SML Movie: Cops And Robbers!

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so guys what do you want to do today dude we should play cops and robbers that would be so fun yeah we could tie Ken up as a hostage and spank him we're playing cops and robbers Cody yeah we're not doing that no one's getting spanked you guys take the fun out of everything I want to be a robber me do I guess I'll be a cop I totally thought you want to be a robber Joseph why is it because I'm black huh I can't be a good guy like a cop no no I just thought you wanted to be a robber since you you like to steal things yeah you know you know I like to be but it's not because I'm black okay so now we need someone to be the cop Cody you got to be the cop no I want to be a robber so I can tighten up and spank him we all can't be robbers Cody you have to be the cop but what reason would a cop possibly have to spank someone well maybe you're interrogating Ken because you think he's a robber so you expect him to get answers out of him no that would be a total abuse of my power I'd get fired it works much better if I'm a robber okay so for all robbers then who's gonna be the cop uh you can ask Chef he need to be a cop he'd love to play yeah yeah baby oh what do you want junior we're playing cops and robbers we need to be the cop I'm not gonna be gonna beat the chef he's the cop hey wait you said he wasn't playing he's totally just joking around he's totally gonna be the cop he's gonna go put uniform on right now okay okay so uh Cody me Joseph and Jeffy are gonna be the robbers and we need you to be the hostage wait wait wait I thought I was a robin no you and Katie got to be hostages you want to get spanked right yes very much okay so you're gonna be the teller at the bank we're gonna come rob you and we're gonna kidnap you and Ken as a hostage okay okay all right let's go be robbers guys [Applause] all right guys we're gonna bust into this Bank put a gun to the teller's head and say put all the money in the bag you're gonna die today yeah then put a bullet straight between their eyes no no no we're not we're not killing anyone Joseph no no we have to kill a hostage just to show them we're not playing well no no no we're gonna grab two hostages and we're not gonna kill them unless we have to you know it's cops and robbers not cops and murderers it huh if we're not gonna hurt anybody just in case we have to in case the cops come listen Joseph we're not sure I really think we should hurt somebody we're not hurting anyone listen I'm gonna bust the door down we're gonna Rob this Bank okay okay damn what's the door made out of cardboard I hurt my shoulder okay I'm sorry sir it doesn't matter how much you flex your muscles at me it's Bank policy no shirt no service everyone on the ground there's a sticker oh my God a robbery I'm calling the cops again no you're only supposed to spank you what to kill him Joseph Duty was asking for it and we gotta show them we're not playing we ain't playing 9-1-1 what's your emergency put the gas in the back right now in no funny business no die packs no silent alarms or you want to get a bullet in your head you got that yes I understand oh my God man we're on our way yeah put the cash in the back right now right now JT Wentworth 877 cash now hold on put the money go hurry up hurry up right now you can have the money just please don't spank me just spank them dude oh no don't spank me oh no I'm not doing anymore oh come on one more the alarm's going on make sure she doesn't talk I got you Junior say a word say a single word and I'll blow your brain down you'll never see your family again I just got a call we got a code black an armed robbery in progress did they take any hostages well they killed one and they took another one Jesus officer sermons yes sir assemble the Avengers I'm sorry I said but the Avengers aren't real damn well at least get me Iron Man he's dead sir I'm not caught up on the movies okay look you two are my only officer so how are we gonna find these robbers well I guess I could track the hostage's phone maybe we could find their Hideout that way God I want you to find these robbers and kill them kill them sir you don't want us just to arrest them no I don't want to waste taxpayer money on these bozos I want them dead I want their families dared I want their house burned to the ground oh oh okay sir what are you two still doing here get out go okay okay we made it back to the house did the cops follow us no dude no one followed us we're safe let's start counting that cash yeah let's count this cash what do we do with the hostage oh dude we should kill it right now no no what if the cops come we need a hostage dude we're safe and sound the cops aren't showing up here boys boys whatever you do don't have your way with me yeah shoot it right now dude I'm a shooter no no no no no listen you already have so many charges what's one more and besides if you guys go to prison you'll never see a woman ever again oh my God the cops are here dude I'm not going to jail I can't go down like this hey not yet we're busy let's go to the cops and let's tell them we have a hostage if they try anything funny we'll blow our brains out okay dude let's go let's go come on we have the place around it come out with your hands up or you will be shot I thought the boss wanted us to kill him I know but I'm trying to get them out here so we can shoot him we're not playing around come on out here man Chevy is really into his cop character yeah dude uh junior that doesn't sound like Chef peepee's voice it's show people's cop boy she never heard of before bro he deserves an Oscar ooh Joseph you should go out there and shoot at Chef PeePee oh I like that idea wish me luck dude all right junior did Joseph really just get shot no Cody we're playing for 10 cops and robbers Chevy doesn't really have a gun that's that's clearly just sound effects he's using out loud and he doesn't have a real gun it's just Chef PeePee you know we're just playing a game Cody man Chef peepee's going pretty hard we killed your friend just come out now and you'll be dead too uh junior I'm starting to think those