SML Movie: Junior's Stinky Friend!

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I'm starving dinner gonna be ready dinner is almost ready Junior just be patient baby it's burnt - no it's not - you're it's just a little black and everybody needs a little black in their life II know that mean I don't want to eat black rub Yoli chef peepee that's because you're racist well I'm not racist I just don't eat black red because it's burnt I want something else what do you want - your God I don't know you burned everything you cook this is no I go to your I don't burn everything I cook well you know what just make me a bowl of cereal okay I can do that it's a cereal bar cereal you can do that on my cereal okay Junior what do you want from McDonald's since I burn everything you're taking McDonald's yes Julia now what do you want oh I want a happy meal I want to go inside and play in the play thing no no we're not going this side we're going to the drive-through blades gonna go inside oh you want to hear my loudest please all right all right we're only gonna go in for five minutes and then we're coming right out oh they're like five minutes okay let's go let's go thank you so much for the happiness chef peepee it's way better than your burnt food whatever Junior yeah sure no Julia keep walking that is a homeless man but he's hungry chef peepee look he's gonna spend all of our money on booze he's not asking for money I gave her food well he's gonna trade your happy meal for bulls in the black market come on Shep if you let me feed him no jr. he's homeless because he's made bad decisions in his life I was abducted by aliens see see he should have been more careful come on chef peepee we just need a loving care for him no no no jr. he's a stinky bum stinking what his name stinky no jr. he is the key look look I'm getting in the car get in the car you want to come on with me okay I'm gonna try to find a way to sneak you into my house okay okay I'm gonna sneak into my house okay so how let me think of some will you get the trunk of the car okay right now okay come on let's go let's go hey Shep e-beam Julie hurry up and get in the car before I call your dad okay but I put my half mil in the trunk what why because I don't want the car is no like food okay good idea but hurry up okay okay stinky get in the trunk of the car you're going to my house and road trail yeah all right chef peepee I'm ready to go what that's my happy meal it's supposed to be in the trunk what is it doing in the car oh I decided I want to eat it on the way home because I'm really hungry so what if I check the trunk well you that because I saw you put that homeless man in the trunk in the truck I would even see that right here junior I'll ban the truck your same thing you know you're talking about Julie you're such an idiot I saw put them in the trunk okay stinky I'm gonna sneak you up to my room okay just be quiet like a mouse and squeak let's go all right thinking you can stay in shy peepees bed since he's not gonna be home for a while come here so is it anything you need stinky beer what I can't buy that I'm not old enough cheese balls oh [Music] he went for a walk well it's time for him dinner I know he's so lazy darn him who is that in your bed oh that's a stinky Stacey Stacey yeah Stacey a girl from my school you know like the song Stacy's mom has got it goin on no no no no no no no no no yeah things are moving really quick Wow I didn't know you were such a ladies man ladies man I can't get mommy well how old is she is she at least 18 she's uh 40 40 40 it Stacy's actual mom is she's got it going on and she's also the teacher's assistant do you my sharing with your dad Jerry no sour accent look if she wants to see parents tell them meet me in my room yeah we that was closed stinky okay so what do you want cheese balls okay I'll get the cheese ball just just stay in my room I don't like that seeing you all right stinky here's your cheese balls hey cheese balls head cheese bow man cheese bow man yeah what's that smell pee pee you peed the bed why don't you get off - come here oh well we all had accidents my mama said I was an accident she did well maybe we can give you a bath you clean you up oh yeah no water you're scared of water you know why mono killed my grandpappy it did Titanic oh I'm sorry to hear about that well there's anything else you want beer beer I'm not old enough to get I told you that find it bingo bingo was his name-o [Music] all right thinking you got your cheeseball then you got your drink you're happy so I was thinking I could teach you a few tricks all right okay so I want to each other play catch try to catch this ball in your mouth all right okay you were really close so let's try again try to catch this ball on your mouth okay yeah a little bit better that time so let's try that again try to catch the ball on your mouth who's at the door oh I'm staring yeah I asked you who's at the door hello jr. why is your dad's car parked in the front yard uh I thought that's where you parked it you know you're parked in the driveway you