SML Movie: The Film Project!

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all right class so tonight you're going to be doing a crafts film project each of you is going to make a one minute movie about whatever you want and whoever has the most amazing movie is going to win an oscar in oscar i've always wanted to win an oscar you know i'm a natural-born actor dude you're a natural-born dork yeah cody the only oscar you're ever gonna win is an oscar meyer wiener in your mouth well that's just as good i'm gonna make an art film well no penelope i need you to be in my film i'm gonna remake shrek and i want you to play fiona as an ogre not the normal girl part i have someone for that shut up junior all right chris so go home and try to get your movie done so you can win this award what's your film going to be about junior probably dinosaurs what's your film going to be about i don't know i'm thinking maybe something hot and romantic do you think he'll let me do nudity probably not i'd have to charge for that what's your movie going to be about joseph i'm not going to tell you guys you're going to steal my ideas well i'm going to make the best film ever yeah i'm going to i'm going to win the awesome whoever wins the oscars okay what kind of movie should i make oh i know i can make an animated movie about a girl starting her period and every time she has period cramps she turns into a panda bear oh wait pixar already did that hey junior i just came to tell you that my movie's gonna be better than yours so well no my movie's gonna be better than yours hey guys i want you to meet chris ochofer and saksha why do you have sock puppets cause i'm making a song puppet movie that's so lame joseph no one's ever gonna watch something with puppets in it yeah nobody likes puppets joseph they'll never take off you have a better chance shaking a stuffed animal making it talk yeah well i'll show you when you guys lose and i'm the winner yeah that's not gonna happen my movie's gonna be better uh junior i need the lego titanic i mean i don't know why i'm asking you it's mine i just left it here after we built it well go take it then get out of my house you're distracting me from making a movie okay i gotta thinking something that's genius hey guys you're looking at an oscar winner because i made the hottest steamiest movie of all time well cody my movie's better i have so much action and destruction in it it's gonna be so crazy yeah does your movie have you getting slammed up against a foggy car window no that's what i thought dude my sock puppet movie is so awesome it's top tier it's gonna knock your socks off well we know he's not winning no one wants to watch a soccer movie but dude it has so much drama in it it's like a lifetime movie all right class so today you're going to be presenting your crafts film project and remember the best film is going to win this oscar so who wants to go first oh teacher chose me maybe me i want to suck it to him and show what a real movie looks like all right joseph come up here and show us your film yes all right guys prepare to have your hearts broken when you watch this real-life movie based on a true story called my life socks [Music] honey i'm home oh honey you're home early i thought you had to work late sasha you're cheating on me with this black sock no chris oxford it's not what you think he kidding at me i have soccer syndrome i'm not falling for that again yeah i'm a sock but i wasn't bought yesterday you're a socky excuse of a woman you think i'ma walk in here while you're socking another man to be okay with it yeah i'm not will smith lady okay pack all your shoes and get out no baby please don't leave you're an ankle sock and he's a tube sock i couldn't help myself i'm so socky my wife cheated on me it's trying to end it all isn't it so sad see my movie didn't have a happy ending cause real life doesn't have happy endings okay joseph very good go sit down all right jeffy you're next all right so my movie's called fruit party four and if this one does good i'll make the first three like star wars doo doo doo i'm a happy strawberry hey mr banana what doing oh nothing i'm just mad cause i'm a banana and not a happy strawberry oh don't be mad mr banana i bet you please all the girls because you're a banana no nobody wants me because i have a bruise on me hey it's me i'm a pineapple what's up no grain it's mr pineapple the coolest fruit in the world yeah it's me what you bozo's doing well i'm being happy strawberry nothing can ruin this day my day's always ruined i'm a bruised banana jesus christ wow jeffy how graphic go sit out all right penelope you're next um i kind of don't want to show mine i didn't get to finish it but that would be you come up here and present or you fail okay fine penelope why don't you want to show it is it just a video if you're just eating food for five hours because you're fat shut up junior so all i want to say is that my dad walked in on me while i was making it and it's really embarrassing so here oh justin miami i know we just met but i feel like we are soul mates you want me to stay here in paris with you but my flight takes off in five minutes and you know i have to see my