SML Movie: Cody The Magician [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] that must be my friends joseph and coney hey guys joseph oh [ __ ] dude only joseph where's cody i don't know dude he usually shows up right next to me oh i hope he comes over like yeah it's kind of weird oh yeah i have no one to make fun of now um yeah nice shell dweeb will you have one too dude but i have spikes on mine because i'm a bird so i'll come inside we'll just wait for cody i guess yeah so josh if you didn't see cody anywhere no dude i didn't see cody i usually knock on your door and he appears right next to me really just appears yeah he just like appears next to me after i knocked like like he's a video game or something he just spawns oh what that's weird yeah it's kind of creepy i really wish cody was here i hope he shows up yeah but what did you have planned for us to do today well i want to try all the candy that i found in my dad's bathroom whoa dude you found candy in the bathroom you hit the jackpot yeah but i don't want to eat anymore because cody's not here maybe that's cody right now oh let's check hey cody hey guys you're late cody come inside dude but okay cody you're really late yeah dude what were you doing i just had to get ready you know for what for this to hang out yeah no you want some candy oh yeah dude yeah i want candy what kind i found in my dad's bathroom it's a gold mine of candy well that's not that's not candy junior that's medicine what yeah if you eat too much you'll die like oh i ate like five of them my stomach hurts shouldn't have done that i don't know well i don't have anything else planned for today well i do what i mean look you don't notice something different about me you have a booger in your nose no new glasses no same glasses i'm a magician you fix lights no that's an electrician junior i'm a magician i do magic wait magic you don't do magic no way magic doesn't even exist yes it's fake i can do magic watch pick a guy wait a card yeah just pick a card which one that doesn't matter any card but what if it's wrong if there's no wrong card just pick any card any card any card which one it's nothing you can do it junior i believe in you all right i'll just do it oh okay okay uh this one okay good queen of hearts you're not supposed to tell me what the card is why because i'm not supposed to know well how how are you supposed to figure it out that's the trick put it back okay whatever um okay now pick a new card okay different guide all right okay good show joseph all right do you know the code it's a six of spades don't tell me the card why because i'm supposed to guess just put the card back i don't see how you're supposed to know a different card okay please just pick a card okay i'll pick that one good now do not tell me what the card is okay okay show joseph do you know the card yes you read the card you remember the card i mean it's not that hard it's the sticks are closed oh my god what you told me what the card was what what but you asked if we remembered this because you put the card back you're not supposed to read it out loud i'm coding the card back you and your stupid rules get a new card okay literally any card now read it quietly in your head okay both of you okay no remember it but do not say it out loud okay dude okay now put the card back why why do you want it back that's how the trick works put the card back what am i giving it back no if i get it back you're gonna know it no i'm not gonna know it uh-huh you're gonna cheat that's what that's how it works like do something with the card i don't care what do anything with the card no don't show me the card you said do anything with it jesus christ we're gonna run out of cards pick a new card pick a new card do not tell me what it is do not show me what it is do something with the card i do not care just don't show me okay take it somewhere jesus oh stupid cody with a stupid magic trick you know [Music] won't go down you know what okay cody i got rid of it okay so it's gone right it's gone it's not coming back it's not coming back okay is this your card um i mean i don't know maybe but you made us pull a lot of cards cody yeah i saw a lot of cards no no that that's your card i'm not too sure yeah i'm not sure the one you just got rid of you you just had it i saw a lot of cards code i don't remember what what do you mean you don't remember it's that's it i held a lot of cards you made me look at a lot of cards and put them back but no that's a bunch of numbers no that that's the last one you pulled i mean i remember the queen of hearts oh yeah that was your own that was the first card this is the last are you sure cool yes that's that's how this works i mean i remember red on that this one's black yeah no it's i mean i remember the seven version of this one yeah yeah the seven i remember well i think we drew this one twice i think you saw this one that's that's what it is yeah i showed you that one twice yeah you made me pull that one back maybe this this does look familiar i think it was the the the queen of hearts yeah it could have been no it was not that was the first one cut this [ __ ] this is the last card you pulled ta-da it's impressive i mean i think you just suck magic dude you don't have to do magic we showed you that card look at picking cards we showed you that card you just shut that's not magic we're doing another trick just pick a card pick your card pick a card any card i don't care any card any card i'll choose this five last choice dude okay good one you take that card okay shove it up your ass what what yeah you just shove the card up your ass and this is magical oh yeah just shove it right up there really yeah just jump it far okay far up your ass okay nice and deep honey i gotta bend it yeah don't have to close it if you have to i gotta fold that yeah just any way it'll work just right up there just squeeze it in squeeze it do it squeeze it okay it's uh it's in my butt it's up there yep it's kind of weird what what that's the trick what does it come out of his mouth or something not no but it will appear next time you go to the bathroom what isn't that impressive no well okay it's a very uncomfortable cody see that's that's the trick made him shove a card in his ass oh it's not a good trick dude yeah it's still not really magic okay i think we're done with card tricks for now um junior go get me a bag of oreos okay yeah okay yup i'm kind of hungry this is gonna be good okay cody here's your oreos okay so i have a perfectly normal oreo cookie right yeah you just poured it from the bag nothing weird about it no no okay i'll just take a bite then good that's a good cookie oh yeah you take a bite yeah okay now watch this how'd you do that cody mind freak what you just made the cookie come back um what uh wait wait no no um it's a fight let let's it's not even double stuff let's just do a hat trick now yeah what