SML Parody: Jeffy Gets Caught In 4K!

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all right guys rating celebrities time Taylor Swift first go she's overrated yeah and she ruined the Super Bowl for me why does this show her so much exactly who that watches football cares about Taylor Swift and her practicing her gawg for Kelsey after the game the K shitty cre do yeah exactly three out of 10 for me dude I'll give her 3.2 yeah I'll give her a 3.5 she's got some knockers anyways next real all right guys now it's time for Jenna Ortega and before you guys say anything I give her an an8 out of 10 she's a hottie is she even 18 bro Jeffy estein no no no don't worry we fact checked she's 21 don't worry about it guys oh okay well I think she's pretty cute and she did pretty good on the show I'll give her seven dude she was a creepy little freaking that show I mean that was kind of the point of the show Joseph oh okay cheven two all right next girl guys all right guys next we got ice [ __ ] 20 out of 10 I'm a Munch but seriously Joseph she's not all that she is dude I'm a Munch I'll eat it for lunch you're so stupid Joseph dude she's not that good Joseph she's maybe like a 6 out of 10 you know dude Jeffy shut up you're not even the fart dude she's everything wait what is that mil or Mama hair you busy wait what are you talking about Joseph dude look at this text that Jeffy just got what where is it a dude it should hair you bsy from Mil or mama who the lucky lady Jeffy know no no no no no there's nothing guys don't worry about it I didn't know you were a dog yeah and you're not telling us about it come on dude okay the only thing I'll tell you about her is you guys know who it is O what it better not be Penelope it's not Penelope but I got to go guys I'll see you guys later all right we could just continue on my phone okay dude all right better call it real quick hey masas just letting you know I'm on my way see you in a bit hey Judy what doing I'm here because you told me to W who you can't wait for me can you nope I need my Jeffy fix oh yeah Jeffy how could you hey Cody what doing you better explain yourself Jeffy come with me Cody Cody before anything I just got to say I'm really sorry what do you mean you're sorry Jeffy you're really going to hook up with my wrw right now listen okay I'm sorry I I'll leave and I'll never do it again I promise Jeffy that's not going to just fix it okay please Cody I I really am sorry H I have a pretty good idea you know what Jeffy what you can do it for just this once wait seriously yes but you never do it again okay all right I'll see you Cody all right have fun sport hey Judy I'm back so what did Cody can say he said we could do it justice once ooh Jeffy oh Judy 3 hours later oh Jeffy you know how to make an old lady feel young again well I'm glad to hear that I know I got that type of effect oh no Tyrone's home wait what you said that you divorced from him well I'm sorry I lied you serious well then how are we going to get me out of here oh that's easy we're going to push you through the window wait wait what wait hey hey hey hey what do you think the plan's going to be there's a screen on the window I'm pushing you through Jeffy I'm sorry wait hey hey hey hey jeez what a rough Landing a what a rough day I'm just going to go home and try and forget about today this sucks oh my God I got to get on the covers okay okay bab where I hearing what the hell's going on in here oh sorry honey I was uh putting all the clothes away oh yeah yeah I can help you take care of the rest of them clothes oh yeah can you yeah come here baby oh my God come on we need more po my phone went off you don't stop don't stop come on come on come on po po po oh my God bro this is crazy what is it look at this know what the hell what doing dude dude my God this is crazy a mole on her neck e he must have been kissing that mole that's gross what's wrong with Jeffy why oh my God why' he so into it getting into it dude this is his milker mama oh my God jeez that was rough I just need to unwind hey guys I really need to talk to you about something I'm having a really rough day and I really need to unwind why you guys looking at me like that oh my God bro ain't no way you got caught in 4k bro 4K Ultra HD 60 frames per second bro wait what are you guys talking about you were making out with Cody's mom bro ew you must really like bacon considering you were slopping on that pig well dude her name is milker Mama Jo she's technically a cow yeah you were making out of a c how Jeffy what what the heck are we how do you guys know about that here Jeffy let me show you exactly what we're talking about what the heck show Jeffy we know you're a little secret now milky mama is Cody's mom yep we know there's nothing you could do about it