drove wait yeah your dad let you drive yeah yeah he said that uh since I'm 11 I just start learning how to drive so all right oh that's where you parked it because I don't want to walk all the way to the driveway so I parked it right there because it's easier to get to it oh well jr. you might be a genius yeah yeah so you guys want to come in and see my new pet wait you have a new pet do what it's me a tamagotchi even better come look guys okay all right guys be quiet he's sleeping Jr this is a homeless man oh isn't it cute but no jr. he's not a pet he's a grown man but I saved him what do you mean you saved him he was in a cohort box and I brought him home Jimmy that was his house oh I thought it was like a puppy in a box like free to a good home no jr. he's not a puppy he's a middle aged man that probably has some kind of disorder but he's so happy well of course he's happy he went from living on the street to laying in chef babies bed eating cheese balls I'd be happy to well I just want to take care of him well if you wanted to take care of someone take care of Joseph he's actually homeless yeah dude I don't have cheese balls but the homeless guys so cute oh yeah he's real cute Junior he smells like pee and he probably has lice thank you for actually taking my side for once Cody don't mention it gosh shut up nerd okay guys guys I just want to take care of them you know and then give him a nice home and feed him cheese balls Junior he can't stay here so I have to get rid of him yes can we at least like you know clean him up and get him a job first junior who is gonna hire him look at him he's homeless and like I said he smells like pee what he didn't smell like pee and what if we like you know got him a new outfit and and cut his hair and shaved and and made him look like a normal person did someone give him a job well maybe yeah yeah I think we should do the right thing and take care of him until I get the job okay well yeah I guess that would be the right thing to do we could help him get back on his feet okay so you clean about cut his hair and everything and I'm gonna go try to find him a job okay okay all right Cody I got a job interview lined up for him is he all cleaned up no no Cody why did you clean him up oh I tried junior but I'm not going anywhere near him again I tried to brush his teeth and he bit me he bit you I think I have rabies now well one your leash is closed oh I tried I tried to take off his shoes and he kicked me well then why don't you leave like sprinkle on make him smell good oh I did but it didn't matter his stink overpowered the Cologne I actually stuck a whole bar of soap down his pants but I don't know what happened to that I'll just have to go to the job interview like this okay well I mean hopefully the job interviewer won't care well what job did you have lined up for him uh anesthesiologist Junior what no that's the only job we come see him no no junior no well it's not like a dolphin No oh hold on I think that's a job interviewer no no hello hey buddy who parked the car Helen Keller oh man you're some of my patients tell me I should be a stand-up comedian but I don't know what do you think well the guys ready for the job interview upstairs ouch that bad huh hold on hold on I got another one I got another one just I don't see her did the Helen Keller thing actually is blind and whatnot and cars not supposed to be this what else what else okay okay I got it I got it hey I didn't know your house was a drive-through you get it cuz like you drive right through all right let's do that job open up you know all right so where's this guy who's ready for the job interview he's right here what is he under the hobo no he is the hobo ah what is this some kind of prank why would this be a prank well because there's a homeless guy laying on your couch with his pants around his ankles and you're telling me that he wants to be an anesthesiologist and I can see his junk so that's fun so he can't be an anesthesiologist no no he's a homeless man and being an anesthesiologist requires years of school it's a very hard job what was the anesthesiologist even do well they give people medicine to help him go to sleep during surgery well he sleeps all the time okay I'm sure he does but that's not what we want the anesthesiologist to do well he sleeps all the time he knows sleeping and who can help people go to sleep better that son who sleeps all the time huh you know I never really thought about it like that okay kid you twisted my arm I'll give him a shot and see how he does you give him that you come the job yeah I'll give him the job what's the worst that could happen and so long story short the patient died they did yeah flatlined what happened well I told him to administer the anesthesia and he injected the patient with all of it and then gave the rest to himself so he's gonna be taking a nap for a little while oh so does he at least get paid for what he did oh no no I'm being sued for malpractice so in a few days I might actually end up like him oh come on can you give another chance he just messed up