SML Parody: Jeffy Goes To Military School 2!

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all right cross today we have a guest speaker today he's going to come in AC cross and talk to you about something really good so we're not going to have any rence today now hold on wait yesterday you told us we had a test today okay I didn't spend all last night studying for no reason Jesus Cody shut up ow Junior I get it you guys don't have to throw stuff at me he a bowling pin oh God teacher they're throwing stuff at me it's not fair Cody clean up your mess no how is this my fault they keep throwing stuff at me for no re missed me H get me better next time Jesus is that a water fountain how did you get a water fountain did you rip that off the wall or something oh my God no teacher please they're going to throw a water fountain at me please stop him I don't want a concussion please I no throw water a fountain okay you all better listen up because your guest speaker here today his name is Sergeant Brooklyn God he going to tell you why you should join the Marines and I'm going go eat my runch hey everybody it's me Sergeant Brooklyn guy yeah I'm going to be a guest speaking today you can call me Brooklyn guy you can call me Sergeant you can call me whatever you want I got something really cool for you guys today check this out all right gang so uh I brought some stuff for you guys to check out got a bunch of cool uniforms here look how cool they are right out of Call of Duty of fortnite so um I got a question for you guys does anybody know uh who the brave men and women are that wear these uniforms can anybody tell me what are they called who do they work for what are what do they uh yeah that's right the United States Army or the Marines or the Air Force any of that would have worked but hey guys I'm here to tell you um or or not really tell you but like give you the opportunity um to join the US Army uh if you want I'm not going to pressure you into it I can't force you that would be uh that would be illegal but like I do get paid if you were to join hey nose piercing how about you you want to join up you want to be a marine you want to be a soldier Fight for Your Country you don't look like you have much of a future what nuh I'm going to be a lawyer when I grow up a lawyer yeah that's that's not easy kid you know I'm a lawyer you got to do a lot of schooling you got to pass your uh your bar exam it's not easy I I don't think you have it in you I'm I I I think if you were my lawyer I I'd plead guilty I wouldn't want you you you no good for that but the Marines yeah we'll take you in and you'll love it hey I'm 15 stupid hey that's okay you know you're never too young to be Marine we'll start easy and then we'll uh we'll work our way up you know we we'll we'll do some uh Hey green shirt in the back uh you uh you look like you like Call of Duty you like cod do you I don't play Call of Duty anymore oh yeah I love that one I I just love Call of Duty it it's so fun you know you join us it's like Call of Duty for real you you'll get your kill streak you um your Tactical nuke we don't have zombies though but you know I'll send you to Afghanistan they're basically zombies over there you just can't gun them down well not all of them some of them you you can we we'll tell you which ones you can which ones you can't guys don't listen to him he's just trying to get people to join so he gets paid it's a scam shut up ner hold on wait a minute what are the benefits of joining the US military cuz there's got to be something you get out of it and let me tell you there there's some good ones okay uh Ruby Tuesday uh free sandwich and tots oh god Ruby Tuesday you guys still eat there I haven't seen a Ruby Tuesday in like 5 years but hey if you go there you get your free sandwich and and uh I I actually hate Ruby Tuesday I got the worst food poisoning back in 2015 oh god oh yeah yeah that's the burger yeah notice how I ate half of it that's when I realized it was over I bit into that it was icy cold never again Ruby Tuesday I I forget the last slide I put this in here to remind myself never to eat there again you don't want Ruby Tuesday but uh Costco 5% off you guys are kids now but once you're older this one slaps you still got to buy the membership though uh Airlines Pyro Prett bored yeah oh yeah you get on first to the airplane uh I don't know why you'd want to get on first cuz you're all going to get there at the same time and you just can't use the bathroom or get any food and it's kind of uncomfortable and you can't really get off once you're on but hey it's uh it's something and then yeah you start immediately you drop out of school and you get 20 grand $20,000 I want to sign a Pik me my name's junior junior trust me you don't want to do this there's no way you're actually considering this right now we get $20,000 for signing up of course I want to do it $20,000 a year junior is like poverty it's below minimum wage Cody do you have $20,000 no but I exactly Cody and if we work for the military for 2 years that's $40,000 oh dude you're right okay so who's joining up we got uh orange Junior in the back you seem like you're excited uh your buddy in the blue yeah he's going to do it too uh we got nose piercing uh yeah I already signed you up I mean come on we both know a lawyer seriously you're not going to be a lawyer