SML Movie: Catch Me If You Ken!

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so guys what do you want to do today oh dude I'm hungry yeah I could use some nummy in my tummy well Chef Phoebe should be done cooking dinner soon all right guys watch your mouth that's chicken Jambalaya I don't see any chicken oh that's what the nutter butters are for you substituted nutter butters for chicken well then shut up just eat just eat God stop being choicy why is there a can lid in there yeah we're not eating this I'll eat it for five bucks Joseph I'm not gonna pay you to get food poisoning how about guys how about we just drive to McDonald's but we're not old enough to drive yeah we don't have a license dude do we know anyone with a license well Ken has a driver's license well he doesn't have a driver's license he's a dog dude he's not a dog Joseph of course he has a driver's license how else could it be a race car driver well then show us a driver's license yeah okay let me get it out of his wallet boom read it weep Chumps oh yeah dude that's definitely fake yeah it looks fake Cody it's not fake it's very real why is Ken so orange oh he had a sunburn that day yeah I told him not to get his driver's license photo done when he had a sunburn but he didn't listen he just had to drive his last name is Carson yep and one day I'm gonna be Cody Carson and look he's even an organ donor he can't be what if GI Joe needs to they just have a plastic kidney Cody shut up wait wait it says right here Ken was born in 1961. that means Ken is over 60 years old yeah but ages but a number but you're under 18 so that's wrong no no it's not wrong because he's a he's a doll no no he's not a dog well if he was a doll Cody it wouldn't be weird if he was made in 1961 that's fine but if he was born in 1961 then then he's a predator no he's not a predator he he has Benjamin Button disease so he's basically 17. dude if he wasn't plastic I'd be calling the cops right now well look guys he has a driver's license okay can he drive can he drive did chick Thunder Hicks sign with dynaco yes he did and Lightning McQueen signed with rusties I watched cars last night just a little bit of Pixar trivia for you can Ken drive us McDonald's no what's the point of okay drive us well because he can't drive at night because he has astigmatism what what do you mean his eyes are bad yeah he has bad eyes okay look when God gives you washboard abs and a perfect ass and a giant Wang he has to take away something so Kim can't drive to McDonald's what if we duct tape him to the steering wheel and then you drive the car and it looks like Ken's driving it and we have someone with a license at least in the car I don't know look look Ken look just you and Ken follow me look okay Cody I duct tape Ken to the steering wheel so if we get pulled over to say Ken was driving but I don't want Ken to get in trouble well then don't get pulled over but I don't even really know how to drive I can't even see over the steering wheel all you do is press the gas pedal and then move the steering wheel back and forth this seems like a bad idea I want to go to McDonald's okay put it in drive I guess oh man Simmons I hate the night shift I'm so tired I think I'm gonna take a nap just wake me up if any crimes happen all right mate I'm gonna test out the equipment make sure it's working properly I'm gonna start with the Lots Simmons you turn the siren on yeah I'm just testing out the lights to see if they work but stop staring at the lights it's bad for your eyes you know what else is bad for your eyes a pencil yeah yeah I guess that would be bad for your eyes any sharp object is bad for your eyes and bricks are bad for your teeth well yeah you shouldn't chew on bricks oh Simmons did you see that car he was flying he wasn't flying he was driving no I meant he was going fast come on we're gonna get him [Applause] all right they pulled over look I'm really tired I'm just gonna give him a warning and let them go so I can go back to my nap wait a minute before you go aren't carrots good for your eyes I mean that's what I've heard yeah so I can poke myself in the eye with a carrot and be all right no no they're not for poking yourself in the eye symptoms for eating well then if I eat them then it means they're good for my mouth I'll let you figure that out while I'm gone what's wrong Cody I'm having a panic attack I don't want to go to jail what if they make me be the top that's too much pressure I can't last that long Cody let me get in the driver's seat and I'll do all the talking you're gonna screw this up no Cody trust me I know how to talk to Cops okay excuse me sir can I see your driver's license here you go officer thank you that's not you this is the guy on the steering wheel oh he appears to be duct taped to the steering wheel what what oh I'm not going after him I am too tired for this what are you doing not going to jail that's what I'm doing I gave him a fake eye McDonald's here we come no no McDonald's take us home our McDonald's you know I love my nuggies dude guys we just ran from the cops and we got away this is not my first time running from it and we're never gonna get caught yes we will because they have Ken's driver's license it's fake anyway dude yeah it's not even real it is real another gonna come looking for him Cody just shut up and eat your Elemental Happy Meal I've never even seen Elemental you guys want to go watch