SML Parody: Jeffy's Cherry Freeze Prime!

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ah guys I'm so bored of all this Prime I know we've had so many different primes that I'm sitting on a prime Throne B dude even globber is boring now it is God it's so boring I don't think I could have another Prime for the rest of my life guys me neither Hey look it's the TV what is it's PJ Granda P Jamie's cruncha and Jerry free Prime is the best Prime in the world it is so cool it can even do this wo it's so cool that it changed blue oh it's so cool that it's freezing my hand off quit so I'm going to get hot water fast oh yeah wao it changed the white and now it's slowly changing back to Blue that just goes to show not only is this the best tasting Prime but it's the coolest cuz it can change colors so what are you waiting for go get Cherry freeze Prime today and you'll get all the big PJ crot is sponsored by Prime new Prime flavor oh my God we totally need to get it guys what happened to us not getting any more Prime Jeffy that was until I knew there was a new flavor dude let's go we need to get it guys we need to get it but we don't have any money what are we going to do we can you steal from your dad you're right here Joseph we're going to go distract my parents and then we're going to go take the money dude I got this I know how to do this do it all the time I don't really want to go anywhere I'm on my Prime throne good we weren't inviting you but now I kind of want to go considering you weren't going to invite me come on J Dude ready to go to the mall yeah sure I left my wallet over there by the fridge hey hey hey guys look I got some noodles some classic nudes oh my God some naked nudes my favorite yeah baby just how you like them oh you can have some too hey gra me some strawberry watermelon flavoring yeah of course here's that strawberry water oh yeah oh yeah look at that oh yeah so how's your day been guys oh you know you know just just the usual yeah it's been great huh yeah yeah you know but this makes it way better oh does it oh just day so much better by what what all right Junior we got the money all right awesome I'm going to go get the prime now boys I'll be back good luck Soldier oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy boy boy oh boy I really hope they have this Cherry freeze Prime all right let's see metam Moon nah that's not what we're looking for glowry how that was so 2 months ago they have the Cherry freeze Prime oh my God I'm taking it all I'm taking it all oh jeez this is so heavy I got to go got to go got to go oh boy I can't wait to get some Jerry Prime wait where is it no there's no Cherry freeze Prime hey can you shut up we're in public bro but but but there's no Cherry freeze Prime can you not cause a scene like you just got to look sometime no you want this yeah yeah busing all right time to put them all in all right perfect got them all in there and now I just wait a couple hours oh boy were you guys doing that the entire time I was gone perhaps maybe possibly anyways I got the Cherry freeze Prime oh my God no no not yet guys why dude I thought we were Bros we are but I want to give it a couple hours in the freezer I'm making super ultra epic Cherry freeze Prime is that sick dude that's genus let's play Mario Kart until then awesome I'm player one 2 hours later all right guys introducing the super ultimate Cherry freeze Prime they're so blue oh that's crazy I know guys go ahead and take one yes let's do ultimate go yeah we got the ultimate Cherry come on let's go let's go wow they must really like it I can give these to everybody come here primes I hate taking down the Christmas tree I got the last bird right here what you even talking about there's one two three birds right there everybody makes mistakes oh my hey guys I got stuff for you it's a super epic Cherry freeze Prime oh my God I need one of these maybe I'll finally get babes Marvin oh come on you've never cheated on me I would never yeah okay give me that Prime here you go ooh I'll take one maybe my butt bigger but no what it doesn't say that in the commercial anyways I'm going to go give out some more oh my God this date on these rocks is so romantic yeah I had to bust out the big guns for the big lady are you calling me fat uh no you're just uh you're a lot older than me oh yeah hey guys what doing I have these super epic Cherry freeze primes do you guys want just I'm not on a date right now it's not what it looks like wait what uh nothing it's going to me the prime step bro yeah ner give me one too all right you two here you go so where can I find more people oh you can just look up B us oh um okay bye-bye Jeffy what was that all about uh nothing just enjoy your Prime I wonder what he means by up he man oh hey monkey man what doing what you got there fell oh I got this super ultra Cherry freeze Prime you want it hell yeah man give me that all right here you go thanks man 1 hour later no one ever cleans the air fryers but just to throw away and get a new