uh basketball shirt uh the green hat in the back uh Call of Duty yeah it's going to shoot some bad guys am I right uh who else Penelope oh my God Penelope yeah I forget everything I just said you are not you are not joining up for this who else uh oh God you yeah you you have to do this I mean come on you were a gangster the other week you you are joining up that is true I probably deserve that what no guys come on you don't want to do this oh come on Cody everybody in the class is doing it except for Penelope but come on you have to do it we all get to drop out of school I don't want to drop out of school nerd what no nothing I just said you were a nerd no I'm not yeah you are you're B I like school there's nothing wrong with like School junior I do good in school yeah oh you do do good in school and that's why you get desks thrown at you okay you know what Junior I'll join your stupid military thing but if it's bad I am leaving and I'm coming right back to school and you guys can stay there and you can suffer CU I'll come right back it's not going to be bad okay calm down we're only 15 years old how bad could it possibly be I mean yeah you're probably right we're young it can't be that badot what are you doing get your face out of the sand you got 200 more yards to go let's move let's move I thought this was supposed to be easy well yeah it's pretty easy for me come on keep moving if you think this is bad you're not going to make it the shark we yeah yeah what's with the gunfire why do I hear explosions that's the sound of simulated combat to get you ready to storm the beaches on the front line maggot maggot what are you doing oh I'm tired can we stop already you're tired we just started an ER ago let's move but I'm so thirsty can I have some water you want some water some water right there drink up I don't want that water that's salt water I want like a smart water or something oh let me go get you a Fiji Water and let me get you a cosmic brownie anything else see highness oh yeah yeah I I want I want a cheeseburger and a hot dog and some french fries no you get to eat and you get to drink when I see these boats in the air let's move where's your boat crew I think jeffy's over there maggot holy sweet mother of Jesus maggot what are you doing you're supposed to be with your boat crew sir I'm making a sand castle surf uh permission to finish I'm almost done you absolute embarrassment to us all if you're not with your boat crew in the next 5 Seconds you are doing 80 push-ups in the Stick of bushes and sleeping in the ocean is that understood maggot H how about you give me 30 seconds so I can finish my sand castle and I kind of got a poop uh and then I'll go help Junior you are going to give me a heart attack you will be responsible for my death and I will make you do 500 push-ups in the Stick of bushes do you understand get with your boat crew now fine I'll go help Junior hey Mr lawya are you waiting for a beautiful cinematic sunset or what get your butt in the water I can't I don't know how to swim you think my granddaddy knew how to swim when he was storming the beaches of Normy back in 44 well I no not like it mattered cuz he never made it off the boat but at least he tried unlike you well I don't want to go in there magot all right Junior let's get this done yeah destroy the sorry excuse for a sand castle there we go boys get them boats in the water that's what I like to see Junior are you going to help carry these boats are you just going to sit back there come on oh yeah uh you got this Jeffy come on Jun we got to carry these boats let's go hey wait a minute where's Call of Duty where's Green hey has anybody seen Joseph where's that Call of Duty kid oh dude how far do I got to swim hey you're good just just keep swimming you're doing good hey make sure you come back when you see the buoys though uh shoot wait we don't have buoys he's probably fine uh all right dude oh we did it Jeffy we the only people to get our boat in the water oh yeah Junior where's the paddles what paddles you were supposed to bring the paddles so we can get back I didn't know that I thought we just had to throw it in the water you know hold on Junior I think I see him in the water wait you do where Junior what while you're down there go swim back and get our paddles will you how about you go get the paddles Jeffy Junior just cuz I look different does it mean you can all right bring it in maggots you're having way too much fun out there follow me we're moving on to something else all right maggots congratulations I'll making it through your first day of training well almost through your first day the day is not over yet but I figured you filthy absolutely disgusting maggots worked up an appetite from all the awful work you haven't been doing yeah that's right I've been paying attention you guys AR doing anything right so I figured I'd give you guys an army classic Ritz crackers and water if you complain I will make you do push-ups after everything we've been through all we get to eat are rich crackers and water hey hey hey Shut Up Los I don't care I'm not eating this garbage I want a good decent meal but we're going to do push-ups if you complain I'll beat you hey is that complaining idea you really too good for some rich crackers in water huh you should be grateful this is Gourmet compared to what you're going to be eating