are really cops and they really just shot Joseph Cody just because Chef is going extra hard for his role and you're not even trying don't say anything but not even trying Junior you're the one who didn't want to spank me or have your way with me I'm obviously a hostage that has Stockholm syndrome now bang me what are you breast healing about in here Chef what are you doing inside the house you're supposed to be out there being the cops I told you I'm not playing that stupid game with you wait a minute if you're in here then that means oh wait shut everybody so you're not the cops outside right now wait the cops are outside but what are they doing here well that's supposed to be you I thought that was you I was in the kitchen the whole time but that means wait wait we were playing cops and robbers Cody how'd the cops get called well maybe when I was pretending to die on 9-1-1 during the robbery I actually called them oh no I need your help dude the cops actually think we're real robbers right now can you tell them we're not all right press I can help you out it's just a misunderstanding I can talk to them okay thank you all right Mr officers it's just a misunderstanding I'm sorry oh what are we gonna do me just died I'll go talk to him they do not want to talk to us they're just trying to kill us they think we're real robbers okay we have to go upstairs right now let's go all right we killed another one of your friends you want to come out here and make it three I don't think they're gonna fall for it a third time mate yeah you're right but listen there can't be that many more left I mean it's gonna be like one right yeah you just want to bust in there and two of you want them yeah I think we can take them yeah it's no building and all I got is a blue pistol yeah we're not noobs all right hold on let me go grab my gun out of the car oh guys what are we gonna do well I'm the hostage so I'm good I'm just gonna sit back and eat my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week for a year which I mean we have to get all these rubber outfits because that's how they're gonna wear the robbers good thing and Junior and what about the money what about it when you're rich like this you don't take the forecast every day it's gonna rain we'll get to get rid of the money because if they see the money they're gonna know where the robber so Jeffy you hide the money and get out of your outfit okay all right where the hell is my gun what no it's not in date where the hell is it come on all right mate what's taking you so long I have I have no where the hell it is well did you take the glove compartment pick the glove compartment what did you check underneath your seat yes I checked underneath the seat all I found was these stupid leftover cheese curds and man I'm actually getting pretty hungry well mate you can eat the cheese curds after we kill these guys come on I don't know Simmons I don't think I can kill these guys without some cheese curds in my belly oh you're probably right enjoy your curds mate thank you I will okay we took the robber outfits off now we don't look like robbers where'd you do with the money I put it in the offshore bank account so no one can track it okay good so now we should go out there and tell the cops that we're not the robbers and they'll let us go well they shot Chef Pee Pee and he wasn't dressed like a robber you're right they did everybody he was just a chef outfit okay how do we get him not to shoot us well you guys get dressed up like girls then they think you were hostages oh Jeffy we have to dress up like girls like Cody and they'll think we're hostage is a good idea yeah let's go dress up like girls man those cheese curds were delicious there's my gun that's what I found oh you you're from good coal on eating those kids yeah let's go kill these guys yeah come on okay me and Jeffy are dressed up like female hostages so we're gonna get saved We're not gonna get shot like Joseph or Chef PeePee hey you guys want to see a tough muff that's pretty tough that's a power move yeah I showed label on the first date so look now that we're girls no one's gonna kill us and they're definitely gonna save me first because I'm the hottest wait no no no I think we can all agree I'm the hottest no you look like a nerdy librarian well yeah guys have nerdy girl Kings no guys go for hot blondes that's why I'm a Blonde you look like Joe Dirt you look like you don't wash yourself you look like you have a hairy butthole guilty as change you look like you take up the rum guilty as charged listen They're Gonna Save Me first because I'm the hot blonde no I'm the hottest well what do I look like you look like a scary girl who died in a horror movie because she fell into a well facts all right look let's just sit here and when the cops get here we'll ask them who they think is the hottest okay all right Simmons you ready yeah let's go okay go go go go go go go go careful Simmons they could be anywhere come on out I think the hostages are in here ladies you okay older okay well we're doing really good well where are the robbers are they still here uh well there were only two robbers and I think you already killed them well you hear that Simmons they're only two robbers and we killed them oh the boss will be happy about that but yeah I think our work here is done I mean you ladies are sure you're okay yeah we're okay I got a wicked camel toe okay well I mean I guess we should just go then wait wait a bit officer which one of us is the hottest oh well to be completely honest all three of you are extremely ugly he definitely thought I was hottest no I was hottest [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 11,742,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, junior, joseph, cody, cops, and, robbers, cops and robbers, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, logan, sbl, friends, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, hilarious, adventure, bank, bank robbery, robbery, lance, logan thirtyacre, brooklyn guy, simmons, joke, humor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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