SML Parody: Jeffy's New Parents!

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hey guys guess what what's up Jeffy I can taste it oh let's get a shower shower I'm leave this right here a no I feel really bad I probably shouldn't have done that hope I can make it up to them wait a second why we left a ring here a it still smells like fart wait a second maybe while they're in the showers I can wash this off for them yeah yeah yeah I'm going to wash the ring off for them all right and now I've got to clean off this ring and make it not smell like fart anymore all right that's good just a little more you know what I think that's pretty cool oh I don't know what to do I think I'm freaked I missed a ring Mr rain can you come back up what am I doing oh God I'm frak what do I do Jeffy what's going on in here here I can literally hear you over my show water oh sorry Daddy I totally didn't drop a ring in here or anything what do you mean by ring okay I'll tell you the truth Daddy I dropped a ring doorbell in the sink you know like ding ding ding well that didn't work okay hopefully he's notop talking about this R now dadd before you freak out at least I didn't poop in the sink this time how can you do this to me Jeffy my 5, another wedding ring found theane I'm sorry Daddy listen I was trying to clean it up it smells like fart Because of You Jeffy I'm sorry Daddy I promise I'll just try to clean it up Sorry's not going to cut it this time Jeffy what do you mean you're done what do you mean I'm done you're out of here Oh you mean like I'm an out of town guy like you know he's a pretty out of town guy Jeffy we kicking you out of this house and you're going to have to find a new family what no no D we don't need to do this we don't need to do this this Jeffy this is the last straw you've cost me tens of thousands of dollars hundreds of thousands of hours of pain and misery and most of all my dignity I'm sitting here on this couch mostly naked because I just lost $5,000 on my priz wedding ring I'm sorry Daddy I really am please don't do this no you're going to get a new family and I hope they suck no Teddy please no they're way worse than us I'm going to call the adoption center I'm going to bring you up the rose so you can't run away from this no come on come on I feel so much better oh no no brose you're got to keep your eye on him cuz I'm calling the adoption center what you're doing what that's my son no we're getting rid of him right here right now no you can't do that I love him that's my son yeah listen to Mommy oh yeah you don't know the fact that he dropped your wedding ring down the sink bye-bye no oh my god get rid of him I never want to see him ever again what Mommy no yeah that was the only nice thing your father has ever bought me and you lost it hey but yeah still anyway yeah taking him away so keep your eye on him so he can't run away okay okay no no mommy please please don't do this no you have to learn no you can't hide back there 20 minutes later stop trying to escape Jeffy you're wasting your time all right Jeffy it's time to come to your new family no Daddy please I don't want this come here hey Marvin I'm here from the Foster Center to pick up Jeffy Daddy please no don't do this to me yeah that's correct I called no please don't make me go with Mr Goodman wait are you are you adopting me no then don't make me go please Daddy please you're going Jeffy I don't want to go please that's too bad we've been over this leaving no Daddy please I love you please bye Jeffy no Daddy please no all right Jeffy you ready to meet your new family do I have a choice nope I guess I am go knock the door is this our foster son Jeffy Yep this is your new Foster son Jeffy you can go in now Jeffy come on in okay hi guys my name is Jeffy she say on my shirt Jeffy get on the ground why get on the ground 20 push-ups right now well 20 push-ups get get okay okay oh my God what is happening right now come on keep going you're not done yet those are full push-ups push-ups in this house I'm getting tired I'm going have to get the stick what the stick ow what is that full push-ups stop jeez okay I'm doing your stupid push-up good okay I'm done I got him my name is George named after George P Washington you see this scar I got this from the war the Great War my name is Mary short for amera and that stuff at the door was just a facade oh jeez I don't really like this place that much shut up oh okay listen now we're going to go to the park for 2 hours of daily exercise 2 hours of daily exercise r r you feel let's go okay okay boy you're going to run one mile around this track there's four laps what four laps without stopping I don't even know if I can do one lap are you kidding me go no okay okay go oh my God this is so tiring oh my God I don't think I can do this anymore I don't think I can don't