MAX LEVEL Strength In PUSH UP Simulator!

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today we're going to be playing push-up simulator in Roblox guys are you ready to do some push-ups oh yeah yeah I'm going to get so strong daddy there is no way you could do one single push-up I'm doing so many push-ups right now wow wow wow Daisy too I can do so many I did push-ups when I was in the Army daddy you were not in the army yes I was wao I just got a new weight to I got weight on my back oh this is kind of insane oh my goodness how am I doing so many push-ups right now this is crazy it's starting to hurt you guys feel the burn yeah my arms hurt so bad hey hey Daddy you're 300 strength wait for me oh I'm going to get to 1,000 first hey Daisy's at 300 strength guys I'm sorry I'm just I'm just that much cooler than you guys it's cuz you started faster than me no it's cuz I have Auto Train on I got gifts though Daddy hey whoa why you guys doing so much faster than me Daisy hey wa Daisy relax no I be so strong oh my goodness really he guys this kind of isn't fair wait guys guys I think we can get pets wait where do we get pets at you need five wins to get a basic Pet So how do you win wait guys look we can mess up these people it's a push-up challenge oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh oh I just got 20 wins let's go I got so many wins now all right I'm going to buy the forest egg oh yeah it's a tree it's a tree I just got a common cow is that cool I like cows check out my cow pet guys it's really awesome it's so cute yeah it's awesome I need to get the maximum amount of pets that I can get well how many is that uh probably like three or four three or four okay okay are the eggs expensive yeah they're really expensive daddy like how expensive like 500 wins expensive what I don't got money for that and I got two Piggies and a cow a I got 23 trophies already let's see a I got to go for the forest egg let's see what I get let's see what I get I got a pig oh I got a free gift guys I just got a free pet I got it too oh my goodness it's do time six Daisy this is insane okay I'm getting 70 strength every pushup this is crazy oh my goodness I only got pigs what dad you got three little piggies I don't like my three little piggies someone help me guys I'm fighting the professor wait I want to fight the professor wait I have 10,000 strength okay I'm going to fight the professor okay here we go I killed the professor I killed him why are you making that noise because Daddy I had to kill the professor real quick I don't like that noise wait guys look there's different worlds we can go to the winter we need to defeat the strongman and then we need 10,000 wins so how much is that oh my God 350k that's a lot of push-up strength wow I'm going have to start doing push-ups with one arm oh my goodness guys I literally have 30,000 strength right now what yep I can defeat the wizard no way y ah I just got 500 wins oh my goodness why am I so good at doing push-ups I'm catching up to you no you're not Daddy get away I'm catching up I got 1.6 th000 wins that means I could open up a bunch of these Mystic eggs I just opened up one of them I just got a rare I got a rare that does seven let's go okay now I'm going to go to this gold machine and try to make one of my pets golden go go go go go no it failed yes I got success on which one on a pig aw all of M are failing oh only does three times he doesn't do that much more you have to have more of the same pet wait really yeah the more of the same pet you have the higher chance you have bro I didn't know that wait guys look there's Trails too oh my goodness they give you like 20% strength wait wait where do you look for that in the trails Trails Trails I found it I found it 250 for that ooh I want red 500 okay I can do that I could do that 100,000 25,000 10K o I'm going to get the green one for 2.5 it's worth it go go go go go yes oh my gosh it's actually a hack I feel like I'm cheating guys I'm going to have the biggest muscles out of everyone here that's not true Daisy I have way bigger muscles than you how much strength do you have Daddy I got 880,000 strength I'm catching up I'm at 77 oh God Daisy what about you I almost have 70k oh you're falling behind I'm about have 100K here we go 100K 100K 100K hey hey 100K oh I'm click so fast 100K and I got the biggest amount of weight on my back right now I'm about to get there okay so we need 350,000 strength to beat the strong man hi wizard the Wizard's so weak yeah the wizard actually sucks Daddy what should I do with all my wins should I buy more Eggies or should I save up to go to the next Island buy more eggs okay I'm buying more eggs I got a legendary I got a 1% legendary 13 times what oh my goodness I literally just won 13 times that that's like dou what I got I'm getting almost 600 strength every time I do a push-up no way why am I so good at this game you're actually really bad at this game hey no I'm not Daddy I'm really good he's better than you daddy should I buy an overpowered pet with some Roblox NOP you shouldn't do that I'm getting ice cream though so who likes ice cream not me I love ice cream this one does 150 if I get the worst one in this egg the Nova egg it's only like 400 Robux to open one I'm doing it Daddy I'm doing it give me a rare give me a rare I got an exclusive wait that's really bad oh yeah Daddy well my exclusive does 1 165 a guys um um I'm cheating what do you mean you're cheating I got 400,000 strength what I'm cheating Daddy hey here we go I'm about to defeat the strong man here we go here we go yeah did it I did it how did you get so strong so the first thing I did was use a bunch of roox and then I got a crazy egg so we cheated well Daddy I didn't cheat it's a part of the game it sounds like cheating cheated guys really I got an epic I got an epic too it's not a legendary though yeah but it does times 