SML Parody: Jeffy And Morty Skip School!

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oh boy jeffy are you excited for our first day of school i hate going to school morty what but why because it's really boring the teachers yell at me what it's not boring we do work we get to get a bunch of homework we get to read every night i hate that are you kids ready to go to school i don't have to yes you do jeffy no i don't jeffy if you don't go to school you're going to turn out like me i dropped out in the seventh grade and look at me i'm bald i'm poor and i'm i'm i'm middle-aged but and on top of that i don't even make games anymore oh yeah it's really bad fine i'll go to school all right good oh wait daddy can i get lunch money no you can't get lunch money remember what i told you to tell the lunch lady yeah oh excuse me lunch lady can i please get the discounted reduced lunch my family's really poor all right good you got it down pat oh and also get some strawberry milk from the free milk table i really want that stuff oh but daddy i always take that they look at me weird well i really want it and i need it for my cereal in the morning okay fine all right good now get in the car oh boy i can't wait to get to school hey mario can you hurry up i don't want to be late yeah hey daddy take all the time you need oh morty i don't think you know how bad school is buddy what i i've been to school millions of times it's not that bad millionaire time no you haven't morty school is really bad you know the teachers you know you think they're gonna be all nice like that but no you do something wrong they'll beat you up in front of the class no they wouldn't do that yeah if you miss your homework or something like that or you see something wrong they'll take you in front of the class they'll break your arms and your legs what yeah it's really bad oh and morty you like reading our wimpy books right i i love reading diary whoopie kid books okay good because if you do that in class the cool kids they'll bully you in front of everybody oh and morty i hope you like wedgies they they bully me no they wouldn't do that i'm in 12th grade i don't think they would bully me in 12th grade oh you have no idea it's gonna be rough oh but i don't want to get bullied here here's here's my plan morty keep your voice down when we get there right we're going to skip we're going to leave morty we're just going to leave skip keep your voice down morty as soon as daddy drops us off we're just going to book it we're not going to school oh i i mean i really don't want to get beat up but i've never skipped before it's gonna be fine morty we gotta do it all right fine i'll do it i'll skip don't keep your voice down all right fine all right hey we're almost here guys get ready to get out okay get ready morty okay all right guys enjoy your first day of school okay daddy have fun at home all right i'll i'll go home and apply for welsh fair checks or something oh jeffy do not forget the strawberry milk do not oh okay i won't forget daddy all right good enjoy your first day okay thanks okay morning there's our chance we gotta get out of here oh geez okay let's go all right let's go where are we going i don't know just run okay oh no my backpacks okay we gotta go okay jeffy what are we doing at publix well mori daisy wants strawberry milk and since we're not going to school we gotta get some strawberry milk oh yeah so we didn't know that we skipped oh yeah you ready yeah all right all right morty we made it to your strawberry milk okay how many do we need well usually during school i get diet three or four cartons um but those bottles are pretty big i'll get two of those okay jeffy is that brooklyn tea guy broken cheek you guys can't leave without your free cookie it's national free cookie day after all wait a minute it's the first day of school you you should be in school why aren't you kids in school oh well uh me and morty here oh we got the cough cough really bad yeah we're really sick look at the cough call yeah we do morty okay we're sick oh i mean oh my god the cough cold yeah we do oh you got the cough cough you can't be in this store you gotta go home i gotta go take you to your dad oh we can't let it happen more let's run okay no hey kids don't run get back here all right maury i think we lost brooklyn guy yeah but i think we should go back to school now i'm done running away go back to school oh i don't want to go back to school morgan look at that what we gotta play on it no we can't play on that we have to go back to school yeah but maury there's barely anybody on it this is the perfect time all right you're right only for five minutes all right five minutes at the park all right morty go down some slides not really jiffy i'm having second thoughts about this their second thoughts more we're like two feet off the ground what are you talking about well i'm just not good with heights no oh more we even get up there yet it's gonna be fun i i jeffy i don't know if i can do that i think i'd be better on that park over there [Music] the baby park morty you don't want to go on that that's for little babies what but but it's just my size no it's not let's put you on the big slide i don't know about this oh yeah you do come on let's go all right oh geez jeffy i don't know about this this is really scary it's not that scary morty i do this every day why didn't you do it well now without you doing it first more you gotta get done wait what i'm not going down that oh you are you know why why because imma push you [Music] oh yeah how was it morty that was the worst thing ever i think i died a little inside gosh sounds like fun here i come wait wait here oh wait jeffy i'm not off the slide yet oh man maury that was so fun no it wasn't you hit me and i don't even do it again oh come on murray don't be a baby that was really cool no it wasn't i want to do something else all right fine we'll do something different what you want to do okay can we uh oh can we do the big matching game over there the big man oh oh no i i would definitely rather not do that uh i don't it looks boring i don't want to do that but it's not boring it's better than the dumb slide no i don't want to do that more i don't wait a minute what are you scared of the matching game i i'm definitely not scared of that big horrific terrifying festering monkey face over there i'm definitely not scared of it well if you're not scared of it then let's go do it god fine let's go do it let's go do it all right jeffy here we are we're at the matching game yeah um morty when we do the monkey is it okay if i look away no you can't look away we have to get them all yo i i really don't like the monkey morty he's not that bad look i uh come on horseshoe we gotta go we gotta get away from that monkey faster faster faster faster oh jeffy you you better hurry up the monkey's catching up to you faster faster faster faster faster oh morty it's not nice to call brooklyn tea guy a monkey brooklyn tea guy no we're not skipping school morning run we gotta get home you bring dead rotten kids you don't cut the cough cough you're skipping school and i tell your dad come on get over here all right time to get jeffy and morty after their first day of school hope they had a good day hey wait a minute where are they anyway wait a minute is that morgy's backpack oh no morty's backpack why is that on the ground huh i hope nothing bad happened to them oh geez oh geez oh another number one is this number one oh thank god i think my kids were taken at school today wait a minute someone's at the door oh man who's at the door i don't have time for this i gotta find morty and jeffy hello morty jeffy hi daddy hey mario what are you kids doing here you should be in school uh get inside all right jeffy you want to tell me what you and morty were doing at my door instead of in school yeah oh more than we we were skipping i'm sorry yeah i'm sorry i should have known this morgan expected better from you honestly well daddy we had lots of fun no well it doesn't matter it was your first day of school yeah i know we should went to school who's at the door now don't answer it daddy it's probably brooklyn guy he's after us oh daddy if it's brooklyn guy um it could be the police okay daddy or the nurse i i want you you're the carpenter i want you to tell him we're not here well but uh jeffy you guys are in trouble you should get punished i got you this is that promised land very berry strawberry whole milk yeah it's just strawberry milk you love oh my gosh jeffy thanks but what do i do now wait a minute i got an idea okay uh april quinty guy what brings you here yeah hey mario uh so i heard your kids were skipping school and i'm just wondering if they're here oh boy jeffy and more you were skipping school throw up i don't want any of that that's bad hang on i'll go get them and you can uh bring them to the slammer all right i hope this works thought here you go jeffy and morty the real deal all right oh all right you kids you're going to the slammer all right alright alright thanks a lot mario [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,260,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ol8nSqmjCaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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