SML Movie: Awaken

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dude why did you even invite me over here if you're just gonna play with your stupid thomas toy so you can watch me play with my thomas toy joseph be grateful guys guys guys guys guess what machine i built that one uh-huh yeah you get it right what's it called it's the come come come come come to life machine that's a lot of [ __ ] yeah it's not the first time i've heard that so what's it do take one guess oh does it make bagels no anything you put in it comes to life oh so close dude anything you put inside the machine comes to life yeah if you put a strawberry in there you get a talking strawberry no way what if i put thomas inside there then he'll come to life we have to do it look open up okay jesus junior throw it harder next time i was being so passionate hey you want me to throw it harder no i was being threatened what's fine it's fine so how's it coming to life uh you just uh you know you turn these styles and i don't know man it's a video we don't even know how this is gonna end yet just uh yeah there we go we just wait yeah just just hold on it's just gonna prove like a big flashlight big big poof yeah where is it it'll happen i don't think it works cody did i put it on bake no it's on toast i think we're fine turn that last lever right there with this one guys thomas is alive dude that's so [ __ ] yeah oh come on out thomas jr i think he's in pain he's not in pain he loves his life kill me i'm supposed to be a toy for god's sake life let him live this beautiful life you've outdone yourself this time pp what a masterpiece how do you do it kill me [Applause] so guys what else should we make come to life literally anything anything you can imagine guys why does the train run all over me in the kitchen wait you had a train ran on you in the kitchen uh no i mean it was only in college it was for the money wait should i be what's wrong look the train ran all over me one of you guys got into a costume and started running all over me oh no no that wasn't a train costume we really made uh thomas come to life with this come come come to life machine what you think i'm gonna believe that junior just leave me alone trying to cook dinner see shit's crazy out here so guys we gotta bring some more stuff to life uh we could try this little parrot toy you really think that parrot would come to life really junior are you still doubting this machine we have a train running around screaming kill me anything's possible at this point then bring the parrot alive okay here we go just tweak these i guess the bottom one the bottom yeah okay [Music] i'm alive i'm alive with the parents alive dude i always wanted a parrot dude i always want a parrot oh dude it's so cool oh dude it's so cool no it's gonna do this thing oh it's gonna do this thing maybe we should just kill this one maybe we should just kill this one kill me kill me oh great now we have two things running around screaming kill me uh dude i think there's something wrong with your machine no no the parrot doesn't really want to die he's just saying that well thomas really wants to die yeah he does well so what else we're gonna turn to life oh let's make this pig come to life dude oh if you make that pig come to life then cody's mom will have a pig friend let's just put in there all right turn on turn off do this again are you ready to have two moms cody [Music] cody i told you your mom was a pig no she's not junior mom what the hell are you doing here kill me kill me it's definitely the machine now dude no it's not my mom says that all the time she has postpartum depression does she just give birth no it's from me it's just very post so what are we gonna put the machine now oh how about this raccoon i found it in the park oh yeah go put in there who's gonna be a raccoon [Music] oh dude i always wanted a pet raccoon he's so cute who's a cute little bandit you are you are i think he likes oh he definitely said killed me that time dude no he didn't he's a raccoon he can't say anything okay guys what other toys do we put in here well we definitely should not do any more animals what about trained no we shouldn't do that either so then what why'd you make this machine if we can't do fun stuff look i don't know i just thought it would be fun wait a minute cody why don't you put ken in here yeah yeah if we put ken in here he can finally be a real person so you admit he's a doll dude no i just mean he'll he'll be more real than he already is he's not a doll joseph so what if he ends up not liking you junior that's impossible we're butt buddies that's a sacred bond what if he just says kill me all the time he's not gonna do that either he's not going to want to die daddy's got the goods we'll put him in all right ken this is my last time looking at you as a a plastic human just say dog dude it's easier whatever dude okay ken give me a kiss you know what that was pretty good yeah you know cody what put him in there yeah come on okay ken i love you be safe shut up are you ready to see ken as a real person i mean he's always been real but yes happy birthday there must have been some magic in that old hat all along frosty the snowman what in the world is going on ken you're finally alive so you admit he was a doll dude okay joseph you know what yes he was adele joseph but now he's a man he's a man joseph kill me you are gorgeous really oh yeah see guys i told you ken was gay that means he's totally okay with all the stuff we did oh i gotta see those muscles oh oh my god you guys ken is ripped hey guys what does ken and my bungle have in common they're both ripped well i can't believe ken's actually alive we never thought he'd ever talk you know hey ken hey ken do you remember all the stuff we did together of course i do we're butt buddies remember hey cody let's sing the butt buddy song okay not in front of my friends it's embarrassing back that butt to your body back that button to your body back that butt to your body i'll keep it nice and warm spread your cheeks for your body okay i don't think they're ready for that verse yet ken