SML Movie: Easter Bunny Goes To Jail!

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happy Easter everybody Easter eggs for everybody I love cutting my grass on Easter run my bike but my feet can't touch the pedals oh [ __ ] man out oh my God my baby someone help uh-oh is that my fault hey there Mr Easter Bunny we meet again you still on crack you know it yeah well you're under arrest for littering with all these eggs and attempted involuntary manslaughter of a child I didn't do nothing yeah tell it to the judge order order order order I am the honorable Judge pober and today we will be hearing the case of the Easter bunny who is being accused of littering as well as the attempted involuntary manslaughter of a child mother of the Dead child tell me what happened well my son was riding his bik bicycle and then out of nowhere in Easter egg came flying like 100 m an hour and hit him in the head wa so let me get this straight Mr Easter Bunny you threw an egg at a child's head no a lbo will ran over the egg shot the egg at the at the kid wait wait wait are you still on crack Mr Easter Bunny yeah you really need to stop that Mr Easter Bunny crack kills Mr hucko is it true that your lawnmower la uned the egg at the child's head yeah I was mowing my lawn and the damn Easter Bunny threw eggs all over my yard without my permission I just didn't see them H I see so if the Easter Bunny hadn't littered his eggs all over your yard you wouldn't have run over them with your lawnmower which caused the child to die well in that case I have no choice but to sentence the Easter Bunny 2 15 years in Maximum Security Prison Jeffy are you ready to go Easter egg hunting sure I am Daddy I got my helmet on got my diaper on my ashes full of gas and I got my basket all right Jeffy let's go outside and look for eggs PE PE all right Jeffy start looking for Easter eggs but Dany I don't see any eggs wow the Easter Bunny hid the eggs really good this year well probably cuz you're 19 years old Jeffy he made them really hard but look daddy that yard over there has eggs yeah wait a minute that yard has eggs he not give me eggs cuz I'm a bad boy probably B well I don't know why we don't have eggs it doesn't make any sense Jeffy stop putting the basket on your head you knocked that off look let's go turn on the news and see if there's something going on maybe there's an Easter egg shortage breaking news the Easter Bunny was arrested for littering an attempted involuntary manslaughter he's being held in jail with no bond he's facing up to 15 years in prison without the possibility of parole the Easter bunnies in jail well that explains why we didn't have any Easter eggs so no Easter for me boohoo I don't get my way well Jeffy we could go to the store and get Easter eggs it's not the same well we can hide them like the Easter Bunny no I want the Easter Bunny to do it so I'm going to break the Easter Bunny out of jail you can't do that Jeffy that's illegal well I'm going to try and then maybe he'll give me the golden egg what's wrong Junior I can't open this bottle of coke go get a bottle opener I don't have one yeah you do you mind if I use my ass what okay Junior there you go but where's the bottle cap at it's still on my ass you want it back there you go Junior drink that [ __ ] hey guys did you get Easter eggs from the Easter Bunny no well neither did I because he got arrested well he has a crackhead yeah he is well you guys want to go break him out in jail Jeffy how are we going to break him out of jail we're just kids yeah how are we going to do that well I have the perfect plan let me tell you okay so we go into the woods and we capture a mole against his will and we tell him we want him to dig a tunnel underneath the prison all the way to the Easter Bunny cell after digging we go down in the tunnel and we go PL a Minecraft TNT block under the Easter Bunny cell and we ignite it so it blows a hole in the bottom of the floor we grabbed the Easter Bunny and Cody you're going to be wearing an Easter bunny costume and you're going to stay in the prison sale so they don't notice that the Easter Bunny is gone then we're going to speed away on our motorcycles with the real Easter Bunny and then after a few months of Cody being there as the Easter Bunny you're going to take off the costume and they're going to say wait what is this kid doing in jail he doesn't belong here and then then they going to let you out Jeffy that's the perfect plan it'll work yeah dude let's do it no that's impossible how is it impossible well first of all we'd have to find a mole and then we'd have to get that mole to dig a tunnel underneath the prison right under the Easter Bunny cell which we don't even know where that is and also you'd have to train a mole to do that which it's a mole it's not even going to [ __ ] listen to you and even if it did it would take years for it to dig a tunnel that big and the tunnel would have to be big enough for all four of us and motorcycles and it would