SML Movie: Dunken Donuts!

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guys I got donuts I love donuts oh me too dude let's look at them yeah what what Cody they look so stale dude I thought you had Krispy Kreme what the hell is this well Dunkin Donuts was on the way and Krispy Kreme was 10 minutes in the other direction but Krispy Kreme is clearly better Cody yeah they make them in-house with fresh icy yeah yeah Dunkin Donuts like delivery like two weeks old look I got Joseph's damn coffee so hop off my [ __ ] okay so yes sir Joseph how do you like your coffee black okay Cody I got the napkins okay wipe it up but be careful it's really hot oh Cody what happened against feet yeah oh my God the coffee was so hot it melted Ken's feet off what am I gonna suck on now that's some hot coffee dude come on Cody what would happen if you would have draped that coffee it probably would have melted my throat Junior that coffee was way too hot we gotta call the doctor and we should call the lawyer cause I'm gonna sell Dunkin Donuts today okay I'll call the doctor hey there somebody call a doctor and I also brought my lawyer outfit because somebody said something about a lawsuit yes Dad dude I was drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee and I spilled it and it melted my boyfriend's feet off okay well I have two problems with that one why were you drinking Dunkin Donuts Coffee Starbucks is far superior and two wow that coffee must have been really hot that's why we called you the coffee was so hot it burnt plastic doctor my boyfriend will never walk again dude he was a doll he's never walking anywhere you know what why don't you just get out of here okay you know what I'm out of here so doctor what can we do about this well I think you're definitely right to sue them because that coffee was way too hot so hold on let me get my lawyer outfit all right let's talk lawsuit this is my lawsuit no okay so you want to sue Dunkin Donuts right yeah that's right because my boyfriend is gonna have to suffer years of pain and suffering he can't feel the thing dude because he's a dog get the hell out of here I'm just saying he's a dog I just mean like he's like you know what I'm out of here okay so I'm sorry where were we uh you were suing Dunkin Donuts yes that's right I want to sue Dunkin Donuts well okay I think you have a case so let's go to court we'll take my car come on [Applause] today we will be hearing the games of Cody notchkiss versus Dunkin Donuts Cody is saying that Dunkin Donuts made their coffee too hot and it burned the face off of his boyfriend coder explain your explanatory explanations well your honor I picked up some donuts from Dunkin Donuts for my friends and they wouldn't hop off my [ __ ] about me not getting Krispy Kreme so I was going to angrily take a sip of Dunkin Donuts terrible coffee but then it was so hot I dropped the cup on my boyfriend's feet and as you can see the coffee melted his feet beyond all recognition yes his feet do look like melted caramel the lawyer for Dunkin Donuts what do you have to say about the allegations of your coffee being too hot and whatnot hello my name is Mr Goodman and I'm the lawyer representing Dunkin Donuts today Dunkin Donuts has provided me with their statement that they would like me to read in court allow me to read it they say and I quote coffee is hot no [ __ ] be careful when you drink it coffee hot coffee be like that yes coffee do be like that let the record show coffee doobie like that Kodak what do you have to say about coffee hot coffee doobie like that well no [ __ ] it's coffee I I think what my client is trying to say that yes we all know coffee is hot and coffee do be like that I think we can all agree with that but there's no reason that Dunkin Donuts coffee should be so hot it burns a doll's feet off he's not a dog let the record show he's not a doll continue your honest my client was just trying hard emphasis on trying to enjoy a couple of that horrible awful disgusting diarrhea drink that Dunkin Donuts calls coffee now I don't know why someone would choose Dunkin Donuts for coffee when there's so many better Alternatives I mean Starbucks is way better and even McDonald's is a close second their caramel frappe is the [ __ ] I mean when their machine works but even Dunkin Donuts donuts are crap and Krispy Kreme is way better I mean they say American runs on Duncan Now American runs from Duncan but but no I'm rambling you're on it my point here is that what few customers Dunkin Donuts does have should not have to worry about their feet being scalded off if a spill should occur now I don't know how much we're trying to get out of Dunkin Donuts because I don't even know how they make any money but his boyfriend can never walk again and how much do you think that's worth let's do bring a tear into my eyes I turn it for Dunkin Donuts how could you possibly defend this well your honor all Dunkin Donuts says in their statement is coffee hot and coffee be like that I mean it goes without saying that coffee is hot and that you should be careful with it I wish I could see just how hot this coffee was does anyone have a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee yes sir I have a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee right here not yes bring me this hot Bean Juice here you go thank you I will now taste the hotness of this coffee oh Jesus that is a very hot coffee I find Nintendo that do that guilt again together oh yay we won yes Justice was served you hear that can we win I ordered Dunkin Donuts to pay 17 teams oh you could take the mystery box which one will you choose