I built a LEGO Spaceship FACTORY! 🚀

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I'm building a new Lego factory with tons of  mechanisms inside to assemble spaceships for   every color of astronaut minifigure and then  using them to save the world this is a robot   minifigure named Cosmo and he's got a weird  mismatch of colors like pink green and Whit   what is this a watermelon I'm kind of addicted  to making vibrant and colorful factories to go   with a different robot Minifigures Lego puts out  but this will be the hardest challenge yet it was   hard enough building this little time machine to  go with him more on that later but to do anent   ire building we'll need a few more sand green  bricks than the 12 I currently have that requires   a different kind of green that's kind of how I  feel sometimes I spent way too much money online   acquiring all the bricks and detail pieces we'll  need hopefully in each of Cosmo's four main colors   I also found some of these really cool crater base  plates from the 1980s to simulate the surface of   an alien planet where the factory will be located  Cosmo is joining the research team at space colony   v24 who are tasked with capturing all sorts of  dangerous but famili familiar looking aliens from   all across the Galaxy like marshy toothy Goldie  and many many more putting them all in this giant   cage but they need more spaceships for their  final and most deadly Mission so I got to work   arranging a foundation for the factory big enough  to assemble them inside looking back to our color   palette I'm using white bricks as the bottom layer  and for these stacked up Corner posts sand green   will make up the bulk of the Wall's main structure  with primary details in dark pink and very limited   accents using this lime color but I got to be  careful not to overuse that one like this is   probably too much but that's the game plan for the  outside on the inside I eventually want to create   all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to make spaceship  assembly easier but for now let's just tile off   the floor so we can hand build our first spaceship  on it for this brown astronaut minifigure named   Denny and his baby Benny all the astronauts  names need to rhyme by the way it's the law   but to build this I'm recreating that one scene  from The Lego Movie except this one all be a brown space Well that took forever to animate shout out  to JY film for the brickbuilt motion smears idea   by the way his Recreation was way smoother than  mine but the three of them worked together to   build this massive spaceship that ended up being  way bigger than the factory itself so it's a good   thing we haven't made the walls yet I started out  just copy pasting that design from the movie Brick   for Brick but that's boring and combining brown  and yellow looked kind of nasty so the rest of   the ship was totally freehand with a color combo  that's much more fitting to the passengers Denny   can squeeze into the cockpit here and this  hatch also opens up to reveal a little space   Nursery inside for Benny with a space crib space  teddy bear and this book of space dad jokes Denny   is practicing as a firsttime dad like how do you  put an astronaut baby to sleep you rock it we'll   work on those but now they're ready to rock it  off to a new planet and capture the next alien   their futuristic missiles are actually powered  by the Subscribe button so please do your part   and subscribe oh it's working just a few more come  on all right we've successfully stunned it thank   you this one's name is stretchy ah I don't  like that uh let's quickly banish that thing   and start work on the Factory's main entrance  I've done double doors I've done a garage door   and having this factory set in space gives me the  perfect opportunity to build a cool futuristic air   loock door using a bunch of complicated gears in  this gear sandwich and these segments that slide   along some grooves I was able to make it open and  close automatically by turning this little knob   it's actually the same technique I used to build a  flushable Lego toilet like 6 years ago I love how   both halves are perfectly in sync almost perfect  technically airlocks are supposed to have two sets   of doors and it would be a really cool effect  to layer this design but having to duplicate   this entire mechanism would just look too bulky  so I think one door is satisfying enough I just   hope spamming it like this doesn't create enough  friction to okay wow this would be the perfect   time to build our second spaceship for renie here  honestly no idea what I was cooking with this one   it looks like if the battle bus was a fire truck  but we've got a ladder water blasters to put out   fires this back engine to start new fires and  even a hot tub inside each new spaceship we   build helps the team reach further and further  planets and this time renny's ladder sure came   in handy to capture bloy but now let's tear down  this example wall to start building the real deal   I know not everyone loves my overwhelming level  of griebling detail and I did try my best to   tone it down slightly but this is an alien space  station so I think I have an excuse to make it a   little wacky I'm sorry this corner is where  we can park Cosmo's time machine and in this   corner we have another time machine apparently  Cosmo from the future brought Garrett from the   past here to stop the impending Calamity but they  can't let current Cosmo see them at all costs if   that makes any sense we need to get the temporal  Jade back before he uses it here