SML Movie: Finders Keepers [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so junior what do you want to do today yeah dude well guess what guys i invented this cool game last night it's really fun oh cool how do you play yeah well guys you take this baseball and you throw it back and forth i call it catch oh dude that's genius where did you come up with that i don't know i just thought of it oh man junior you didn't invent cash catch has been around for thousands of years oh yeah well i don't see your name on it what junior i didn't say i invented catch cody just shut up and let's play catch back up all right fine cody if you don't catch this you're gay whoops hey i didn't catch it oh cody you didn't you didn't even try i guess i'm just better at catching balls in my mouth and not in my hand just get the ball cody all right cody what was that dude what you pooted yeah junior oh i have pooted in my panties oh oh god it smells like butt well you know what they say junior your farts smell like what you eat joseph can you can you open that window it smells so bad in here oh don't worry dude i'm about to it was disgusting do these things oh god thanks joseph no problem dude cody your farts smell really bad yeah yeah i know right usually they don't even make a noise they're silent or they just go well cody hurry up and throw it all right do you even know how to throw cody junior i'm a much better pitcher than i am a catcher well hurry up and throw cody look i'm wide open throw it right at me all right junior here comes the old cody knuckleball and then i'll throw the ball shut up cody just throw it hey here it comes thank you the damn right code you goop you shattered my window yeah with a foam baseball i mean that's pretty impressive if you think about it i got a cannon over here i should go pro cody i'm gonna get grounded well well no not if you don't tell your dad yeah no you just don't have to tell your dad random window extraction window inspection oh yeah i don't know he's never done that before check these windows uh dad what are you doing oh it's time for a random window inspection duh gotta make sure these windows are good uh well i already checked these windows and they're fine are you sure yeah yeah i checked them and they're in tip-top shape okay that was a close one wow junior that was a close call yeah dude yeah good thing my dad believed me well let's get the baseball well cody should go get the baseball he's the one who threw it i'm not going out there it's dark so what so i'm afraid of the dark and besides somebody might kidnap me and then take me back to their house and chain me up and do stuff to me you know maybe i should get that baseball yeah go get it cody i thought he threw it but no junior it's still dark and there might be grasshoppers out there grasshoppers yeah you know they're so scary and they taste bad not like caterpillars you go get the baseball me i'm not the one who threw it you're the one who's bad at throwing well maybe if you would catch it dude let's all go out there and get the stupid baseball yeah let's all go get it come on all right guys do you see my ball uh no dude no junior it's too dark oh great cody you lost my favorite ball i'm sorry okay well go sniffing forward with sniffing what's that gonna do well you know how police have search dogs and they sniff and find stuff well i'm not a dog junior well then what are you what kind of question is that well look we're turtles so what are you what i don't know i guess i'm a turtle like you guys where's your shell i don't know i'm a freak yeah ooh cash what cash what whoa that's gotta be like a zillion dollars oh yeah well no junior it's thirty thousand dollars where'd you get that number from your big dork yeah well because it's three stacks of ten thousand dollars junior does that math add up thirty thousand i don't know it's good enough for me look at all this cash we got taken oh yeah junior we don't know where it came i don't care i'm taking it whoa guys thirty thousand dollars what am i gonna do with it nothing junior because we don't know where it came from i know where it came from where santa claus junior what makes you think santa claus gave you all this money because obviously he was flying over my house in his sleigh and accidentally dropped thirty thousand dollars whoops just dropped thirty thousand dollars well maybe he meant to give it to me because he saw that you lost my favorite ball that he gave me for christmas a few years ago whoa how generous of him he reimburses people for their lost christmas presents what was that ball made of gold or something uh yeah that's why it shattered the window when you threw it junior this doesn't even make sense why would santa claus be flying around in march anyway because every march santa claus flies around and counts houses so he can know what houses to deliver to on christmas uh okay but what if they build more houses in april or may or june or july wouldn't it make more sense for him to do that at the beginning of december well he does it every month to make sure he's slayed and keep flying or something junior how do you know he didn't give the money to me because it's not in your front yard it was my front yard so obviously