one hey shfp do you want a super epic Ultra Cherry freeze Prime pass Jeffy you know I'm trying to wash my weight you know I'm washing my calories I can't be drinking those calories me fair enough fair enough hey have you seen anybody now uh no it's been kind of quiet it's been pretty nice around here should we be looking for people I mean as much as I like it I guess all right let's go okay guys are you in here guys why there so many primes in here well it takes them a long time to get new flavors out so we just kind of binge all the other ones Jeff what the freak this is so weird but I don't see them around here do you no Jeffy he's not they're not in here maybe they're under the prime they're not in the prime Jeffy Jeffy they're not in the pre come Mom where you at actually looks like kind of fun screw it woohoo [Applause] W they're not here chpi this was stupid but kind of fun but still stupid we got to keep looking come on okay guys anyone taking a fat poo poo what guys you in there Jeffy what there's no one taking a f po oh whatever let's go hello anyone mommy daddy uh I don't see anybody look it looks like a peee shpee doesn't look like a peee whatsoever oh my God it looks like a twisty pee pee chy if they look like peees why you touching them oh my God Chef PE we've looked all over this house and there's nobody to be seen I know maybe they all want out to eat or something why do they always leave behind I don't know Chef I wanted food Jeffy I'm ready to oh I can give you my food yeah no I'm just going to Door Dash McDonald's Jeffy forget it I'm ready to give up on this we're not going to find them yeah I don't know what to do but it's so confusing though I just it's so I feel like the ants are just on the tip of my toes hey Chef peipi what they are on the tip of your toes wait what uh chefi are they okay we should probably check on them right uh Chef B do you think they're okay I don't think they're okay Jeffy why are they playing twister without the mat hold on you guys okay you guys okay oh my God son doesn't seem right so he's more than okay he's literal ice skates on that's so cool how do I need to try something I think they're frozen CHP oh he crispy what about Junior oh he crispy too what the hell let me try something what in the world they're actually Frozen chipi oh my god um you know what that means chipi the rock hard uh we should probably go check for more people okay oh jeez chipi they might be frozen too J why is everybody Frozen hold on hold on we got to check if they're actually Frozen yep my daddy's Frozen let me check my mommy sopie pick any other body part please oh yeah right right let me try like Yep they're frozen what is going on in this house I don't even know Chef peipi it's like 74° in here it doesn't make it wait a second I gave everyone that cherry freeze Prime so what the [ __ ] you talking about oh jeez okay get these two Junior and Joseph round them all up I'm going to go get the rest the rest oh no I I knew they'd be frozen hey bully are you okay actually I don't give a [ __ ] about you well Trisha are you okay I don't really care that much for you either I should probably take them in anyways come on all right I got those two rounded up and now I need to find monkey M why is he in a rectangle wait how's he in a rectangle uh this is going to be hard to bring in but I'm going to have to do it all right and that's the last one what the freak am I looking at well these are all the people I gave the Cherry free brons wait a second why is Cody here I didn't give him any ah he was just chilling at the front doorstep what at the front doorstep what was he doing there yeah I just want to know what he was doing whenever he got frozen you know given the position you might not want to know shfp oh my God but this is crazy there's so many people wait what why is this guy in a rectangle I don't know CH this is how I found him he might have been like taking a bath or something wait but I didn't find him in a bathtub I don't know okay chefi this doesn't make any sense we just have to figure out how to unfreeze these people yeah what are we going to do wait what about the furnace what do you mean we can put them in front of the Furnace okay I thought I can just say put them in the furnace all right okay we can do that all right let's do it grab everybody all right Chef peipi they're all here oh my goodness there so many this better work Chef peipi yeah yeah yeah oh jeez I'm really okay what are you going to do what are you going to do all right I'm setting it to 450° 450 that's a lot that's what we need CHF peee okay and Boom come on come on oh we got fire all right so we're going to come back in two hours they should all be gone because they'll be melted and can walk away oh okay then all right let's go all right 2 hours later all right chpi they should be all gone by now not one of them is left are you kidding me that's no Frozen Sil they're all Frozen holy crap no this is a g j b he's even harder than last time oh no oh my god do