put this off he   disguised Garrett as his descendant G I'm okay  to hopefully get close to current Cosmo without   arousing suspicion he offered to take the gem  off his hands while they build the next spaceship   to no avail they're going to have to think of  something else but Garrett got a little distracted did a carrot spaceship it's everything he's  ever wanted it's even made using Lego brick   separators like what more could you ask for  he stumbled his way to the next planet nabbing   crunchy to bring back home and refuel his ship  this tank on the side of the alien's cage is to   supply the spaceships and time machine with juice  carrot juice yeah nice try in the future carrots   were discovered as a highly efficient fuel source  causing their value to Skyrocket but as I continue   to spend way too much time building way too much  detail into the walls including tubing Cosmos   logo and these guitar pieces on the back I always  create such a mess from all the leftover bricks   I experiment with like how does it get this bad  my first factory just polluted all its waste and   the second one recycled and we all know how well  that ended up and now this Factory will deal with   garbage in a really unique way space is extremely  Limited in well space so we can't have debris just   piling up like this like any good space station we  need a trash compactor in the factory with these   teeth made from a pattern of cheese slopes that  all perfectly line up in a really satisfying way   we can use this bad boy to squeeze all our garbage  into tiny little cubes stacking them manually is   way too much work so the yellow Spaceman Lenny had  an idea his Sleek yellow spaceship is probably my   favorite design so far and he used it to apprehend  an alien trash droid named Wall-E inspired by this   comment from the official YouTube account they  probably won't comment on this this video though   right everyone else should comment down below as  well let me know your favorite astronaut spaceship   alien and space dad joke wait a second Sparky  how did you get here it turned out Lenny had some   stowaways on his spaceship that Blended right in  this is Robbie the now ancient robot repair Tech   who came to warn everyone about the source of all  the aliens located back on their home planet we're   going to need every spaceship we can build to face  it so let's crank production into overdrive it's   finally time to face my AR Nemesis the conveyor  belt motorizing the last one was an absolute pain   so this one will just be powered by a hand crank  and these little segments can be clipped together   to create custom lengths that are much easier to  work with than the fixed size of rubber tracks   or so I thought in fact I could even make two  separate conveyor belts that turn in sync with   each other using these gears on the outer wall and  because I love making things overly complicated   for myself let's put this one at an angle I tried  to make it even more complicated by connecting all   this to the trash compactor and forming one big  Mega mechanism but while it is super satisfying   to watch in the back it's a janky mess oh what and  I don't think it's worth making the factory this   tall for let me quickly decorate the front of them  and now having more precise Treads and controls   than ever before allows us to change directions  on a dime indicated by these blinking arrows on   the wall above before we explore all the uses for  this machine and the headaches that come with it   I want to build a spaceship that can go forwards  and backwards just like like the conveyor belt so   introducing Yenni and Jenny two best friends that  could not be more different from each other I mean   it's like black and white their ships however  will be exactly the same like literally every   tiny detail is identical it makes for a really  cool effect but it's so we can fuse them together   to form the space equivalent of one of those  cursed cars that mess with your head you can   argue in the comments which way is forwards and  which is backwards but they went this direction   to capture spidery by far the creepiest alien  yet and that direction to collect min Kitty a   very nostalgic design straight from the Lego Star  Wars games let's actually use these guys to test   the conveyor belt this side works great but when  we try to go up or down the slope gravity just has   to make things difficult I tried adding a railing  to keep them contained this hook to drag them up   just blowing on them really hard but nothing  was working man moving Something 2 in upwards   shouldn't be that hard but there just isn't any  friction to stop things from getting stuck in   the crevice of Doom Lego makes rubber grips for  bigger tread pieces but they literally don't exist   in the size so I tried making my own grips using  double-sided tape it was super tedious putting it   on each individual tread and I don't even know if  it'll work yet all right moment of truth oh let's   go it actually works both going up and going down  I think we've earned another one of Denny's SP   dad jokes what keeps an astronaut's pants up  an asteroid belt come to think of it I'm not   actually sure if Lenny is wearing pants it's hard  to tell I'm going to have to censor that anyways   we can punch this hole in the wall with a flap  to cover it later that's actually multi-purpose   trash that gets compacted can quickly be yeed  outside for Wally to deal with it's his problem   now and spaceship parts can be delivered inside  to assemble into our next spaceship for blenny I   don't know the obvious