you wanted me to have the money but i'm the one that threw the ball out the window and made us all go outside wait wait i'm the one who made us go outside you guys wanted to stay inside we wouldn't have found this money if we win to win outside well it was in my front yard so he wanted me to have it guys this doesn't even make sense i don't believe in santa claus i'm jewish wait you're jewish so you're already rich you don't need this money yeah you already have money because you're jewish cody said look you're out of this argument all right joseph why do you want the money well i don't have a mom and i'm homeless so i deserve this money okay you get one stack joseph i get two stacks guys guys we can't keep this money we have to give it to the police department well why do i have to give it to them they didn't do anything junior when you find a lot of money you're supposed to give it to the police department so they can hold it for 72 hours while they try to figure out who it belongs to well how are they gonna figure out who it belongs to but by asking well they're just gonna go ask random people hey did you lose 30 000 of course i did i lost it was mine wait did jocodia stupid they're not gonna ask random people if they lost thirty thousand dollars anybody could shake their head yeah everyone's gonna say that it was theirs the whole town's gonna say they lost thirty thousand dollars that's stupid they shouldn't ask it's our money cody yeah yeah i guess you're right so we're going to keep this money and i'm going to keep most of it no why don't we just split it three ways we each get ten thousand dollars wait we each get ten thousand dollars does that math add up joseph i don't know uh ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand it's fair we gotta see this game i don't know cody you're trying to pull something yeah okay fine i'll i'll charge you this one time we each get ten thousand dollars okay what are you gonna do with your ten thousand dollars cody i don't know dude come on ken we rich af joseph what do you do with your money oh dude i'mma buy a new mom what am i gonna do with ten thousand dollars hmm hey dude hey joseph hey junior whoa cody why do you look like that oh i got lasik but i thought you liked velcro on your shoes no junior not laces lay sick like eye surgery you got eye surgery is that what you spent your money on yeah i have perfect vision now i can see everything even the dimples on ken's ass before i just kind of had to feel around like braille but now i can actually see them i even bought him some crotchless and assless chaps with the rest of my money look whoa what joseph what'd you spend your money on dude you won't believe this i was walking home and then out of nowhere somebody ran up and robbed me somebody robbed you yeah did you see who did it no it was dark and they had a ski mask on junior what is this ski mask doing in your room uh uh well that was from the last time i went skiing duh [ __ ] pee pee we live in florida junior well well that that sucks you got rob jose that really really sucks so junior what did you buy with your money well guys you won't believe this but i bought a star wow a star a star yeah star it only cost me 20 grand no wait wait how did you get 20 grand uh uh well i won a skating competition that's why i had that ski mask oh yeah yeah but i bought a star guys an actress i own a star in the sky well how did you buy a star well i was walking home from joseph's house i mean i was walking outside and i looked up and i saw the stars and i said you know what i want to own a star so then this guy with a beard walks up to me and he asked me for some money and i said i really want to buy a star and he said he sells stars so i gave him i gave him the 20 grand and he let me have a star and i i named it what'd you name it i named the star reptar it's [ __ ] dupe what toy that's the sickest name ever right reptile is a star named reptar named after me and i own it so you own a star yep i can show it to you right now in the sky where really yeah i know exactly where it's at show me yeah come on look all right guys are you ready to see the star that i bought for twenty thousand dollars yeah dude okay all right it's up there where all i see is clouds uh well it's kind of overcast uh you have to look really hard oh there it is junior that's a street lamp dude it's huge that's that's not a street lando that's my star that's red turret right there that's right target oh riptor joshua junior i can see the pole it's totally a street lamp well guys it's just overcast so it's really hard to see right now so you have to wait for the weather to clear up and then i'll be able to show it to you but it's a pretty big star okay junior the guy that sold you this star what did he look like again uh he had a beard and he was standing by a cardboard box and oh he had a sign that said we'll work for food junior that was a homeless man he's not a homeless man he's selling stars for twenty thousand dollars obviously he has a lot of money junior you're an idiot no you're an idiot because you didn't buy a star with your money so reptiles up there i bought a star well junior if you wanted to buy a star why didn't you just buy the sun because