SML Parody: Jeffy Stranded On A Deserted Island!

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well jeffy what do you think of my brand new boat uh it's fine don't you mean my boat yeah i need your boat daddy how did you even convince kermit to let us on his boat anyway i didn't he made me go on this boat supposed to be my day off today but he wanted me to fend off pirates or something oh well i think i'm gonna jump in the water no jeff you can't do that because you don't know how to swim yeah but i got my arm floaties on well you're just gonna take them off i know you will whatever i'm gonna go see what morty's up to all right oh geez mario can we go home yet hey morty what are you up to i want to go home jeffy i don't know why i was here i'm so seasick i hate the water oh well you don't want to go for a quick swim no i just told you i hate the water why would i go for a swim i can let you borrow one of my arm floaties i don't need to anyway well jeffy honestly those armed floggies look really stupid and i don't think they fit me oh okay well uh do you want to hijack the boat and go somewhere else we can go to mexico morty you what oh uh nothing forget that idea all right i'm gonna go see what junior's up to okay oh man i wonder how far down this goes you won't find out yeah jeffy let's swim down there oh you have your dumb arm floaties on again you can't go down there why not cause they won't let you sink what that's so dumb junior i'm so sick of these arms floaties oh wow jeffy i can't believe you actually did it you got rid of your arm floating yeah and you're gonna go in next if you wanna stop making fun of me oh okay i'm sorry jeffy junior lunch is ready oh you win this time junior but i'll be back okay all right jeffy here's your lunch for the day wow daddy i was expecting a pile of raw green beans well i couldn't fit those all in the bag so you get a sandwich a kool-aid jammer and a dorito well you get five doritos but that's it no more five doritos you're kidding nope not kidding at all i don't want you getting fat whatever at least i get a sandwich anything's better than green beans all right i'm gonna start with the doritos all right now this is what i'm talking about oops oh is that a cheesy dorito on my brand new waxed boat floors yeah that's disgusting i didn't bring you with to make a mess oh i'm sorry kermit it was an accident well no sandwich for you there no more messes kermit not my sandwich don't worry sandwich i'll save you jeffy did you finish your sandwich yet oh jeffy jeffy jeffy if you threw your sandwich in the water i'm gonna be so mad morty have you seen jeffy what's wrong with you what are you doing do you think i'm gonna throw up well don't do it on the boat do it over the i'll go look boat this way jeffy jiffy are you out here swimming wait a minute jeffy's floaty oh no if jeffy's floaty's in the water and jeffy's not on the boat help help captain my son went overboard captain kathy you gotta help me my son just went overboard oh that's not good hey listen man i'm not the one to ask cause honestly i don't know where we're at right now you don't know where we're at you're the captain yeah but the gps went out and technically i'm not certified and i don't know how to drive this thing i thought it was gonna be like a car but it's not of course it's not it's a boat yeah so maybe we can like look at the north star or ah god no that's the sun of course the north star is only out at night you idiot you're no help i'm gonna look for him over here oh god uh coast guard repeat mayday mayday oh god jeffy jeffy where are you i don't see him anywhere i hope he's okay [Music] where am i oh daddy junior where's my sandwich i think i washed up on a deserted island oh no i gotta find somebody oh i don't think i'm on your boat anymore oh my own deserted island oh wow i'm gonna call this island wet diaper because my diaper is really wet oh sandwiches at you oh my sandwich is safe and sound all right mr sandwich let's go explore this island all right mr sandwich now that we're on this island all alone and we're going to probably be here for like the next 10 years because honestly i don't think you're coming to get us we got to figure out a way to survive and i don't really want to eat you because then i won't have a friend so i gotta figure out a way to not die on here oh oh a first aid kit to be used during emergencies when you're all alone don't need that [Music] well matt takes care of that all right mr sandwich i took care of that useless first aid kit well now that we're all alone on this island it kind of reminds me of minecraft so we should start from square one i'll start hitting some trees for mats and uh you can sit here and maybe work on a crafting table see you soon all right this tree looks good enough for some mats ow oh all right that's not working oh man i think my hunger's getting low but i can't eat mr sandwich uh maybe if i get a drink it'll make