have to be big enough not to collapse in on itself which means we'd need scaffold or some kind of support system and then also Minecraft TNT blocks aren't even real and even if we had one the guards would hear us blow up the floor of the cell and we could risk killing the Easter Bunny and then even if all of that worked I'd still have to go to prison for months you just don't want to go to prison well yes but also the whole plan is impossible okay we're not doing that plan cuz Cody doesn't want to help what dude don't worry I got the perfect plan so we get 100,000 people to all gather around the prison and then we get everyone to jump at the same exact time causing an earth Quake which will break the prison in half with the Easter Bunny cell on one side while the cops are on the other side so the cops can't get to them because the Earth is split in half dude then we can get a helicopter to fly down and drop a ladder so the Easter Bunny can climb up it and we fly away Joseph that's the coolest plan ever it's even better than jeffy's plan yeah let's do that no that plan's even more ridiculous how is it ridiculous Cody it doesn't involve moles or Minecraft TNT or you going to jail well you'd have to gather 100,000 people and have them all surround a prison and then the prison would wonder why there was 100,000 people gathered around it all jumping up and down so they'd call the National Guard and even if all 100,000 people jumped at exactly the right time which would be impossible to time that still wouldn't be enough to cause an earthquake and even if it did you'd have to hope the tectonic plates lined up just perfectly to break the prison in half so that the Easter Bunny cell was separated from all the guards and I don't even know where the [ __ ] we' get a helicopter to fly in and drop a ladder down to the Easter Bunny and then even after all that the police would just chase our helicopter with their helicopters anyway okay Cody so what I'm understanding is you don't want to meet 100,000 people because of Co what you don't want to get sick be friendly [ __ ] yeah make friends but no okay we're not going to do that idea cuz Cody's afraid of germs and we have 100,000 people watching right now hit that like button if you'd meet us at the prison and jump up and down anyway listen to my plan it's perfect so I'll get hired as a prison security guard and Cody you'll get hired as the prison chef and when it's dinner time Cody you will poison the Easter Bunny's food and I'll bring him his food and after he starts eating he'll start dying from it being poisoned and I'll yell for the Medics and Joseph will show up because he got a job as the ambulance driver and we'll put the bunny in the back of the ambulance and we'll go to the hospital because jeffy's there and Jeffy got a job as a doctor and then Jeffy will heal the Easter Bunny with medicine and then we'll all speed off and run away with the Easter Bunny and he'll be escaped dude that plan is hot yeah Junior you really thought that one through that plan also will not work why won't it work Cody it doesn't involve 100,000 people in Co well you would have to get a job as a prison guard which they wouldn't hire you because you're a kid and I would have to get a job as a chef at a prison which they wouldn't hire me because I'm a kid and even if they did hire me I don't know how I would smuggle poison into the prison and I don't know how much poison to give the Easter Bunny that wouldn't kill him because he's a rabbit and even if all of that worked out Joseph would have to get a job as an ambulance driver and they wouldn't hire him because he's a kid and he doesn't have a driver's license and Jeffy would have to be a doctor but he'd have to go through a lot of medical school before they even hired him so that's not going to work either so what you're saying is you don't want to do my PL yes that's what I'm saying all right group vote who wants to do my plan uh not me dude I'm going to do my plan so I'm going to go and get these 100,000 people I'd be back well now we can't do my plan cuz we don't have an ambulance driver well we can do my plan no because I have a plan what is it my plan is that we go to the prison and we get visitors passes so we just visit the Easter Bunny so we can see what cell he's in so that the mole knows which cell to dig under I was going to say we visit the Easter Bunny and then go home all right good idea all right guys let's go to the prison and see what sell the Easter bunnies in what all right kids the Easter Bunny's in there yo Easter Bunny you got visitors pull the carrot out of your ass and hop hop hop over here oh hey kids oh Mr Easter Bunny why are you in a straight jacket Mr Easter Bunny I scratched someone's face off oh why do you have a mask on I keep spitting on people and I have HIV from Sharon Needles Junior why do we want him out of here I don't want him out of here Jeffy wants him out of here I want them out of here because I want Easter eggs