SML Parody: Jeffy in Weird Strict Dad!

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Jeffy I can't believe you got suspended again Marvin watch the road shut up okay fine fine I just can't believe this is like the third time this month he's got suspended for the same exact reason Marvin you're going to make us get in an accident you need to watch the road no okay shut up shut up I'm literally pulling at the by driver okay just shut up well I'm sorry Daddy but you got to understand bully was talking massive crap you know what I do when bully starts talking crap I start throwing hay makers you know I can't take that disrespect you know it's not too Sigma me Jeffy I think it's about time you try cyber bullying cuz obviously getting suspended every week is not going to work Marvin you need to lighten up on him light up if I light it up anymore he'll be in jail Marvin stop thinking the worst oh no no no he's he's getting punished I have a lot of punishments light up for you Jeffy yeah yeah let's go inside so the punishing can begin I have no idea if that's a threat or if there's some kiky stuff going on on this episode of am I going to get concussed or is it just sus all right daddy what's my first punishment you got to get the belt to and B me over no that's my punishment I know we ever done that uh never mind never mind uh okay well Jeffy you know you're getting punished oh what am I going to do daddy your first punishment is you're taking out the trash oh really yeah Jeffy that's your first punishment that's it and I've hid the trash in random places around the house so it's going to be hard to find so good luck why would you do that uh I don't know I felt like it at least they got something last boring Marvin how many more punishments do you have for him more than you can imagine baby girl why would you leave this in the middle of the bathroom stupid really on the stairs stupid D this is just great come here stupid trash come here come here all right Daddy I just got done taking out the trash what's next on the punishment list you finally getting the BT down bending me over what no je you're not getting a belt there's no Bell involved God a but that's the most fun part about being punished she puppy oh God okay that's another punishment you're not getting what you want you're not getting beled so your next punishment is you're going to make us dinner you're going to cook Marvin are you sure you want him to cook let him cook dny we need to cook all right d just shut up but actually go make us a dinner but but what am I supposed to make I don't know you've made like pizza rolls before I don't know what to do daddy I've never Jeffy I'm not going to accept Just Pizza Rolls I want a really good five star dinner I'll see what I can do but you're not going to like it okay let's go to the kitchen table oh man what am I going to do I don't know how to cook what am I going to make for Mommy and Daddy I know I'm going to make some instant Ramen a few moments later oh boy oh boy oh boy they're done they're done well hope my parents aren't racist all right let's get these let's get these bones apples and titties Daddy I just made you your five star meal by Jeffy Jeffy je why is it black can eat this hey hey hey hey Daddy don't be racist just because it's black doesn't make it any difference it shouldn't be black Jeffy it's not supposed to be black well that's just racist to say Daddy don't say that Jeffy you had one job you had to add water to the ramen noodles and what did you do didn't add water cuz I didn't know you needed you Jeffy there's like one step to this Add Water put it in the microwave it's like the easiest thing to cook in the planet and you freaked it up somehow Marvin why did you let him cook it was a punishment and now I'm getting punished so I'm going to punish you back Jeffy okay you're going to go downstairs and add oxygen to the generator um can you say that again Daddy that's some cryptic language okay I didn't pay the AC bill this month so what I need you to do is add oxygen to the generator in the basement and that's going to produce air conditioning man so you're just cheap then okay I got it see you later I need it cuz it smells bad in here after this how are we supposed to eat this putting this in the generator cuz my dad is a cheap ass who won't pay the bills all right that's good all right just put the oxygen in the generator cuz you're a cheapo hey well Jeffy the last thing you got to do is turn off all the lights in the house a you're so lazy Jeffy it's a punishment for re what the doorbell and 9:30 on a Monday what the freak who could it be I don't know D well Jeffy you got to go turn off the lights off in the house and then you can watch TV till uh 10 p.m. what then 10 p.m. but that leads me less than 30 minutes and that's not even including me getting all the lights turned off well Jeffy it's a punishment don't push it I'll take it away if I want to okay all right Jeffy I'm going to go check all right sounds good I think I'm going to go lay down for a quick nap all right sounds good mommy a now I got to turn off all the lights this is so stupid all right time to turn the light off yoink yo sh all right now that I got the lights taken care of I can watch some TV I wonder what's on today let me check my phone and see oh it's 10:00 already I mean my dad is not here to stop me I'm going to watch it anyway all right let's see what's on Beware of the mysterious man who torches his Eerie presence luring unsuspecting victims into Mal possession the FBI is deeply concerned about this explained issue if you see the man on the porch avoid eye contact Retreat indoors and hide immediately spread this warning to protect your loved on and help unravel this mystery your M oh no my daddy could be out there I need to go get him I need to go get him daddy I'm coming for you what the heck why is it locked have you seen your father Yes my daddy's out there he went out there a couple hours ago and he never came back and there's someone dangerous out there someone's possessing people it was on the news oh what are you talking about it was on the news there's someone possessing people out there and Daddy's never came back in and I'm trying to get him but the door's locked okay well if it's dangerous out there how are we supposed to find out