SML Movie: Jeffy Gets Stuck!

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Mario I wonder what Jesse's doing he's probably staring at a wall chime play kickball my friend no Mario Jeffy could use some fresh air yeah Danny listen to your woman well let me turn on the news and check the weather and make sure it's not gonna rain or something like a tornado you're watching news and now time for the weather but first it's time for the joke of the day why did the ducky get arrested because you got caught selling quack now time for the weather today's weather forecast is a sunny no cloudy sunny blue sky a.m. with a random chance of lightning so make sure to look out for those random quacks of lightning huh kid it quacks like a duck huh well would you look at that too bad so sad you can't be outside there's lightning but Mario it's a sunny day today and no clouds good so knowing all right Jeff you ready to kick the ball yeah junior may kick the ball so hard I'm gonna kick it over your fence please don't because then we have to go get it oh don't worry about it dude I have Lee's I could just die over there and get it okay all right Jeff are you ready to kick it yeah okay whoa you well Jamie you kicked the ball in the forest why George I was gonna kick in the over defense what are we gonna do dude I'll go look for it okay how about you look in the air and me and Geoffrey go look on the ground okay I got you dude all right Jeff let's go look for the ball all right okay Jeffy do you see the ball what color was it what color was it was red you just kicked it oh I'll remember it being red jr. my daughter's more like a maroon or like a crimson it was red Oh Junior get a big green I don't even know I wouldn't pay anything with that lightning it's not even raining outside okay oh I'm fine here hi guys tree stuck on my wing Mike's probably broken probably need to be amputated I'm doing just fine jr. okay good okay that's why it's so heavy yeah just like your mom okay look I need more people to help me look to the other tree off your leg so I'm gonna help okay all right doing your honey just stay right here okay I don't have a choice Junior okay look if a lion cub just just try not to be a cheeseburger okay all right thanks for the advice how'd you stay right here her babies oh yeah you haven't done your tour - you're going to get that trash but take out the trash yeah you know you have to do your toys you can't eat it think it see you've done your toys okay I'll take out the trash real quick Jimmy you better hurry up the traps not gonna eat pizza rolls all right said baby I took out the trash all right Julia there's a be thorough oh they look so good be careful golf tournament gets Tiger was he's really gonna go away Junior I don't understand what you're saying just eat your pizza rolls okay home stupid tree stupid outside stupid dirt stupid fly stupid goofy-looking alligator there needs them he'll know I'm fine my friend Junior say he's gonna help me Oh will you look stuck lift this tree up I'm pretty strong no I said I'm fine buffering juniors gonna go get some help what's going on here oh hey mr. squirrel our friend here is you need to get that real for you no I said my friend junior is going to go get some help I said before I turn you I'm tired of you playing games started fires in the house oh you need to go and take a bath oh good we take a bath right now before tell your dad you know what I'm gonna pick you in the bath come on cheeseburger good tonight like a cheeseburger gonna be a hot dog oh hot dog that's a cheeseburger you need to take a bath then you gonna be in your room all day great for starting that fire look here's a boss or you better clean oh that's nice oh yes mr. camel my name is not mr. camel it's Camille huh beep uh Bob and I'm gonna try to move this tree lock I'm gonna try to move it with my hoof booze booze booze well that's all I could do by jr. you said maybe you have to listen to me I don't want to hear it - you're you're grounded you're gonna stay in this room okay but Jimmy needs help we didn't watch that baby like a tree fogged up he's like any stuck in the woods like what yeah jumpy Nijo his life broke into the tree on it hey we need weed eat the trap is like I'm helping you you better not be pranking me junior follow me baby oh my god alright be jumpy down here somewhere where is he - here I don't know I kind of forgot where we're at I mean it look like this there were trees and they were leave hurry up you're wasting my time I promised a Chevy Tahoe you need our help there's a tree on his leg because we were looking for my ball they kicked in the woods and lightning struck a tree and I fell on his leg lightning Julia it's sunny a.m. there's no lightning around that's what I thought we didn't like me socket renal and I was like we need to help him Junior I'm about to go home please look we have to find Jimmy baby look what my ball Junior wow you're the lowest of the low I can't believe you you're actually gonna tell a lie about your friend getting stuck in there a tree and breaking his leg so I could come and get a ball for you that is true that really did happen but I just found my ball it's up in that tree can you get it Junior how am I going to get in that tree I have no legs well we climb it with just our arms you know Julie that's work look I'm going home okay there's some people please get my bow actually I'll find this freaking stick or something okay junior I've got a really big stick and I got this okay sighs stick to you know talk about sugar your jokes aren't funny can you set me up my ball we should be laughing at my joke since I'm doing this favor for you but you get my ball chef peepee all right shut up move Wow chef peepee you suck what do you want to try do you know that sticks too heavy yeah that's what I thought yeah but I'll just try anything for the ball what do you think I'm aiming at huh the branches ooh I made the ball thank you for getting it are you happy now - here can we go home yeah I mean we have my ball now I forgot what we came out here anyway we'll get your ball let's go okay [Applause] here forever and I'm gonna die hey kid you wanna play a game screw ball and I'm here to help all right kid I'm tired so here you can do the rest I know dude I'm so glad you got the ball back I know I love this ball where did you find it it was stuck in a tree wait how did you get it down Shep you had to get a stick oh man I couldn't even see it from the sky dude but really no not at all I just feel like I'm forgetting something wait what could you be forgetting we have a ball I don't know I just feel like I forgot some in the woods hey junior forgetting something we got the ball back Jeffy [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 22,030,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, puppet, funny, jokes, tree, stuck, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, super mario, nintendo, mario, video game, adventure, kickball, lost, bowser jr, bowser junior, friends, joseph, chef, pizza rolls, hilarious, skit, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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