even think about stopping but I can't do this anymore you can never stop until you finish I can't faster faster don't stop until you finish harder faster faster faster stronger faster and done good job little boy little boy little sussy boy sussy little little sussy oh God okay can we go home I did the mile go home that was your first out of four exercises what I don't think I can do anymore ow okay fine fine okay let's go come on okay now it's time to do 50 pull-ups in a row 50 pull-ups I don't even know if I can do one pull up go go go harder harder harder I can't do it I can't do it the reason you can't do it is cuz you're not angry what do you mean I'm not angry I'm pretty angry right now I want you to picture the enemy picture the enemy the enemy you guys are the enemy now that you got a clear image of the enemy I want you to beat them off wait what beat them off beat them off beat beat them off beat them off now finish them finish finish them off I want you to drop and give me 100 push-ups in honor of that American flag I don't think I can do I don't think I can I can't it's not americant it's American but I don't think I can do it okay I'm doing it I want you recite the entire American Constitution as you do this okay uh according to all known laws of Aviation a bee should not be able to the be movie but that's all I know don't say the be movie that's all I know I'm going to hit you with a stick no please I'm sorry we're going to have to deport you no what okay uh we the people the first amendment guns and stuff oh why are we back on the track you already know no I don't what are we doing it's time for round two boy you got to want these seconds to be sloppy wait am I running another mile you better run this mile at your maximum effort I don't really have a lot of effort anymore cuz if you don't beat your first mile time I'm going to be something else okay that's a little sus but I got it I don't think I can do it I don't think I can beat my last all time come on Jeffy you need to ENT demon mode what demon mode you got to let that demon come inside of you I don't give just let it happen let it fill you up to me come on let it happen let it and your face good job you let that Cass on you yeah I did and your mile time was 4 seconds faster than the last one oh good I did it oh man good job I'm refrain from sticking you oh good oh I'm so tired and hungry good it's time for dinner oh boy what are we having for dinner ow what is this stuff RIT noodle soup chicken flavor oh jeez is this all the food I'm getting for dinner no that's all the food you're getting on all day well all day but but this is not nearly enough food for one day well you better like to enjoy it cuz that's all you're going to get okay I guess I'll just wait here for it to be done then boy what's the funny about it we ain't cooking this for you what why not we get your parents son but but you guys you guys are my parents what the heck nope we're just I can't care of you okay I guess I'll make it all right I think this is good enough I don't know how to make this stuff but I guess this going to have to do and now I can add my chicken flavor oh wow man that looks like it's so good oh man can't wait to eat this I didn't like that hey Jeffy I was your food it was okay but I I didn't really like I don't actually care okay I guess now it's time for you go to bed what bed what do you mean bed it's 8:00 p.m. sharp 8 p.m. no no no no no no that is way too early for me to be going to bed no no no not in this house it isn't okay I guess I don't want to get Beed or anything but okay just show me to my room all right come with us okay okay son here's your new bed wait this is my bed yep that's all you're getting but but but this is just this is just a towel this is not okay this is all you need I don't want to sleep here it doesn't matter what you think please don't make me sleep here okay fine I'll sleep here oh jeez just let me go to bed tomorrow rise hey cry oh oh hey jeez what time is it it's 4:30 a.m. sh why am I up so early I don't have school till 7:30 we want to make sure you have much time to get ready for school but what am I supposed to do now you're supposed to go outside and dig a hole dig a hole what type of purpose do that F nothing you have the do it for for no reason okay fine 2 hours later all right Joseph I think this is jeffy's new house all right d all right I'll give it a knock who are you guys hey we're jeffy's friends and we wanted to know if he could hang out a little bit before school no jeffy's not allowed to have friends what what what what the heck okay something's definitely wrong here dude that isn't shame right yeah but we'll see him at school we'll see him at school okay dude all right class today we are going to be doing hard work assignment all right I'm going to be passing it all out