dying aunt who would never allow this to happen maybe we'll meet in another life what's that one more kiss all right penelope what are you doing dad what are you doing get out i'm making a movie you're making a movie oh god no i failed as a parent my daughter feels like she has to make movies like this dad get out you're embarrassing me you're embarrassing me you're embarrassing the whole family with what you're doing here with this picture all right that's it i am not going to allow you to make these kinds of movies all right you're going to boarding school oh that was so embarrassing boo trash shut up junior i mean he is right penelope it is embarrassing go sit down cody you're next oh yeah get ready to watch a cinematic masterpiece okay everybody prepare to cream your panties because you're gonna watch the biggest hottest movie of the summer i remade titanic and i call it titanic i don't want to be with you cal i don't even care about your money i'd rather be with someone hotter but poor hey ken i changed my mind i want to be with you what's that step up on the ledge but what if i fall i'm flying i'm flying ken i'm flying draw me like one of your french boys can oh well i'll i'll be honest it's not really your best work i mean i mean my abs are way bigger in real life and you can't even see my junk i'm gonna have to move this blanket okay draw me again let's take another crack at this put your hands on me ken [Music] oh no ken we just hit a bag of ice now the ship is sinking and the lifeboats are all full we're going to have to jump in the water [Music] oh ken i'm so cold i mean i'm sure you're colder because you're in the water and i'm not i i would let you get on my door but there's just not enough room oh ken can't oh it's so cold i'll never let go ken i'll never let go oh oh no i let go can i'm sorry i'm just so cold yeah [Applause] that was 80 years ago and it was the sexiest hunkiest experience of my life thousands of people died but that pipe was legendary huh huh how hot was that [ __ ] huh very good cody now go sit down junior you're next yeah junior let's see if your movie's as hot as mine alright guys prepare to watch a real movie that has destruction and death i call it doomsday in townsville in the city of townsville the powerpuff girls are on vacation so the city is defenseless old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o and on that barn was cody's mom big fat ugly pig with a i'mma fat there and an ugly stinky pig ugly fat fatty fat fatty buddy fat fat old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o oh no is that a dinosaur [Applause] i came back from extinction to destroy your city round one oh no my son works in that building he's probably dead oh he's super dead crush crush crash crush oh whatever you do please don't eat my dog oh i would never eat your dog oh you promise no i'm one wrong one your dog's mom dad died i know my dog well whatever you do don't eat cooties mom what cody's mom oh i didn't know you had her oh she's so fat and ugly i'm gonna eat her no oh man am i so full from eating cody's big fat mom if all honestly if i would have heard in the beginning i would have destroyed your city well get out of here before i call the cops oh no the cops i have a record i gotta get out of here oh man what could make this day any worse well at least there's not giant tarantulas trying to eat me oh well do i have bad news for you when i was trying to leave the town giant tarantulas were coming this way well i'll pay you anything if you can save me okay i'll try and defeat them oh no the giant treasures are coming oh no the giant tarantula's coming across the bridge he's gonna try to eat me oh cops come help me we're blocked we can't there's a train we can't get past the train well save me he's gonna eat me oh no he's gonna be right towards me i'm dead the end so guys what'd you think of the movie huh hey cody did you see your mom in the movie how she's a big fat ugly pig uh-oh here it goes cody cody just slapped the [ __ ] out of me keep my mom's name out your [ __ ] mouth it was a your mom's a pig joke keep my mom's name out your [ __ ] mouth okay i will all right junior go sit out and the winner of the oscar is cody i won i actually won an oscar oh oh i i this is kind of awkward because i just embarrassed myself in front of everyone but i won oh my god really oh thank you i i just want to start off by saying i'm sorry teacher for slapping someone in your class you know love makes you do crazy things but i hope you invite me back oh man i just i deserve this award so much my movie was so good oh thank you all except for junior [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 16,460,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, the film project, junior, film, joseph, cody, friends, friend, titanic, sock puppets, sock, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy, will smith, oscar, joke, slap, jackie chu, ken, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, entertainment, lance, logan, lovell, movies, oscar award, hilarious, lego titanic, dinosaur
Id: 6vOfwWC4eXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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