well I'm obviously gonna take the 20 million dollars no no hold on kid that mystery box could be anything what if it's 40 million dollars well I I think I'm just gonna play it safe and take the 20 million and I think that's good enough for me but but what if it's a hundred million dollars I don't think a hundred million dollars is gonna fit in that little box well what if it's a check for 100 million dollars what if it's a check for a billion dollars it could be literally anything no I don't really think we're gonna take the mystery box what are you doing look look I'm your lawyer I know what's best for you and I want to see what's in that box good Choice hmm there you go don't open it in here if it's a million dollars I wouldn't want you to be sworn no shoot go home go to John all right kid I promise you won't regret this let's go home and open this bad boy all right let's see what's in this Mystery Box Cody what is this well in the lawsuit with Dunkin Donuts we had a choice between 20 million dollars and a mystery box and we picked the mystery box trust me kid whatever's in here is gonna be worth way more than 20 million dollars it could be a deed to a private island or even the Mona Lisa let's open it up okay can I open it yeah sure Junior okay uh guys it's a box of [ __ ] Dunkin Donuts yeah but did somebody say free scan the QR code kid I don't want to scan the QR code because I don't want the goddamn donut it says one dozen donuts let's look it's not even a full dozen donuts this is literally just somebody's leftover Donuts yeah kid uh I'm sorry I I know I just my curiosity got the best of me we really should have taken that 20 million dollars God damn you just why don't we just go buy another Kindle and put the legs on that doll on this kid junior we can't just replace Ken I'm not saying replace Ken I'm saying get a whole nother Ken doll break the legs off and put them on your kin okay but I don't even know if they still sell Ken's oh let me grab my phone okay Cody I got my phone um it doesn't look like they sell him anywhere I told you Junior he's a one of a kind piece of ass you can't just buy him okay the closest you're gonna find is on Grindr okay well I have a bunch of action figures in my room Cody I can go grab them we can like take the legs off them and put them on Ken I guess it's worth a shot all right Cody these are the only three GI Joes I have oh look at the yams on him damn oh man he could crush my head with those what about this one Cody um it doesn't really match the rest of Ken what are you talking about I think he's perfect well he's fine but what about this guy in the middle he's like his mouth is all weird nope what about this one this one's like perfect well it's you know you know what his legs are too thin that's what it is they're too thin are you sure it has anything to do with him being black but no no of course not it's just the leg they're too thin I like this guy better he's the legs are all beefy and you're sure you don't want this one yes I'm sure I like I like this one damn okay so not this one no it's a junior no I'm going with this one okay hear that everyone he doesn't want this one it's just because of the leg thing it's not not like that it's just this guy look at his legs damn look at that okay sure buddy don't don't say it like that okay Junior we have to take the legs off of him and put those legs on him get started well I don't know where to start I'm not a doctor did somebody say doctor no no you get the hell out of here well look kid I'm sorry about the whole donut thing and I want to make it up to you by doing the surgery that you want to do for free okay fine all right get out of my way everybody I'm gonna do surgery ale his name is Ken 24 years old he's a doll he's not a dog that day okay not a doll we're doing a double leg transplant okay nurse scalpel here you go doctor [Music] right leg amputated right leg amputated nurse McDonald's Sprite McDonald's Sprat how the hell am I supposed to drink it I have a mask on throw my mask down sorry doctor [Music] okay mascot okay okay left leg amputated left leg amputated okay come here Max Steel [Music] nurse tape what goddamn tape give me the tape okay [Music] he's perfect the perfect man doctor his legs aren't in socket look they wanted a miracle I gave him a miracle okay all right I'm gonna take him back all right kid there's your boyfriend oh wow look at those hips looking like a Pixar mom this video should be called thick can yeah did I do good or did I do good oh you did great doctor but uh how long does that tape have to stay on there oh you know I'd probably leave it on for a few days weeks months years forever you know just just don't take it off well do you think he's in any pain oh no no he's not in any pain look at that face he he is happy well can we put his shorts on I don't want him walking around with his hog out uh yeah hold on yeah there you go good as new oh that's great thanks Doc all right uh yeah Cody he looks weird of course he looks weird junior he just got out of surgery the anesthesia's probably still wearing off his legs just whatever you just gotta get used to him come on Ken let's go home [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,448,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, dunken donuts, donuts, ken, dunken, dunkin donuts, coffee, hot coffee lawsuit, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, judge, court, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, hilarious, brooklyn guy, lawyer
Id: 2CwnGofAM50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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