overseas at slop is basic Ally inedible now listen you give me 40 push-ups each 40 push-ups now forget this I I'm not doing this I want to go back to school I would rather take 1,000 tests than deal with this I I'm going home forget I'm done I'm done wait no come back I still have to beat you loser oh man I'm so hungry Jeffy I wish we had more than this at least it's not green beans that's true but this is all we get we deserve more food than this we were in the water all day Junior why did I decide to join this I forget I don't know I think you were forced into it we all kind of were except for me I wanted to at 20,000 but it's not even worth it anymore hey you maggots complaining something wrong with the rich crackers and water just tell me let me know I'll be more than happy to give you 80 push-ups oh no sir we are grateful for your Rich Crackers In The Water oh yeah I I love my my crackers in water oh I I wish I had more though Junior I'll be right back wait Jeffy where are you [Music] going oh thank God my safety Prime is still in here hey what are you doing over there uh I'm just taking the poop I really have to go um my pants are down please don't look I'll be done a second you taking a number two huh and what's with the backpack no yeah I think you're smuggling Contraband you got yourself a prime now I don't think so give me that get this look up Cody where you going home you can't leave we haven't finished our training I don't care Junior listen I'm not built for this none of this was worth it I shaved my head I don't know why I shaved my head I knew this was going to be a bad idea I I'm just going to go I I'm done I can't do it anymore so I can have your crackers in water y go for it buddy it's all yours yes I don't care if you leave then yeah how do I get home by the way but like which way is is home yeah oh yeah that's good it's like sweet but like not too sweet yeah I like that a lot what was I saying oh yeah maggots now that you're all fueled up with your Rich crackers and your water we're going to finish off the day with a nice exercise before you hit the Seck all right so we're going to do an easy breezy 8 Mile Run and then you're going to go to bed for the night and in the morning we'll do it again so follow me well 8 Miles I'm not doing 8 miles of this crap no I'm out of here well Junior my suit is wet there's sand in it I think I poop myself I'm starving it's hot and the fortnite shop just refreshed so I'm ready to call it in whenever you are yeah I kind of want to quit too but I don't want to be lame like Cody come on we can do an8 mile run Junior honestly I I I am not doing eight miles I've never run one mile in my life in fact I've never ran in my life unless it was for v-bucks come on maggots let's move I don't got all day you got eight let's see it let's go sorry Brooklyn guy I think we're going to quit it's definitely not worth it anymore nope not worth it that $20,000 is nothing yeah I got to go play a new fortnite update oh boohoo you couldn't make it through one day of Brooklyn guys military Camp not even one you're that worthless you're that weak okay forget it you're terrible cadetes anyway here take your dumb baby backpack go back home to your dad no more military school at least he can go back home and see what Daddy's doing haven't seen him in a while oh wait a minute I forgot I packed a spare Prime always two just in case bully B steals one from me oh it's still cold hey what is that is that Contraband hey is that more Prime no no no no you can't be drinking that here I'm so thirsty no no don't you dare don't drink the don't drink I can't help myself hey you better not was the best pro time I've ever [Music] had I'm charging up I feel it I feel it sweet Jesus he's [Laughter] running what was in that [Music] Prime [Music] here it is 8 Miles there's actually no way you just ran 8 Miles right now H how did you where did that come from what was in that Prime let me do it again no you don't have to do it again um congratulations kid you uh you you graduated sure yeah you're you're a marine really yeah sure you're a Marine I guess kid I don't know if you've noticed but all of our other Cadets have gone Mia and there's no military school if I'm only training like two people so I got to close down the program you graduated uh yeah congrats let's go tell your dad on the red couch daddy guess what I'm a marine now yeah uhhuh it's great dad did you hear me I passed military school now I don't think I get to go to any wars but Brooklyn guy did say I did the fastest 8 Miles he's ever seen it wasn't my fault it was cuz of the Prime wait what I do it it wasn't wasn't my fault die I didn't do it oh I know I did it wasn't my fault what are you talking about it wasn't my fault it wasn't my fault Jeff it wasn't my fault what are you talking about I didn't do it I I did it was Brooklyn guy it was it was him he was it was it was him it was my fault um daddy I don't know what you're talking about the H the hucker D Jeffy the hucker DS it was my fault they're gone they they're gone the whole family all of them all four of them the kids the wife the dad they're all gone dad what a hucker do on
Channel: Kable10
Views: 171,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j9Vz32VvPBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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