planets are more expensive cody you're stupid junior you're stupid you gave 20 000 to a homeless man no i didn't i bought a star and you're just jealous it's about to rain so let's go inside yeah well i'm glad i bought something good with my money man i wish i didn't get robbed well i bought the coolest thing out of anything i bought a star yeah i just wonder who that 30 thousand dollars belonged to uh santa claus gave it to us duh cody let's just watch tv [Music] uh hello we have some very urgent news today a local heart attack boy nine-year-old timmy jenkins has suffered his 67th heart attack and apparently that was just 66 heart attacks too many because now he is in need of a heart transplant um little timmy managed to raise thirty thousand dollars on his gofundme page but unfortunately while the money was being delivered the mailman was hit with a baseball and dropped the money in somebody's yard i i know i i didn't believe him either but uh if you have that thirty thousand dollars please please please give it to timmy he he really really needs it oh i feel so bad but i look so good and so do you ken well guys you don't think that's the same 30 000 that we found do you uh yeah junior i do no i think it's a different thirty thousand dollars oh you know what junior i think you're right i think that's just another thirty thousand dollars that somebody dropped in a yard because they get hit by a baseball well guys even if that's a thirty thousand dollars that we found we can't give it back because we already spent all the money yeah i guess that's true so there's nothing we could do i feel really bad but wait that kid needs a heart transplant right yeah so why don't we just try to find a heart how are we gonna get a heart junior wait we need a heart yeah a heart dude i know where a heart is i can find a heart i got one ear he's got a heart yeah look see what joseph where'd you get a heart at i got it from a cow i got hungry so you know i killed a cow so i can make some hamburgers you killed cody's mom dale my my mom is still alive junior what oh well well look we got a cow harlow that'll work right yeah no junior it doesn't even matter because a cow heart won't work inside a person well then how does it work for your mom double dale you know what let's just use that heart fine do it oh okay so look let's just send this heart uh to the person because we gotta send it to the mail because if we bring it in person they'll know that we're the ones that spent the 30 thousand dollars that's true yeah i guess that's right all right so i'm gonna go mail this heart [Music] uh hello so uh we have an update on timmy's situation uh we have just received this cow hot in the mail um in an envelope i i had to pay for the postage so thank you for that it had a note stapled to it that said uh we're sorry we took the thirty thousand dollars but here is a cowherd for little timmy so um i guess it's the thought that counts but not really since timmy died three days ago um and it wouldn't have even mattered anyway because this is a cow hot so whoever took the thirty thousand dollars i hope it was worth it this this cow heart is useless wow junior wow what you didn't do same-day shipping that cost like a hundred dollars well great junior now timmy's dead well it says even if the heart would have got there in time it wouldn't have worked i already told you that well do you still feel bad yeah of course i feel bad but now i can read timmy's obituary with 20 20 vision well i guess the the lesson here is next time we find money we should just turn it in yeah next time yeah i robbed you joseph what hey guys it's logan hey guys i'm jeffy and today we're going to announce the winner of who guessed what was in jeffy's diapers see at the end of the last video we asked what's in jeffy's diaper and i said whoever guessed it right in the comments would get a shout out from jeffy so first off let's see what's inside jeffy's diaper kick off my diaper okay let's let's uh oh oh it's a turtle hey it makes you turn around in my diaper so whoever commented it was a turtle wins but it was the first comment that i saw and the first comment that i saw was from red yoshi show so he gets a shout out from jeffy jeffy tell him what what he does on his channel hey right yoshi show well what he does is he has a video about pizza he does puppet videos and he also has a couple minecraft videos in there too oh wow so i'll give him give him a so anyway he won the comment he was able to turtle so we'll probably do contests like this every few videos but anyway they asked my question for today is what would you do if you found 30 000 uh what would you do would you would you go turn into the police would you keep it for yourself what would you do jeffy i would buy a bunch of cheerios and chocolate cake anyway guys that was the comment winner so congratulations to red yoshi show so you guys are awesome fans keep commenting keep watching and i love every single one of you guys you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,120,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, finders, keepers
Id: sJve3htKXac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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