that's what you get cat piano and since today you were extra mean to me i might get the gasoline jeffy what are you doing oh daddy i'm just teaching my cat piano a lesson he was being extra bad let me guess he didn't want to watch you play fortnite again nope and that's why he got beat and also died for some reason he ain't talking no more yeah i wonder why now daddy i gotta ask can i get a new one no no you can't get a new one did i why are you getting upset usually you'd be screaming by now i know but my therapist says that if i get too mad at you i'm at risk of having a stroke so i have to keep everything in my life nice and calm i guess that makes sense well daddy since cappino is not putting up a fit i guess i'll go break my ps5 controller [Music] keep it down mario come on keep things calm keep things calm all right ps5 controller time for yours jeffy please don't destroy your controller why daddy you didn't buy i got from the old man yeah but i am gonna have to buy it when you break it that's kind of true well daddy i don't know what else to do well you can go play junior he's not here right now uh morty he's in the sky uh uh toad who look jeffy if you don't have anybody else to play with just go play outside like i did with the leaves and the twigs yeah it's so boring well it may be boring but what else is there to do break the ps5 controller other than that uh make you really mad so you get upset don't do that ah fine i'll go play outside but as soon as i get bored i'm coming back in all right oh so boring out here i don't want to play with the ground daddy's so dumb oh hey there mr rock hey there jeffy wait you can talk of course i can talk i ain't no dumb stuff emma i didn't know rox can talk hey jeffy you mind taking me inside i guess mr rock i can bring you inside is this real all right mr rock now that i got your eye you can see nice and good oh man mr rock that's kind of a dumb name you know what from now on i'mma call you rocky jeffy why is there a dirty rock on my couch dirty rock daddy this is my pet rock his name is rocky go ahead rocky say hi a pet rock yeah that rocks can't be pets jeffy why not because it's a rock it's not a lie well he was talking to me earlier talking to you earlier if you're hearing this rock talk jeffy i think you need help well no daddy you need help because you don't hear him talk oh whatever jeffy look i guess that you're bored because you don't have your friends around but this is ridiculous this is taking it too far it's not that ridiculous whatever look i don't do one of your crap today and i want to deal with that today so i'm going to sit down take a nap and keep my heart rate below 80 beats per minute whatever oh we should kill him what oh no i meant uh i'm i'm hungry okay whatever i'll get you something to eat here you go rocky i got you some meow mix because well we don't have rock food and you'll probably like this the cat likes it oh man rocky also before you eat i got a little question i uh i'm gonna ask this do you uh you you maybe want to play do you maybe you want to watch me play fortnite hey yo before you answer uh this is cat piano and uh cat piano he uh he didn't want to watch me play fortnite so maybe i'll change your answer yeah sure jeffy i'll watch you play fortnite oh great okay let's go play fortnite oh man rocky i'm so glad you wanted to watch me play fortnite you know what you're not like cat piano you're a much better friend and you know since you're even being good i might let you play a little bit for tonight rocky what do you say sure thing jeffy alright great well take the controller and it's all yours uh rocky i uh i don't want to be rude but you you gotta move you just can't sit there [Music] oh you know what maybe we're done with fortnite for today you know what rocky let's go for a walk outside all right rocky you ready for your walk now remember if you have to go to the bathroom do it either on the left side or the right side of the grass oh rocky you gotta move at some point you just can't sit there all day i know you're alive because you can talk oh rocky rocky where'd you go oh no i lost rocky all right time to eat my oreos oh they smell so good today my heart rate's been pretty low too it's been pretty good day i mean jeffy hasn't been in my hair all day she's been playing with that weird rock oh whatever as long as he doesn't bother me oh my orders feel like they're missing something though yeah i need milk no oreos are complete without milk i'll go get some [Music] alright got my milk and i got my oh why do my oreos look like that and oh why do they smell like that i think i left them out a little too long but they should be okay right i mean come on they're just oreos all right time to take the first bite [Music] ah jeffy why don't you do this to my oreos large broth sauce on my own mouth though daddy what do you want about i felt this on fire because you put monsters in my oreos hot sauce i was right here daddy have you seen rocky you're a rock i don't care about your rock my mouth is on fire oh you know what daddy it was probably rocky that i mean you were making fun of them you think your stupid rock put hot sauce on my oreos it's a rock you did it jeffy i didn't do anything guy it was a rock i don't care look i'm gonna take my nap and if you bother me during my nap you will be punished [Music] whatever oh man my throat's really dry from all that hot sauce oh man i just need to get a drink of water or something [Music] ah what's daddy doing now judy jesus was in my bed he was in there and he was making noises daddy calm down daddy oh wait no no no no no daddy yeah i don't know i think his heart rate when i'm too high daddy daddy daddy wake up daddy daddy daddy daddy oh no daddy no he's okay you don't know what can happen with this sort of thing so uh oh man i hope he really makes it more doctor do the best work you can yeah sure sure don't worry about it you know we got a great team of doctors great team of surgeons working on your dad there you know he's in great hands he really is in great hands it's gonna be okay it's gonna be fine it's well it's not gonna be great it's it's uh it's gonna be okay it's not gonna be great i mean hey kid he's gonna be okay he should be back in like a week or two i mean the transplant is gonna go fine it's gonna go smooth smooth sailing kid i'm sure it's gonna go fine just you know your dad is older and stuff like i won't go into it you know you know your dad you should be fine you know you should be seeing them soon maybe like a week you know okay just like a week it should be fine oh okay well at least in the meantime i got my other friends to talk to like uh rocky oh he keeps me great company and the cat piano oh they're great i talk to them all the time they're my bestest friends [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 431,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OKnCsW4QbBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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