wait who sent that to you well Cody sent it to me wait what Cody said it was it you know what never mind does anyone else know about this no no I don't think so no oh God except for the rest of the group chat what do you mean group chat who's all in it well bully Penelope PJ crenchaw PJ caw's girls even CH pee's in there I might have added him on accident he's wrecked oh baby come to puppy Jeff baby I really need your advice think you can help me out do you want Jeffy I'm about to indulge in this C well basically I slept with Cody's mom and now he's really upset at me and I don't know what to do I don't know how to fix it wait you slept with Cody's mom yeah I did okay first of all that's pretty baller thanks but uh you slept with his momy mean that's kind of crazy yeah I know but I don't know what to do like how do I fix this there's a video going around that Cody recorded of me doing his mom and now everyone's clowning me and I just want it to be over well I means you kind of deserve this what do you mean I deserve this yeah I mean you love with this mom I know but what do I do I want everyone to forget about this I don't know if you can do anything except just you know wait for it to blow over I'm sure a couple weeks everyone will forget about it that stupid advice yet pee I want to end now I'm going to go talk to someone else what whatever dude Daddy Mommy I really need some help with something I need some advice right now what up Jeffy well I kind of slept with Cody's mom what oh my well now he's really mad at me and he won't talk to me and I feel really bad and I'm so sorry about it and he took a video of me making out of his mom and sent it to everyone and everyone's clowning on me I don't know what to do well you could let Cody make it even what what do you mean by that what are you talking about H that's actually a really good idea mommy no it's not what do you mean Jeffy hey Daddy you want to have sex with Cody no no that's why why would I have sex with Cody well here's the thing he's gay so he wouldn't want to do it with Mommy so it's got to be you no no no no no yeah and then you can stop asking asking me to Peg you okay everyone stop everyone stop no one's doing anybody no one's do no one okay but in all seriousness I really need advice what can we do Jeffy you already did it I mean the damage is done maybe he'll forgive you in the future but you just got to wait that's the same stuff that Jeff peip was telling me I hate that advice I want someone to just blindly agree with me I'm going to go find someone that will that's not how advice Works Jeffy so should I go get the strap I got to get to Trisha as quick as I can it's him it's him it's the mommy kisser how desperate can you get why would you do that I can't believe we saw him in person all right I made it to her house oh hey Trish one doing I thought dy I ran outside in the freeing cool when you told me you were coming over yeah I just really need some advice from you and I know you always give me really good advice oh yeah Jeffy what do you need tell me well I kind of did something that betrayed a friend and now they're really mad at me and they won talk to me and I don't know what to do H Jeffy poo what happened well I kind of slept with his mom you slept with someone's mom yeah I know it's pretty bad I just don't know what to do you think you'd help me out with someone else that's not me how could you do this Jey what's wrong with you I Tred to get with you so hard you just do this to me you're a backstabber but but you're in my step sis no I'm not helping you Dey go away go away why won't you help me cuz you're gross that's disgusting why would you sleep with them you everything bye oh what's that that's probably my door Dash order let's see what is this what the f oh my gosh what an ever living sweet baby George James oh my God Jeffy and my wife oh no no no I'm going to get that kick T give me that phone good good you're here you here yeah man you were the one that said you needed a hit yeah come inside so no one can hear us all right listen I need this kid killed as soon as possible I'm talking dead I'm talking no more I'm talking no exist I could do that for you but usually I don't medal like this I just want to know what did this kid do well this kid he slept with my wife oh yeah I can see exactly why you'd want him killed but let me tell you my rate is $10,000 per stab wait but what if it takes more than one stab though oh the way I do it it never takes more than one stab that's what I like to hear all right I'll let you know when the deed is done now just to sit back relax come on Cody please pick up he up again got try again come on you did it again come on answer Cody come on come on Cody oh come on Cody just pick up please I'm sorry time to get you come