it well if we're gonna go watch it we have to go watch it now because it's only in theaters what are you talking about it means you can only watch it in theaters and when it leaves theaters they're gonna delete the file from history dude they're never gonna release it on DVD and they're never gonna put on a streaming service that would be ridiculous well no it's Pixar's plan see they want people to run to the theaters and watch it now and then they're going to delete the file no no I think what they mean is it's only in theaters for now well then why doesn't it say only in theaters for now why isn't it say only in theaters for now DVD later streaming later they can't fit all that on the box it is plenty of space on that box dude yeah they could have fit it right here well look do you guys want to go see it or not yeah let's go see it let's go dude well guess what we can't because we spent all of our money on McDonald's well wait a minute wait we have Ken's real name now so we can apply for our credit card and Ken's name oh dude he's perfect for this let's do it no no no no we don't want to ruin Ken's credit he's a perfect credit score well that means we can get a higher credit limit and also we can apply for loans in Ken's name more money dude yes let's go apply for a loans and get made no no no all right Cody we got a credit card in Ken's name in the 20 000 personal loan with an 8.6 interest rate and it's a balloon loan so the interest rate Rises every year and they give us free balloons but that's financially irresponsible and you're not gonna get any balloons well look who do we have a credit card and twenty thousand dollars all thanks to Ken's information guys this is a crime because Ken Ken can't he he can't he's well he's a doll no no he's he's human it's just this is identity theft because you can't take out a loan in Ken's name well he told us we could do it but he's cool with it didn't no he didn't he was me the whole time and he didn't say that well Cody with this twenty thousand dollars we can go see Elemental we could buy Elemental dude yeah we could the whole theater guys you're gonna have to pay that money back eventually you can't have to pay that money back but we should still return the money look Cody no one's going gonna stop us the police might that who says that's the police that might just be Pixar asking us to go see Elemental Pixar's not gonna go door to door asking you to see their movie oh yes they are Cody Pixar have you seen their last few movies they're in their flop era hello hey there I'm looking for a Ken Carson I tried to pull him over earlier and he sped off I've never seen that guy before wait weren't you in the car with him when he sped off oh yeah that guy he kidnapped me and my friends and then he dropped us off at McDonald's and then went to Mexico what okay well would you be willing to testify to that in court I don't know maybe okay so you don't know where he would be maybe Mexico but he's definitely not on my couch upstairs okay I'm gonna go check your couch well you don't have a warrant so you can't come in um uh this house smells like weed so I'm gonna have to come in because I have probable cause it doesn't smell like weed oh and also his his address is right here on the driver's license and that's your house so I'm coming in Cody Cody you put my address as Ken's address on his driver's license oh no I didn't do that the DMV did that oh excuse me anybody seen a Ken Carson no oh you lying bastard he's right there okay Mr Carson put your hands up thank you now you're under arrest for fleeing the police wait where did you kids get all that money uh Lemonade Stand what are you putting in the lemonade that you get in that kind of money uh crack you're putting crack in your lemonade well no but people say it's so good it might as well be cracked okay so they're cracking the lemonade or not no okay then where did you get the money okay so look we found out that Ken has a driver's license even though he's a doll so he applied for a bunch of loans and credit cards in his name because we wanted money wait wait you applied for loans and credit cards in his name that's fraud well no he told us to do it and he has no plans on paying it back so we're gonna keep the money and he needs to get in trouble yep yep you're absolutely right that is his fault okay Mr Carson you're under arrest come on oh [Music] hold up I am I am and today we'll be hearing the case of Kenneth Carson Kenneth you have been on quarter crimes really lately speeding evading the police resisting arrested bank fraud etc etc Kenneth how do you explain yourself you wipe that smug smile off your face Mister you are showing No Remorse for your actions oh sorry you're honor he actually just got Botox in his face that's why he can't stop smiling but trust me he is very remorseful for the actions he didn't do oh my name is Kenneth I'm so remorseful for breaking the law do I look remorseful no how do you plead Kenneth well are you going to say something you have to plead guilty not guilty my bad the fifth something not guilty he said not guilty your honor hmm interesting well let me tell you where you're wrong and why you are guilty because you handed your driver's license to the police just before you sped away in your car like Fred Flintstone kicking his little feet unless of course you're saying that wasn't you driving the car oh please say that I would love for you