dude the level of homo in this room is too much oh come on joseph no need to be homophobic oh i'm not homophobic bro do your gay thing hey cody eskimo kisses uh yeah i'm out of here dude yeah we gotta go but chef pee pee just called my name yeah i can can i can't believe you're real now we can finally do all the stuff i wanted to do with you oh i feel a big gay montage coming on oh yeah five yeah i always wanted to hear your austin powers impressions [Music] [Music] ah you guys missed the gayest montage thank god what i mean i wish i was there dude what do you guys been doing well we have no toys to play with because they all came to life with your machine and thomas is running around screaming kill me choo choo kill me said it again somebody probably should kill him what are you guys about to do well we're about to catch a late movie we're gonna bring a blanket to the theater and sit in the back corner i do love my movie snacks i'm gonna have me some sour patch cody's wink wink yeah he is i'm gonna lick all the sugar off before i finish my treat okay babe too far they get it what are we gonna see oh we're gonna go see brokeback mountain too you boys should come we'll make it a foursome i'm good yeah yeah yeah i think when i stare here i gotta use the bathroom yeah come on ken let's go we don't wanna lose the corner seat ooh can we get a large popcorn with butter oh you know it babe oh you know how to butter my biscuit oh i sure do with ky jelly yeah dude i like them better as a doll yeah oh great what's wrong baby this woman took our seat because you were too busy talking to my friends and you wasted time i was just trying to be nice to your friends cody well my friends don't like you so maybe you should just pay more attention to me shh [ __ ] can you believe her she shushed me the movie hasn't even started yet do you really want to watch screen vision that badly oh can't hold my weave i'm about to smack a [ __ ] calm down baby it'll be okay you're right you're right i'm just on edge i just want to watch this movie ken could you please sit down you're blocking the screen yeah of course what ken what are you looking at i was just looking for the popcorn i'm so hungry okay well how about i put the popcorn between us and we solve that problem yeah good idea what ken what are you looking at now well now i'm thirsty i i was just looking for our drink it's in my pants ken you know that yep yep your your pants that's right what the hell are you looking at i i was just trying to see what this fine lady shirt said what fine lady i mean regular lady excuse me ma'am what my very nosy boyfriend needs to know what your shirt says um it says love it says love ken what does it say underneath the shirt oh my god i'm getting the manager okay ken what the hell is there something you need to tell me no there's nothing i need to tell you everything is okay excuse me i'm the manager of this movie theater and the young lady that was sitting here said that you were harassing her well no we weren't harassing her i would like for you guys to leave the theater what no no okay fine come on kid let's leave this stupid theater junior can you believe ken got us kicked out of the movie theater wait what's going on am i interrupting something no penelope just came over to hang out with me yeah he said he'd pay me wow she sure is pretty oh my god thank you so much you're so handsome wait really check this out oh my god he's gorgeous thank you vanellope i'm gonna need you to get the [ __ ] out of here what's wrong cody i'm just telling your friend that he's hot and i'm just telling her that she's very pretty i'll kill both of you uh penelope let's get out of here okay ken what the hell is wrong with you you're being all weird nothing's wrong baby everything is fine no everything is not fine ken first you're telling penelope she's pretty and then there was that girl in the movie theater what's happening i i don't know how to tell you this cody but what you want me to be on top i i don't think i like weiner don't like weiner what are you talking about it's weiner in fact cody i think i might like not wiener you like not wiener ken you're not making sense that doesn't make any sense that weiner's the only option i'm sorry cody it's just when i saw that girl in the movie theater i got this weird tingly feeling in my pants well maybe she had a wiener you don't know i don't think she did cody it's just how i feel can this doesn't make any sense i think i just like girls no no no no you will die come on that's just how i feel cody you can but what about what about the butt buddy song huh spread your cheeks for your body cody cody don't be like that i i have the straight buddy song now straight buddy song lift your skirt for your buddy no no lift your bra for your buddy no i can't listen to this shut up shut up just shut up cody i i truly don't think it's you it's me yeah so that's when i went to target and got a new boyfriend you mean a new doll he's not a dog joseph this one's real this is kenny he's real he's real so you just went to the store and bought another ken yes no no i i i got i i bought he's my boyfriend he's real he's ken this is the only can that matters so why don't we just put him in the machine and see if he likes you no it does it doesn't did i don't need to do that because i already know he likes me because he likes me he's ken so what happened to the one that like turned into a human we don't have to talk about him he doesn't matter okay this is ken this is the only can that matters this is always can it's always been ken okay well at least everything's back to normal kill me man somebody kill this train [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 9,502,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, ken, awaken, thomas, come to life, come to life machine, puppet, puppets, show, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, parrot, logan, montage, break up, laugh, lance, lovell, junior, joseph, cody, human ken
Id: HnNnrLvwAjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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