on Cody oh hey sir coming closer to me with a knife what doing I really need your help I need some advice and no one's talking to me oh uh sure uh I could give you some advice uh what advice do you need well I slept with my FR mom and now he won't talk to me he's been ignoring all my calls and I feel really bad and I want to be my friend again and this is ruining my life uh well I mean I guess I could give you some advice on that I mean I've been there before man just you just got to talk to him in person you know he's going to keep ignoring your calls but he can't ignore you in person you just have to really explain yourself oh wow that's some really good advice thanks sure I appreciate it I'm going to go inside and think about what I want to say and I'm going to go right over thank you again no problem and good luck oh crap I was supposed to kill him and I didn't oh what am I going to do how am I going to tell this to Tyrone well I guess I'm just going to have to take my own advice and talk to him in person yeah tell me the good news buddy unfortunately there's no good news for you man what are you talking about I couldn't get the hit what that took more than one stab no it didn't take me more than one stab it actually took zero stabs because I couldn't do it in my right heart to kill him wait what happened what happened well he just had so many friend problems going on man and I just I I couldn't do it to him oh you know what you know what get out of the house get oh my God how dare you do that to me I'll tell you what if that man couldn't do it to Jeffy that just means I got to do it myself Jeffy I'm coming to get you I hope your last waking moments are lived well where is that b cuz I'm about to B A bck and that boy come on come on y boy where's that buck tooth beaver head looking for at why about to pop a biy up his boet are you talking about Jeffy I'm talking about Jeffy yeah yeah yeah he's not here but please don't C my friend oh no it's too late he slept with my wife now he's going to be sleeping with the Beetles The Beetles both the bugs and the bear well I think only like half the Beatles are dead shut up kid okay no Jeffy you need to get out of here please Cody please just talk to me no I've been ignoring your calls all day doesn't that say something get out please Cody please just let me explain better make it quick how are you going to possibly make this better Jeffy listen I just need to tell you that I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that Jeffy it hurt a lot do you realize that do you realize how hard it was for me to find out that my friend was going after my married mom well that's the thing she said she was divorced what yeah she said she's divorced she said that Tyrone and her separated already she's done this to three other guys before you seriously wait what I can't believe this Jeffy so so you did it thinking she was single yeah honestly for some reason that makes it a lot better please Cody I'm sorry I will never do anything with her again please do you promise Jeffy yes I do oh all right Jeffy I forgive you yay thank you Cody what are they do with Jesus is your friend Jeffy I need to fire him cuz I'm about to blow a cap of his Bo um Cody is that your dad yeah and he says he's going to kill you Jeffy he doesn't mean that right no he means every word of it he's going to put a bullet straight through your head what do we do con I don't want to die just hide in the bathroom I got this okay uh hey Dad what's up I need to know where is Jeffy oh why you trying to find Jeffy dad did you see the point of this gun oh yeah I see it you want to know where it's going to go where's it going to go stra up his butt well why is it going to go up his butt dad because he slept with my wife wait he slept with Mom how would you know he slept with your mama wait are you talking about that video that's going around dad oh my God you saw it too no way yeah yeah I I saw it but that's because me Junior and Joseph made it with AI a huh yeah yeah they like to make fun of my mom a lot so we made a video where Jeffy and Mom were sleeping with each other because it was funny you know wait hey yeah hey yeah that means that means it's not real no it's it's not real dad it was generated oh that madees so more sense for a second I thought she actually cheated on me that would be so wrong that' be so messed up yeah yeah it would well anyway I'm going to go hang out with my side piece Cody K see you later what in the [ __ ] is my life
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 133,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy gets caught in 4k, jeffy gets caught in 4k, caught in 4k
Id: irLEVahhpb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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