10 guys guess what I have 10,000 trophies I mean that's easy to get it's just beating the strong man I got to get strong all you have to do is beat him like two or three times and then you win well no I get but I need to destroy him once I'm not even close to his his level right now all right well I guess I'll just see you guys later I'm just going to go through this portal yep Daddy I'm gone no don't leave us see you guys later here I go here I go wa I'm in the winter guys this is so cool where are you guys I'm in the other world du why are you in there still trying to get strong oh my goodness this is insane there's a rainbow machine guys you need 2 million wins to open the the biggest egg here that's insane that's so much and the Snow Boss requires 10 billion strength okay this is literally impossible I guess I'm going to open up an eggy see what I get oh I got a common northwolf guys I'm fighting the strongman no way I beat him oh Daisy cheating no I'm not oh yeah well I'm fighting the snowboarder oh yeah oh yeah I just destroyed him and got 12,000 wins all right just going to equip the biggest amount of weight I I can literally at 5 million strength let's go wait guys I could rebirth should I rebirth I don't know if that's smart you might lose everything all right before I rebirth I'm going to buy this blue fade Trail there we go and now rebirth hi Mar wait where you going to the next World what you're leaving me haha daddy you're going to be all alone no I'm not no I'm not give me like 5 minutes 5 minutes I'm going to beat this guy and then I'm coming over we got a loser my daddy's a loser guys I just rebirthed it twice that was probably not a good idea but I think it will make sense in like 10 minutes cuz then I'll get all my strength back and be even stronger the pets over here are so good yeah they're really amazing so I need 75,000 wins to get the icy egg okay I think I'm strong enough I think I'm strong enough here we go I'm going to beat this guy up oh I did it nice daddy good job wait daisy look at this come over here for a bunch of trophies look what you can get you can get more pets more power and More Wings we need so many trophies though yeah you're right wait guys look I could spin this little spinny thing oh I got 35% more power what spinning thing um on the top right you could actually spin wao how do we not know about that I got trophies let's go I'm coming through oh gosh Hallelujah daddy why are you singing I made it here I am daddy you're so late me and Daisy been here for like 5 years I need to get a million oh my God gosh yep daddy this place is way more expensive I just got 60,000 wins I have 100,000 trophies okay you are obviously cheating I'm not cheating Daddy I'm just a freaking genius I think you're cheating too really guys all right here we go I'm about to get some crazy eggs 75,000 trophies oh I got a common baby Yeti really oh my goodness well they are way better than my other one so I'm going to put them both on I'm getting 100 30 strength every pushup this is kind of overpowered all right beat The Lumberjack again so I can get another pet all right I got 150,000 trophies time to open up another one come on come on come on rare rare rare no I'm just getting baby yetis I'll take them if you don't want them no no no I'm going to keep them i l just have to wait here until I get a million strength this is stupid dadd I think you're just bad at this game I know I'm falling behind maybe if I open up one of these really cool eggs may maybe that help me wait can we trade I think so Daddy how do I trade with you I'll give you some of my poopy pets hey I don't want your poop they might be good to you there might be okay fine fine where's the trade at Oh Daddy I don't think we could trade why why would you beat me in like that I got an epic wait Daisy you got an epic from what pet just a frozen one wait how much does it do not that much just 16 okay never mind that's poop what's your top pet my top pet does 65 W and I have 75 mil let's go I just hit a mil I'm going to mess this guy up I just got 300,000 trophies what this is crazy that's a little too much for me guys should I save up to get 2 million wins and get the winter egg um yes all right here we go I'm going to do it I'm going to do it go go go go gingerbread man he's so hard to beat come on I have a million trophies let's go I think it's finally time for me to beat the poop out of the star guy all right d let's see if you can do it might not be able to guys what what if I fail that means everyone's going to call you a loser in the comment section of this video guys I won I won I won I did it I did it all right guess you're not a loser daddy oh thank goodness wait guys look I'm the top person in the lobby right now with 81 million power uh that's cuz you cheated Daddy I didn't cheat yes you did well Daddy guess what I'm about to buy the $2 million winter egg here we go here we go here we go here we go I got a rare I got a rare that's pretty good it does 75 oh my goodness I just need to get more trophies so I can get better pets then I can get stronger I got a penguin you got a penguin yeah out of the icy egg wow that's pretty good um guys I just did something what' you do did you cheat again no I just put in a code what happened um I don't know I just got something it's two times the win for 30 minutes okay guys you want the code yes I want the code all right this we're going to type in you're going to put code up D3 code up D yep three I got a potion I got a potion I got a potion I got potion all right so let's see how many wins I get from defeating the gingerbread man okay okay I just got 600,000 wins what guys this is crazy all right time to buy another $2 million pet here we go here we go give me something good ah I got a common it's so better than what we have all right let's see how much strength you guys are at okay you're at 2 m ion