SML Movie: The Remote!

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oh man guys i can't believe chef pee pee got us happy meal oh dude i love happy meals me too yeah i can't wait to get heart disease by the time i'm 50. yeah obesity yeah all right guys before we eat our happy meals let's turn on some tv give me that angelica please don't take my reptile and what are you gonna do about it you're nothing but stupid babies chucky do something okay tommy what are you gonna do about it finster [Music] she deserved it right angelica definitely deserves it especially because she cares around that stupid doll just like cody does oh burn cody burn joseph just burned you hey hey the word of the day is burned spell it with me b-u-r-n-d burned junior that's not how you spell bearing yeah it is how much would you spell it it's spelled b-u-r-n-e-d what no cody that's burnhead wait no it's not yeah that's bernadette hey joseph remember when my house burned into the ground yeah dude i remember when your house burned into the ground oh no my house burned into the ground guys you're gonna make me cuss and we can't do that we're gonna please don't cuss we don't want the video get the montage you just gotta learn how to spell burn cody not burn it how dumb all right guys let's eat our happy meals look guys i got some nuggies look what i got i got a go-go what you gotta go gert well let me see if i got one no i don't got a gogurt of course not junior you're not cool enough see cool people like me don't have time to eat yogurt with a spoon we gotta go so we grab our dirt oh i wish i had a go-gurt oh dude look what i got what kind of toy is that i don't know it looks like a roblox or something roblox that's awesome yeah i got the same thing let me see it looks like it's shaggy from scuba to do so it's a bobble head i mean i guess but look at that smile he looks like a lunatic imagine waking up and seeing that at the foot of your bed he looks like my sleep paralysis demon yeah he looks like he just killed his whole family yeah it's creepy i'm gonna go see what toy i got they gave me a tv remote dude what where's your toy what's up with that i don't know why would they give me a remote maybe they ran out of toy so they just gave you the closest thing they could find ah no roblox toy for you dude but i want a roblox toy too well look if this remote runs out of batteries you could always use that one you should at least see if it works with your tv i guess you're right i'll see if it works on my tv i'll try to pause the tv oh guys look it worked it popped the tv guys it paused the tv it worked guys guys oh i get it you guys are ignoring me because i didn't get a toilet my happy meal and you guys think i'm lame because i'm the only one without a toy well i'm not lame because i got two remotes for my tv do you have two or more for your tv huh huh no i i bet you guys don't have too much for your tv i don't even want a stupid dumb toy those toys are lame guys stop ignoring me guys stop ignoring me you know what guys i don't want to be a friend anymore so leaf it's my house so you have to leave leave i'm gonna tell chef pee pee that you guys won't listen to me and that you're ignoring me and then you won't leave because i don't want to be a friend that you buy ah champion my friends are ignoring me because i didn't get enjoyed my happy meal and i want you to tell them to go home should it be tell my friends to go home not you too of me don't ignore me stop ignoring me chef peepee why is everybody ignoring me my stupid friends are ignoring me chef babies ignore me why are all you guys ignoring me i want you guys to leave go home you know what i'm just gonna watch tv i guess it didn't work junior yeah the batteries must be dead dude oh wow now you guys want to talk to me no i don't want to be your friend and i want you guys to leave what are you talking about yeah dude no no when i hit that pause button on the remote you guys started ignoring me because i didn't get a toy in my happy meal no junior nothing happened what are you talking about no no no it did when when i pressed the pause button you guys ignored me and so did chef pee pee junior i don't know what you're talking about cody you try press the pause button you'll see okay see junior nothing happened junior junior joseph guys what oh [Music] oh yeah okay i think i'm ready all right let's do it oh oh god what happened oh my blood hurts mine does too oh yeah that's that's from sitting on the couch for so long that's that's that's what that is wink wink oh cody you see what i was talking about yeah i saw it junior this remote controls time it controls time yeah if you press the pause button it stops time what it does oh did you stop time yeah wait for how long did you stop time oh oh god for like like five years five years what'd you do for five years oh junior what didn't i do i mean i did everything like literally i did everything i could think of what was so you're saying that i i could take this remote and i could pause time and do stuff to people yeah and they would never know nope oh i want to pause time and punch chef pee pee in the face oh that sounds fun i'm gonna try that there's a crocodile in the kitchen how did it get in here hey chef pee pee what are you doing junior get out of the kitchen there's a crocodile in here i'll give you one second oh this is gonna be so cool ow what does my face hurt they're so bad guys i paused time and then i punched shampoo in the face over and over and over again and then i unpaused it and he was in so much pain that's kind of messed up dude yeah junior i don't think you should be using the remote to do bad stuff you literally paused the world for five years well yeah but i didn't do anything bad well you know what look guys you guys are just jealous that i got a cool time controlling remote and you both got stupid dumb shaggy toys we're not jealous about the shaggy toys it's just that that remote is way too powerful this was obviously a mistake you're not supposed to have that i'm gonna keep this remote there's nothing you can do about cody junior this is too dangerous you know i don't like the the language you're speaking