SML Movie: The Caveman!

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[Music] so guys what do you want to do today i made a portal gun anything you want to do joseph nah what about you dude i made a portal gun we could watch tv oh that sounds fun i made a portal gun what are you talking about cody this it's a portal gun what's that it's a portal gun what's it do it opens portals it can take you to any time and any place any universe wait so if i want to go back in time and see a dinosaur i can yup then prove it okay move out of the way whoa dude what's that it's a portal joseph were you not listening no go inside it dude i'm not going in that what if i die well grab your hat no not my back go get it it's not fair wait cody where are we i think we're in prehistoric times junior what's more important is where's my hat dude yeah cody where's his hat i don't know it could be literally anywhere well we're not leaving until we find it all right cody you look that way i'll look this way okay where could it be uh junior what there's that dinosaur you wanted to see oh cool a dinosaur no junior's gonna see oh no oh my god cody shoot a portal okay hey give me my hat back what the caveman came with us cody oh i guess i'll just have to send him back i don't know what well the portal gun's out of juice well change the batteries no i mean like literally juice like it runs on apple juice apple juice yeah why is it running apple juice why not batteries because apples are like the only fuel that can power a portal gun what listen man you can make a battery of potatoes to screw off i got the dinosaur what's he doing here he must have come through the portal before it closed but why was he behind the couch for so long it's almost like he was waiting there until they said that the portal gun was out of juice so we wouldn't be able to send it back and we're just three kids and he's a dinosaur so what are we gonna do right now what do we do hey what and it just went off oh i had a little bit of juice left and you wasted it come on dude sorry guys so cody what do we do now we have a dinosaur locked in the closet and a caveman right here well we just need more apple juice so we can send them back we don't have to send the caveman back but yes we do junior he's dangerous we can't take something from the past it might affect the future like what if this caveman's children's children's children's children is like albert einstein or something okay maybe not this caveman's children's children's children children and he's eating my hair so that's another reason he can't stay daddy okay so all we have to do is go ask chef pee pee for more apple juice and then we can send them back yeah let's go all right let's go come on whatever your name is oh we have to name him we don't have to name him he's just going to leave eventually i like the name doo doo man what doo doo man yeah you like doo doo man oh yeah i like it come on doo doo man can't wait to eat some flom bait chips oh yeah chef if you do have any apple juice check the refrigerator to your god what was wrong with him junior he's a caveman he's never seen fire before wait joseph are you okay i'm okay dude oh let's go check on doodleman you know what i'm not even gonna ask do do man are you okay okay well maybe if we show him fire isn't bad he'll calm down all right duty i'm how to talk because he can't understand us and we could have told him the fire would have burned him yeah it's a good idea so i'm gonna get some cue cards so we can teach doo doo man how to talk you okay dude man okay doo doo man i got these word cards to teach you how to talk so this is a bear no no no it's okay man it's not really a bear it's just a picture of a bear wait have you even seen a bear come over here dude man say bear oh that was perfect nice that wasn't really a word say dog who feels good it's the same noises say yo yo perfect genius these aren't words say apple that was apple that was perfect say juice oh that was perfect wait apple juice that's right guys we need apple juice so we can send him back home no no we need to teach him how to talk we shouldn't be focused on teaching him how to talk we should focus on sending him back where he came from how do we know where to send him back like we need to get him to talk so he can tell us what year he's from huh yeah i guess you're right okay look these cards aren't working go get your laptop so we can like get a translator app or something oh that's a good idea okay guys i got my laptop let's look up a translator do you know what the hell are you watching nothing dude this is my favorite video and won't act it out go to 9 22. i know i think he wants you to put it back on no doo doo man we're not going to watch that anymore no no i'm not even supposed to be watching okay guys how about we just get the apple juice he's seen too much he hasn't seen enough 9 22 9 22 don't do it no let's go get the apple juice dude man you stay right here all right cody grab the apple juice okay junior why is there a cat in your fridge there's not a cat in my fridge yes there is there's a cat in your fridge i i don't know there's a camera just grab the apple juice okay bye kitty you're not not gonna be watching that guys we get the apple juice let's just send him home but he