to you you got to finish by Under the crash and I'm going to gr it all right Jeffrey here's yours thanks [Music] teacher um Junior Joseph do you know why jeffy's not making a disturbance right now he's actually doing his work Ah that's weird I mean maybe it's cuz of those parents that he has they're really sketchy yeah dude they seem super sketch wait new parents what are you guys talking about oh well Marvin Rose kicked Jeffy out yesterday and I guess he got transfer to some military family or something yeah D and they wouldn't even let us see Jeffy yeah exactly they said that Jeffy wasn't allowed to have friends so weird oh well something doesn't seem right and I'm a little worried can you guys give me the address of the new place oh yeah we could definitely give you the address in a new place what are you plan on doing dude I plan on doing a little investigation huh more like an investigation D that was really good Joseph excuse me Mr dra cheu I've completed my assignment all right Jeffy I'll look over this and I'll grade it and get it back to you all right thanks later all right Jeffy I have graded your paper oh no I'm really scared what I get no need to be scared Jeffy you got to B+ you only miss two wait seriously I only missed two yep congratulations Jeffy oh my gosh this is my first beat I've ever had in my entire life let is show pe oh my God my parents are going to be so happy about this all right congratulations everyone class dismiss all right now to go home and show them this hopefully I get some better food for dinner because of this all right time to figure this out faster harder poish my stick hey guys I'm back from school Jeffy we heard there was a gred assignment today what grade did you receive I got a B+ it's my highest grade I've ever gotten it's actually pretty awesome what no that's how dare you not getting a what no meals for you today no meals for me but I've never gotten an a before and now we're going to be exercising for 3 hours instead of two what okay come on 3 hours later oh man this suck no it's time for a bed go to bed okay [Music] who's at the door uh hey so I got a child protective complaint and I know that Jeffy lives here and I have came to retrieve him do you give him no we're the nicest family in the world what are they talking about he's so spoiled who made up this lie um video evidence I have video evidence that you guys have been using a stick on that child no no that must have been Ai and fate hey Jeffy if you hear me in there it's Brooklyn guy we're leaving wait wait wait what about the foster parent checks wait Brooklyn guy oh my god I've been saved oh my God Brooklyn guy thanks for saving me of course Jeffy you're going have to explain everything in the car while we go to your fallback home okay okay let's go no we lost it on the Foster checks that was like $700 no we really need that money you think next time we should be nicer and I shouldn't use my stick M no hello hey Marvin I'm here to return your son what are you talking about what do you mean return JY yeah we're returning your son to your house no no no he got bed by someone else and he's not my problem anymore I know that you got adopted by somebody else however there was a little bit of an issue where that other family was so abusive that it was insane and so we had to take him out of that house and put him in a fallback house which would be you guys cuz he was his last family that's so sad but I it's not my problem okay fine he can stay the night he's going to find a new house by tomorrow Daddy please I want to stay I'm sorry one night that's it come on oh my God Jeffy you're back no don't get too excited he's just back for one night while he finds a new family that's not going to abuse him Marvin are you sure I really want Jeffy back no I'm not changing my mind on this nothing can make me change my mind thanks hey Daddy what I'm not your dad anymore stop calling me that I need to give you guys something what what is it oh my God my prize possession back is that a duplicate hat did you buy another what no Daddy this is the ring right here oh my God Mar that's the ring yeah I told Brooklyn guy about what happened and he went to get it for us oh my God I thought i' never see it again Marvin we have to let him back in the family oh I better here you guys go even if you guys don't want me anymore I wanted to make sure you guys have that back cuz I'm sorry Marvin please we have to let it back in ah fine Jeffy welcome back home yay I love you guys I love you too Jeffy
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 126,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy's new parents, jeffy's new parents, sml movie jeffy's parents, jeffy's parents
Id: U-RjlZYkFTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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