cody you know i'm gonna change your language in spanish [Music] harry potter trying to cast a spell on us yeah we're not gonna turn into a pumpkin harry potter okay look i'll change your language back to english okay cody junior never do that again well it was kind of funny all right look guys i know you guys are upset because you guys think i hurt chef pee pee but i'll make it up to him there's a fast forward button on this remote and there's a big mess downstairs so i'll fast forward chef he'll be cleaning up the mess so it's easier for him junior that's not gonna help him it'll just make it go faster for you why don't you just go down there and clean it up for him well because then i'd have to clean it up and it's his mess yeah that would be helping him no i'm going to fast forward him cleaning up it's faster for him oh i hate my life hey chef peepee what are you doing oh i'm trying to clean up the mess that stupid crocodile made [Music] you're welcome chef pee pee wait what you didn't do anything junior all right guys i helped chevy clean up the mess and now he's happy good so we can destroy the remote now no i don't want to destroy the remote cody junior it's too dangerous oh no no this remote has a fast forward button so that means i can fast forward through all the boring parts of my life like school and uh school oh what about school dude yes cool i hate school high school too i actually kind of like school because you're a big fat nerdy nerd nerd boy yeah shut up nerd yeah shut up look i don't care what you want to fast forward through we should still destroy the remote all right cody how about this if you give me a long detailed scientific explanation on why we should get rid of this remote i'll get rid of it but really yeah it's going to be really long and boring well i want to hear it well okay i think you should get rid of the remote because [Music] and that junior is why you shouldn't have the remote dude that was showasha i know it was so cool you thought my explanation was cool no we fast forward you so we'd have to hear your long stupid dumb nerd speech what you fast forwarded me yeah we're so cool oh so cool this is exactly why we shouldn't have the remote all right cody i know you're mad so how about this i'll make you one last deal if you give me that same long dumb boring scientific explanation on why we should break it then i'll actually break it no you're just gonna fast forward me again no cody i promise i will not fast forward you again if i fast forward you again then you can punch me in the face and you can break the remote in front of me dude you're really going to break the remote with the nose all right cody do we have a deal okay all right junior i think you should get rid of the remote because dude what happened i muted him oh you should have did that a long time ago yeah cody we can't hear you i muted you so i can't hear you talk hey hey joseph can you hear cody no he's he must not be talking yeah he must not be talking he's mute wait i think cody must have left because i can't hear him oh he's not in the room oh where's cody oh wait wait joseph i found cody he just can't talk because i muted him oh man he's so annoying when he talks anyway i think he's boring and dumb and right but no cody i'm not gonna mute you you wanna know why because you're a dumb nerd and you're ugly hey hey hey hey watch this watch this watch this hey cody um if you're a loser don't say anything let's keep the losers all right cody i want to mute you junior this is the exact kind of thing you shouldn't be doing with the remote we need to destroy it okay cody okay fine i understand this remote is really dangerous so i'm going to destroy it right now right after i use the rewind feature but what could you possibly need to rewind um i got an idea hold on i'll use the rewind feature and then i'll break it down what do you want to you're trying to watch tv i want to make a bet with you okay i like best what's the bet think of a number between one and ten and if i guess it right you owe me a hundred dollars but if i guess it wrong i owe you two hundred dollars okay this is gonna be an easy two hundred dollars then all right think of a number oh okay i got it is it one nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars [Music] okay i got it is it two nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars okay i got it is it three nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it four nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got is it five nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it six nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars okay i got it is it seven nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars okay i got it is it eight how'd you guess right are you a genius or a psychic or something uh yeah i guess i'm just a sidekick i'm paying my hundred dollars dad it's not fair oh no there's no way he gets that right but thanks dad junior whenever i hear that noise i know something's bad diabetes guys guess we just made a hundred dollars how did you make a hundred dollars with that remote because uh let me think about that for a second um because uh i'm a genius yeah if you got 100 big ones out of it dude yeah 100 big ones 100 macaronis you know okay junior you had your fun now we need to get rid of that remote for real all right cody you keep saying we need to get rid of the remote but how do you expect us to get rid of it do you think it's just going to vanish in thin air i don't know maybe it has like a self-destruct button or something a self-destruct button uh but oh there's a parent or control button oh dude junior don't touch that [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 18,351,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, the remote, junior, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, joke, comedy, skit, friends, click, adam sandler, entertainment, laugh, show, cody, joseph, chef, pause, fast forward, time, rewind, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, hilarious
Id: WRhnbTCWLns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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