what's going on well we can check the cameras in my room we supposed to check the what yeah I have cameras in my room why do you have cameras well I was thinking bully comes around here every once in a while going on a walk and I was thinking I can see when he comes and I can go out there and beat the crap out of him uh okay let's just go check your cameras okay all right Mommy so we're going to open this up check the cameras and see if dades out there okay all right let's see mommy are you seeing with I see yeah I do who's that guy out there with Daddy I don't know we have to find out yeah we'll just have to keep an eye on Daddy and hope that he's okay oh my God oh my God oh God hide hide hide hide hide hide oh my God I don't what do we do now I got an idea fake sleep what what it's not going to do anything just do it okay oh my God that was close mommy what are we going to do now I don't know this is really scary okay well you need to figure it out go do something what what do you mean I got to do something you're my mommy you should be protecting me yeah but I'm a woman I'm scared what does that have to do with anything mommy I'm weak that doesn't do anything equal right equal fights oh God mommy he's coming [Music] back okay Mommy that was really really close Jeffy it's 1:00 a.m. we're going to have to wait until the morning and figure it out when everyone else is awake that's a good idea but I'm kind of thirsty mommy what about you me too oh jeez this isn't good the only place to get water is all in the hallway we're just going to have to go out there we're going to have to go out there mhm all right let's do it quick all right Mommy we just got to get this water quick and then we go oh God he's there come on come on come on mommy sleep okay let's go get water now Mommy okay all right I think I got it now I'm thirsty I'm trying jeez okay there we go that should be enough okay I'm going to drink this and then you can have some okay all right we're good now we need to go back upstairs come on let's go okay Mommy we got to go let's go oh my God oh my God oh my God I think we're saved what is that noise mommy what is that noise it's the oxygen alarm we need to refill the generator oh crap we got to go we got to go [Music] okay hurry Jeffy hurry shut up I'm trying my best mommy well he could wake up at any moment and I don't want to die do you want to die of not being able to breathe well depends on the circumstances all right perfect this should be good come on let's go [Music] Mommy Mommy we got to [Music] go oh my God Mommy that was the closest it's ever been I know but I'm getting hungry what getting hungry yeah oh God uh how about we go to the kitchen I'll make something Snappy come on let's go okay let's [Music] go all right got this one now Jeffy how did you mess this up again well I don't know what I did wrong Mommy you're supposed to add water oh well hold on let me do that real quick okay let me just no Jeffy it's supposed to be the first step well I don't care Mommy okay we're just going to eat okay just eat him okay I'm going he's in this run run run run run Come on Mommy Come on Mommy come [Music] on oh jeez mom that that was the closest it's ever been again okay well now I need some water what yeah I'm thirsty but why couldn't you get some while we were out there I don't know but we have to go back a all right time to pour some more water can't get this going can you make it go any faster does it look like I can make it go any faster okay that should be good that should be good all right time to drink it okay it's been a while since Daddy's woke up we got to go now got to go got to go [Music] oh my God this is getting really scary Mommy I think we should check the cameras and see if he's coming up yeah let's check let's check let's check oh good he's just sleeping on the couch God we could just relax for a little bit okay oh jeez oh no time to go to [Music] bed oh jeez Mommy I don't think I can do much more of this anymore yeah I can't either this house smells like burnt Ramen I'm really thirsty okay we just need to go get some water come on okay all right mommy hopefully this is the last time that we need water tonight can you press it for me yep okay sounds good not that one huh the other one sorry okay press that one okay perfect perfect all right good good good good good time to drink it okay are you feeling kind of hungry Mommy yes I am yeah I am too I think we have some time daddy just woke up all right let's go let's [Music] go all right got this one now Jeffy this is the third time you've made this and it's still black listen I'm so hey you can't say that stuff mommy you can't say that stuff but how about this mommy how about you make these because I'm under a lot of stress right now cuz Daddy could be here any minute and kill us okay well I can't eat these the third time I'm going to become radioactive just eat them okay oh God damn it not again let's go let's go oh no the oxygen level's low got to go Mommy okay Jeffy hurry hurry if you don't shut up mommy I'm going to push you in front of him the next time we see him I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay this should be good all right let's go um Mommy what's going on I think we're pretty screwed um what just happened I don't know whatever happened we need to go back to my bed just in case let's go let's go 3 hours later the JY is good I'm glad to hear that Daddy see I could do it just took four or five tries and I got it yeah you got it eventually good job so can we talk to you about something Daddy yeah what what is it what happened to you last night you were really scary I think I got possessed possessed yeah it was like someone came inside of me came into me filled me all the way up just control me like I was some type of puppet or something huh that sounds like last night oh jeez you okay now Daddy yeah now I'm completely fine well I'm glad to hear that come give us a hug Daddy yeah
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 779,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, weird strict dad, roblox, roblox weird strict dad, weird strict dad chapter 3, jeffy weird strict dad, jeffy weird strict mom, jeffy minecraft
Id: wuAP1TEQ3vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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