well we could have gone to Walmart and bought those I don't want them from Walmart I want them from the Easter Bunny I get my eggs from Walmart too see all right guys we had to think of a plan to get them out of here cuz we're already here so uh Mr Easter Bunny can you fit through the bars I don't know let's see no oh his head's too big let me see hey Junior I can fit through wait wait a minute I can fit through too what does that mean I don't know but you know we're just thinking wait guys I have an idea what if I go inside the jail cell like this and I yell help help the Easter Bunny pull me through the bars and then when the cop comes to get me out of the cell then I'll tell him that I dropped my phone in the toilet over there and then he'll go digging in the toilet and then you guys grab the Easter Bunny and run out of the prison with him sure [ __ ] it it's a plan yeah all right guys you guys you guys hide and I'm going to call for help help help the Easter Bunny pull me through the bars help what's going on kid how did you even get in there the Easter Bunny pulled me in through the bars how he's wearing a straight jacket uh he he he pinched me with his with his ears he can pinch them like scissors oh I didn't even know that okay that's good to know I'm going to have to put him in a straight hat yeah well can you get me out of here please yeah she'll hold on wait a minute before I do that I should probably have my partner Simmons watch the door no no no you don't have to get another cop just come in here by yourself and get me out well I don't want to risk the Easter Bunny getting out he's really dangerous he even killed a kid with an Easter egg oh hey Simmons yeah can you watch the door I don't want the Easter Bunny getting away yeah sure up oh damn it they have another cop watching the door what are we going to do come on kid let's go uh I can't leave yet why do you want to stay here believe me prison is not somewhere you want to be your butthole gets bigger from penis oh no I I I dropped my phone in that toilet when I was trying to call for help oh God that's so gross do you know how much diseases in there ew I really don't want to grab that well get your partner to grab it oh good idea hey Simmons Simmons yeah M hey this kid dropped his phone in the toilet can you grab it no I'm supposed to be watching the door oh come on Simmons help me out no mate you're the plumber you go get it well I Plum all the time right can't you just Plum just this one time no see I don't even know how to flush the toilet properly well I I you don't have to flush it you just have to reach in there with your hand it's not hard well no sometimes when I pee I pee all over the seat instead of the water okay well I don't see how that's related but Sim come on remember that time at Dunkin Donuts where you were short 50 cents yeah but but but anyway you should totally go in there listen Simmons we're getting distracted this whole thing is stupid one of us needs to reach into that toilet and grabb that phone well then you reach in there and grab it wait there's not even a phone in the toilet hold on where's the kid wait where's the Easter Bunny what Simmons we've been had let's get after the Easter Bunny guys we saved the Easter Bunny can you take this [ __ ] off me yeah I'll take it off you not so fast yeah they look weird upside down Simmons we're trying to be scary here boom all you kids are under arrest for helping the Easter Bunny break out of jail we just wanted to save the Easter Bunny so all the kids can have Easter you don't need Easter you have Christmas and Halloween he's a dangerous criminal I guess wait what is that noise it sounds like a large crowd of people like a football stadium yeah all right guys look I got 100,000 people waiting outside right now and I told him to jump in 5 seconds why would you tell them to jump around my house for practice it's okay it won't cause an earthquake [Music] hey guys it's Logan we officially launched an SML gaming channel go subscribe right now we're going to be uploading gaming videos every single day so please go subscribe to the new SML gaming channel for new content every single day me in build towards Jeffy ow I'm dead I'm so incredibly dead help me why would you break it where you at Cody Joseph help me come here come here why Joseph why not Logan help I mean Junior help yeah why not Logan I'm a little offended you don't me to help you're the one who killed me because you built a floor where I was trying to climb up wait where's Jeffy I'm over here getting shot at oh yeah I forgot there are people
Channel: SML
Views: 2,721,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, joke, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, easter bunny, jail, prison, hilarious, junior, joseph, cody, animation, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, judge pooby, laugh
Id: QFQW3EwhkAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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