to say that because then I could [ __ ] you every day of the week and twice on Sunday so please I dare you to say that no it wasn't me driving the car oh I am so glad you sent that because I have one more piece of Evidence Officer guy show him the body cam footage of you pulling him over go ahead if everyone would look at the screen please you can clearly see Kenneth is driving the car he's even duct taped to the steering wheel and there are kids in the car so he's also endangering children so you can probably add some charges for that oh so close but so [ __ ] guilty guilty guilty you see you can't fake body cam footage and that's clearly you driving the car oh no I don't even have to ask you about the bank fraud because if you would lie about the car you'd obviously lie about the bank fraud so once a liar always a liar get there now usually I would give you four years in prison but because you lied to my face I am giving you 34 years in prison that's right an extra 30 years for lying I don't like liars take him away bailiff don't like it 34 years sorry kid he's coming with me yeah what's wrong Cody did you get your wiener stuck in your zipper again it also can get 34 years in prison and it's all because of you guys hold on hold on is it really because of us do yeah at some point Candace take responsibility for his own actions well this is all your idea no Ken was the one who got duct taped in the steering wheel and sped off and he was also the one to get these loans on his name but you guys did all that yeah and Kim could have stopped us yep he has a voice unless he's a doll dude no he's not at all he's just shy see so Ken could have spoke up and he chose not to God damn it Ken needs to learn to stick up for himself yeah so me and Joseph decided to split the 20 grand 10 000 each and we're gonna give you the credit card I should get all of it because this is all your fault and also I need the money to pay for Ken's commissary he's gonna need to buy a lot of Preparation H for the ass pound he's gonna take and Swiss Rolls again loves his Swiss Rolls so how about you go visit Ken in prison and find out if he even needs the money okay he'll go see if he's a top or a bottom all right let's take the 20 grand and hide it hey Ken how's prison your cellmate's not going too rough on you Izzy Hey kid me and you Ground Three tonight your face on the ground oh he's making you be the bottom lucky oh Ken I just wish I could reach through these bars and grab you it's not fair it's just not fair you escaped come on quick hey you owe me round three guys they just broken out of jail why would you do that Cody now you're gonna get in trouble well he just kind of fell through the bars and I just grabbed him look hopefully nobody will even notice he's missing okay and makes lights out no more Weenies and butts at least not with the lights on but officer no butts or weenies in those butts I can't put my weenie in the butt cause my butt gone what happened to your butt hey there wait you're telling me your cellmate escaped where'd he go no I gotta find him so guys what happened to that twenty thousand dollars because we should probably give it back to the bank uh what happened well you see we gave that twenty thousand dollars away well there was these two blind kids going door to door trying to raise money for New Eyes yeah and it was ten thousand dollars per eye yeah so we only had twenty thousand so that means only one kid got new eyes so we made them play Rock Paper Scissors to see who got new eyes how did they know who won well we told them and it was a draw three times in a row three times so they decided to get one eye each you know an eye for an eye that's not really relevant here but okay yeah so we gave the twenty thousand dollars so they both could get one eye don't you think that's worth it well as long as it went to a good cause you're under arrest for helping a fugitive and you're under arrest for being a fugitive what's going on officer well Mr Cody here help Mr Carson escape from jail so now that both go into the slammer do I at least get can't sell mate no you're going to an all-woman's prison Junior help me is there anything we can do officer I don't know I'm just so pissed off because my wife racked up twenty thousand dollars a credit card debt so I really need twenty thousand dollars I would do just about anything for twenty thousand dollars I'd probably let these two go for twenty thousand dollars dude do we give him the money no we might have twenty thousand dollars wait but what about the blind kids we made it up but you made that up yeah because me and Joseph wanted to buy a soft serve ice cream machine bro chocolate vanilla strawberry Cosmopolitan Cody because it Cosmopolitan guys help me give him the money Joseph and here have the money wow that's really nice of you guys so I guess because you did that I can let these two go well I have a question for you so is this weird so Ken was born in 1961 and he's dating a minor okay well I can't just let that slide get run catch him if you can [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,375,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, catch me if you ken, ken, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, junior, cody, joseph, brooklyn guy, laugh, fun, court, adventure
Id: gZ-is7099uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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