keeps spitting on me well look we can't send him home until we know what year he's from well it's not like he knows what year he's from it's not like they had calendars back then you don't know that he probably did have a calorie like chiseled into a rock or something well then how are we gonna talk to him uh oh i'll call a translator how about that okay hey there you call the cops junior why did you call the cops because they translate things all the time like when they arrest bad guys they got to know what they're saying yeah i can speak all kinds of different languages hold on let me talk to the little fella hey there homie what what's crack-a-lacking not this again dude come on oh hey hey hey i'm not trying to harsh your buzz brudda what's all good in the hood no no no not not him we want you to talk to the caveman why is he shouting at me what is this your grandpa or something no it's a caveman what is he like dressed like a caveman no it's a real caveman from prehistoric times oh well he's eating my hat so tell him to knock it off before i tase him dude his name is doo doo man play with that okay should i be worried about that no he likes fire so listen can you translate what he's saying translate listen if that really is a caveman i i don't speak caveman i i think my ex-wife does because i think she was with the caveman from the noises i heard coming out of our bedroom he was like ooh ooh ooga oh do we watch the same video 9 22 right what what's he talking about so can you help us or not no listen kids i have real crimes to solve like i'm pretty sure somebody out there is trying to use a counterfeit applebee's gift card come on popcorn pop already god okay i smell it burning but it's not cooking okay i saw him set you on fire i'm arresting that guy freeze you're under arrest for arson and attempted murder put the lighter down no no no no no i don't care how much you try to suck me off to get out of going to jail i've already let that happen too many times come on you're going to jail for a long time wait where are you going with doo doo man doo doo man is more like felony man because you set your chef on fire free my [ __ ] doo doo man he do not wrong he did do something wrong nah he just don't like him because he's brown huh no no he's a white caveman and he's an arsonist look get out of my way kids all right get in there you have the right to remain silent if you do not you're a k man you don't know what i'm saying is there any way you can release doo doo man no he's a dangerous animal i can't let him free because he might end up hurting somebody else he just started your car well that's impossible my car can't start because i'm not that caveman just stole my car i thought you said he was a caveman how does he know how to drive he's a caveman what i stole the car they're never going to catch me but wait a minute if he's me that means i'm dude what the hell's going on i don't know but dude man get inside 922 where's all the dudes hey guys what took so long what happened i can't explain what just happened me either dude okay well i put the apple juice in the portal gun so we're ready to send them home and we still don't know what year to send them back to i don't think i really care i just want him the hell out of here okay then make a portal okay it has to warm up first my clothes are all wet and my hat's rolling oh i hope i have another one in the closet come on warm up you stupid gun how'd the dinosaur get out of the closet i mean i guess it kind of makes sense because he's a dinosaur and dinosaurs are strong and there's just a little closet and two doors probably wouldn't be able to hold him and maybe chef phoebe went to the closet and tried to get a new hat because his other head got burned but i wasn't there for that so i don't know oh hey the gun's ready we'll make a port hurry oh dude man you gotta go cody he took my laptop with him junior we have bigger problems to deal with we have this dinosaur right here oh junior look i i think he likes how shiny the portal gun is look it's distracting him oh then so that portal got in the portal he'll fight he'll chase after it but then we won't be able to do portals anymore inside the portal cody okay thank god that's over with but cody how do we know that we sent them back to the right time i don't know but we're still alive and we're still here so it must not have affected much the news we discovered this macbook pro while digging for dinosaur fossils which is very interesting because the apple corporation did not exist in 65 million bc now we think this is proof that dinosaurs brought apple products to earth so that dinosaurs could use the internet and apparently dinosaurs liked very dirty websites because the the search history of this laptop it is just filthy hey that's my laptop [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 7,124,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, the caveman, caveman, portal, dinosaur, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, puppet, puppets, show, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, time travel, dimension, fire, cool, adventure, scary, awesome, hilarious, brooklyn guy, chef, joke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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