what's the fight knew he wasn't a real magician yeah sorry about that last trick guys i know it sucked but i'll make it up to you with a really cool hat that was an awful trick cody yeah that was stupid cody yeah what if i would've had oreos well i would have just said i brought one from home what do you even get a fake oreo from well like a magic story that's stupid right well how lame i mean it was cool until you pulled on the cookie you're not supposed to do that junior well i mean you should allow us held it before you did it well no it's supposed to be a trick but she didn't even had a [ __ ] i'll do a really cool i'll do a really cool hat trick okay just look at the hat you see the hat yeah nothing in the hat right except for your license i don't i don't have lice just look in the hat right it's totally normal normal hat yeah nothing is going on okay just a normal hat yeah watch look it's a rabbit what are you doing how did you do that is there a snake in there yeah women no why would no of course not that doesn't make any sense wait but you've been a rabbit up here yeah you can make anything appear in there right yeah let me reach for something is there money i just do rabbits it's just rabbits is it more fake cookies no it's just just rabbits why would you have rubbish in a hat yeah it doesn't make any sense but that's that's the trick isn't it cool i mean there wasn't anything and then there was a rabbit that's that's awesome right robin shouldn't be enhanced yeah that didn't benefit uh rabbits don't live in hatch what are you talking about that that was impressive that's the point of the trick well i mean i think you should stick to card tricks yeah okay okay i'm gonna do a real magic trick now you want to see real magic yeah okay where's my sexy assistant oh sexy assistant for the water trick ken all right for my next trick i'm going to use my sexy assistant ken here oh my god cody kiss a dog joseph let's not get into this right now i'm doing magic tricks what's this container for i'm glad you asked junior ken here is going to be placed inside this container as it slowly fills with water will he get out before he drowns it doesn't matter he can't breathe anyway he's a dog he's not a dog joseph okay what about his army and legs he can freely move no he's going to be tied up i want to see the trick okay let's do it ken get in there okay everybody ken's locked in there and he's all tied up cody huh oh yeah so uh ken's tied up in there and he'll have to escape before he drowns god dude is such a waste of time no it's kind of cool i don't know if he's gonna get out or not good luck ken remember what we practiced okay now we're ready for the water where the water oh my god he comes whenever he's to get out in time okay that's so stupid oh there it is hey up ken [Music] he's gonna go on time oh that's the trick just have to wait and see go get well he'll do it in a minute joseph you gonna escape cody oh it's okay it's just like we practiced ken you better hurry up before before around that room kid looks like he's running out of room dude he's gonna drown cody nope and it's fine what i promise ken is completely fine where's he at oh don't worry he's going to come out right now [Applause] and look the card that was in your ass what why is it so dirty well it was in your ass oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] yeah the magician never reveals his secrets junior [Music] okay uh well for this next trick i'll need you joseph wait me yeah oh oh oh god okay for my next trick i'm gonna saw joseph in half wait what show me laugh dude if it happens he can't show me in him yeah that's dangerous you can't do that cody he's not gonna die i'll just use this saw right here and then i'll cut him in half he'll be okay you can't use sauce kill people yeah they're very dangerous and i don't even know if you're a real magician cody yeah you cut his body and have you gonna bleed to death yeah i'm not gonna kill him he'll just lay down in this box i'll cut it in half and he'll be totally fine wait really yeah he'll be totally okay no don't believe him dude well you saw the last trick he said kim would get him yeah he liked my last chick right yeah kid got out safe he said he would yeah so like you'll be saying come on joseph do it i mean the last trick was cool but yeah yeah you'll be cool do it you're going to be cut in half yeah everybody get your lizard i guess i'll give it a try man i don't know just lay down in there okay you said lay down yep all right lay down get get inside place me in there right just move your head up all right all right all right you're nice and comfy that should be good scared oh it cut up in half cody let's start okay joseph you ready to get cut in half oh i don't know dude i don't think so okay let's get started cody you sure he's gonna be okay right yeah sure he'll be fine oh yeah he he is a bleeder oh cody what did you get i saw him in half like i said mind freak right whoa whoa wait i mean he is totally sawed in half you killed joseph i mean i wouldn't say that i mean i i would say that what this guy did you killed you said you weren't killed you didn't be okay i mean when they caught on ken's cousins they don't bleed like this did it because they're dolls okay okay it's right it's fine it's right now i'm going to show you another trick it's called make the body disappear okay minecraft what the table's all clean yeah is joseph okay uh no no he's pretty dead he's dead you said joseph would be okay i don't care about the table being clean [Applause] i want choke down just pull my sleeve come on what it'll cheer you up just pull my sleeve come on just give it a tug okay there you go what that was up your sleeve the whole time yep that's stupid i want joseph back cody bring him back please bring him back please bring him back i don't think i can do that you can do it i mean i can't work miracles cody please please i think that was my last trick so um cody cody where'd you go cody [Music] that must be my friends hey guys hey junior yeah it's still hard to get used to that um come on inside guys so what do you guys want to do today i don't know i mean i've been constipated for like a year new u-corps no i don't i don't want to play your cards right now goomba cody you know what today is uh the one-year anniversary of me song joseph in half yeah i just can't get over i mean i miss joseph so much i mean we have this stupid idiot with no arms and i just i really miss joseph yeah but you know what junior what mind freak [Music] is back where'd you go jackie where have you been the whole time dude i was in your butt what i'm not constipated anymore [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 321,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, cody, the, magician
Id: yCKn2TuIltg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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