SML Parody: Jeffy Becomes Weird Strict Dad!

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and done I got peanut butter powder all over these green bead jeffy's going to eat it cuz he loves peanut butter uh okay Jeffy hey Daddy my home slice what doing check it out what is it uh it's peanut butter sticks Daddy this is green beans okay it's green beans but there's peanut butter powder Daddy I keep telling you hundreds of times that I'm not going to eat these green beans cuz I hate green beans what peanut butter powder Jeffy you love peanut butter no I'm not eating these yeah eat it you're a dog Jeffy eat it like a dog what are you doing uh congrats Marvin this is attempt number 600 we'll be at 1,000 by the end of next year 600 no no no no no no no there's no way you do that I told you I'm not going to eat those things you're going to be a trouble later tonight sorry Jeffy I'm going to get back themin enough is enough we can't force him to eat green beans yes I can I'm not going to stop until eats green beans there's no point in that you're just making him hate you uhuh D you're going to be the one that learns a lesson you know what Marvin I'm going to go check on Jeffy whatever he deserves it Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy where are you Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy I can't seem to find him Jeffy Jeffy who was that H Jeffy what happened to you get inside around what's wrong shut up Jeffy how dare you see what happened youut both of you we're going to be going to the kitchen all three of us right now do you hear me wait what what scrub d d Dum yes yes scrubing dub du clean clean what the heck is wrong with you guys do you mind all right you three you guys are going to be following my every instruction you guys are going to be cleaning my room you guys are going to be making me an entire chocolate cake and you're going to clean the toilet that I pooed everywhere on to the brim going to ni do you hear me hey you better not be talking to me BR cuz I would never oh my God if you want to say you don't want to do my demands no we'll do anything whatever you say Jeffy whatever you say good you only out tonight to finish good Lu when we get started on oh first I'm going to move the body oh God that wasn't fun no that was horrifying oh my God if je is going to snap that easily we better be super quick about this yeah we really need a plan what should we do first okay okay what if we Bak the cake so the cake can bake in the oven while we do other tasks around the house yeah that's genius for once I'll go get the mix I heard that oh God okay I got this okay we need a cup of water cup water water cup of water okay coming right up what are you doing I thought you said you wanted a cup of water that's the cup of water right there oh okay okay okay okay let me pour that in me pour oh my God I got it I got it I got it okay okay I want to put this in now come on oh gosh oh yeah okay okay Rose get the mixture get the mixture quick what are you doing [Applause] [Music] stop we're doing it we're doing it we're making you the best cake ever Jeffy and if you did something to us we wouldn't be able to finish it just checking oh God thank God he left yeah but Marvin I'm starting to get really thirsty a crap me too okay let's get some of that filtered water I can't trust the chlorinated water these days okay let's go okay okay let's do this really fast okay okay all right let's get some water okay that should be enough come on suck faster suck faster okay okay okay let's go okay let's get back to this all right the oven's ready is Kitt go in now no Marvin I'm kind of really hungry what you can't wait till we put this in no I'm starving okay fine I got something first in the fridge okay okay where is it better be in here still oh yeah come to Daddy Rose come in here please don't tell me it's green beans check it out oh my God tacos is my favorite yeah we got tacos but you only have one oh but are you sure I'm so hungry okay okay okay oh yeah was so good Marvin can I have one more no please no oh my God I guess let's go finish the cake yes it's going in just 30 more minutes have you guys got the cake done yet uh no but we just got it in the oven yeah it'll be done soon well you better stop blocking off well you know what's going to happen Okay it should be done in a little while okay in the meanwhile let's go up to his room okay sounds good okay okay hopefully his room isn't too bad yeah yeah he's coming oh no Marvin I'm really starting to crap I have to go ptty no Marvin I'm really cramped I really have to go okay let just hurry up Jeffy the Horus we're just coming up here the clean your room fine but I'm watching you Rose what the heck was that my stomach was cramping really bad well sounds like you need to go to the bathroom I do but the one up here is all pooped up and the clean one across the house oh crap if you want to go to the one that doesn't have poop up to the brim you're going to have to go across the house be going to see you yeah so I'll stay here and clean the room and you can go clean the toilet what why you to take a poop Why do I have to do it because my stomach is cramped up if only we had Max was here to help us out wait who's this Max whatever I'll go do it how bad could it [Music] be it's tripping why do I even start this the worst I've ever seen it okay I need some toilet paper need some toilet [Music] paper where is Daddy your daddy's in the bathroom trying to clean up the toilet thank you get back to work you better be making progress in here Daddy well I'm trying and without toilet paper it's diry have fun with the pill oh it smells so bad let me try to flush it again oh it won't go away the smell won't go away eventually I finally did it all the Poo Boo's gone I won but it would cost my will to live H Ros I clean the did you even clean anything I tried but my stomach hurts really bad oh my gosh well I finally cleaned the whole toilet so follow me how about I can't move oh my gosh I'm going to carry you come on okay Bo Marvin I need some privacy sorry Marvin sorry Marvin oh my God okay I finally feel so much better okay