no man died today they found cheese balls stitched up inside the patient's pancreas it was open-heart surgery also what happens now now he goes and lives back out on the street where he belongs and I get a lawyer and hope my job as a stand-up comedian works out where'd you hear that stinky well God sorry did you just call him stinky you let me hire a man named stinky to help with a surgery well I don't know that his real name I just call him that because he is thinking oh no I noticed he was stinky I just didn't think that was his name because if I thought that was his name I never would have hired him in the first place I just want you to know that well stinky whenever you wake up let's eat some cheese balls together oh man the cheese balls are good this bed smells like pee hey guys jr. I think the homeless gonna peed in chef Phoebe's bed oh he did yes well how'd it go jr. oh he got the job what but then he got fired Oh oh yeah so I'm just gonna try to find him another job no no no jr. I have to talk to you about something serious what you have another hemorrhoid no no not this time no jr. stinky needs to go to the bathroom no well I mean yeah probably but no I mean he needs to go away like to the vet no no jr. I'm saying you need to get rid of stinky stinky but why well jr. look stinky doesn't belong here he needs to be outside what oh sorry yeah he needs to be outside free in the wild with other Stinky's so they can play what but you seem like he's so happy here well I I know I know but I think he'd be much happier out there what you do yeah it's it's where he belongs hmm you really think you need to go back outside yeah that's what would be best jr. okay I'll go tell them then hmm poor kid hey stinky a cheese ball um is there any way I can talk to you by the front door come on legs feel like spaghetti meatballs all right all right stinky I'm gonna talk to you right here and you kicking me out Oh kicking you out no I'm liking you okay cheese bone man I've been kicked out lots of lives like McDonald's and the gas station Walmart but you cheese bone man you were the only one that was nice to me you gave me so many cheese balls and you let me pee in your bed well I just really care about you and I really just want you to be happy stinky I love you cheese ball man I'll never forget you oh I love you so much stinky oh I hope I see you again one day stinky CEOs a cube [Music] okay guys I got rid of him it was the right thing to do Junior yeah you're a good dude dude well thanks guys you know I'd do anything for you guys too right yeah yeah dude so uh you know I stay here since you were gonna let that homeless guy live here uh uh Cody uh I never notice how the point of your hat is yeah it's pretty pointy dude I'm literally homeless I live on the street every night Cody like is that like with an ice cream cone what are you holding I think it's aligned haven't had a good shower in weeks years can't even see how those glasses Cody like they're so like blue oh yeah it's fine God what would I be notice Junior why is he so mad at you because I stole the car and left them at McDonald's Wow okay so that's why the cars like that yeah that's why the cars like that Cody I need a favor from you I did you lie for me I'm not gonna do that come on you you you are so dead why is that homeless guy Oh what almost guy the homeless guy from McDonald's that you picked up I pick up the homeless guys McDonald's yes you did to your you stole the car at nine miles you're happy Chevy and you could have called an uber I didn't have my phone cuz the phone was in the car idiot okay well first of all Chevy I did not speed off in the car as I was at me Oh what's it to hear it was it's Cody right Cody wasn't even in the car yeah you was we weren't he was at McDonald's remember and then he saw the car and he said junior let's go for a joyride so he jumped in the driver's seat when you got out and then we sped off no no I didn't do that yeah yeah you did you did do that no I didn't yeah yeah you did no I didn't yes you didn't but I didn't do it though said you didn't junior you know I didn't do it come on junior you just told me what happened you did it not many people you did a consuming but I didn't do it don't so you did it I'm not gonna say it cuz I didn't do it you did you do okay fine I did it Sea Shepherd's I did it yes I heard but I heard the whole conversation I heard you tell them to say it yeah see I didn't do it but it ended with him saying he did do it so you heard that does anybody smell burning cereal oh oh yeah we left cereal on fire like earlier why was it on fire push every burns everything cooks now but you did do it though I didn't [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 24,851,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, puppet, fuuny, jokes, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, bowser jr, bowser junior, stinky friend, friend, super mario, bowser, chef, cooking, cody, joseph
Id: U7zKZ6eE69I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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