strength and you're at 7 million strength oh wait no that's not Daisy Daisy where are you I'm right here oh you're at 10 million strength yeah I'm way stronger than your daddy hey stop making fun of me I'm trying here guys I'm trying she's got muscles I don't know about you though mine is stronger I don't think so I'm just trying to get to the next guy which is like 15 million I want to get to The Lumberjack I don't really know what to buy though because all my pets are pretty good you just need to save up to go to the next world yeah but I haven't beaten like the Snowman boss over here I haven't even beaten this guy well then get stronger I'm trying my best to get stronger clearly okay I'm going to save up and I'm going to get 5 million all right what I'm going to buy with this 5 million is I'm going to buy a trail I think the trails are kind of overpowered do I have 5 million yes let's go let's go and I'm getting the $5 million Trail W look how fast I am oh my gosh I'm so fast I'm so fast your Trail's kind of pink no don't say that it's not pink he's got a pink Trail it's a manly color he's a pinky you know what I'm leaving this world I'm going back to the original World okay bye I'm going to start crafting some of my pets into golden pets like this one go oh it succeeded ooh it's 48 now nah it's still kind of poopy o guys I got another free Spin and I got 35% of my trophies 25 trophies great that's not a lot yeah that's poop I almost have a million trophies now no way I'm not even close you guys are just on such a different level okay I think I'm going to try to get 10 million trophies so I can get this pet equipped that means I can put another pet on which would be very overpowered I'm saving up so I can buy the two million egg I'm just trying to level up daddy you seem kind of angry I'm really angry right now all right the only thing I could do to hurry this up is get a slightly better pet so I'm going to fight the gingerbread man and I'm going to get an insane pet right now okay hopefully this is worth it I got two million trophies so let's open it up go go go go go go go and ah I got a frozen B again why am I getting terrible pets you're getting terrible pets I can't even afford any pets we have to battle people I'm trying I'm trying but I need like good eggs I need like good stuff ooh I'm at 4 and basically 15 million strength I'm so close for being able to defeat the strong penguin when I could defeat the strong penguin then it's over I'm going to be able to get so many more trophies I just want to be able to beat the gingerbread man well I'm already doing that so I don't really care about that let's cuz you you bought a pet um I didn't buy a pet yes you did technically my daddy did cuz I used his credit card hey hey hey well you know what guess what no you're not eating any McDonald's tonight hey but daddy I love Mickey D's guess what you put the money in Roblox instead of you know in a burger so now you're not getting a burger a not fair can I get a burger no you're not getting a burger why go answer your parents for food what do I got to feed you guys I'm about to hit 500 million strength this is crazy yeah 500 mil here we go all right Mr Penguin you ready to go down go down penguin yes yes yes I got 3.3 million wins what there's actually no way I just did that I literally have 10 million wins now out of nowhere I'm going to be able to do so much now all right now I got 13 mil let's go to the upgrade machine and see what I want to upgrade I think I want to get this pet equip yes now I can equip another pet oh my goodness I have four pets chasing me now this is actually insane oh my gosh I don't get it I actually don't get it I only just hit 13 mil and now what I could do is I could buy this which gives me more wins and more power now I have 20% more wins now time to get 20% more power let's go let's go every percent counts for more power and winds but guys guess how much it is to upgrade everything else it's over a trillion a Trill a trillion that means you have to go through a billion and then then a trillion yep daddy that's how it works uh I think since it's G to take that long I got I gotta go get this McDonald's I gotta go but Daddy I still want to play Roblox I mean you can play Roblox but I'm leaving I want that Big Mac no Daddy you can't leave us I'm just getting into doing these push-ups well either you want a Big Mac and you come with me or you stay here and play Roblox forever okay Daddy hold on before I do that let me just open up like three more eggs okay fine here we go go go go go go if I got a legendary I'm not leaving I got a rare Daddy I got a rare does that count no come on I need an epic or legendary Epic legendary no I got a common uhoh Come on come on come on come on epical Legendary epical Legendary common Come On Come On common one more coming up looks like we going to Mickey de Daddy I don't want to go I still want to play to push up simulator well guess what I'm leaving all right then me and Daisy will stay here yeah we'll play all day we're never leaving Daddy all right looks like you're not going to be eating anytime soon wait Daddy can you bring me back a shamrock shake and a MC toy no you are not going a shamrock shake no all right I guess we'll just come back to this game later come on Daisy let's go to McDonald's let's go well if you guys enjoyed watching this Roblox video then make sure to leave a like on it and then hit subscribe bye
Channel: Johnny and Marty
Views: 246,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, roblox snapchat, roblox, I Became a GOD in Roblox!, puppets, funny, comedy, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox simulator, roblox simulator games, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny roblox, johnny and marty
Id: sUgvqS1Jeto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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