helpless they can't fend for themselves they can't move anyone could do anything they wanted to them shipi don't let the intrusive thoughts win by what are we going to do I don't know ship we're going to have to do what I didn't want to do what's that we have to put him in the oven what are you talking about Jeffy what is that idea do you have any better ideas well if this didn't work no I don't know all right round them up we're putting them in the oven round them up all right chff B they're all in there now oh my God have you sure this is a good idea I mean what other choice do we have think about this whenever they melt though how are they going to get out so they can push the door door okay this is St what else are we supposed to do nothing there's nothing we can do okay okay okay going shut it all right guys those poor things good luck eventually oh gpe it's been 30 minutes you think they're going to all be gone well I haven't heard anybody oh we're going to check okay they're all still still in there what the freak he's still a brick what are we going to do J this is really bad I don't know this is something else this is like the ice power from Mario type beat look like the pack Dice from Minecraft type beat we I had this at 450° for 30 minutes and it's still not anything oh my God they're done for they're done for they're just they're frozen I don't know what to do CH B what do we do they're WT Disney Frozen by I have came for the soul of the Dead yeahaha oh my God Craig wait but no one's dead here oh but my radar said that there was somebody dead here that's because there's eight people dead no sh don't say they're dead they're not dead in there well they've been frozen for hours oh you have some frozen people in there that might be dead I see you're trying to put them in the oven that probably wasn't smart see Jeffy I told you that wasn't smart and it's coming from the devil well what do you expect us to do shpee the furnace didn't work well considering for me to get the soul that need to be unfrozen I can do you guys a favor yeah oh what could you possibly do to help us out if we don't taunt him he's the devil well I'm going to send them all to hell yeah help I know this was helpless what are we supposed to do no no you guys didn't let me finish I'm going to send them to hell where it's so hot that no matter what type of ice it is it will melt and once they are alive again I will send them back and only keep the dead ones yeah I mean CH I want to do it there might only be like one person down there and we could save the rest I hope it's bully if I had to pick one I don't know who I pick honestly well let me take care of it bye bye welcome to hell you frozen Scallywags oh wait I forgot you're Frozen you can't talk to me anyways you guys should be unfrozen within the matter of seconds [Music] now oh my God I'm on Frozen I'm un Frozen too Junior can you get off of me no we got to block the green screen problems okay you good bully not [Music] really oh oh oh my God I'm so wet I'm tripping yeah let's go take yeah let's get it yeah yeah yeah let's go can I get a woo woo freak yeah let's go freak yeah freak yeah freak yeah freak freak freck oh [ __ ] let me get you guys back oh yeah oh we're back from Hell let's go and we're unfrozen we might be back from Hell guys but we're back to the infinite Darkness we call Earth yeah really makes you think about how our lives could just end at any moment and it'll never matter we're going to kiss Cody wait what what yes we're back we're back yeah yes Queen you know my entire life I dreamt to being a rectangle and the me second that I have my dream it was ripped away from me bro what oh I'm so glad all of you guys are okay not frozen anymore I really hope I get away with this uh I really wonder how you guys got frozen like that that was really weird oh my God everyone's alive that's good I guess well anyway I was reading the back of the Prime here the Cherry freeze and it says you guys can't put it in the freezer cuz it'll get too cold like right here it says warning do not put in freezer cuz if Prime becomes too cold and you drink drink it you will freeze um Joseph yeah dude wasn't Jeffy the one that gave us those frozen Prime bottles yeah he had him in the freezer sure p PE I might be boned yeah i' say with pretty good confidence you probably are get him yeah you guys go get him I think I might try this Prime see what all the hyp is about I guess I'll ma but first well while those wh per Snappers go and hunt down that kid I'm going to sit here and dream about becoming a rectangle oh those are going to be the good old days
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 442,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, jeffy's cherry freeze prime, sml parody cherry freeze prime, cherry freeze prime, prime, prime cherry freeze, logan paul, ksi, ksi prime, logan paul prime, jeffy prime
Id: HGYI9nXuS1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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