SML Movie: The Food Scam!

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so guys what do you want to do today dude we should totally put on blindfolds and juggle chainsaws while going down the stairs that sounds like a sick idea i know right or we could just watch tv lame dude that's so lame we're always on the stupid red couch let's go and do something but but this would be way safer we should just watch tv well well guys you both have really good ideas so i think you guys should have a staring contest and whoever doesn't blink we do their idea okay but he has four eyes he obviously has an advantage well i see i see what you're saying but he also has more eyes that he could blink hmm i guess you're right all right so and go [Music] what are you doing you cheated oh i guess we have to watch tv [Music] breaking news mk a florida man found a human nose in his pizza and he sued papa john's and received 1 million dollars let's go to goodman for the story now goodman thanks goodman i'm here with the man who sued papa john's for one million dollars he would like to remain anonymous and he would like to be called poobie so boomy tell us what happened well i uh ordered a pizza from papa john's you know pretty standard pepperoni pizza so they deliver it and i go to bite into it and i can see that that that that's a nose it sure is yeah i say that's that's not a pepperoni that's that's that's a nose with human nose so i call the store and uh i tell them hey there's a nose in my pizza and they say it was supposed to be a pepperoni pizza and i say well it's not it's a no it's a nose pizza it is yeah so then they check around the store to see if anybody lost their nose and it turns out they did somebody lost their nose right in my pizza yeah he was slicing the pizza and it slipped and he sliced his own nose off and just boxed it up like normal terrifying yeah so they offered me a refund or a new pizza so i sued them yeah yeah yeah i shoot them for a million dollars they gave me this cardboard box full of money so that's is it i'm sorry is that an ear oh you're about to get paid again there's a there's an ear in my box of money okay well that's cool i guess somebody's just falling apart over at papa john's i guess mr potato head works at papa john's and his pieces are falling off that's i'm just going to keep ordering things and keep getting paid yeah that's the way to do it now remember folks if you find body parts in your pizza or your big box of money you can lawyer up and get paid guys did you see that dude i know a nose piece that sounds delicious what no no no no no the guy got a million dollars for finding a nose on his pizza so what if we go plant a nose on a piece of pizza and then we sue too and we get a million dollars dude that is so genius i wish i would have thought of that no junior that's a terrible idea if we get caught we'll go to jail and also where are we even going to get a body part well i have hundreds of mr potato head pieces in my room i found a body part in the backyard so we can just go take one of the mr potato head pieces and we can just go put on food and say we found it in soo and get a million dollars this is a stupid idea no it's a good idea we're gonna be rich come on let's get rich all right guys what body parts should we use to put on the pizza well the guy on the news use the nose but i'm in the feed so let's use this orange piece i think we should use the nose what do you think cody i think this is stupid because the guy on the news had a real human nose in his food no one's gonna care if we use a mr potato head piece cause it's a toy well you're gonna offer to cut off your nose cody and let me use that no then we're gonna have to use a toy nose cody so i'm using those welcome to papa john's how may i take your order uh can i get a large pepperoni pizza with no body parts on it i guess you saw the news huh yeah yeah we saw the news and we don't want any body parts on our pizza well we guarantee there won't be any body parts in your pizza all right 20 please here it is thank you sir and your piece is right here fresh off the heel and there's no body parts no body parts sir all right thank you all right cody i put the mr potato head nose on the pizza so jose is going to be recording your reaction when you open up the box so be really scared when you see it junior why would i be recording myself eating a pizza isn't that going to be kind of suspicious no because you're starting your food review channel on youtube and this is your first video okay so in my first video i'm gonna find a nose in my pizza no one's gonna believe that well no you're gonna go viral that's what's gonna make it so big junior this is stupid no one's gonna believe that no no close the box go go go all right go hey guys it's me cody hold on hold on joseph uh your nose is in the video oh my bad okay alright start again go hey guys it's me cody and today i'm gonna be reviewing just like a regular papa john's pepperoni pizza i guess because i guess i've never had one before here we go oh my god what is that oh no there's a nose in my pizza oh you're gonna suit right you're gonna sue yeah i'm i'm gonna sue yeah scream scream why would i scream it's just a scream ah louder love they didn't hear you ah oh this man is screaming over here because the nose on his pizza jimmy nothing's happening i demand a million dollars wait where's my million dollars yeah yeah like the guy on the news yeah i want a million dollars like that guy on on the news yell for the manager manager oh manager there's a nose in my pizza i'm a yolo manager we got a nose and my pizza