me feel better that wasn't water oh what was that oh mr sandwich i really hate to say it but i think i'm going to have to eat you oh hey joey did you get those mats oh mr sandwich who's in that water what's wrong jeffy aren't you my best friend i yeah i was just gonna say we gotta get off this island because i'm really hungry and now i can't eat you because i'll feel too bad about it since you can talk you weren't gonna do what uh nothing uh hear mr sandwich i got an idea stay here there it is help they should be coming by any second now and uh they should be here maybe a drop ship or uh a big boat or uh oh i don't think they're coming back i wonder where daddy is listen buddy i could care less about finding your son right now i'm in enough trouble what do you mean what trouble well the captain doesn't know where we're at or where we're going so if we cross into mexican waters i'm a dead man why you ever heard of the cartel buddy i guess so well i got into a little scuffle with them back in 93 so if they find me this whole ship's gonna get lit up wait what what if my son's in mexico buddy if he finds a cartel he's gone oh oh man i'm gonna look for him over here dory morty do you see him under the boat oh geez no i don't see anything oh please pull me up i think i'm going to be sick fine whatever thanks for your help i guess oh geez i'm going to be sick all right mr sandwich so one of us has to go in the forest to look for supplies and i'm kind of scared so do you want to do it well i can't go in there jeffy i'll get eaten alive yeah well i don't want to get eaten alive and since we're the only two people on the island and i'm not going in uh you kind of have to uh uh mr sandwich do you see anything cool not really jeffy there's just a whole lot of green oh well wha what about food is there any food nope no food here jeffy not unless you count me i really want to eat mr sandwich what uh uh nothing do you uh do you see like maybe a house or something no no house wait jeffy there's some friendly island locals oh wait is that a seagull oh god don't dig in there mr sandwich are you okay i got a piece of my cheese oh man well if you didn't find any food that's okay i was actually thinking that maybe we should make this island into like a civilization it would be pretty cool can i get your pizza cheese uh yeah sure and we can force everybody to play fortnite make school illegal and never plant green beans oh but jeffy it's just us here well yeah but when they come to save us maybe they can stay oh okay i don't think we're getting saved though oh no mr sandwich i'm gonna go find something else oh man oh man captain do you see anything no not yet oh hey is that nemo what kirby we have a problem uh hey kermit yeah buddy uh how bad would it be if uh our captain went overboard he what well he was uh helping me look for my son and now he's under the boat great now we don't have anybody to drive this boat you think i know how to drive a boat well i was kind of hoping you would but to be fair he didn't know how to drive it either oh great i can feel the cartel getting closer well i'm going to look for my son over here i hope i find him soon [Music] hey mr sandwich what do you say we build a house with all these sticks i got we could we could build the best house we've ever made it's gonna be even better in my house i don't need that dumb house i can live on this island forever let me eat some sand mr sandwich what do you think jeffy i think you're starting to lose your mind a little bit and that's coming from a talking sandwich oh mr sandwich i think i think i found a way out oh no wait that's just the forest again oh i'm thirsty i'm gonna get some water all right thoma drink some more water i might as well get a bath too because [Music] oh come on jeffy where are you i'll try and find out with these binoculars where are you jeffy no you're not over there come on come on where is he wait is he on that island over there what's he doing on that island how am i gonna get back on the boat i have an idea oh this should do the trick all right all right ah oh oh man i think this is it i'm a oh i don't know oh i'm starving yes okay i have to pull him in oh oh finally some food oh wait mr sandwich oh mr sandwich no jeffy come back don't leave mr sandwich all alone mr sandwich mr sandwich no i'll come back for you i'll come back for you mr sandwich oh mr sandwich [Music] oh daddy is that you jeffy where were you i thought you were gone forever well i was on this island we gotta go back for mr sandwich what what are you talking about mr sandwich yeah i need them i'll make you a new one at home come on we gotta get you home okay hey buddies i think i figured out how to work this thing [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,844,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C331lTjN7qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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