okay let's go let's finish the cake now no but I'm really thirsty now oh we'll get some water along the way that's fine follow me okay it looks like I'm not wiping this time okay let's hurry up cuz our cake might be burning oh God come on F please F please okay come on come on yes yes oh God that's just over for the best and done oh my God it looks amazing yeah it does almost like we got it from the bakery section at Walmart we would never I'm here to get you Slackers time to die no need for that chy look we did your chocolate cake it's all perfect yeah and we cleaned the toilet uh we more like hi oh shut up Marvin what H that was like a good looking cake I'm going to be back for in a few minutes you guys better be in my room clean you by the time I'm back okay Rose let's go upstairs and finish that room quick yeah but I'm really hungry I want more tacos so do I let's go come the puppy Marvin can I eat both tacos please what no you're getting one well what if I just have half of yours no cuz I want one so you're getting one too okay fine oh delectable that was so good all right can you remember the poop this time before running out the steps away from Jeffy and you have to crapple over the steps why do I have to be the one to remember to poop why don't you have to be the one to remember to poop oh that's cuzz I've been constipated for a week I wish I didn't ask that let's just go okay Rose we got to clean quick quick quick go go go go come on come on oh thank freaking didn't get mad Marvin I really have to go poop again oh no now not a good time oh my now I going to clean this room myself 20 minutes later okay just got to put the covers on I feel so much better why did you think so long I had to clean this whole room by myself it just kept coming and I still didn't wipe oh my God whatever let's just do the covers come on okay we did it it's finally done oh Jeffy come in here good you guys have finished all your tasks so now you guys can stay up and do whatever you want until midnight 12:00 a.m. what time is it 11:59 why we can't do anything I know she better get to bed soon only 1 minute wonder what we could do in that time oh well I am so thirsty oh yeah uh-huh for some water let's go what seriously more water mhm oh my God fine what else are we going to do in 1 minute Bros this is a bad idea it's going to turn to 12:00 a.m. any second well hurry up okay right okay good good all right now that you finish that I really don't want to go to bed at midnight yeah you're right yeah we're adult why should we have to go to bed at midnight I don't know let's just ask him if we can stay up a little longer all right it's a good idea let's go hey Jeffy you think we can stay up another hour or two I'm going to take that as a run run run our room's so far away we're staying in Braxton's room okay good thing he's meeting Charlie for the 10th time yeah all right stay in bed or you're dead well Bros I guess we're just sitting in bed now okay 1 hour [Music] later I'm bored I want to go to bed yeah what if we sneak downstairs and watch some TV are you sure we should be doing that well if we sneak he won't see us okay let's go I can't believe this is working me either run roll back to the door oh my God shoot go to sleep before I put you to sleep Marvin I don't think we should go out there again yeah I don't think late night Scooby-Do is going to be worth it no it's not let's go to bed okay good night 3 hours later Marvin Marvin Marvin oh well remember when I was drinking a lot of water earlier uh yeah well now I really have to pee oh crap oh god well what am I supposed to do I have to go pee I know but your pee so loud jeffy's going to hear it but what am I supposed to do what the bed you wouldn't like that but braxon might oh no jeffy's coming and I can't stop peing I'm just going to have to leave a trail Marvin Marvin pretend to be asleep why just do it okay Marvin that was really close yeah you and you're loud PE the next day it's morning yeah wait should we go downstairs I mean we might as well what's he going to do now I don't know what if he's all mean and like what if it's on a wake up time yet or something weird well how are we ever going to find out uh I guess we'll take the risk let's do it okay well let's hope he doesn't kill us no all right guys you ready to have some cherry freeze Prime yeah and you ready not to freeze up and die yeah oh my God back to normal I have no idea oh my gosh okay um Marvin I really have to go to the bathroom oh my God like always well now I'm going to get to the bottom of this Jeffy we need to talk oh hey Daddy what doing about last night Jeffy what what about last night uh last night Jeffy you were super weird and making us do this stuff being strict for no reason forcing us to do stuff or else you would kill us and not to men you kill Jeff PE [Music] what hey what's so funny about that you got pranked daddy was a prank what do you me a break yeah yeah this whole thing wasn't real we were just messing with you because you fed me green beans for the six out of time oh cuz I fed you green beans but how did you look like that that was my job I did his makeup and I think he looked pretty good yeah Cody is shush like that yeah that was Cody oh wait but Rose told me there was a hooded guy at the door well that was just me and Joseph stacked on top of each other pretty sick disguise wasn't it that was Junior and Joseph wait but you still killed Chef Pippi or did I get pranked boy normally I would have helped out these brats with a prank but they gave me a Roblox gift card so I was all in and that was surprisingly Shah peipi so everybody was in on this yeah even Braxton we got him a hotel room and he's watching Charlie there so he didn't have to be here
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 653,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, weird strict dad, roblox, roblox weird strict dad, weird strict dad chapter 3, jeffy weird strict dad, jeffy weird strict mom, jeffy minecraft, jeffy becomes weird strict dad
Id: F2LVe6zdfQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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