y'all want something oh yes mr manager my friend found something in his pizza tell him cody uh i i i found a nose what a nose oh no not again oh we can't kick you to soul like this uh hold on sir uh i'm gonna get the cook for you mr p hands i'm in here hi guys are you enjoying your pizza oh sh what's wrong cody it's mr potato i know this is perfect we can say that one of his pieces fell off in the pizza we could sue them is something wrong look at the pizza look at what you did you did this uh i don't see anything other than cheese and pepperoni that's your nose right there in the pizza right there that's your nose nope my nose is on my face no no no we know you come with spare parts and one of your noses fell on the pizza and we want to sue for a million dollars it's not right cody i i mean that could be anybody's nose no no it's his nose that we're suing for a million dollars you want a million dollars right i need a refund no we want a million dollars and we're gonna sue look i'm gonna have to fire you mr p head oh fired i can't be fired i have a family and tater tots at home look i don't care about your ties look you causing lawsuits get out of here oh yeah we want our million dollars and we want it now and we're going to sue even more harder than the last guy who sued i don't feel good about it no no no no it feels good a million dollars go get our million dollars breaking news okay another person has found a nose in their papa john's pizza their shocking video capturing the moment when the customer noticed the nose in his pizza let's show you that now here we go oh my god what is that oh no there's a nose in my pizza oh you're gonna sue right you're gonna sue yeah i'm i'm gonna sue yeah scream scream why would i scream it's just a scream ah shocking video the employee whose nose fell off onto the pizza has been fired we also have a statement from him now let's go to that that wasn't my nose i swear i can't be fired i needed that job i have mouths to feed well look at that junior we ruined a man's life oh come on cody he's not even a real man he's a potato he's a person he has a family but cody we have a million dollars dude i've never seen this much money in my life i know it's so awesome junior i think we should give some of this money to mr potato head why well because he's homeless now and he lost his job because of us but if you give away some of your money we won't be millionaires anymore we'll be thousand airs and that sounds lame yeah if you're gonna give away money you might as well give it to me yeah you might as well give it to your buds junior i think we should give mr potato head at least half of this money half yeah that's like half the money yeah exactly that's half the money joseph he wants to give away half a million dollars well if he's going to give away money okay fine i'm still gonna get mr potato head half that's dumb come on let's go find him [Music] hey sexy hey big boy what can i do for you how much to rent that mouth of yours for the night oh 20 bucks [Music] hey i'll give you a hundred dollars for your feet i don't know what you said but i think it's yes jesus christ look at him junior he's a mess he doesn't even have a mouth oh what are we supposed to do we're gonna take him back to your house and we're gonna fix him up how are we gonna fix him up you have plenty of extra mr potato head pieces at your house come on all right cody i gave him a mouth tell us what happened mr potato head well first of all i lost my job and then my wife leaves me and takes the tots and the next thing i know i'm having to sell my body parts on the side of the road for money and they took the most important one jesus why is there eyes on the back of your head so i can look him in the eyes when he's mashing my potatoes just awful oh well we really want to help you get back on your feet yeah literally here sit on this oh that's not the first time i've heard that this evening so we also want to help you in another way hell yeah we're gonna give you all of this money we only gonna give him half junior he deserves it haven't you seen what he's been through all of this money you want to give it to me yeah oh i appreciate it thank you so much just go ahead be gentle no no no no you don't have to do that anymore you know we wanted to give you the money oh really yeah we just want your life to go back to normal oh thank you so much oh i appreciate it why are you sad junior because you gave mr potato head our million dollars and now we have nothing it was the right thing to do we fixed his life but now we have nothing hey guys mr potato head oh i don't go by that name anymore i go by mr big bank account head wow nice trip yeah it'd be like that sometimes well what are you doing here well i wanted to come by and thank cody for making things right and giving me a million dollars so i want to give him a stack i want to make sure my brother eats well thanks do you have a stack for me oh hold on i got something for you oh here tape that to the back of your head then you might get something what what's that for you about to get your potatoes mashed well why did he give me any money because you ruined his life junior well you you ruined it too well but at least i made it right bye
Channel: SML
Views: 16,164,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, licking, disorder, funny, jokes, junior, cody, pizza, mr potato head, sll, sbl, superluigilogan, superbowserlogan, logan, lance, joseph, friends, comedy, skit, entertainment
Id: nlY5U_P9TR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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