choice is already taken  originally the factory was supposed to have a   blue classic Space theme with these robot Butlers  working in it but when Cosmos suddenly showed up   one day the plans changed regardless this blue  spaceship is semi Aquatic and designed to travel   to Ocean planets where my man blamin fished up  yet another Alien named twinkly and speaking of   water this machine processes the astronauts  sweats and other fluids into clean drinkable   water just like NASA does in real life they can  even use the conveyor belt as a treadmill to work   up a sweat just whatever you do don't stop it was  just a dream okay we can use some of the water in   this hydroponic garden growing some leafy Green  Space plants in fact glenny's green spaceship is   actually built using some of them which he used  to go capture slimy with I was both excited and   terrified detailing the final chunks of the wall  excited because we're on the home stretch now and   I can finally get this video out to you guys but  terrified because we're rapidly running out of   pieces in sand green thankfully though we just  barely made it by leaving the front side blank   and you know the drill by now this undetailed area  is to add a sign for the factory with brick built   lettering I really wanted to spell out spaceship  as it would look really cool with the Armada we've   assembled so far but for legal reasons we can't  have it sticking out this far let's just steal the   c and e to write rocket here instead that fits a  lot better and now the leftover letters spell Spa   ship I guess so we can use them to build whatever  this is supposed to be for Kenny a literal Spa   ship with more than KU details like plush curtains  that definitely don't block visibility scented   flowers and even a slide into yet another hot tub  that's about as close as we'll get to a slide in   the factory this time around and I'm not a huge  fan of the alien Kitty found named MLG but that's   a different story this thing honestly looks more  comfortable than the Bleak metal interior of the   factory so let's add some details to fix that  like a space bed space kitchenet a bunch of   random space knickknacks and this holographic  space board game Denny's teaching Benny to play   but now it's time to violently slam a roof on  this thing with a little hole here for the trash   compactor handle and a giant hole here because  I ran out of pieces now of course both the roof   and the front wall are obviously removable so you  can see the newly decorated interior inside and   we can decorate the roof with very light geling  detail and the iconic Smoke Stacks in the back   if I asked you to draw a spaceship as a kid oh  what the heck you'd probably draw one of these   guys or maybe a UFO probably not one of these so  we'll Adorn the roof with this one made from a   minifigure rocket ship costume and turn this one  into exen spaceship a classic looking UFO she used   the built-in tractor beam to capture a lot of  random cows and more importantly Ley who walks   in a really weird way oh I'm so sorry oh no it's  time to cover this hole up with this super cool   space Dome thing that can actually open up to let  SPAC ships blast off through it and the final ship   we need is for Joe weny who has the same purple  torso as a certain space snail from 22v I decided   to recreate his old spaceship as a cute little  mini version with another snail inside complete   with the same license plate and everything and we  all know what this JM stands for right but Joanie   skirted off to a very special planet to capture  an Alien named Gloppy I asked chat gbt to write   Gloppy lore so here you go this is Canon now I  guess but thanks to the 100% completed Factory   we've now got every color spaceship built and  ready for our big final mission if we don't stop   the source of these aliens soon new ones will  just keep coming growing bigger and stronger   and eventually consume the Galaxy but future  Cosmo also warned G it was their last chance   to get the temporal Jade back before it was too  late everything depended on this batt Robbie and   Sparky led the Squadron toward planet Earth to the  ruins of a once great city called 24v they soberly   scann the wreckage trying to find the source of  the aliens oh there it is the final boss it's go time and with that the Galaxy is  saved Denny turned on some nept   Tunes to celebrate and dang it every  time I say that it always gets back up no despite Garrett's best attempts cozmo used the  temporal Jade to deage the mega alien saving poor   Denny from being eaten in front of his son now  it's just a harmless little guy a oh sorry uh   my bad guys well I guess there is nothing to  worry about the future is saved and gar can go   back home to the present or not we've actually  got one one more Adventure left in the 24 Bill   finale but while you wait for that watch this  video about the motorized Mech Factory I built
Channel: The B3
Views: 3,004,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, minifigures, lego minifigures, lego cmf series 24, lego minifigures series 24, lego moc, lego moc tutorial, lego cmf, lego city, lego city 2023, the b3, funny lego, 23-ville, lego layout, lego train, 71037, 24-ville, the b3 23-ville, the b3 24-ville, lego 2024, lego movie, lego story, lego space, lego classic space, space, astronaut minifigure, spaceman minifigure, lego factory, lego robot factory, lego spaceship factory, spaceship, benny's spaceship, lego benny
Id: 1DPm-OF7Kwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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